Elite: Game talk

24 Feb 2024, 8:47am
I'm a little confused I admit on how the scoring works on Inara for the conflict zones. I've been participating in some but notice hours later the score hasn't changed despite me winning several CZs. what is the requirement for the score to change or do people just need to win a lot of zones for the score to change?
24 Feb 2024, 12:04pm
SgtSarrosI'm a little confused I admit on how the scoring works on Inara for the conflict zones. I've been participating in some but notice hours later the score hasn't changed despite me winning several CZs. what is the requirement for the score to change or do people just need to win a lot of zones for the score to change?

Conflicts start when two Factions reach the same Influence percentage; these percentages stay static until the conflict ends. The particular conflict type (War/Civil war/Election) depends on the Government types involved.

A war can last for seven days at the most, but can end sooner if one side achieves four daily victories. Daily victory is a combination (each weighted differently) of CZs won, combat bonds collected, and Influence—however CZs tend to have the biggest impact.

The war score will get updated once a day at the "tick", which is like a rolling update of status changes throughout the galaxy. It starts around 2200Z and slowly propagates throughout the galaxy; it may take several hours for changes to be updated in the station news and Inara.

You may have opposition from other players, and there is no direct way to tell if that is the case; checking the system traffic in the station news can provide a hint. It will tell you how many vessels (and what type) have visited or passed through the system.
24 Feb 2024, 12:38pm
SgtSarrosI'm a little confused I admit on how the scoring works on Inara for the conflict zones. I've been participating in some but notice hours later the score hasn't changed despite me winning several CZs. what is the requirement for the score to change or do people just need to win a lot of zones for the score to change?

If you mean the settlements assaulted/defended, then the numbers are taken from the in-game stats (in the journal) and those get changed there once the minor faction's conflict is resolved. The best strategy to increase those numbers is to participate in as many different CZs as possible, not the one CZ repeatedly (as the assault/defence counts just once per settlement, doesn't matter how many CZs you completed there for the respective war/civil war). Otherwise as Glen said, if it was meant generally.
24 Feb 2024, 6:12pm
Glen van Ross
SgtSarrosI'm a little confused I admit on how the scoring works on Inara for the conflict zones. I've been participating in some but notice hours later the score hasn't changed despite me winning several CZs. what is the requirement for the score to change or do people just need to win a lot of zones for the score to change?

Conflicts start when two Factions reach the same Influence percentage; these percentages stay static until the conflict ends. The particular conflict type (War/Civil war/Election) depends on the Government types involved.

A war can last for seven days at the most, but can end sooner if one side achieves four daily victories. Daily victory is a combination (each weighted differently) of CZs won, combat bonds collected, and Influence—however CZs tend to have the biggest impact.

The war score will get updated once a day at the "tick", which is like a rolling update of status changes throughout the galaxy. It starts around 2200Z and slowly propagates throughout the galaxy; it may take several hours for changes to be updated in the station news and Inara.

You may have opposition from other players, and there is no direct way to tell if that is the case; checking the system traffic in the station news can provide a hint. It will tell you how many vessels (and what type) have visited or passed through the system.

Well I more mean this:


War in Hixkaramu︎
2 vs 1
15 minutes ago

The actual scoring it does. I know what a conflict is, i know what causes them to start ( i've taken part in many of them ). I'm just trying to figure out how that score is determined.
24 Feb 2024, 6:45pm
The exact numbers as calculated by game are a bit of a black box, but as I said above it is calculated through a combination of CZs won, combat bonds collected, and influence.

Space CZs have more "weight" than ground CZs, and high CZs have more weight than low CZs. The rough weighting scale the ED community has experimented with and tested results in this :

Space CZs:
  • 1 High space CZ win = equivalent to 3x low space CZ wins
  • 1 Medium space CZ win = equivalent to 2x low space CZ wins
  • 1 Low space CZ = baseline "win"

Ground CZs:
  • 1 High ground CZ win = equivalent to 1.5x low space CZ wins
  • 1 Medium ground CZ win = equivalent to 1x low space CZ win
  • 1 Low ground CZ win = equivalent to 0.5 low space CZ wins

If you win a CZ and your 4-person wing is in CZ with you, that single CZ win counts as 4 separate wins (for each wingmate present in CZ), not just one. If you lose a CZ, it counts as a loss for your side (and if you are winged and wingmates are present, the loss is multiplied). Better to exit a CZ prior to completion than suffer the loss. If you win a CZ with enemy players in it, it counts as both a win for your side and a loss for theirs.

At the end of the day you need to have more CZ wins (and, ideally, combat bonds and influence) than the opposing side, and you need to have them by around 2200Z game-time. Your combat bonds need to be turned in at a port within the contested system in order to count.

If you have won the day, then the War counter gives your side one daily victory (ie. 1 v. 0) and you will have to win three more days (for a total of 4 v. whatever) to win the war.

If you look at Hixkaramu specifically, you will see that 230 players have visited or passed through that system, and there are 25 fleet carriers present. Odds are, a lot of those players are fighting for the other side, and resistance is heavy. Reading the station news will give you an exact breakdown of how many other ships have transited the system, and what type. Probably most of them are combat vessels, and the number may be higher than 230, since not all ED players also have Inara accounts.

Last edit: 24 Feb 2024, 7:14pm
24 Feb 2024, 10:00pm
Quite possibly the most comprehensible and succinct description of how CZ scoring works I've seen, nice one & much thanks Glen van Ross

(I also liked the info on torpedoes in another thread on here!)

Last edit: 24 Feb 2024, 10:06pm
24 Feb 2024, 10:46pm
I am not the BGS expert in my squadron, but I've picked up enough to know the basics. I am glad it made sense to someone.

