Elite: Game talk

02 Mar 2024, 12:27pm
Could Pulse Wave Xeno Scanner be used as a regular Xeno scanner against scouts and interceptors? In game it says "Intended for use with Titans though it can analyse smaller xeno vessels". What is its scanning range and would it determine the type of the vessels and its hearts? Thank you
02 Mar 2024, 12:38pm
Yeah, you can. It has a secondary xeno scan function with 1km range iirc.
02 Mar 2024, 12:45pm
1km is still better than 0.5 range of original one. Thanks
02 Mar 2024, 12:48pm
And there are plenty of Elite: Roleplay threads on which to do so. This is Elite: Game. All about the pixels.

The RP threads are for the ‘deeper’ stuff. I don’t believe there is anything wrong in discussing story/narrative events of these pixels on an RP basis - without going full RP mode as those dedicated RP sections support* - while the game has no issues going into themes of genociding an alien species for no better reason than humans being idiots, oppressive governments which run rather invasive surveillance on their civilian population(hello, Hudson), constant skirmishes and infighting over frozen rocks 5,000 light seconds from their parent star…

Yeah, I believe we are allowed to get a little passionate about cooking a Titan and whichever of its occupants remain at the wrong time. Especially with two prior attempts at genocide. Hell, I can’t actually believe I’m saying this but the goddamned Proteus Wave was a cleaner way to kill than those nanite torpedoes are.

*They are also rather inactive at the moment, but you might not have paid attention to that if you don’t frequent them much.

For those worried about the things stuck in their pods, I’d recommend saving the living humans from burning ports before beating yourselves up over a bunch of proto-zombies.

I prefer to not leave a possibly fine human behind on a ship that is about to explode when there’s not been any proof that they got messed with in any way. And if any of them for whatever reason recall anything about their abduction or got a glimpse of what the Thargoids had/have in mind with them…
02 Mar 2024, 3:44pm
Kasumi GotoAlthough it is the internet and that information could be wrong(while I am certainly no scientist to verify its accuracy), I read that if ammonia were present within the same space as oxygen but as the primary solvent in the biosphere, well, it would risk turning into water. Which then freezes pretty much immediately.

Good point, ammonia can react with oxygen so the levels of oxygen at Thargoid worlds are probably very low. (The water would not as much freeze as dissolve in liquid ammonia, I think.)
Kasumi GotoThe Codex certainly wants us to believe they are fine at temps of -80C. (Technically just below ammonia’s freezing point at 1 atmosphere, but we don’t know the pressure of the Thargoid homeworld so I’m not gonna make too many guesses in that direction.)

The freezing point of water changes very little with pressure between the triple point and about 1000 atm, so I’d guess it’s similar with ammonia (at any rate, according to Wikipedia the triple point of ammonia is almost identical to its melting/freezing point at 1 atm, same as with water). However, I’d like to point out that humans can be fine at temperatures well below the freezing point of water, at least when clothed properly
02 Mar 2024, 3:49pm
However, I’d like to point out that humans can be fine at temperatures well below the freezing point of water, at least when clothed properly

True, but something tells me the Thargoids didn’t provide or don’t/didn’t have the means of providing such clothing to humans and just stuck them into the pods with whatever they were wearing (most likely, anyway).

Not that the cold would be a significant issue anyway, when the Titan is probably getting quite toasty at this point in time. Still wouldn’t want to be exposed to that atmosphere even if it was at comfy human temperature levels.
02 Mar 2024, 9:24pm
Well, so it went. With a style, one might say

And I even managed to get another 47 bio-storage capsules out before the final kaboom, in spite of an angry Medusa patrolling the instance…
02 Mar 2024, 10:49pm
Sampi OgonekWell, so it went. With a style, one might say
And I even managed to get another 47 bio-storage capsules out before the final kaboom, in spite of an angry Medusa patrolling the instance…

That's the real human spirit, that's the way to go...
03 Mar 2024, 5:15am
the entire fiasco only makes me want more humans DEAD.
Now that the Galaxy has watched 'shooting fish in a barrel'
maybe they can see whats wrong with this picture.

