Elite: Game talk

04 Feb 2024, 12:32pm
You can get the data for the pulse neutralizer by going to a spire site and getting hit with the Banshee’s disruption missiles. Probably a lot easier, safer and faster than to do the head against wall bashing at a Titan… I’d think, at least.
04 Feb 2024, 1:16pm
Ah, my ships are tough nuts. The only problem was caustic damage which is now solved.

Thanks for the advice. I haven't visited spires as well. I will do this first then... But first let me finish last mod of my second intimidator.
04 Feb 2024, 1:38pm
Now that we know that there's a Python mkII coming and that the other 3 new ships will all be versions of existing ships:
Does anyone have any predictions or hopes as to what they'll be?
04 Feb 2024, 1:44pm
My take is: the Python might be a real effort, a new model made entirely or almost entirely from scratch, a good piece to show off and give it a good PR kick, so it goes first. Others may end up being copy-paste jobs, existing ships with some parts resized, moved somewhere else, turned at a different angle, with pieces of existing body kits used as a pre-installed part of the ship, etc.
04 Feb 2024, 1:53pm
New variant means slight tweak on the hull and playing with modules.

I think they will target popular old ships which were made obsolete by the more recent.

I wonder about this new function mentioned. This is what actually bothers me. It was said new function, not new role. At first I though for the python mk2 it could be an SLF hangar. And there is a certain feature in the concept art that makes me think that it might be a new way of travel... Perhaps, to a certain permit locked region inhabited by the "cat-piss" flowers.
04 Feb 2024, 2:45pm
Yeh that's what I mean. Eagle to Imp Eagle. Dropship to FAS etc using existing models...

.... but which ships do you want/predict?
04 Feb 2024, 3:13pm
MKII and Python are the same ships, what could be a new quality by adding of the same two?
04 Feb 2024, 4:33pm
04 Feb 2024, 10:22pm
How do I update the price of a commodity on Inara? Can’t seem to find that button if it exists.
05 Feb 2024, 4:35am
Sampi Ogonek
Thinder[...] implementing VR to footies isn't so much of an effort, in fact it already happen in carrier Jump mode where one get full VR for the duration of the jump, so a few programming lines would fix the problem, [...]

As I said before, the main problem is almost certainly the on-foot UI (which is absent during a carrier jump). The current rendering model where the UI is effectively floating in front of your character’s face is not suitable for VR headsets.

I can agree that creating a proper on-foot VR experience might well be worth the effort on FDev’s part, given the growing VR market (myself, I don’t have a VR headset, so I’m not going to be passionate about it), but let’s not pretend it’s a matter of a few lines of code.

I have had a good look at the latest comments on Youtube channels about the game changes and new ships, it is clear that the absence of full VR implementation keep some players from buying Odyssey, while I have done so to take advantage of my Fleet Carrier interior, not aware that I wouldn't be able to play in VR on foot.

There isn't much to do for the Developers to finish the job, Elite Dangerous is probably the best VR Space-based game out there, I mean, once you experience the game in VR, there is no going back to playing it on screen, the graphics are gorgeous and even with settings at their highest it is really playable unless some other games with VR capabilities, you don't need the strongest PC to enjoy it.

A headset such as the Pico 4 I am using is perfectly affordable, in fact, some new screen are even more expensive, so it is a matter of choice and personal preference, I won't tell players not to stick to screens, if they want to play this way it's OK by me, but if one have the opportunity, try VR.

Just want to add some about the advantages of VR in any game.

Target tracking is made easier, I went to VR while playing DCS and at the time I was struggling with maintaining visual with targets, not an issue with VR, just turn your head and follow it, the cockpit views in Elite Dangerous are often mediocre in comparison to some aircraft modules but the tracking is still a lot easier than using a witch hat.

In short, Situation Awareness is way higher with a VR headset even if (for example) a Pico 4 has a limited FoV compared to a wide screen.

Last edit: 05 Feb 2024, 4:48am
05 Feb 2024, 4:56am
PhantomanifestHow do I update the price of a commodity on Inara? Can’t seem to find that button if it exists.

By using EDMC. It happens automatically without any manual imput.
05 Feb 2024, 6:55am
PhantomanifestHow do I update the price of a commodity on Inara? Can’t seem to find that button if it exists.

By using EDMC. It happens automatically without any manual imput.

Thank you
05 Feb 2024, 10:56am
Still working at improving my Krait Mk2 fit, as it is, it's awesome but there are a few points I need to correct:

1) I use long range Beam Laser (Thermal Vent) and the way I use the Krait thanks to its maneuverability is to start hitting my target from maximum range with lasers in order to take the shields down (with the help of my fighter), it works but an extra in engineering grade would bring the Damage falloff start from 60 to 80%.

Drawback: An extra 100kg, which I think is acceptable as it won't change much the Max performances of the ship.

