Elite: Game talk

19 Sep 2023, 12:27pm
Shg56where are our rogue engineers who are capable to add extra utility or hard point to your ship or re-arrange the weapons placement
In real life, you can go to the gun store (if you live in a country where you're able to own firearms, but that's another story), buy a scope, a flashlight, a handle, a cheek rest, a red dot, everything you may want, and then put it on your weapon by yourself, modifying the gun as much as it's technically possible. Some of them even have replaceable barrels and internal parts for changing the calibre relatively easily by an almost untrained person, with a manual. Here, you have to shoot rocks in order to collect some primitive raw materials that you can't buy for some reason, then take it all to the engineer that lives fifty lightyears away on some shady base, and, maybe, if said engineer trusts you enough, they will... do something. Like, increasing the ammo capacity, by adding another pocket to your trousers. And maybe, if you succeed at building the rapport (or, more correctly, pleasing them by giving them more stuff), they will tell you about another engineer who can, like, increase your scope magnifying ratio. But you have to give them a gift first.

Last edit: 19 Sep 2023, 3:37pm
19 Sep 2023, 1:25pm
Blame the Club, if in doubt. It’s always the solution to blame the shady group of power-hungry individuals trying to rule everything from the shadows. It’s so bad, even pirate anarchy factions obey the silly rules of Odyssey guns. And we all know that under any normal circumstances, they absolutely would not.

… I guess it didn’t help that some manager thought it was a great idea to shoehorn poorly made/thought-out FPS into a spaceflight-centric game, and shove it out the door very unfinished because the shareholders that only care about short-term profits demanded numbers.
19 Sep 2023, 3:34pm
On my way onboard my Carrier to CD-62 136.

Gonna swap Bar Tender for Pioneer Supplies, hopefully I'll be able to trade with it.
19 Sep 2023, 3:39pm
(。╯︵╰。) I actually like the Odyssey ground combat; it can be a nice change of pace.

What I don't like is the Odyssey materials only counting as one-per-item, unlike the space materials at three-per-item. Collecting 170-something Manufacturing Instructions so you can upgrade all of your suits and guns is just so much needless busywork. But that is unfortunately on-brand and FDev's preferred gameplay.
19 Sep 2023, 3:59pm
I mean, it’s not bad in its isolated shell, and the CZs can be fun-ish, but some of it is just a bit annoying(or weird). EG guns having their spread halved by going ADS(is this a common feature in FPS? I have no clue), a sniper rifle that can be dodged by simply moving to the side… shields acting as one stop methods of one hit kills for everything, except for the shotgun/Intimidator… and when the other plasma guns randomly decide to ignore said mechanic.

Which probably exists so the rock-it lawn-chairs(obscure reference 99% of people probably won’t get… or I have the reference from someone who was referencing a work I am not aware of) and people bombarding the place from the sky with a ship are not completely ruling the field, but still.

Oh, and no railguns for on-foot action.

(Also agree about the material grind, Odyssey somehow made it worse than ship engineers.)
19 Sep 2023, 4:24pm
Kasumi Goto[
C. Doubt it’d be mycoid-based, since Thargoids are said to have an immunity to it now, but the general idea of it? Very likely. Though, if we just had a railgun, I doubt that there is a natural immunity(handwavey game magic and shields, to a degree, aside) to sheer kinetic force.

Math supports the use of duck-based weaponry.

1) A duck with a knife weighing a total of 2kg produces 2.25E+12 joules of energy when fired at .005 the speed of light.
2) The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima produced an estimated 1.5E+13 joules of energy.
Therefore: A 2kg knife-wielding duck travelling .5% the speed of light produces 15% of the energy that destroyed Hiroshima.

The solution is to build Duck Ultra-Hyper Railguns, (DUHRs) for use against Titans and Thargoid ground installations.
19 Sep 2023, 4:27pm
You’re excluding animal’s rights defenders from that equation. They have the potential to reduce the potential energy to zero by removing the living projectile.

… I guess you could still use the knives.
19 Sep 2023, 4:40pm
Kasumi GotoYou’re excluding animal’s rights defenders from that equation. They have the potential to reduce the potential energy to zero by removing the living projectile.

… I guess you could still use the knives.

I saw no rights groups complaining when humans forced a bunch of birds to attack pigs who were living peacefully in their homes.

Besides, this sounds like a weapon system Azimuth needs to develop. I am sure they know how to deal with pesky rights groups always wanting to stall the inevitable ascendency of humankind to become masters of the universe.
19 Sep 2023, 4:46pm
Between this conversation, how it's affected people stuck on a console version like myself, and the overwhelming 64% of negative reviews for the Odyssey DLC on Steam, most people don't care for or even heavily dislike Frontier's Odyssey/post-Odyssey changes, and yet they keep doing things like that..

Are they receiving an income from somewhere else to compensate? WIth that negative of a reaction, I feel like that would reduce the amount of DLC and cosmetic purchases for Elite at least, and probably sows distrust for their other games
19 Sep 2023, 5:12pm
Vasil Vasilescu
I saw no rights groups complaining when humans forced a bunch of birds to attack pigs who were living peacefully in their homes.

Besides, this sounds like a weapon system Azimuth needs to develop. I am sure they know how to deal with pesky rights groups always wanting to stall the inevitable ascendency of humankind to become masters of the universe.

I’m not sure we should trust Azimuth with maniacal weapons again after the Proteus Wave. I sure don’t.
19 Sep 2023, 7:42pm
And lastly? The thargoids kidnapping our colonists to turn em into some sort of techno biological horror, with the goal to turn em against us. And on the top of it? They responded to any and all attempts of diplomacy with violence. If after this anyone still think's there's a chance to peace? Than he should do a reality check.

And that's all...
20 Sep 2023, 6:43am
madamepestilenceBetween this conversation, how it's affected people stuck on a console version like myself, and the overwhelming 64% of negative reviews for the Odyssey DLC on Steam, most people don't care for or even heavily dislike Frontier's Odyssey/post-Odyssey changes, and yet they keep doing things like that..

Are they receiving an income from somewhere else to compensate? With that negative of a reaction, I feel like that would reduce the amount of DLC and cosmetic purchases for Elite at least, and probably sows distrust for their other games

Self-update: Frontier has lost 26.6 million pounds in revenue and 70% of stock this year, so they're really not doing so hot
21 Sep 2023, 2:00am
Glen van Ross(。╯︵╰。) I actually like the Odyssey ground combat; it can be a nice change of pace.

What I don't like is the Odyssey materials only counting as one-per-item, unlike the space materials at three-per-item. Collecting 170-something Manufacturing Instructions so you can upgrade all of your suits and guns is just so much needless busywork. But that is unfortunately on-brand and FDev's preferred gameplay.

While this is true, the amount of material needed to upgrade was pretty steep. Just recall the number of iterations you had to go through just to get that one circle to fill. Back when it was RNG rolls, it could be limitless as you could reroll.
21 Sep 2023, 7:04am
21 Sep 2023, 5:01pm
Any new gameplay in Elite nowadays?

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