getting bonds for being in the vicinity - disgusting. I was feeding her, not attacking. keep your pathetic reward for killing
I want NO bonds for slaughtering a mother wanting to protect her own.
nothing, ONLY more Human deaths will make this dirty feel go away.
The only solution to BLIND KILLERS, not even going to call them bounty hunters or warriors, slaughtering females , children and lone mothers.
like the guardians, less than zero effort to attempt to understand an Insectoid race

PF is paying blindly for killing what they do not even see.
Show me the PF, show me a rep.
Show me the REAL BAD guys, the ones paying for all this, let me see them in ships. I want to shoot desk jockeys very very badly
Criminals, the lot.
GUILTY of the most atrocious War CRIMES. yet they pat themselves on the back.
Can't wait to see the gloves come off.

probably pointless.
seems the lore is wrong...

BTW, I fed her millions of slaves...and every escape pod was a wanted criminal that I put down. 20 bil worth. NOT WORTH RESCUING just so I can kill them again.
And the SLAVES belonged to NOVA IMPERIUM, so hopefully she enjoyed the feast.
not even imperial slaves, just the office party leftovers from the scum of the empire.
thousands of MA's
and many many tons of hafnium
and every probe I could get my hands on.
no imperial slaves, they refused to pick them up first time I gave them some...understandable..bad taste I am sure.

ANARCHY Reigns, with a badge called federal/empire
the pf really need to get out. evil incarnate.

witcherly.....wherefore art thou, your time is now.
Take the fallen star and wreak havoc.

his enemy is my ally, but he's an idiot that takes out everything, soooooooo press the clicker
i really hope the Titans have parents that are watching.
03 Mar 2024, 5:19am
scratches head You know, I totally understand being pissed about that thing with the Titans - you have no idea how much I am - but I don’t think the Thargoids eat humans. Our resident interpreter Seo has said we are neither food nor fuel to them, and the fact that they are kept in life support pods would suggest that.

(What else do they do with them? I don’t have a clue. Won’t complain too much if some dedicated pirates go missing though …)
03 Mar 2024, 7:33am
Stupid Question

You dont think there could be any implication of the heat ouput of that Titan mini star if it persists or heaven forbid becomes self sustaining and nuclear
and what that might do to the Ammonia world it orbits
03 Mar 2024, 8:23am
Even more stupid question: Is Titan killer T10 good idea?
03 Mar 2024, 9:08am
CMDR MilesredWeird unhinged stuff that probably needs to be medicated

This is what a prime candidate for going outside and getting off the internet for a bit looks like.
03 Mar 2024, 11:05am
MiseriStupid Question

You dont think there could be any implication of the heat ouput of that Titan mini star if it persists or heaven forbid becomes self sustaining and nuclear
and what that might do to the Ammonia world it orbits

For self sustaining fusion you need mass. The size of a titan is negligible even compared to a moon. I doubt it will affect a planet in anyway.

The caustic substance will be dispersed and we will see debris or remnant structure.
03 Mar 2024, 11:13am
no, I don't imagine they eat any life, let alone polluted humans.
BUT, They were collecting , so I was helping
I tried to give them everything I could imagine they might be able to use.

My expectations is it was an ENLIGHTENMENT TEST.

100% Failure.
which was obvious before any test, there is no enlightenment amongst humanity, luddites, metal pounders, grunts, the entire collection. not a brain among billions and not 1 shred of decency.

If God exists, he just threw up all over the galaxy in sheer disgust.

I find it sad and extremely hilarious that so many can role play, yet other non clear thinkers go with insulting those that are so very far from their version of sane in a variation of a dissapointed cmdr.

If the galaxy could do without the alcohol and narcotics and onionhead , maybe they could see things through anothers eyes.

First of, it is no where near over.
the fat lady is still hiding.
Anything that dies? and leaves millions of babies and a star in its wake, can't be touched by mankinds useless efforts to control the universe.

my words are game related

keep insulting me..looks good on you.
and if you cannot understand and obviously cannot comprehend anothers perspective - DON'T QUOTE ME.

It blows me away that so many are at the ready to insult others. BUT 100% typical and I expected far worse...

Just block me, sooo much easier.

We each have the right to roleplay in our own way, not really necessary to make it personal is it?
this is why people make blocking controls.
if you don't like something
block it, or be you.

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