Elite: Game talk

31 Jan 2024, 10:24pm
Adam 'The detective' Štefánik4 new ships! Finally. But what will be that major feature. I hope for full interiors

Interiors would be neat. As an old school RPer, I'm all for anything that can serve to enhance in-game interaction between players. Assuming, of course, that a ship interior will not be an owner-only instance. I don't think the "end" of the Thargoid War will be a true end. Maybe the Titans will leave thanks to some new uber bug spray weapon, but I think most elements will remain to a lesser degree. I don't see the complete removal of the war dynamic where systems are traded back and forth. It is just another form of gameplay. Even now I do not see any sense of urgency with regards to the war, so the pessimist in me thinks the "end" will be anticlimactic. Maybe a cinematic where the new super bug spray is spritzed on the titans and they run away.
31 Jan 2024, 10:51pm
They won't let so much effort go to waste. The Titans, and the Thargoids, I'm solidly convinced, will remain in the game. They may retreat though, leave the Bubble, having some resistance pockets left like the old Pleiades, Witch Head, etc.

As for the ship interiors... If they end up being copy-pasted like ground settlements and props there, then meh. Something tells me they will.
31 Jan 2024, 11:43pm
Meowers As for the ship interiors... If they end up being copy-pasted like ground settlements and props there, then meh. Something tells me they will.

I could accept that if you have the ability to place furniture items in order to decorate the interior how you want. Of course, that probably means there will be "interior decorator" engineers that have to build the furniture for you. So, go harvest some random new furniture components from restore missions and one of them will build you a bed. Oh, you want your interior to look Imperial? Well, you need to go unlock that specialized interior decorator. Oh, you want your bed to be green instead of black? Just spend some arx for the green skin.

Greenskins! WAAAGH!
01 Feb 2024, 12:04am
My guess is it won't be the ship interiors, I can however imagine there may be some base building. It was speculated/leaked years ago, and they have a great experience with it from their Planet Coaster/Zoo titles. I certainly wouldn't mind if it will be that.
01 Feb 2024, 6:21am
MeowersThey won't let so much effort go to waste. The Titans, and the Thargoids, I'm solidly convinced, will remain in the game. They may retreat though, leave the Bubble, having some resistance pockets left like the old Pleiades, Witch Head, etc.

Vasil VasilescuI don't think the "end" of the Thargoid War will be a true end. Maybe the Titans will leave thanks to some new uber bug spray weapon, but I think most elements will remain to a lesser degree. I don't see the complete removal of the war dynamic where systems are traded back and forth. It is just another form of gameplay. Even now I do not see any sense of urgency with regards to the war, so the pessimist in me thinks the "end" will be anticlimactic. Maybe a cinematic where the new super bug spray is spritzed on the titans and they run away.

If you want my educated opinion guess, it might not even drive off the Titans and just piss them off more. The saying “There’s always a bigger fish” comes to mind.

Or if they do decide to bugger off(no pun intended), then that idiot “Salvation” will bring some other stupidity with him that will definitely not go wrong at all(like, oh I don’t know, the Constructs) and makes us wish the Titans were actually still around because they were less worse. And maybe humans run to them begging for mercy(and help) because they just had to continue being idiots and attracted the one thing that was worse than the Thargoids.

Or they’re still going to be there and… now we’re sandwiched in between two ancient enemies that are fighting it out.

Whichever way it goes, I suspect that Azimuth will pull the Nemesis card out of their sleeves(definitely the sleeves, and not somewhere else) when Ram Tah finishes his funny “Titan Killer” because it makes the Guardian melter field not so melty, and the Thargoids can’t just park a Glaive near the Eternal Vigilance to call it a day and leave.

To fittingly quote the Arbiter from Halo 3… “We trade one villain for another.”

(Now wouldn’t it be a twist if it turned out the Thargoids were actually trying to stop us from making the Constructs show up but did so a little bit late. I think everyone is also forgetting the captives onboard the Titans that will either go with them, or definitely not be released out into society with some funny skin patches and glyphs on their foreheads or some other appropriate place.)

Everything inside me dreads the boring option of “The Titans just leave and sometimes drop by again to plant some Thargoid ships in the Bubble to annoy humans”, though. It would not feel like a rewarding payoff or real resolution to me, just about… at all. Especially with an easily predictable, purely NPC-driven system that cannot be influenced by players other than ‘Let it exist and spread or don’t’.

