Elite: Game talk

29 Dec 2023, 1:03pm
Yeap; I brought that up in the LPC as well after checking the Galaxy menu
30 Dec 2023, 8:36pm
Hi. Who knows what this could mean?
30 Dec 2023, 9:01pm
SnapStrHi. Who knows what this could mean?

Basicaly three things:

1.)You have fines issued against you and didnt paid them

2.) or/and are you carrying Thargoid sensor which can
cause that (I guess)

3.) or/and since it is Shinrartra Dezra, hacker
30 Dec 2023, 9:17pm
or/and since it is Shinrartra Dezra, hacker

It’s this, because Thargoid sensors/probes and other corrosive items of theirs were stopped from causing issues like this on stations years ago. It used to be you could sabotage them through selling enough sensors to a station and get them to cause malfunctions.

To see it now, that just means a hacker triggered that old code to annoy the locals.
30 Dec 2023, 9:19pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik

Basicaly three things:

1.)You have fines issued against you and didnt paid them

2.) or/and are you carrying Thargoid sensor which can
cause that (I guess)

3.) or/and since it is Shinrartra Dezra, hacker

I have no any sensors, and payed all fines, but ...
Is it normal in Shinrartra Dezra? ))
30 Dec 2023, 9:29pm
I have no any sensors, and payed all fines, but ...
Is it normal in Shinrartra Dezra? ))

Hacking? Yes, almost on daily routine. You will found on net many cases of hacking, from overcrowded Pack Hounds to player piloted Interceptor hovering inside station. If you must go there, do it in solo
30 Dec 2023, 9:46pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik

Hacking? Yes, almost on daily routine. You will found on net many cases of hacking, from overcrowded Pack Hounds to player piloted Interceptor hovering inside station. If you must go there, do it in solo

Got it. Copy that. Uh, thank you. ))
30 Dec 2023, 10:45pm
Will they fix the hackers problem?
31 Dec 2023, 1:44am
Why do we have hackers? We know that, aren't we?
31 Dec 2023, 2:28am
Bonsoir a tous j'ai une question
Impossible de trouver des omnipass auriez vous des info svp
Good evening everyone, I have a question
Impossible to find omnipasses, do you have any information please?
31 Dec 2023, 4:07am
I wasn't aware Frontier had a legit hacker problem.
31 Dec 2023, 9:54am
User437154Bonsoir a tous j'ai une question
Impossible de trouver des omnipass auriez vous des info svp
Good evening everyone, I have a question
Impossible to find omnipasses, do you have any information please?

Uhm, what?
31 Dec 2023, 3:57pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik
User437154Bonsoir a tous j'ai une question
Impossible de trouver des omnipass auriez vous des info svp
Good evening everyone, I have a question
Impossible to find omnipasses, do you have any information please?

Uhm, what?

I would assume that, given the use of a language that I believe is French, or something close anyway, they ran it through a translator to try and give in English what they are asking what with this being an English-speaking forum, but well with traslators not being 100% accurate it's missed a detail with whatever this "omnipass" is in English.

As for leaving the original language? They probably know translators aren't always accurate so left it in case someone else who speaks it sees the original message in a more grammatically correct form.

Makes sense really.
31 Dec 2023, 4:05pm
Maybe they meant the pass to all restricted systems? There's no such a thing in game.

XeknosI wasn't aware Frontier had a legit hacker problem.

They have a legit problem. Just like that.
31 Dec 2023, 4:34pm
MeowersMaybe they meant the pass to all restricted systems? There's no such a thing in game.

They have a legit problem. Just like that.

Hadn't considered system passes.

Well I am not claiming that I understand the language, nor exactly what they are asking. Just trying to explain why someone would post like that.

And yeah... Frontier has really gone down the proverbial shitter I see. Been busy with my artworks, graphic design and mountain bike build lately so not been here much.

I am not surprised that hacker activity went sky-high recently of course, what with the holidays and all. Frontier is not a company that works much over the festive period. Essential stuff only. Perfect time to start running amok with bullshite as there's going to be little if any clampdown for a time. The decision on clamping down on hackers being essential or not is up to Frontier, not us.

I am curious to see how they respond in the new year as it has certainly gotten out of hand. Should be rather telling. Not to mention that, well, hackers have been active far longer than just this last week. Only it got so much worse.

Frankly, one hack video I have seen in particular is probably a huge seizure risk for epileptics. The one with the massive barrage of purple and white lasers from a Gunship. That one genuinely concerns me and even I had to look away from the video after a few seconds as my head started aching a bit. Have a slight light sensitivity, can only imagine how bad it might be for those with full-blown epilepsy.

My opinion? People are deluding themselves if they think this game is ever going to be "fixed", which in itself is a thing that differs depending on who you ask. There's near-certainly never going to be another major DLC far as I am concerned, and certainly never a sequel. And no: I don't think FD is going to sell the rights to the IP or make it available offline either. The company that promised all that back in the day, essentially no longer exists.

Indeed, I saw that the usual festive skins were not put on sale this year.

My take on this? I am left wondering if that is perhaps down to internal discussions on the possibility of winding down sales of new items in that cash shop in light of an eventual closure of the game.

I know they said that it is supposed to be getting supported for another two years (Which may well mean the game will be running and nothing else), so if they do in fact have a set date within the compnay for a shutdown after that period is over, I wouldn't blame them for not selling anything new.

It's been a while and I am somewhat surprised they bothered with the stygian skins. Maybe the discussion came after that, perhaps that sale just didn't give them satisfactory results to the point that they decide a wind-down is due. We have no way of knowing, only the ability to speculate based on what we are seeing.

Of course it could be that they just forgot as well. Who knows, really? Only Frontier, for sure.

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