Most BGS-focused squadrons have elaborate databases and spreadsheets to track the contributions of their own members, but no one has any idea of how your effort compares against the enemy's effort over the course of a day... We all have to wait and see the war score update after the tick, hours after 2200Z.
25 Feb 2024, 12:21am
good evening fellow commanders o7,

I have been away from the game for a while and was curious on getting back into combat again. Anyone can recommend any light engineer build chieftain builds revolving around multi's and pulse laser builds?
26 Feb 2024, 9:25am
fwiw the status screen does change for bgs efforts
the horizons portion only ever changes once per day but as many will tell you the edo efforts can cause changes more often
it started at release with 2 to 4 ticks a day...depending on what they said they fixed that week...
it ended at 2. but edo effort can change it more often especially during conflicts.
they did say that the intent was for the bgs to be 'live' as in changing hourly.

that said
in any state including conflict, you can pinpoint where the slider is for both economy and security , do the math and see any actual changes for the day.
It is measurable.
I made an addon to my prg way back when fdev changed the bgs to lock inf during conflicts(and more ofc)
I view the status either from the right panel, my prg then gives me the numbers of the new security and economy and then I can see where efforts are being spent.

carriers made it easier to camp, so traffic counter was never much use anyway.
but the local news and market are going to show hourly changes, with these you can see what, if anything cmdrs are doing
the only flaw in the news for crime is the game does not count anarchy deaths, so it is a very 1 sided news report for many players
but most useful is bounties earned, and market changes
the news also reports items of most value traded, it is a guide. just like the ship traffic counter it does not see everything
as miners can tell you the market changes instantly every time a transaction happens.
if you have a way to see the log for the market you can see the 1's and 0's - items in stock, items in demand or absolutely don't want
as an example negative trade is destructive and hard to detect until its too late
it also shows the entire list of things in the game, so you can bring things to the market or use a carrier to see what unreported items are being traded
they will then be reflected in the log
since fdev put all this type of thing into the logs, it is much easier/faster to track things. screenshots sucked...
you can see changes to inf in local news usually hours before the tick has completely done its job galaxy wide too. not that it helps

you will find that the BGS glitches and during a conflict the inf will actually change when it is supposed to remain locked.
I have also seen the BGS apply the exact opposite for the results at the end of conflicts, as in the winner has lower inf than the loser

pinpointing the slider on the images for the daily tick was the only way to see the real numbers during some cases like these

BTW, unless fdev made a secret change. ground combat has 10 x the impact of space combat. THIS is a major reason along with a broken cutter why so many bgs players quit.
It is soo unfairly unbalanced that many player groups forbid the use of foot combat for a conflict.
space combat in the space above the foot combat is a waste of time. do normal space cz's if that's where you want to fight.

space combat has caps on the bonds, not aware of any for foot combat.
also, there is no tracking of history for bonds at any station, so that one is always unknown.
fdev made it so one cmdr can fight evenly against a group of cmdrs in the BGS - EDO REMOVED that. by making foot kills more valuable BGS-wise than ship kills.
as in 1 soldier = 1 ship....
yet you can kill 50 soldiers in 10-20 minutes easy..try killing 50 ships in 20 minutes in a cz, have to have 50 first...
I would love to see 50 dangerous condas all lined up like the soldiers....and as soon as i start shooting they go dazed and get dead...and most of their pals are doing similar.
as it is, put 50 condas in space to kill you, they most likely will succeed.
grenades and rocket launcher allows you to fairly easily take soldiers out 4 at a time.
everything about foot combat makes it hit harder than ship combat because of the number of soldiers and how easy they are to kill.
to kill 1,000 soldiers in a sitting is easy.
try doing 1,000 ships to get that same bgs hit and do it in under 4 hours
on foot 1 cmdr cannot keep up with a group doing the exact same thing, you are outnumbered and fdev has not made any effort to balance any part of it.
I apologise, a few months back they changed the caps... still, that they exist and are unbalanced is a shame and makes a lot of cmdrs efforts 100% wasted and they have no idea that its happening.
26 Feb 2024, 10:45am
hi, BGS & PP are the same thing? if so then this is being overhauled as well? & if this base building thing is real im pretty sure bases will have something do to with influence.

"forbid the use of foot combat" >< funny considering thats what the expansion is all about
26 Feb 2024, 10:46am
I agree that a skilled commander can outpace space CZ win production with ground CZ wins, and thus overpower the higher "weight" that ED gives to space CZs. The ED BGS discord folks are the ones that produced the experimentation and graphs to determine the relative weighting of space and ground CZs. I do not intend to litigate that here.

I am not aware of any BGS-focused squadrons specifically eschewing ground CZs, though. I have seen members of Aisling's Angels, Lavigny's Legion, Imperial Enforcement Division and 13th Legion active in ground CZs as part of their BGS work. Likewise FRC, FLC, FRCO and FFMF on the Fed side. Who are the the folks that have decided to leave ground combat behind?
26 Feb 2024, 11:04am
Is today Python mkII day? I really hope today is Python mkII day...
26 Feb 2024, 11:05am
Pee Mk2! :]
26 Feb 2024, 11:48am
Bainsey7Is today Python mkII day? I really hope today is Python mkII day...

I wish! There is no mention of a new ship being added in the update notes, so it's unlikely. But I suppose ya can't rule it out, maybe they want to surprise us in a good way for a change
However, with the "culmination" of the Thargoid war, FD will have enough on their plates as it is!
26 Feb 2024, 12:09pm
ThinderInterior of my MkII, I'd love to play chest with my NPC pilot.

Argh it’s CHESS sorry but it bugs me. It’s bad enough that I live in a country that speaks a dumb downed form of English. But there are certain things that just get on my nerves and putting a “T” on the end of chess is one.

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