2) At the moment it is fitted with an 0D Kill Warrant Scanner, range is 3500m, quite limited when you try to scan before entering effective firing range, the 0A Kill Warrant Scanner give me an extra 500m at the same weight.

Drawback: Power Draw goes from 0.400 to 3.200 but I have plenty of power on tap, so it won't matter, on the other hand integrity is higher, going from 2.5 to 48.

I take this ship to Extraction Sites [High] like the SpecOps Savale MEGITSUNE, Join the local police forces for kills but as opposed to the MEGITSUNE, I don't hesitate to take on any ship scanning me (or not), targets are EDD (Elite, Deadly, Dangerous) to increase my combat ranking.

In Solo mode this ship is really strong (I'm too old to play PVP), its mix of firepower, Combat Persistence and Endurance makes it ideal for the role, I know that some players prefer more flexible ships/fits but I personally chose to optimize one for one particular role and for Medium sized Combat ship, the MkII is it.

For Assassination missions and Extraction Sites [Hazardous], I prefer the Corvette.

After comparative testing, there is absolutely no change in the performances of the Krait MkII equipped with the 0A Kill Warrant Scanner from a 0D Kill Warrant Scanner, every single figure is the same. Pitch, Roll, Yaw, Speed Top and Boost.

I've been looking for a 0A in 3 different station before getting it from Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra.

Now I got to go back to the Engineer (DHO) because I forgot the Long Range Beam Laser Bule Print, at times like these I really appreciate my Krait Jump Range...

So it's done. I had to disable the weapons for the Phantom to be able to carry them but that's how I do engineering for ships with a more limited Jump Range, after testing, this fit is perfect, she' heating up a bit but NO overheating, still as maneuverable.

Curiously, the fall off range is the same than Maximum Range at 5400m which comes handy for the MkII...

Last edit: 05 Feb 2024, 1:29pm
05 Feb 2024, 12:39pm
There is not much you can do with lasers and MCs. They are low DPS especially if you use gimbles/turrets. Do you have corrosive shells on one of your MCs to debuf targets armor? You speak about falloff, is this for MCs as long range completely eliminates it and in addition increases projectile speed.

The problems with beams is that occasionally other ship can pass through them, thus you can become hostile to authority vessels. Same goes for MCs... This is why I prefer HAZ RES.

In general you can improve damage output if you can use effectively fixed weapons.
Also if you remove beams and put MCs with incendiary rounds you can increase your average DPS further but then you will have to rearm more often.

Could you link an EDSY.org build?
05 Feb 2024, 2:04pm
EpisparhThey are low DPS especially if you use gimbles/turrets.

I never use gimble or turrets with lasers, it takes some time to get user to it but most of the time I already have depleted their shield before they come half range.

The problems with beams is that occasionally other ship can pass through them, thus you can become hostile to authority vessels.

That's only if you're not aware of you're environment, my problem is more getting fines from bad guys which are not registered in the system, just like right now.

I had some blue on blue but not because I accidentally hit a good guy, in most case, I didn't check on their status before opening fire and in the case of the local law enforcement, they also show RED, not unusual at all, as a matter of fact, it happens more often than not, either it's a bug either bad programming.

So the first thing I do is to find the cops and let them scan me, to make sure I'm registered as "green" in their system, then I follow them or go straight to the first weapon fire I see, I also can scan targets they don't engage, when they are certified bad guys, they generally engage them.

My lasers damage output is high enough to deplete shields of every ship I take on fast, Anaconda, Fer-de-Lance, Imperial Cutter and so on, especially if you start hitting them at 4000m or more, then the 3C Multi-cannon take over, mine are Gimballed but I have little trouble with harmonization, they track rather well and hit hard.

Now, the comparison between stock Beam Laser and Multi-cannon shows this: DPS is 15.96 vs 3.90 and Armour Pierce Rating 35 vs 54.

Thing is, a 2 E Multi-cannon has nowhere near the power against shield nor the range even heavily engineered, for this purpose, my 2A Beam Lasers are better than my 3C Multi-cannon, I only have to track the target properly, and there is no delay in firing as is the case for the 3C Multi-cannon, as I previously indicated, their fall off is equal to their maximum range, yet another aspect superior to the Multi-cannon for this purpose.

My favorite targets are the Anaconda, if you sub-target the Power Plant, they can go down as early as they reach 35%, I saw this again recently, I do the same for the Fer-de-Lance to slow them down.

Small targets go boom in seconds (literally), and if I take on a large ship, I have enough firepower, persistence and Base armour to see the engagement through, as for shields, two 0A Shield Booster Resistance augmented XXXXX Force + Block coupled with two 3A Shield Cell Bank Rapid charge XXX +
Boss Cells are more than enough.

In many case I recharge my shield (PIP) between engagements even if only a few percent and I never lose my shield if I keep track of their levels and manage my Shield Cell Banks properly.


Last edit: 05 Feb 2024, 2:51pm

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