Elite: Game talk

11 Nov 2023, 8:52am
Oh, no, I don't mean it anything like that. I absolutely don't condone Thargoid genocide, it's just gonna be a pain in the ass to find a solution. Humanity's focus should be on protecting human-occupied space and retrieving hostages with as little casualties as possible. The Thargoids' territorial response is much akin to that of ants, so they prolly perceive humans as invaders - and considering we zipped into the Pleiades, we kinda are
11 Nov 2023, 9:17am
MiseriI have thought about asking them nicely since violent measures have not worked in 200 years i think its a good time to give it a try

Because that worked out so well in the past, other's included... At least as we did and so as the guardians it does possible to defeat them. So no, it's not true.
11 Nov 2023, 9:46am
I mean the Guardians went extinct because they had a religious war and then while trying to create peace their general intelligence AI decided to commit genocide, not because the Thargoids killed them
11 Nov 2023, 11:53am
Forgot about the third category the lunatic. You can do a few things with the first two but this?
11 Nov 2023, 7:45pm
I need a better understanding on how to go about getting permits for systems? Preferably Alioth
11 Nov 2023, 9:55pm
D3Zone1I need a better understanding on how to go about getting permits for systems? Preferably Alioth

You run missions for the faction that control the permit system, increasing your reputation with them. When you get to "allied" and are in an adjacent system (within 20LY or so) where that same faction is also present, they will generally issue the system permit (via a permit mission on the mission board).

In the case of Alioth it is controlled by Alioth Independents. So you want to look at other systems where they are present, and try to run high-reputation missions for them to boost your faction reputation until it is "allied".

EDIT: Check the Permit article on the wiki for details on which factions you have to play nice with for each permit.

Last edit: 11 Nov 2023, 10:15pm
11 Nov 2023, 10:06pm
So Orthrus grind is no longer so easy as it has been. Now Thargoids are probably aware of our devastating their supply fleets, so they quite often send big Interceptor in. Today (I was not in ED for week) I saw minimaly two Hydras at same time. Even they dont have most devastating weapon-swarm I didnt want to mess with them. And I was low on hull and ammo too.
11 Nov 2023, 11:43pm
Sabotaging the spires seems to have made the Thargoids a bit angry. As I hear it, someone dropping contaminated refinery compound at one will cause a big Scout swarm to drop in with an Interceptor. And, I guess, killing Orthrus in big enough numbers too.

I’m not surprised, that’s for sure. Sites seemed a little too undefended before now. Though I will admit it kind of funny to see the Cyclops that used to apparently drop by even prior, called “emotional support Cyclops”.

This can apparently also happen, but probably isn’t intended. Still, looks funny.

(If your definition of fun is to get swarmed by ten or more Medusas, but Meowers might say that it is.)
12 Nov 2023, 1:18am

(yeah, my sleep pattern still sucks and I think I should ask for more pills on top of existing pile of pills)
12 Nov 2023, 5:13am
It has come to my attention that I am now a wanted person

Bout damn time, finally the recognition I so greatly deserve !!
(this bit is obviously sarcasm )
12 Nov 2023, 12:20pm
And I want to inform people I had nothing to do with it for once.

… though I won’t do anything about it either. I’m sure there’s a price Azimuth is very willing to pay for me too. (If made up by myself. So there hasn’t been any in-game RP interactions around that.)
12 Nov 2023, 2:48pm
Kasumi GotoSabotaging the spires seems to have made the Thargoids a bit angry. As I hear it, someone dropping contaminated refinery compound at one will cause a big Scout swarm to drop in with an Interceptor. And, I guess, killing Orthrus in big enough numbers too.

I’m not surprised, that’s for sure. Sites seemed a little too undefended before now. Though I will admit it kind of funny to see the Cyclops that used to apparently drop by even prior, called “emotional support Cyclops”.

This can apparently also happen, but probably isn’t intended. Still, looks funny.

(If your definition of fun is to get swarmed by ten or more Medusas, but Meowers might say that it is.)

10 or 15 scouts , which I encountered quite normally if somebody wasn t destroying them in periods, was enough to overwhelm my firepower-4 modshards and one beam. But if your big ir really big, so I can count on 50 scouts?
12 Nov 2023, 4:22pm
I would call 10 or 15 Scouts at the same time a big pack. Especially if there’s a Berserker and/or Inciter in there to make them go extra nuts.
12 Nov 2023, 4:36pm
Anyway, worst were shutdowns. I had one luck-I had installed shield so one or two bounces from ground werent problem. But once I got perma shutdown and that one destroyed me. Luckily, combat bonds lasted. So when I sum it up, I farmed around 1.5 billion credits
13 Nov 2023, 5:07am
Kasumi GotoAnd I want to inform people I had nothing to do with it for once.

… though I won’t do anything about it either. I’m sure there’s a price Azimuth is very willing to pay for me too. (If made up by myself. So there hasn’t been any in-game RP interactions around that.)

But you are also someone ive met on my journey and ive enjoyed meeting you.
( I dont think they can afford to pay anyone for you anymore )

I admit , getting the attention of those I have trespassed against has been a long standing goal since ... well about 5 mins after learning about Raxxla , the Club lore, etc...

its taken me almost a year and half but im finally able to begin the next stage

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