Elite: Game talk

19 Feb 2024, 4:17pm
Talon Avex !

Solo is good for guys like me who are too old and slow to be competitive in PvP, I'm planning to go through Fuel Rat training one day or another, then I'll leave the safety of Solo play for helping as Fuel Rat, my Krait Phantom is fitted for the role, but I don't see myself doing combat with younger players...

I do everything In ope except Fighting With Pvp Players,, not so old but tired of gankers they are so tiring T to keep avoiding. I like to interact with other players
19 Feb 2024, 4:49pm
Talon Avex !

Solo is good for guys like me who are too old and slow to be competitive in PvP, I'm planning to go through Fuel Rat training one day or another, then I'll leave the safety of Solo play for helping as Fuel Rat, my Krait Phantom is fitted for the role, but I don't see myself doing combat with younger players...

I do everything In ope except Fighting With Pvp Players,, not so old but tired of gankers they are so tiring T to keep avoiding. I like to interact with other players

I understand that, it is a matter of choice, playing against bots might not be a social interaction but if this was what I was after I'd be doing something else.

As I mentioned, I'll swap to Open Play when I'll be trained as Fuel Rat, but no combat for me. The reason behind it is not only age, I played several different Space-based games and I figured the psychology behind ganking, in fact, it's a form of cyber bullying, I'm not about to give satisfaction to those guys again.

We don't have the same values and playing a game where you're forced to interact with those guys is a no go for me, I don't attack vulnerable haulers or feel the need to be in a pack to do so, bounty hunting in Solo suits me well in that regard, I hunt in locations where pirates are after miners and it's satisfying for me.

The only reason why I'm not training with the Fuel Rats right now is technical, they require an app which I haven't been able to get to work on my PC yet. but the idea to be part of a rescue team is now what appeals the most to me, my Krait Phantom fit is closely derived from one of their suggested fits. I only compromised jump range slightly in order to retain more control in high gravity planets.

I have both good jump range and autonomy at full load so it is OK.

Things are moving in the right direction. I managed to install this Fuel Rat Chat App and Register.

My Krait is geared for rescue (Fuel/Repair) and ready to go.

Last edit: 19 Feb 2024, 5:55pm
19 Feb 2024, 7:16pm
Thinder wrote..........

Things are moving in the right direction. I managed to install this Fuel Rat Chat App and Register.

My Krait is geared for rescue (Fuel/Repair) and ready to go
sounds good .I'll call you next time Iscrew up x
19 Feb 2024, 8:32pm
ThinderInterior of my MkII, I'd love to play chest with my NPC pilot.

Where is it?
20 Feb 2024, 1:07pm
Thinder[quote=Harrison Black] Successful SpecOps MEGITSUNE sortie.

You mad lad! I... sort of want a Keely now!
20 Feb 2024, 7:36pm
DescartesThinder wrote..........

Things are moving in the right direction. I managed to install this Fuel Rat Chat App and Register.

My Krait is geared for rescue (Fuel/Repair) and ready to go
sounds good .I'll call you next time Iscrew up x

I still have to go through training...

ThinderInterior of my MkII, I'd love to play chest with my NPC pilot.

Where is it?

Must have been my Fleet Carrier Hangar. The funny thing is, I purchased an Asp Explorer from it, when searching for one seller I figured I could buy from my own stock.

I'm in the process of gearing it up for multi-purpose missions like farming Raw Materials in the Orrere (2B) ship crash site... I hate it but I need this material for engineering, the rest (manufactured, Encoded) is easy. I keep a Wake Scanner mounted for collecting data out of the station. She is otherwise unarmed.

The Asp Explorer interior is rough compared to the Krait Phamtom...

Gaz Ubermick
Harrison Black Successful SpecOps MEGITSUNE sortie.

You mad lad! I... sort of want a Keely now!

Then you also can listed to the music...
22 Feb 2024, 6:52am
Maybe someone can enlighten me: I recently have seen that I am offered a MKIV Viper - should it not be preorder/whatever? Are the restrictions lifted?!
22 Feb 2024, 7:05am
EylithMaybe someone can enlighten me: I recently have seen that I am offered a MKIV Viper - should it not be preorder/whatever? Are the restrictions lifted?!

Kickstarters get one offered for free, but they're freely available for anyone to buy.

