Elite: Game talk

09 Jan 2024, 3:54pm
I’m learning engineering.mim searching for raw mats.
On the first planet I tried , I scanned the planet with the surface scanner, then a list of “geological sites” appeared on my external panel. I bounced between them and found a few things.
The second planet and third planets I’ve tried, I scanned them and got nothing . No geological sites on either. Then I looked up a video, this one https://youtu.be/ZCRqUdpzrPY?si=BV3DvN0cZf67m1lT , and he doesn’t mention scanning or geological sites. So which is it ?
09 Jan 2024, 4:22pm
Bainsey7That's not true. I have used it countless times at point-blank range right in front of an interceptor.

Than it could a keyboard or/and finger slippage

Last edit: 09 Jan 2024, 4:30pm
09 Jan 2024, 6:03pm
That's not true. I have used it countless times at point-blank range right in front of an interceptor.

Picking up some distance isn't for some other reason? Such as getting out from the EMP field's range? Which is as i read 10 KM so unlikely but with an agile ship it maybe can be done, on the other hand i guess some folks misinterpreted and understood something since according to ED wiki the range of neutralizer is 3KM

So i guess what really had happened at here, some folks mixed up this and that, than handed over the inaccurate information and others listened to it.
09 Jan 2024, 6:23pm
Disclaimer: I haven't done AX since last April or so, and things could have changed.

SFN has worked for me from point-blank range out to several KM. At a certain point, you're outside the range of its effects. I have had several times when I thought my SFN was not working, however those fell into a few "error buckets":

- Operator error.
- Module broken.
- SYS drained.
- Released before the glow had completely faded.
- In a CZ (especially planetary ones) where I end up getting clipped by the edge of another interceptor's pulse.

Keep an eye on module condition. I tend to use Guardian Gauss cannons which heat my ship above 100% easily, which is great for simultaneously burning off caustic. Unfortunately that plus enemy fire tends to degrade my modules. I have had several times when my SFN was non-functional, but I didn't realize it because I was protected by another nearby CMDR's SFN.
09 Jan 2024, 6:35pm
I am still relatively unfamiliar with the rules of AX battles and have a question. Why does it take so much effort to free Hupang from Thargoids? We have destroyed over 60,000 in the last two weeks and are only at 12%, while some systems have already been cleared of Thargoids (100%) after 24 hours with less then 10.000 kills. Is there anything special about Hupang or am I missing something? Over 50% of the commanders are in Hupang, free gameplay for the Thargoids in the other systems (maby a strategic move?).

January 11, 2024: Hupang's recovery is reset to 0%. So we can start again. Nice way to gain credits for a large group of commanders, but the goal of the game is to win back as many solar systems as possible from the Thargoid, right? I would say ignore Hupans and concentrate our efforts on the other threatened (invasion + alert) and already conquered areas in the bubble by the Thargoids. Perhaps the AX initiative can take the lead in this at a strategic level, they are already doing a lot of good work in this area.

With concentrated attacks by commanders on our part on certain systems, we can then "liberate" many more systems from Thargoids every week (sweep method).

Last edit: 11 Jan 2024, 11:59am
09 Jan 2024, 6:37pm
Amedievalmandoesn’t mention scanning or geological sites. So which is it ?

You don't need to do DSS if you just want to collect raw on the surface. if the planet is metal rich, that's way of collecting raw instead of going to geo sites.
09 Jan 2024, 8:39pm
Bainsey7No, definitely not the capacitor's level. Mostly it works if the timing is done right. Often though it just doesn't regardless of the timing or the capacitor's level.
So, I suppose that sounds very Fdev too.
Thanks for your reply CMDR Meowers. o7

I guess that always happens in populated instance.

Congratulations! You just discovered the endless mystery of peer-to-peer network code.
09 Jan 2024, 8:59pm
Ah, that actually might be the reason if you're playing in Open or PG. Try Solo for AX, even if you don't like it: simply for the sake of testing.
09 Jan 2024, 8:59pm
Amedievalmandoesn’t mention scanning or geological sites. So which is it ?

You don't need to do DSS if you just want to collect raw on the surface. if the planet is metal rich, that's way of collecting raw instead of going to geo sites.

I often use the surface scanner because it seems to me that materials tend to be more concentrated in areas where there are geological findings. It is easier for me to just cruise around looking for vents or geysers, or whatever, and grabbing materials than it is to go searching craters for outcroppings.

Of course, I am not an engineering grinder, so most of the materials I harvest are low end and meant for restocking during exploration. All I care about when exploring is that the AFM stays loaded and the SRV repaired. Like Napoleon Dynamite, I can't resist making sweet jumps in the SRV. Only, mine are across ravines, and I often end up like Evel Knievel at the bottom of Snake River Canyon.
10 Jan 2024, 12:44am
RotwhylrDisclaimer: I haven't done AX since last April or so, and things could have changed.

