Elite: Game talk

18 Jan 2024, 4:57pm
Yes, I’m sure this is a CG that can in no way possibly go horribly wrong…
18 Jan 2024, 6:12pm
Kasumi GotoYes, I’m sure this is a CG that can in no way possibly go horribly wrong…

I'm a little bit disappointed by the nature of it. The paints are great, but this might be out of reach for the Average Joe that doesn't already own a fleet carrier.

Usually the hauling CGs just want a pile of goodies from adjacent systems, which are well-stocked with the CG items, and it would not be a big deal for a newb with a T9 to get somewhere decent in the rankings. With this CG, we won't really have a sense of how things are going until Thursday afternoon when all the carriers clustered around Guardian sites rush back to the bubble to turn in their relics.

Just seems weird to create a "community goal" that specifically caters to a narrow subset of the player base.
18 Jan 2024, 6:20pm
well thing is, i dont think anyone is going to get the chance, i have a pretty good feeling that the low numbers for completion can be reached literally with the stockpile some cmdrs have on hand right now
18 Jan 2024, 6:26pm
The T1 requirements seem to be fairly lax for this one - current guesses appear to be 20k for the regular Guardian relics and 5k for the hybrid relics. Might be it doesn't bother me as much that their nature is less of a traditional hauling/trade CG because I don't have a huge interest in the paintjobs.

And some of these war-specific CGs, particularly in relation to the Titans, always have been more specific to a smaller playerbase. See the Titan sampling CGs of Aegis and Azimuth back in... late May, was it? Or early June, maybe.

(I was referring to lore implications more than the actual gameplay of these, which is... well, kind of meh, at best, I say. Neither collecting Guardian relics not converting them into hybrid relics is particularly entertaining. And I'm likely not gonna participate both due to said 'gameplay' and... well, I don't think this gun solution will be such a good solution in the end, even if it rids us of the Titans... temporarily.)
18 Jan 2024, 7:57pm
And what if i told you there's only one way how this will going to end of which? I can.
18 Jan 2024, 8:34pm
Don't be too cocky. It's obvious almost every time.

"I, I, I, me, me, me".
19 Jan 2024, 10:07am
Miserii have a pretty good feeling that the low numbers for completion can be reached literally with the stockpile some cmdrs have on hand right now

Yup, going to take along my pile of relics n grelics.
Can anyone tell me though, will the CG accept stolen items? Or is there some way to launder stolen cargo, maybe via a secure warehouse on my carrier (if I buy the module)?
19 Jan 2024, 8:25pm
could be an interesting cg
as any cmdrs never involved with anything guardian and even if you have, the ram tah mission is there too, so easy enough to learn.

more importantly , the first set of ram tah missions got us several guardian modules.
If there is any chance that 'some data was corrupt' is something that maybe is/was or can now be complete due to the changes and becoming an unclassified relic.
it would imo be more useful to help uncover any chances of getting an actual guardian hull that can withstand the caustic effects
aka a ship blueprint.
not to mention it would be interesting if possible thanks to Thargoid adjustment of Guardian tech...
also, needs something that is not a weapon anyway, and current reward of paint is just not any form of fair trade.
so..imo a long overdue cg.

Last edit: 19 Jan 2024, 8:48pm
20 Jan 2024, 7:48pm
How can i increase my rank with Felicia Winters
20 Jan 2024, 10:15pm
DescartesHow can i increase my rank with Felicia Winters

Pledge to Winters (right-hand GUI/screen, Galactic Powers > Felicia Winters), then you'll have to earn Powerplay merits by doing certain activities. For Winters those activities are generally hauling or undermining.

Hauling can take three forms: Fortification, Preparation and Expansion. You will take non-tradeable, non-storable PP-specific materials obtained from the Power Contact, and deliver them to the Power Contact in another system. Other Powerplay factions use different methods of generating merits, some of which are more combat-focused.

