Elite: Game talk

05 Feb 2024, 2:19pm
Oh, never mind. Apparently you know it all.
05 Feb 2024, 2:52pm
EpisparhOh, never mind. Apparently you know it all.

I spend my time doing this, buying ships, upgrading/engineering them, testing diverse solution so I know which combination gives me the best result.

I have 15 Multi-Cannon still stored on my Carrier, 3 Beam Lasers and I sold a good part of my weapons when the results weren't satisfying.

Beam Lasers are nearly impossible to harmonize, they don't lock as well as Multi-Cannon, reason why I opted for the Fixed type, as I said, I took me some time, especially due to my HOTAS and its Yaw axis because it is not possible to apply a curve to it to tame it but 75% of the time I'm on target with them, especially from far.

ALL my used Beam Lasers or other are fixed.

Beam Laser

Last edit: 05 Feb 2024, 3:18pm
06 Feb 2024, 12:01am
17 bounties in 21mn, this Krait MkII is a beast.

06 Feb 2024, 7:40pm
Shg56MKII and Python are the same ships, what could be a new quality by adding of the same two?

I had a close look at the picture of Python MKII, and it looks like that ship would have at least 6 weapons all on top, plus it would have more space in its hull so could be more that one fighter since MKII has 2 extra side seats.
07 Feb 2024, 6:12pm
I want an Adder MkII.

Or a Courier with two seats.
08 Feb 2024, 9:59am
I always thought that the Courier's cockpit seemed a little bit sparse so I think there'd be enough room to fit a second seat. Quite plausible.
Most other ships have a variant when I look at the list so it doesn't leave much else. Vulture mkII perhaps? Maybe a Lakon Type 7 with "bits on" to make a Type 8 (as suggested by Episparh in an earlier comment).
Personally, I doubt they'll re-do any of the big 3 but hey, you never know...
08 Feb 2024, 10:10am
Making more expensive and hardly-obtainable (and I didn't say 'better') ships on top of the existing 'big three' and placing them behind a grind wall of sorts sounds the most sarcastic but at the same time the most plausible option to me.
08 Feb 2024, 10:47am
MeowersMaking more expensive and hardly-obtainable...

In the galaxy far, far away...
08 Feb 2024, 11:50am
Entirely new ships perhaps?

But what we need is for Devs to polish this game, sorting out a few bugs such as System Authority Vessels, turning on you without reason (no blue on blue or bounties) and implementing VR to foot combat.

In my wish list would be Ships Interior sold as Packs in the Livery category, parts are already available, and this way it wouldn't put pressure on Frontier, since releasing a new Ship interior when ready and tested wouldn't need to be done withing a particular time frame or tight schedule, also they could be sold with Arx.

Better interaction with our NPC pilots, we don't see them in the ships and their conversation is limited, this could be extended to on-foot gaming, NPC UI needs to be made more Intelligent...

Fleet Carrier Upgrades and Engineering, such as Tritium Transfer Pump to fill up the tank from the Cargo automatically, Guardian Modules to increase their jump range or shorter time between Jump, for those into exploration, that would be a lot better than having to transfer to a cargo ship them "donate Tritium"...

MeowersMaking more expensive and hardly-obtainable (and I didn't say 'better') ships on top of the existing 'big three' and placing them behind a grind wall of sorts sounds the most sarcastic but at the same time the most plausible option to me.

It took me weeks to get my Fleet Carrier doing CEOS/Robigo Mines passenger missions. nothing is really unobtainable if one really set his/her heart to it.

You want to make money? BusTruck

Invest a little in a ship with a 32LY jump range minimum, medium pad size footprint and good passenger capacity, take the time to increase your Reputation at Robigo Mine and do their Sothis/Sirius Atmospherics 2 jumps runs.

It feels like it's been nerfed but you still can make loads more dosh that doing Trade routes and if you're careful to disembark those passengers who ask you to kill an enemy (in which case you get scanned and attacked) you even can dispense with a shield, just watch those messages.

Bonus, you can also farm Materials there, Manufactured and Raw, mostly grade 4/5, when I plan an exploration trip with my Carrier, I do this to buy Tritium...

Last edit: 08 Feb 2024, 12:07pm
08 Feb 2024, 12:22pm
Yeah, credits mean nothing in this game for a long time already. But it might be any other type of grind wall, like top (or oven new) superpower ranks, Admiral V lol, or material unlock, or something else on top of simply buying the thing because you have enough money. I don't say 'it's 100% going to be that way', but it seems realistic.
08 Feb 2024, 12:42pm
I bet, it would be caustic crystals. Harvest them before titans disappear....
08 Feb 2024, 12:52pm
My reckoning is that new ship variants will be focused towards specific game loops, so maybe AX or possibly drop ship for megaship boarding (pirate style?). I note the new python has 3x large and 2xmedium hardpoints on the upper side alone. Does it still have a large beneath the nose as well?