SFN has worked for me from point-blank range out to several KM. At a certain point, you're outside the range of its effects. I have had several times when I thought my SFN was not working, however those fell into a few "error buckets":

- Operator error.
- Module broken.
- SYS drained.
- Released before the glow had completely faded.
- In a CZ (especially planetary ones) where I end up getting clipped by the edge of another interceptor's pulse.

Keep an eye on module condition. I tend to use Guardian Gauss cannons which heat my ship above 100% easily, which is great for simultaneously burning off caustic. Unfortunately that plus enemy fire tends to degrade my modules. I have had several times when my SFN was non-functional, but I didn't realize it because I was protected by another nearby CMDR's SFN.

I've checked all the above and it doesn't seem to be any of those. It seems to be random (annoyingly so). I mostly use mod-shards for AX which also cook my ship but my AX conflict zone ships are all stacked to the gills with heat sinks and I'm fairly good at timing them so it's not that either.
I'll try it in solo next as Meowers recommended and we'll see. My money's on "bug-disguised-as-feature" in true fdev style given that, if timed right, it should always work. just not always for me.

Thanks everyone for the feedback. As always: Ask and the E.D. community shall deliver help. o7
10 Jan 2024, 1:00am
Bainsey7 I'll try it in solo next as Meowers recommended and we'll see. My money's on "bug-disguised-as-feature" in true fdev style given that, if timed right, it should always work. just not always for me.
Really, I think you should try. I played Solo when was, literally, hunting solo. And it was unable to track in PG AXCZs since several ships have been covering each other with SFNs.

Btw. Warpig_NL, totally like your userpic, it's hilarious, especially the way how the helmet is attached. And early M16s with 20-rounders are my love, lol.
10 Jan 2024, 1:03am
Bainsey7 I'll try it in solo next as Meowers recommended and we'll see. My money's on "bug-disguised-as-feature" in true fdev style given that, if timed right, it should always work. just not always for me.

Really, I think you should try. I played Solo when was, literally, hunting solo. And it was unable to track in PG AXCZs since several ships have been covering each other with SFNs.

Will do. Thanks again. You're all great. o7
10 Jan 2024, 1:59am
Unrelated, but I sometimes get tempted to go back to doing AX CZs solo to avoid those boring 6 shard Anacondas that do almost nothing but try to kill Cyclops over and over by shoving themselves into their faces and brute forcing past the hearts.

Now yes, Cyclops is not exactly a difficult opponent when you have the basics down but it still gets boring when you’re trying to have fun in your medium ship, and here comes Mister Blasty in his zero(or near-zero) skill boat and just pulling triggers until whatever they shoot at dies. Even Basilisks are not exempt of their wrath once they’ve lost some hearts.

(Medusas… I’m not too sure how well it works on those but they don’t seem that difficult when you’ve got two or three of those Condas roaming around constantly exerting it within an instant, and equally quickly taking its hearts out. Depending on number of pilots and their ability to stay within optimal range/aim, even Hydras are not that impressive when those Condas are around.)

They also have the annoying tendency to shove themselves into the face of their target and… not really leave much room to fire at it without hitting that big fat Anaconda blocking the view.
10 Jan 2024, 2:09am
AmedievalmanI’m learning engineering.mim searching for raw mats.
On the first planet I tried , I scanned the planet with the surface scanner, then a list of “geological sites” appeared on my external panel. I bounced between them and found a few things.
The second planet and third planets I’ve tried, I scanned them and got nothing . No geological sites on either. Then I looked up a video, this one https://youtu.be/ZCRqUdpzrPY?si=BV3DvN0cZf67m1lT , and he doesn’t mention scanning or geological sites. So which is it ?

in odyssey
when you land on a body whatever is going to be there will be there.
if you use the dss you get to see if there are geo or bio sites, you can also see this with the fss.
both give you different types of data you can later sell and selling it makes it permanent in your cmdrs history unless ofc something changes in that system.
when you are close enough your ship scans it for basic info as in materials anyway and many types of permanent or temporary fixtures.
It saves time when exploring as it is going to take lifetimes landing or almost , as in like we once had to get close to get info, now you can get it from afar.
the dss will tell you types of geo or bio the fss and basic scan don't.

if you are hunting for materials on some bodies and want meteorites more, if you can get missions to get things on bodies from wrecks and stuff.
Then when you land at each site you will have meteorite signal all around even if no geo or bio exists.
This usually is the case upon first landing on a body anyway but edo has a way of making it end so the missions give it a reason not to.
10 Jan 2024, 6:36am
Multiplayer game issues... Lag always was and forever will be a factor and problem, in one way or another. And this is not only about overload but delay and what comes with.

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