Elite: Game talk

03 Dec 2023, 12:48pm
SakashiroI'm still pondering buying a carrier and taking it into deep space, trying to survive by mining tritium and scanning life forms for Vista Genomics. Becoming completely self-sufficient. The final challenge, and maybe the last thing I'll ever do in ED.

Tritium mining is the pain point in that plan, because mining trit is slow, and you will spend a lot of time doing it. If you really love mining, then it will be an enjoyable way to see the black. If mining is tolerated at best, you are better off buying all of the tritium you need, and making occasional trips back to the bubble for replenishment.

You can average around 110 tons of tritium per hour at the right kinds of ring, but that may not get you very far depending on the number of carrier services you have active, and the amount of cargo it is carrying. A fully loaded carrier (25,000T filled) burns 132 tritium per 500LY jump. Filling the 18,380T cargo capacity of a carrier with all services active will mean 167 hours spent mining, for example.

Generally on exploration carriers, you want to remove all non-essential services and fill the whole thing with tritium in the bubble, where trit is cheap, and not say out in Colonia, where it is comparatively expensive.

Not saying you shouldn't do it, but have a realistic expectation being fully self-sufficient means a huge chunk of time will be spent in rings looking for trit. I don't love mining that much, so for me it is easier to buy.
03 Dec 2023, 12:54pm
Glen van RossYou can average around 110 tons of tritium per hour at the right kinds of ring, but that may not get you very far depending on the number of carrier services you have active, and the amount of cargo it is carrying. A fully loaded carrier (25,000T filled) burns 132 tritium per 500LY jump. Filling the 18,380T cargo capacity of a carrier with all services active will mean 167 hours spent mining, for example.
Capturing newbies right from their starting area and making them do the mining seems like a good idea...
03 Dec 2023, 1:01pm
MeowersCapturing newbies right from their starting area and making them do the mining seems like a good idea...

That was one of the big controversies to hit the ED subreddit in the first few months I started playing. The idea of it still makes me chuckle, but (as I am sure you recall) the 7LD perps earned themselves an FDev banhammer and loss of their in-game assets (carriers etc).
03 Dec 2023, 1:31pm
Glen van RossThat was one of the big controversies to hit the ED subreddit in the first few months I started playing. The idea of it still makes me chuckle, but (as I am sure you recall) the 7LD perps earned themselves an FDev banhammer and loss of their in-game assets (carriers etc).
Yeah, I'm grinning like a goof too, lol. Imagining this happening in any kind of online game is weirdly funny. Like, you hear news like this and it makes you think, like, 'yeah, this game is definitely worth trying'.
03 Dec 2023, 3:26pm
Glen van Ross
SakashiroI'm still pondering buying a carrier and taking it into deep space, trying to survive by mining tritium and scanning life forms for Vista Genomics. Becoming completely self-sufficient. The final challenge, and maybe the last thing I'll ever do in ED.

Tritium mining is the pain point in that plan, because mining trit is slow, and you will spend a lot of time doing it. If you really love mining, then it will be an enjoyable way to see the black. If mining is tolerated at best, you are better off buying all of the tritium you need, and making occasional trips back to the bubble for replenishment.

You can average around 110 tons of tritium per hour at the right kinds of ring, but that may not get you very far depending on the number of carrier services you have active, and the amount of cargo it is carrying. A fully loaded carrier (25,000T filled) burns 132 tritium per 500LY jump. Filling the 18,380T cargo capacity of a carrier with all services active will mean 167 hours spent mining, for example.

Generally on exploration carriers, you want to remove all non-essential services and fill the whole thing with tritium in the bubble, where trit is cheap, and not say out in Colonia, where it is comparatively expensive.

Not saying you shouldn't do it, but have a realistic expectation being fully self-sufficient means a huge chunk of time will be spent in rings looking for trit. I don't love mining that much, so for me it is easier to buy.

That's exactly what makes it challenging for me. I like flying, landing on planets, and even mining to some degree, but not too much at a time. I do plan to install all carrier services and have them enabled all the time, so I'll have to cover 35 million Cr upkeep per week from exploration alone. UC and VG don't pay for the same data twice, so I'll have to be constantly moving to new regions to explore.

I have a Cutter outfitted for mining and a Krait Phantom for exploration. My plan is to use the Krait for scouting, flying ahead to look for ringed worlds with tritium hotspots. Once I find one, I'll call in the carrier, switch to the Cutter and start mining to recover the tritium spent on the jump. Then I'll scan nearby planets for life forms, sell the data to VG, and then fly ahead again, repeating the cycle. Hopefully this way I won't spend too much time on a single activity and get burned out.

Of course I'll keep a Suicidewinder on the carrier, just in case I suddenly get homesick for the Bubble.
03 Dec 2023, 3:43pm
I just realized I never used turreted mining lasers before. They appear to be as powerful as the fixed ones, so I'm wondering, can they auto-target the prospector limpet and fire without holding down the button all the time? If so, they would be convenient and worth installing.
03 Dec 2023, 5:35pm
SakashiroI just realized I never used turreted mining lasers before. They appear to be as powerful as the fixed ones, so I'm wondering, can they auto-target the prospector limpet and fire without holding down the button all the time? If so, they would be convenient and worth installing.

Turreted mining lasers are in place to allow for multi-crew mining. The gunner position can use the turreted version to control mining lasers, without a gunner, you are much better off to simply use fixed lasers.
03 Dec 2023, 8:39pm
MarcOmegaTurreted mining lasers are in place to allow for multi-crew mining. The gunner position can use the turreted version to control mining lasers, without a gunner, you are much better off to simply use fixed lasers.

I just tested them, and outside multicrew they behave exactly like fixed ones. No auto-aiming, no auto-fire. They're not harmful, but not very useful either since multicrew mining is unlikely to ever happen. I've replaced them with fixed ones again.
05 Dec 2023, 5:50pm
I've started my carrier journey through the galaxy. Taking my four engineered ships with me. Krait for scouting, Cutter for mining, Courier for exobiology, Adder for ... not sure what.
06 Dec 2023, 8:47am
Tritium mining works well enough even in single hotspots. At least I won't be running out of fuel.
06 Dec 2023, 1:38pm
Thanks for the fix, an actual help for Odyssey mining since it was broken here.
06 Dec 2023, 4:51pm
Give my regards to the black Commander Sakashiro. The adder will catch the mice.
06 Dec 2023, 5:00pm
SakashiroTritium mining works well enough even in single hotspots. At least I won't be running out of fuel.

You could've taken sub surface displacement missiles too... Adds more variations in Tritium mining. I even find it interesting.... Or painful with a sluggish ship like the cutter.
06 Dec 2023, 5:57pm
EpisparhYou could've taken sub surface displacement missiles too... Adds more variations in Tritium mining. I even find it interesting.... Or painful with a sluggish ship like the cutter.

Or an abrasion blaster. I saw a few of those deposits on asteroids. Oh well ...

The variations will come when I try to earn credits. Vista Genomics pays well, better than UC. The Courier is ideal for quick landing, scanning, and take-off.
06 Dec 2023, 6:40pm
SakashiroVista Genomics pays well, better than UC. The Courier is ideal for quick landing, scanning, and take-off.

Yeah, the payouts for a few first discoveries can easily pay for a week or more of maintenance.

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