And maybe I do just want to say “I told you so” when it turns out that maybe we did want to try playing nice with the Thargoids or think about why they were here and, you know, try to learn their language. The Guardians somehow managed to get a decent understanding of it so I’m not sure why we haven’t.

(Other than the xenophobia from the superpowers so the usual sensible thing of “Learn your enemy” that militaries at war tend to do just went straight out of the window and had some nukes dropped on it for good measure. Idiots. Goddamn fucking idiots.)
01 Feb 2024, 6:41am
Are we getting new ships?

In my X-Mass list comes the implementation of full VR once disembarked, right now, the boxed FoV is not good enough compared to the rest of the game, I play with a PICO 4, Rysen 7 5800X 3D, 32GB of GSkill 3600 and RX 7900 XTX, the 3D work and textures are awesome and the best is that it isn't even that demanding on the system at full res all options on, compare that to DCS where you need multi-threading and graphic card OC to get a decent frame rate...

They created perhaps the best VR game in the market and this market is actually growing, they could capture a good part of it if only they decided in finishing the jobs.
Ships interior would be nice, not everyone have signed up for doing FPS, I personally didn't, I play Odyssey only to take advantage of my Fleet Carrier so the absence of VR on foot is frustrating.

NPC fighter pilots can also be given a larger role when you have one, I trained mine from Harmless to Elite (She reached this level way before me) and she really is an asset, the problem is that I don't see her in the cockpit and her conversation are limited, they could easily fix that.

Having said that, I don't hesitate to designate her a combat fighter as target, most of the time, she'll come on top or give me time to deal with mine before I come over give her a hand, so my combat NPC is more important at every levels than the interaction options she gets.

The XG9 Lance she flies is very efficient against shields, I focus on shield first to get my targets down and she is of a great help, from where I'm standing, the game needs polishing at these levels and it's easy to fix for most.

Things I don't touch: Thargoids and foot combat, not my things.
01 Feb 2024, 7:05am
Here is my guess based on how Frontier handle things:

1. Thargoid / Titans conclusion - probably a mechanism to destroy / drive them back. However, that is a large chunk of work done by frontier to be a temporary thing. So new Titans will come periodically or whenever Fdev give them a call.

2. New ships' variants - we know about Python Mk2 (Which kind of signals the intention - they want to address some flows in ships that people like but not use. Maybe boost ARX sales with that). So my guess here for the other three are: Anaconda (This one is kind of slow), Cobra Mk4(this one is unobtanium for most players, so new variant will solve that issue)...and for the third one I am split between Type-7 (half a meter taller than medium hangar and some easy fixes to hardpoints which will make her viable miner and trader) or Asp Scout (the current version is utter trash)

3. Powerplay rework - I am not much into it, but knowing that they will try to do it again as MVP and reuse as much as they can from other things, I bet it will be something like Thargoid war mechanics.

4. The mysterious new feature - Probably base building as Artie suggested. They have the assets (FC, Space Station concourses and plenty of Odyssey settlements buildings which can be reused). This again can boost ARX sales for cosmetics.

A word about RP dreams of ship interiors. You can simply forget it. Frontier said too many times that it is enormous amount of work with minimum gameplay opportunities. Personal note: I hate walking to the station concourse for taking a mission which I should be able to do with few clicks from my ship's terminal.

My thoughts on VR for "legs" is kind of same story as ship interiors. Too much effort for limited audience. Honestly, I think that reintroduction of 4.0 for new generation of consoles is more likely.

Last edit: 01 Feb 2024, 7:12am
01 Feb 2024, 7:21am
EpisparhHere is my guess based on how Frontier handle things:

My thoughts on VR for "legs" is kind of same story as ship interiors. Too much effort for limited audience. Honestly, I think that reintroduction of 4.0 for new generation of consoles is more likely.

I don't know if you have any idea of the VR market size and growth rate, if they wish to miss on that it's their lot but it is certainly the kind of reasons why players leave this game and try something else, nobody told us we wouldn't have full VR inside our Fleet Carriers.

More to the point, implementing VR to footies isn't so much of an effort, in fact it already happen in carrier Jump mode where one get full VR for the duration of the jump, so a few programming lines would fix the problem, instead of giving us more thargoid crap no one really care about, I followed Youtube contributors who made the Jump from playing Thargoids at high level to Star Citizen despite the bugs and other mediocre features coming with it...

The problem is not the amount of work but management.
01 Feb 2024, 7:26am

I don't know if you have any idea of the VR market size and growth rate, if they wish to miss on that it's their lot but it is certainly the kind of reasons why players leave this game and try something else, nobody told us we wouldn't have full VR inside our Fleet Carriers.

