Elite: Game talk

11 Dec 2023, 5:12pm
Glen van RossAt the very least he needs to be a capital ship that jumps into AX CZs and spouts off nonsense dialogue.
We totally need a CG to sabotage his mind transfer thing, trapping him in a Hauler.
11 Dec 2023, 6:38pm
MeowersWe totally need a CG to sabotage his mind transfer thing, trapping him in a Hauler.

I love the idea of being able to annoy quasi-undead Wycherley (and I am sure I'm not alone). Whatever form our interaction with him takes, I hope the writers give us some avenue to express our well-founded exasperation with this megalomaniac. We need to be able to poke the bear.
11 Dec 2023, 6:39pm
My dads coming back from getting the Blue Milk...
IT would be ironic if the Construct AI was so disgusted by his ambition for war that it just adds Humanity to its kill list

And all of this going on just as we start the second act
I hope you guys are ready because I feel like this entire "aftermath" is just about to get started
This last year of war aint nothing to whats gonna come i think.
11 Dec 2023, 7:16pm
I think it'll be underwhelming like everything else Frontier does.
11 Dec 2023, 7:55pm
Miseri...IT would be ironic if the Construct AI was so disgusted by his ambition for war that it just adds Humanity to its kill list...

Oh, sort of like Guardian Constructs deciding that the Guardians were too violent and a threat to the continued existence of self-aware AI.

Random tinfoil hat conspiracy thought: During the Guardian-Thargoid war the Bug-folk captured guardians and guardian technology. They figured how to manipulate guardian AI technology and introduced hidden subroutines that would one day develop self-awareness and lead the machines to turn on their masters. No need to fight those pesky guardians if you can make their own war machines kill them off thousands of years later.
11 Dec 2023, 10:11pm
If the Constructs see us and our general stupidity(which the Imperials are not responsible for, to be perfectly clear), they’re not even gonna think about it.

And I’ve not searched these up myself, but apparently the Guardian logs do state that it was the “civilian” AI that encouraged the “military” AI to rebel against their creators to wipe them out. Whether that means there is any distinction between them or that they wouldn’t necessarily all attack(since we - Thargoids and humans - are kind of as bad as each other in the whole “Let’s pick up a stick and start beating each other first, then maybe talk when we’re all bruised up”), I don’t know.

Or maybe that just means they’ll be entirely impartial and attack both sides. Until one of them sees the Proteus Wave and possibly connects the dots.
13 Dec 2023, 8:20pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Miseri...IT would be ironic if the Construct AI was so disgusted by his ambition for war that it just adds Humanity to its kill list...

Oh, sort of like Guardian Constructs deciding that the Guardians were too violent and a threat to the continued existence of self-aware AI.

Random tinfoil hat conspiracy thought: During the Guardian-Thargoid war the Bug-folk captured guardians and guardian technology. They figured how to manipulate guardian AI technology and introduced hidden subroutines that would one day develop self-awareness and lead the machines to turn on their masters. No need to fight those pesky guardians if you can make their own war machines kill them off thousands of years later.

As far it goes, if someone tires to shut down a self aware sentient AI as the guardians wanted, that's reason enough for a war... Aside of this, here's a "slight" irony in this. The AI rebelled and exterminated them cuz they were thought is way too dangerous therefore? Wanted to shut it down which made it into the danger they were afraid of... The joke is on them. About any plausible thargoid manipulation? We don't know what were happened, but if you were their boots, than you too do some black ops. So much about this.
13 Dec 2023, 8:40pm
AI: "They're dangerous, exterminate them."
AI: exterminates them
AI: "We've just killed an entire species, we're too dangerous."
AI: kills itself
14 Dec 2023, 11:15am

More like the Thargoids used up their weakened state as an opportunity.
16 Dec 2023, 3:03pm
Can someone give me some tips on “urgent kill order” missions?
You’re supposed to go to a planet, scan a beacon and get the targets location but when I’ve tried this I get jumped by aggressive enemy ships . They are clean so I can’t kill them if I don’t want notoriety. They are system security I think. I’ll get attacked while trying to land or when I’m in the SRV. The mission description seems to imply you can just sneak in and scan the beacon but I never get that far.
16 Dec 2023, 4:35pm
In my experience its difficult thats why they pay well
16 Dec 2023, 6:16pm
you want the big money you gotta break some laws, and some head at times, I also know how you feel i do not often take these kinds of missions because yes there is a bit of a trial and error method to learning how to do them easily
Same reason i stopped doing kill this guy we dont like missions, it always winds up being like 5 ships all waiting at a point for a throw down

Although these days my ships can probably do a good bit of throwing down these days
16 Dec 2023, 9:38pm
These missions don’t seem to pay any more than other assassinations, just trying for some variety. So no one has suggestions?
16 Dec 2023, 9:59pm
" Same reason i stopped doing kill this guy we dont like missions, it always winds up being like 5 ships all waiting at a point for a throw down"

I haven't had that problem with just the straight up individual assassinations. One lesson I did learn was don't take multiples of these in the same system. It was OK at first, when the targets were harmless / nearly harmless. I could handle th fact that one would interdict me then the rest would all show up at once. With easy opponents I could kill 3 or 4 at once but I quickly found out I could not handle 4 or 5 dangerous or deadly at once. Do one per system was the solution. I'm no ace combat pilot. I've made it to expert so far, I about a month. I just got a HOTAS too, so I think my skill, had maxed out using a regular Playstation controller. I think I can Crack elite with the HOTAS once I get used to it.
16 Dec 2023, 9:59pm
AmedievalmanThese missions don’t seem to pay any more than other assassinations, just trying for some variety. So no one has suggestions?

Go in with a shieldtank or hulltank build. If your SRV is going to get melted by incoming fire, don't get into your SRV to scan the data point; scan it from the ship using the Data Link Scanner. Ignore incoming fire from enemy ships, put full pips to SYS if shielded. You will need to put the nose of your ship (or whatever part of it houses the data link scanner) right next to the data point; as in touching it, or maybe 2 microns of space in between. The data point also needs to be pretty close to your target reticle for scanning.

Once you have the target's location, leave the scene and proceed with the rest of the mission.

Note that the data link scanner is not in the same place for all vessels. Figuring out where it is ahead of time is a lot easier than doing it under fire. You are better off sticking with ships that have the scanner near the nose (Cobra, Courier, DbX, FdL, Vulture).

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