Elite: Game talk

01 Feb 2024, 11:49am
A word about RP dreams of ship interiors. You can simply forget it. Frontier said too many times that it is enormous amount of work with minimum gameplay opportunities. Personal note: I hate walking to the station concourse for taking a mission which I should be able to do with few clicks from my ship's terminal.

But also Frontier said if players want it, they will get it some time ago. Btw: To landed menu could be easily added button under disembark: Leave seat with which you will can go into interior. Disembark would still teleport you outside to acess point or doors to outside
01 Feb 2024, 11:50am
ArtieMy guess is it won't be the ship interiors, I can however imagine there may be some base building. It was speculated/leaked years ago, and they have a great experience with it from their Planet Coaster/Zoo titles. I certainly wouldn't mind if it will be that.

Base building? Like personnal settlement?
01 Feb 2024, 1:06pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik
Base building? Like personnal settlement?

Yep, something like No Man's Sky or Starfield does. Alternatively, it may not be the base/settlement building but a fleet carrier interior building. But it's just my speculation and it may be something completely different.
01 Feb 2024, 1:21pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik
Base building? Like personnal settlement?

Yep, something like No Man's Sky or Starfield does. Alternatively, it may not be the base/settlement building but a fleet carrier interior building. But it's just my speculation and it may be something completely different.

Hmm, I would like to run my own settlement...
01 Feb 2024, 1:53pm
Most of the players would like that as well. Not to mention that it have a potential to make use of some unused materials and assets and give some meaning to on-foot play.

P.S. Aren't Planet Zoo and Jurassic Park series actually a base management?

Last edit: 01 Feb 2024, 2:07pm
01 Feb 2024, 3:12pm
I don't know... they added an FPS which didn't work because it was too far from the heart of Elite which is piloting ships, so managing a base...?
I already think that Fleet Carriers were superfluous, that they don't fit here.
No, I do not think so.

What's more, we know that the team has been reduced in size, so we shouldn't expect anything crazy either.

Last edit: 01 Feb 2024, 3:24pm
01 Feb 2024, 3:37pm
Planet Zoo and Jurassic Park are single-player games. Adding base building to a MMO is a bit more challenging because of instancing, I guess. In NMS your base doesn't exist for other players until you upload it IIRC.
01 Feb 2024, 3:46pm
EpisparhMost of the players would like that as well. Not to mention that it have a potential to make use of some unused materials and assets and give some meaning to on-foot play.

P.S. Aren't Planet Zoo and Jurassic Park series actually a base management?

Yes. But Planet Zoo and Planet Coaster are having a pretty robust and flexible building system in there on top of that, giving players a lot of freedom (for example like this, just a first random video tutorial I found).
01 Feb 2024, 3:58pm
Instancing is solved as FCs' instances.

As for complexity, they just need an interface from which you can add existing building models that are used in Odyssey settlements. MVP... Half baked feature and call it a day. The story of FDev attitude to Elite since I know it (2019)
03 Feb 2024, 10:54am
Are there some notable AX unlocks/modifications after caustic sink?
03 Feb 2024, 11:34am
If you already have modified Guardian weapons, no. The Azimuth modified AXMC is generally seen as a sidegrade due to its increased thermal load. And the pulse neutralizer is rather limited in its usage scenarios over the regular shutdown neutralizer.
03 Feb 2024, 12:06pm
ArtieYes. But Planet Zoo and Planet Coaster are having a pretty robust and flexible building system in there on top of that, giving players a lot of freedom

Or like this. And this.
03 Feb 2024, 12:50pm

Or like this. And this.

I see I’m not the only one who appreciates the insanity of Josh in those games. Or anything he seems to play, really.
03 Feb 2024, 2:04pm
Thinder[...] implementing VR to footies isn't so much of an effort, in fact it already happen in carrier Jump mode where one get full VR for the duration of the jump, so a few programming lines would fix the problem, [...]

As I said before, the main problem is almost certainly the on-foot UI (which is absent during a carrier jump). The current rendering model where the UI is effectively floating in front of your character’s face is not suitable for VR headsets.

I can agree that creating a proper on-foot VR experience might well be worth the effort on FDev’s part, given the growing VR market (myself, I don’t have a VR headset, so I’m not going to be passionate about it), but let’s not pretend it’s a matter of a few lines of code.

EpisparhFun fact hyperspace jump is a static animation observed by a static point of view.

Not quite. The ‘hyperspace’ background effect appears to be indeed a static animation, but it’s clear that the surroundings are rendered as usual. Also, besides the fact that you retain the usual rotational freedom during the jump sequence, the ‘shake’ effect appears to involve small translations as well as rotations in the render space, so I would not say the POV is static.

To sum it up, the lack of translational freedom during a carrier jump does not appear to be relevant to the matter of VR; the lack of UI elements does.
04 Feb 2024, 9:12am
Sigh. Got the caustic sink. It was hilarious to watch research limpets chasing caustic generators...

Now I am ready to get the TG PULSE scanner data material and see what is a Titan.... Hopefully, before "conclusion" of Thargoid war.

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