Fortification involves taking Liberal Federal Packages from a starport in the headquarters system (Rhea, for Winters) and delivering it to starports in Winters-controlled systems. Neche is generally the closest control system to Rhea, and most heavily-used by module shoppers. This is generally the safest way to earn merits since you are almost always travelling through Fed- and allied-controlled systems. And there is no penalty for delivering more fortification merits than are required to safeguard the system.

Preparation involves taking Liberal Federal Propaganda from a Winters-controlled system and delivering it to an opposition-controlled system in order to prepare it for expansion.

Expansion involves taking Liberal Federal Aid from a Winters-controlled system and delivering it to an opposition-controlled system in order to seize control of it and make it a control system for the new power.

Undermining involves travelling to an enemy's control system and shooting specific types of NPC ships. They can generally be found near nav beacons and RESes, and have names like Kumo Crew Transport, Alliance Enforcer, Shield of Justice, Patreus Sentinel, Federal Courier (don't shoot the Feds, obviously). There are two types of ship you want to UM: Transports and guards. Guards are combat vessels and somewhat harder to kill. Each UM kill earns you 30 merits which you do not gain until they are turned in at a station. If you get killed before turning them in, they disappear.

UM kills will also put a bounty on you from the power that owned the NPC ships you've killed. The top killers will appear in station news briefs in that system, and NPCs in-system will want to kill you on sight. Appearing on the news board is waving a big flag to opposition powers and squadrons saying "I am here to fuck your shit up!" These bounties do not really affect your day-to-day, and can be cleared at an Interstellar Factor.

It should be noted that once you are pledged to a Power, players pledged to "enemy" powers (The Empress, Anime Waifu, Torval, Patreus) are going to assume you are hostile to their interests, so PvP is implied. Most of the major squadrons with a heavy BGS focus have a commitment to Open-only Powerplay, in order to emphasize fun and give every power a chance to mess up the other guys' powerplay schemes.

As a private pilot you are not obligated to observe OOPP, but if you join a squadron it may be required (and as one who has done it for a while, sometimes getting shot at is more fun than you'd think).

Last edit: 21 Jan 2024, 4:10pm
21 Jan 2024, 6:12am
Something I forgot to mention about hauling Powerplay merits is that there is some ridiculous time-gating on the PP commodities. At Rank 1, the Power Contact will only give you 10 Packages/Propaganda/Aid for free every 30 minutes... But you can spend credits to get more.

It is far, far more time-efficient to simply pay the premium for the next several batches, and fill up your cargo holds. If you have a decently outfitted T-9 or cargo Cutter, you'll be hauling 700+ packages per run, and that will cost around 7 million credits per run. So be prepared to spend while hauling merits.

Carter Port in Rhea is usually a very good source of wing mining missions, and systems selling the relevant commodities are 9-20 LY away, so it can be beneficial to look for these wing missions before you set out on a hauling run, and then try to "backhaul" some of the desired commodities on your return trip to Rhea.
21 Jan 2024, 1:39pm
"How can i increase my rank with Felicia Winters

Pledge to Winters (right-hand GUI/screen, Galactic Powers > Felicia Winters), then you'll have to earn Powerplay merits by doing certain activities. For Winters those activities are generally hauling or undermining."

Thank you cmndr van Ross. Very helpful. See you out there im my 'vette.
22 Jan 2024, 1:10pm
Not expecting the start of Winters’ presidency to be too smooth.

Why? Thargoids, mostly. And whoever deals with the corporations or Fed navy leaders hopefully doesn’t end up with a knife or bullet in their back at some point.
22 Jan 2024, 7:16pm
I don't really know what to expect anymore. It looks like FDev is going to let Winters' inauguration happen, but I haven't heard any talk of an ED point update happening in mid-to-late February, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I guess I'll have two propaganda posters ready to go, just in case... Winters' inaugural, and "Hudson-Archer: Four more years of authoritarianism and unconstitutional government."

Plot-wise I'll be happy if at least one of these loose threads (Federal election, Alliance Titan returnees, Mecha-Salvation, Empire succession) edge toward some kind of payoff.
22 Jan 2024, 7:18pm
I'm sure it will happen. I'm looking at the post-inauguration period more, especially the immediate one.

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