The reworking of Power Play is an interesting one, depending on how it's implemented, as it may well have a direct impact on BGS. That would certainly give a reason why new player factions have been stopped temporarily. If player interaction can change elections, system affiliation and economy through a different mechanic than the present system this may be a good sign for base building. The AI mechanics used for thargoid invasion may play a part in superpower expansion and potential warfare.

I am firmly with Artie on the base building. The Arx store was already set for it, the intention was leaked a couple of years back and the buildings we see in Ody are all modular, clippable and placeable on the terrain. A change to powerplay and the knock-on to BGS would pave the way to a more direct player-driven economy - the fundamentals to allow the setting up of small scale refineries, agri bases etc. and of course expand the bubble with exploratory outposts.
Being FDev however, they'll have great plans but I fear they'll only manage to deliver a tiny, borked portion of it.

Thargoid War - it's about bloody time it ended. I've enjoyed the war and AX combat which I'd probably never have tried if the narrative hadn't have made it so important but it's been a long while and getting a bit old to run the same thing, so it should end. When it does, we'll still have thargoids in game. We'll also have spire sites and titans. After all the work, the dev team will want to use them still. The AX contingent may be a minority of players but it makes no sense to remove their favoured game loop completely.

Other wishlist things I've seen above? VR on foot - Not sure how much resource it would take to implement and how much of a hike the client system requirements would be, but I'd imagine both would be quite steep (my 3070+meta2 struggles on low/medium settings in ship based AX combat) . To bring more players back into the game, a higher priority would be to get Odyssey working on console. I don't think that'll happen, but it would be more of a money maker than VR.

And ship interiors? I hope not. If want to board my T-10 (for instance), I really don't want to have to open the hatch in the tail, wait for the lift, run 30-seconds through 190m of non-descript rooms and corridors, wait for another lift, walk up a flight of stairs, then watch the seating animation every single time. If some little guys decided to shoot their rifles at it, the ship would be toast before you could take off. Like the FC jump animation, I'd skip it if I could. The only reason for FDev to implement ship interiors is if a) they could monetise the customisation and b) if there was some real purpose to multi-crewing. Please to god no.
08 Feb 2024, 12:56pm
It would be rather boring if what we need came cheap in this game, same for farming materials, I only have a problem with it, the RAW material is a pain to farm.

In comparison, Manufactured and Encoded are easy, you still need to travel, and do something to get them but it's nothing near as being a pain as Raw.

I do the Orrere B2 crashed ship for Raw materials and it's not really fun but I do it for two reasons; first I need some reserves of Raw Materials in case I need to engineer a module, but also Synthesis for my Multi-Cannons, both for the Krait MKII and the Corvette.

Raw Materiasls.
HR 3230 3 a a
Orrere 2 B Anaconda Crash Site

QuillmonkeyTo bring more players back into the game, a higher priority would be to get Odyssey working on console. I don't think that'll happen, but it would be more of a money maker than VR.

The VR market is fast growing and generates billions, how many players do you think there is with headsets which price ranges from a couple of hundred to 2000 to achieve this?

I keep reading comments on Youtube from players who say they won't buy Odyssey for this reason, there are hundred if not more players in this case, not mentioning those who left the game to try something else.

ED is already perhaps the best Space-Based VR game out there and it wouldn't take so much resources to fully implement it.

And ship interiors? I hope not. If want to board my T-10 (for instance), I really don't want to have to open the hatch in the tail, wait for the lift, run 30-seconds through 190m of non-descript rooms and corridors, wait for another lift, walk up a flight of stairs, then watch the seating animation every single time. If some little guys decided to shoot their rifles at it, the ship would be toast before you could take off. Like the FC jump animation, I'd skip it if I could. The only reason for FDev to implement ship interiors is if a) they could monetise the customisation and b) if there was some real purpose to multi-crewing. Please to god no.

Who say you'll have to do this to get to your seat? There already is a way to board there is nothing that says that they would impose players to board the way you describe to get there.

And YES, monetizing those kits would help developers, your reaction here shows that you only think of it in relation to yourself, I personally have spent hundred in buying ships in other games I'd have little problem to do the same for this one...

Last edit: 08 Feb 2024, 1:08pm
08 Feb 2024, 6:07pm
Funny how ship interiors are never a problem in those games that already provide them. Space Engineers, for example.

You shouldn't have to walk through the entire ship just to get to the cockpit. A ship that has only one hatch at its tail has a design problem.

Of course it would be nice if the interiors actually contributed to gameplay. EVA tasks and missions would be cool. Leave your ship through an airlock to enter and explore wreckages in zero-G, for example. Earn credits by saving other players from a rebuy, pulling their escape pod into your ship, opening it, flying them to the nearest station. Stuff like that.
08 Feb 2024, 6:58pm
And guys, what about proper hybrid Guardian ship? Not SLF, actual ship?

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