Elite: Game talk

06 Dec 2023, 9:01pm

Or an abrasion blaster. I saw a few of those deposits on asteroids. Oh well ...

The variations will come when I try to earn credits. Vista Genomics pays well, better than UC. The Courier is ideal for quick landing, scanning, and take-off.

Blasters are boring.
06 Dec 2023, 9:21pm
EpisparhBlasters are boring.
Aren't all types of mining equally boring? :]
06 Dec 2023, 9:24pm
Aren't all types of mining equally boring? :]

Exploding a core is sometimes oddly satisfying(if you can find one with a valuable mineral or metal), but wouldn’t do it 24/7 either.
06 Dec 2023, 9:35pm
I tried core mining once but didn't have the patience for it. And the pulse wave analyzer was constantly broken.
06 Dec 2023, 10:00pm
I don’t think tritium can spawn in cores anyway, not that I’ve actually tried to mine for it. (And probably won’t unless my carrier goes for an extended trek through the galaxy.)

Most of my experience with it is getting void opals and LTDs out of them before they got hit with the nerf hammer(note, I didn’t partake in the ‘gold rush’ surrounding them per se, just saw them as a fun high-value commodity to get, in any old icy ring with a hotspot). Strongly dislike subsurface mining, because of the nonsensical way the bar speeds up or slows down at completely random intervals.

And laser mining… yeah, eh, most simplistic point and click, my brain wants to kill itself after an hour of it.
06 Dec 2023, 10:16pm
Kasumi GotoAnd laser mining… yeah, eh, most simplistic point and click, my brain wants to kill itself after an hour of it.
I remember, once my old flightstick was literally falling apart but new ones were still in delivery, so the mining was maybe the only activity available for me. This was a torture! :p
06 Dec 2023, 10:59pm
I suppose I am a weirdo. I kind of like cruising around rings in a type 9 outfitted for all types of mining. (1 ea laser, abrasion, subsurface, and 2ea seismic). Loaded up with ammo and limpets I can mine for hours a day and days at a time before having to reload ammo/limpets or the 600T of cargo gets filled.
07 Dec 2023, 5:15pm
It depends on the playstyle u like... im a dedicated miner too. I can do this for hours and dont get bored. We mine in our Squadron in wings which is even better. Sometimes we mine in Haz res to get the 100% Bonus and shot some pirates too. Exploring is kind of boring to me...

o7 CMDR Jaheba [MICO] Miners Corporation
07 Dec 2023, 5:50pm
So, I was trying to land at the big new thargoid spire thingy, but every site is on the planet that I can't land on, I am in Horizons. I did go to 3 sites, and same red line when you start to descent, usualy associated with ody content only.
Are these sites for odyssey only ? or is it a bug/feature, did anyone was able to land next to them in PC Horizons of ED, thanks
07 Dec 2023, 6:08pm
You need Odyssey for thin atmospheric worlds, as I understand it.
07 Dec 2023, 7:02pm
Yeah, and Odyssey is really only worth it if it is on sale.
07 Dec 2023, 7:22pm
Did you mean 'free giveaway'?
07 Dec 2023, 10:48pm
I have some spare Spire Refined Compounds I'm looking to sell. Where can I do this?
07 Dec 2023, 11:27pm
Lee RossI have some spare Spire Refined Compounds I'm looking to sell. Where can I do this?

Sell it to the barman at Baird Gateway, Arque system. Not sure if they can also be offloaded through your own carrier's bartender, like other Odyssey materials; I haven't collected any yet.
08 Dec 2023, 2:00am
Kasumi GotoYou need Odyssey for thin atmospheric worlds, as I understand it.

Great thanks, I am not getting ody just for this, no way.
Unless it is free on epic, : )

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