Elite: Game talk

04 Jan 2024, 11:36am
CMDR Milesredyou know, I could tell he was in legacy because I actually flew to Mbukarla to make sure my database was up to date as it had been several years since I had been there.(...).

Well, i was already considering migrating, so i did it yesterday.
But although my laptop can display the game correctly, it does heat up more than i like, so guess in the long run i will either have to go for a better machine, or stop playing it on PC and go back to legacy on PS and have some little fun there. The galaxy is the same anyway, just will not have access to updated tools.

[Edit] Am btw 1st thing i managed to do yesterday after migrating, was to get my Anaconda destroyed cause i couldn't manage to get out of station fast enough - too used to the controller as opposeed to mouse and keyboard. 12M rebuy blaarghh
04 Jan 2024, 11:57am
Geoergonit does heat up more than i like
You might want to try a cooling pad or at least a stand that lifts it above the surface. There's a difference like 10 (up to 15, and I'm not playing Elite, it's in more demanding and graphics-rich games) degrees in games on my machine and I'm using a light aluminium alloy stand without any active fans on it. Simply a few metal bars and max fan speed in the controlling software.
05 Jan 2024, 11:31pm
Happy New Year!

Geoergon[quote=CMDR Milesred]

Well, i was already considering migrating, so i did it yesterday.
But although my laptop can display the game correctly, it does heat up more than i like, so guess in the long run i will either have to go for a better machine, or stop playing it on PC and go back to legacy on PS and have some little fun there. The galaxy is the same anyway, just will not have access to updated tools.

[Edit] Am btw 1st thing i managed to do yesterday after migrating, was to get my Anaconda destroyed cause i couldn't manage to get out of station fast enough - too used to the controller as opposeed to mouse and keyboard. 12M rebuy blaarghh

I also started off on a laptop and mine got very hot too. The stand is a really good idea, and if you have any programs running in background that you can reasonably turn off whilst playing it might help.

I switched to a hotas controller with laptop for flying and SRV driving, plus use a Xbox controller for on foot. The hotas is connected to a powered usb port extender that is plugged into the mains so as to give the controller the correct power and not inadvertently put too much load on the laptop ports. Might help ship preservation

Plan b could be building your own pc and upgrading parts when possible over time. (Hotas is connected the same way as for laptop for same reasons). This is what I ended up doing and it meant I could add 10 fans plus a cooler for the processor.

Happy Flying!

Last edit: 05 Jan 2024, 11:38pm
06 Jan 2024, 5:15pm
ThinderI have a question for the experts here. Is it possible to get the Bar Tender to somewhat make money selling goodies.
If yes, what should I be stocking?
Thanks in advance.

What I do is collect a lot of data from raiding settlements, just the ones needed for engineering/engineers and then sell them via the bartender. Find yourself an anarchy system and settlement controlled by an anarchy faction and you won't have to deal with putting a bounty on your head. If you get the good stuff, you can finance your FC for a few weeks at a time with just a few raids per month, depending on how many services you have running.
06 Jan 2024, 5:15pm
ThinderI have a question for the experts here. Is it possible to get the Bar Tender to somewhat make money selling goodies.
If yes, what should I be stocking?
Thanks in advance.

What I do is collect a lot of data from raiding settlements, just the ones needed for engineering/engineers and then sell them via the bartender. Find yourself an anarchy system and settlement controlled by an anarchy faction and you won't have to deal with putting a bounty on your head. If you get the good stuff, you can finance your FC for a few weeks at a time with just a few raids per month, depending on how many services you have running.
07 Jan 2024, 9:56pm
Elon Musk would totally be Li Yong-Rui,
08 Jan 2024, 11:54pm
I have a question:
I'm no stranger to AX combat. INARA tells me that I've killed over 650 Interceptors so it's not as though I'm new to it but can someone explain to me why the shutdown field neutralizer only works when it wants to? I know it has to be timed just right but sometimes it doesn't matter how perfectly timed I activate it, I'm shut down anyway.
It's really really annoying.
09 Jan 2024, 6:45am
It's a gamble and this is intentional.
09 Jan 2024, 9:30am
I suppose I should have known. That does sound very Fdev.
Thanks for replying CMDR Minonian. o7
09 Jan 2024, 9:36am
That's odd. I've never had any problems with the SFN. Like, totally never. Maybe you're running out of Systems capacitor energy before the field hits you? Though, it does seem like a bug and some of them happen personally to people. One friend of mine had her Flak completely useless, even if detonated perfectly, it didn't do any damage, yet it worked perfectly in my game copy.
09 Jan 2024, 9:39am
No, definitely not the capacitor's level. Mostly it works if the timing is done right. Often though it just doesn't regardless of the timing or the capacitor's level.
So, I suppose that sounds very Fdev too.
Thanks for your reply CMDR Meowers. o7

Last edit: 09 Jan 2024, 9:54am
09 Jan 2024, 10:42am
MeowersThat's odd. I've never had any problems with the SFN. Like, totally never. Maybe you're running out of Systems capacitor energy before the field hits you? Though, it does seem like a bug and some of them happen personally to people. One friend of mine had her Flak completely useless, even if detonated perfectly, it didn't do any damage, yet it worked perfectly in my game copy.

Still not an assurance it can overpower the shutdown field or the shutdown field over power it, or its just not 100% or whatever. Or just don't trigger as it should due a bug. I don't know really know what's going on at here so just guessing. And as usual if you are more interested in BGS take a look around at Cannon research page. To say they are BGS heavy is an understatement.

Cannon science

Edit; but with all likely hood, is a computer specific glitch. Something is in your end.

Last edit: 09 Jan 2024, 11:09am
09 Jan 2024, 1:08pm
Bainsey7I have a question:
I'm no stranger to AX combat. INARA tells me that I've killed over 650 Interceptors so it's not as though I'm new to it but can someone explain to me why the shutdown field neutralizer only works when it wants to? I know it has to be timed just right but sometimes it doesn't matter how perfectly timed I activate it, I'm shut down anyway. It's really really annoying.

Just a reminder, for SNF to work properly, your ship has to be away from Interceptor at least 3000M and you have to press and hold the SFN key until its wave passes you. Though very seldom indeed it fails to work, so always boost away from interceptor when you killed its heart.
09 Jan 2024, 1:26pm
Shutdown field neutralizer

Based on this, it's not 100% effective so sometimes it's not on full effect or just entirely fails. Non the less? If it happens too often something can be off. Which can indicate a bug or a problem in config / op sys related issue. What i don't know if this purely depends on dumb luck or the BGS takes into account other factors?
09 Jan 2024, 2:11pm
Bainsey7I have a question:
I'm no stranger to AX combat. INARA tells me that I've killed over 650 Interceptors so it's not as though I'm new to it but can someone explain to me why the shutdown field neutralizer only works when it wants to? I know it has to be timed just right but sometimes it doesn't matter how perfectly timed I activate it, I'm shut down anyway. It's really really annoying.

Just a reminder, for SNF to work properly, your ship has to be away from Interceptor at least 3000M and you have to press and hold the SFN key until its wave passes you. Though very seldom indeed it fails to work, so always boost away from interceptor when you killed its heart.

That's not true. I have used it countless times at point-blank range right in front of an interceptor.

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