It's the Cobra MkIV that's exclusive with the original Horizons update.
22 Feb 2024, 7:19am
Oy! Thanks!
23 Feb 2024, 10:44am
Talon Avex

I tend to do a lot of the same as well. When I do fly in open, it's with my squad mates and we have a blast. I use solo mode when I'm working on or towards something (example: getting my skill better during on-foot fighting; going to an engineer to do upgrades or with assist off ship piloting). I'll transition to open. The two ships in my fleet that I'm really proud of are my two explorers: a Dolphin and a Krait Phantom.

Solo is good for experimenting to those times where you just need to blow some steam off, but don't have enough time to join in with friends. You can get a lot of trading done in thirty minutes when you are taking lunch at work, LOL!

Solo is good for guys like me who are too old and slow to be competitive in PvP, I'm planning to go through Fuel Rat training one day or another, then I'll leave the safety of Solo play for helping as Fuel Rat, my Krait Phantom is fitted for the role, but I don't see myself doing combat with younger players...

I know, that in this community it is beating wall with head, but actually open isn't only about pvp. Frankly, in 5 years of open only playing I seen even more RANDOM people open for wings and cooperation, than for pvp . Gankers? I could count them on 2 hands, and still would have free fingers. People, which I described? Usually when I'm going to high traffica reas I see similar amounts in single play session.

But at the end- maybe it's even better. People which overreact, and always talk about "bullying", when they only see ship shooting to ship are boring, and more annoying than even this few gankers which I ever seen
23 Feb 2024, 12:01pm
HeilriderI know, that in this community it is beating wall with head, but actually open isn't only about pvp. Frankly, in 5 years of open only playing I seen even more RANDOM people open for wings and cooperation, than for pvp . Gankers? I could count them on 2 hands, and still would have free fingers. People, which I described? Usually when I'm going to high traffica reas I see similar amounts in single play session.

Yes this has been my experience also; I've exchanged far more o7's with rando's than I have gunfire.
Sure, there's always going to be hotspots - CG systems, Deciat, Shinrarta (this very website tells you were they are!) and you take the appropriate action. Sacrifice cargo space for defence, use evasion, or switch to Solo for visiting that system - it's all good.

But at the end- maybe it's even better. People which overreact, and always talk about "bullying", when they only see ship shooting to ship are boring, and more annoying than even this few gankers which I ever seen

Some of the emotional overreactions I've seen are really very silly.
23 Feb 2024, 1:08pm
Completely agree. I play 99% in open, only going group for specifics like Deciat, Jameson's or squad \ AX outings. I can honestly say that I've killed myself out of my own stupidity many more times than I've been shot down by another player. On the other side of the coin, the number of people I've instanced with that have started a chat, then a friend request, a wing and suddenly an evening spent doing something entirely different and fun is many, many more.

Sure, this is purely my own way of enjoying the game and if other people get the same enjoyment in solo, that is entirely valid. In my case, I've reached a point where I rarely feel the motivation to play on my own, always prefer flying with others, so maybe I'm not representative. Saying that, I get your point about a fear-mongering about the amount of ganking that goes on. I've seen many posts suggesting that as soon as you go into open you'll get your arse handed to you. In reality it's pretty much inconsequential.
23 Feb 2024, 1:32pm
I played in Open mostly, before realising that you can't take high-res screenies in Open. So, my Open play stretch was relatively short, with my kill count being 1:0, first and only kill happening in the first day. Because of my own stupidity, lol. Those days I didn't know the difference between player and NPC sensor markers and shot another player in noob-CZ. "Wow, that one knows when to retreat... No escaping from me". Then, a message stating that I really shouldn't attack other players in noobzone. "What? Was that a player?" :p

Actually, Epi saw me docked on Bluford in Komotae once, I've been having a tea pause lol.
23 Feb 2024, 2:46pm
Meowers my kill count being 1:0 ... shot another player in noob-CZ. "Wow, that one knows when to retreat... No escaping from me". Then, a message stating that I really shouldn't attack other players in noobzone. "What? Was that a player?" :p

Easily done. Recently I was flying AX CZ and managed to kill the same allied cmdr twice in the space of 2 hours, by boosting away from exploding interceptors, directly into them. Oops!
23 Feb 2024, 3:40pm
QuillmonkeyEasily done. Recently I was flying AX CZ and managed to kill the same allied cmdr twice in the space of 2 hours, by boosting away from exploding interceptors, directly into them. Oops!
I mean, it wasn't an accident, I was deliberately attacking that ship, but what I didn't know is that it was another player. :p

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