Elite: Game talk

08 Feb 2024, 7:06pm
You mean, an Arx-purchasable body kit? A paintjob? Even... Oh shit I'm going to really say it... New toys for the dashboard? :p
08 Feb 2024, 7:07pm
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikAnd guys, what about proper hybrid Guardian ship? Not SLF, actual ship?

Sell your soul to Nemesis and it will provide.

Not that I would consider it a worthy tradeoff. Deals with the devil usually tend to go bad.
08 Feb 2024, 7:09pm
MeowersYou mean, an Arx-purchasable body kit? A paintjob? Even... Oh shit I'm going to really say it... New toys for the dashboard? :p

Cockpit cat?
08 Feb 2024, 8:12pm
SakashiroFunny how ship interiors are never a problem in those games that already provide them. Space Engineers, for example.

You shouldn't have to walk through the entire ship just to get to the cockpit. A ship that has only one hatch at its tail has a design problem.

Of course it would be nice if the interiors actually contributed to gameplay. EVA tasks and missions would be cool. Leave your ship through an airlock to enter and explore wreckages in zero-G, for example. Earn credits by saving other players from a rebuy, pulling their escape pod into your ship, opening it, flying them to the nearest station. Stuff like that.

All of this and boarding other ships/defending against being boarded by other players would be fantastic. I really don't understand anyone who says "there'd be no point adding it as a feature as it wouldn't add any gameplay". The amount of stuff that ship interiors could add to the game without even having to think about it for very long really craps on the idea that it wouldn't.
And even without all that, am I the only one who wants to fly out into deep space and just walk around his ship for no reason whatsoever thinking "this shit is mine"?
08 Feb 2024, 8:18pm
Bainsey7I really don't understand anyone who says "there'd be no point adding it as a feature as it wouldn't add any gameplay". The amount of stuff that ship interiors could add to the game without even having to think about it for very long really craps on the idea that it wouldn't.

Without the game loops it's just glitter. If I could believe that the gameloops were there to make it worthwhile I'd put up with having to walk my ship for the sake of boarding others, protecting my own and zero-G legs. Can you honestly say you believe those are in the roadmap, cause I can't.
08 Feb 2024, 8:21pm
I'm not saying they're planning to bring in ship interiors. In all honesty, knowing what we know: I think they're not.
But they bloody well should be.
08 Feb 2024, 8:51pm
Bainsey7...am I the only one who wants to fly out into deep space and just walk around his ship for no reason whatsoever thinking "this shit is mine"?

You are not alone.
09 Feb 2024, 2:58am
Do we think they will increase the size of the fleet carrier holds to accommodate the new ships?
09 Feb 2024, 12:10pm
Brian BergstromDo we think they will increase the size of the fleet carrier holds to accommodate the new ships?

Seems unlikely.
09 Feb 2024, 3:23pm
SakashiroFunny how ship interiors are never a problem in those games that already provide them. Space Engineers, for example.

You shouldn't have to walk through the entire ship just to get to the cockpit. A ship that has only one hatch at its tail has a design problem.

Of course it would be nice if the interiors actually contributed to gameplay. EVA tasks and missions would be cool. Leave your ship through an airlock to enter and explore wreckages in zero-G, for example. Earn credits by saving other players from a rebuy, pulling their escape pod into your ship, opening it, flying them to the nearest station. Stuff like that.

All of this and boarding other ships/defending against being boarded by other players would be fantastic. I really don't understand anyone who says "there'd be no point adding it as a feature as it wouldn't add any gameplay". The amount of stuff that ship interiors could add to the game without even having to think about it for very long really craps on the idea that it wouldn't.

100%. Plus the argument that one would need to go through the whole ship to get to the pilot chair is a non sense, there is already a method for boarding, there is no evidence that if ship interior was added it would be deleted.

And even without all that, am I the only one who wants to fly out into deep space and just walk around his ship for no reason whatsoever thinking "this shit is mine"?

You're not. I purchased Odyssey for this reason only, being able to visit my Fleet Carrier and yet I hardly interact with my staff, even when I had a Bar Tender.

MeowersYou mean, an Arx-purchasable body kit? A paintjob? Even... Oh shit I'm going to really say it... New toys for the dashboard? :p

That's exactly what I an saying. And btw, ship interiors already exist and would only need to be extended for example to the Cargo Bay, if you have the curiosity to look behind the pilot seat on many medium/large ships you have crew seats and consoles, there is little work to do to allow a player to leave his/her seat and walk to another seat.

Last edit: 10 Feb 2024, 12:05am
09 Feb 2024, 4:13pm
Meanwhile in the world of indie games made by solo developer;

09 Feb 2024, 9:35pm
Kasumi Goto
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikAnd guys, what about proper hybrid Guardian ship? Not SLF, actual ship?

Sell your soul to Nemesis and it will provide.

Not that I would consider it a worthy tradeoff. Deals with the devil usually tend to go bad.

Hmm, I will think of that, huehuehehe. But Meowers probably met the Creator. Or not?
09 Feb 2024, 10:03pm
I just came back after being gone for 8 months. Can someone give me good activities to do?

Center of Maelstrom - Titan
Power Restoration Missions- Thargoid variant
Unlocks (what new tech?)
Combat (New thargoid types)

Anything else good to do?
10 Feb 2024, 12:06am
Interior of my MkII, I'd love to play chest with my NPC pilot.
10 Feb 2024, 6:44am
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikHmm, I will think of that, huehuehehe. But Meowers probably met the Creator. Or not?

You will have to wait and see.

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