Elite: Game talk

01 Mar 2024, 9:44pm
Yeah, that's, kind of, saddening. People there didn't even have a choice and now they have to be cooked along with the Titan since every minute they live (or being sustained) the Titan can claim more. Hope they're (were) unconscious in those pods. Judging by what I've just seen, flying to the Taranis once more, it's more likely 'were'.

On the other hand, did we have a choice? Other than firing the first weapon that had any effect at all.

Last edit: 01 Mar 2024, 9:52pm
01 Mar 2024, 9:55pm
The initial GalNets made it seem like they are entirely unaware during that abduction process and inside of the pods. However, if the pods fail because the Titan is heating up and its reactor is about to go into complete meltdown, well. Not only will they be feeling like they’re getting cooked alive, but they will also be in an atmosphere incapable of supporting them. There certainly won’t be any oxygen to breathe, even if whatever the Thargoids consider a safe atmosphere has nitrogen in it.

I’m not sure I can keep to my views like this. When this is what Aegis is now standing for. Titans are not just cold steel hulls like our ships, they are alive in their own right. Apparently that’s not even a consideration.
01 Mar 2024, 10:00pm
Aaaaah, now you're getting it. Lol. There's no 'good side'. No knights in shining armour. Tainted people fight tainted people. One side abducts civilians from the other and destroys their cities, other one retaliates by cooking everyone alive. Apart from simple punching each other in faces.
01 Mar 2024, 10:02pm
I did use “knights in shining armor” in my last entry. Only, it was not at all positive. I swear it was like watching a pack of rabid predators pouncing on a wounded animal that struggled to defend itself.

Every time I think I want to be on the humans’ side, I keep seeing them demonstrate that they just are no better than the Thargoids they accuse of being mindless, animalistic insects. (Which they are obviously not.)
01 Mar 2024, 10:04pm
Yup, you're right. And, as I wrote in one of the story 'quotes', a phrase which I picked up on the internet somewhere and it's quite poignant...

"The wars aren't about who's right. They are about who's left."
01 Mar 2024, 10:29pm
BS, thargoids are using human pods as a shield, they are not preserving human lives from war. At war everything goes as war... I hope that the new ship will be able to fly to their home worlds and eradicate them there, as well.
01 Mar 2024, 10:34pm
Oh my god, are you serious? Have you learned anything from this conflict? There’s no better way of triggering the Thargoids into actually thinking about if they shouldn’t just exterminate humanity.
01 Mar 2024, 10:37pm
Who is talking why don't you re-post your plea from forum that you are not an animal aka bug but still human...
01 Mar 2024, 10:38pm
Sometimes, an Exterminatus is the only way to cleanse a world of the corrupting influence of xenos or heretics. The Holy Fire of the Emperor fills the darkness and immolates the enemies of Mankind. Wreath yourselves in faith. For duty! FOR THE EMP'RAH!!!
01 Mar 2024, 10:44pm
Shg56Who is talking why don't you re-post your plea from forum that you are not an animal aka bug but still human...

Or maybe you could stop being an abrasive jerk. And not make senseless claim about how invading Thargoid home space like Azimuth and Salvation would want us to is a good idea. Let alone thinking we could even stand a chance at that.
01 Mar 2024, 10:47pm
After a year and a half, Taranis, the first Titan, has fallen. Glory to Mankind!!! cmdr Seth
01 Mar 2024, 10:49pm
Go figure. Don’t actually engage with any debate or arguments made but just spout AXI slogans and anti-Thargoid propaganda.

Your comments aren’t even funny. At least Vasil’s was with the Warhammer reference.
01 Mar 2024, 10:50pm
We always have a chance but most of cmdrs. prefer to collect bacterium and fonticulua samples instead of fighting goids or I've never been to Colonia and it is time to go or I would buy a carrier and I would make it into the money mill and etc. Wake up humanity is fighting for survival...

I don't have to be funny, you are goids collaborator

Last edit: 01 Mar 2024, 11:19pm
01 Mar 2024, 10:54pm
Shg56prefer to collect bacterium and fonticulua samples instead of fighting goids
Waaaaaitaminute... And what if the Thargoids just want to collect samples but the lifeform fights back? Imagine being wrecked by an angry bunch of Anemones.
01 Mar 2024, 10:54pm
“Collaborator”… best way to show your ignorance. But I don’t aim to please your type anyway. You’re what’s behind this war.

As in, character wise. OOC, I haven’t got a problem as long as you don’t give me a reason to have one.

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