More to the point, implementing VR to footies isn't so much of an effort, in fact it already happen in carrier Jump mode where one get full VR for the duration of the jump, so a few programming lines would fix the problem, instead of giving us more thargoid crap no one really care about, I followed Youtube contributors who made the Jump from playing Thargoids at high level to Star Citizen despite the bugs and other mediocre features coming with it...

The problem is not the amount of work but management.

Do you know math? Let's make a bold assumption that 5% of the players use VR(which is highly unrealistic) and that screenshot of yours we will take 10% as grow expectations. Wow, VR community is expected to grow with HALF percent.

I will remind you that Frontier recently performed a harsh restructuring AKA lay offs and probably never will have the resource to do a lot. Ever.
01 Feb 2024, 8:35am

I don't know if you have any idea of the VR market size and growth rate, if they wish to miss on that it's their lot but it is certainly the kind of reasons why players leave this game and try something else, nobody told us we wouldn't have full VR inside our Fleet Carriers.

More to the point, implementing VR to footies isn't so much of an effort, in fact it already happen in carrier Jump mode where one get full VR for the duration of the jump, so a few programming lines would fix the problem, instead of giving us more thargoid crap no one really care about, I followed Youtube contributors who made the Jump from playing Thargoids at high level to Star Citizen despite the bugs and other mediocre features coming with it...

The problem is not the amount of work but management.

Do you know math? Let's make a bold assumption that 5% of the players use VR(which is highly unrealistic) and that screenshot of yours we will take 10% as grow expectations. Wow, VR community is expected to grow with HALF percent.

I will remind you that Frontier recently performed a harsh restructuring AKA lay offs and probably never will have the resource to do a lot. Ever.

Can you READ English? Perhaps your way to do math could apply first to Frontier, starting by stopping giving away Arx by the bucket to experienced players and keeping that for beginners.

I've been playing this game free literally for years and even get paid for playing this way, it's a waste of money and resources, as for your math again, what I wrote doesn't limit to capturing a market share but attracting other players as well, right now it's a huge FAIL for a little technical detail.

If VR players can generate millions with headsets ranging for a few hundred to two grands, how many do you think there are who potentially could happily be playing Odyssey's FPS but doesn't because they can't use their headsets?

Then again I'm thinking larger than you do because I imply FPS players would come over and be able to do their thing when I do not play FPS and only got Odyssey for using my Fleet Carrier.

It's a little bit shortsighted to mention the lack of resources when VR is already implemented in the game but ONLY one mode is missing, and it is precisely one of the reason VR players left for other games, why play Odyssey with a screen after investing hundred if not thousand in VR capabilities?
Keep giving them lame excuses and you'll contribute further to this situation.

Now, instead of copy/pasting my replies you'd be better off reading and comprehending them first...

More to the point, implementing VR to footies isn't so much of an effort, in fact it already happen in carrier Jump mode where one get full VR for the duration of the jump, so a few programming lines would fix the problem,

Clear enough? Footie VR is already there when you seat on the Commander's chair during a jump, it's only lacking being extended to normal play and HUD, some Youtube guys even managed to find some way to get it to work minus the HUD, so if their techies can't do it, they're in the wrong buziness.

Lame excuses doesn't make anything happening and in the case of this game are making sure it stays in this situation at best, if developers had listen to their core players a bit more, they wouldn't have hemorrhaged so many of them to the point they've been losing money and needed to let their best asset go.
01 Feb 2024, 8:42am

Fun fact hyperspace jump is a static animation observed by a static point of view.
01 Feb 2024, 10:44am
Yup, it's just a fancy loading screen.

Not gonna lie, I'll go nuts if they add base building to ED.
01 Feb 2024, 11:12am
Part of me thinks the new feature might in some way be related to the war as well(or at the very least might use something developed as a part of it).

But only the future holds those answers. Base building might not be a great personal interest of mine so I wouldn’t be hugely excited about it(though I have delved into it some in stuff like Subnautica). Understand why it is interesting to players though.

Actually interesting, mind you. Not the “I’m going to build inappropriately shaped monuments” type of interest.
01 Feb 2024, 11:16am
SakashiroYup, it's just a fancy loading screen.

Not gonna lie, I'll go nuts if they add base building to ED.

... eventually we will have some use for building, ship, vehicle schematics that we get on foot.
01 Feb 2024, 11:36am
I hope it's modular and not just prefab buildings.

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