Elite: Game talk

04 Mar 2024, 12:12am
I don’t know the specifics of that first repulsion wave but the Titan still has to be responsible for its generation in some way.

And no - I am NOT referring to the Torus pulse. If you look up footage of the Titan’s destruction, it emitted a unique pulse which originally looked like and sounded like it charged Torus, but without the ‘roar’ accompanying it, then instead of becoming blue formed a strange red-orange field around it. Moments later, it sent out a pulse that, even if you were directly next to it, or within the asteroid field, kicked you out despite pulse neutralizer use, and was reddish-brown instead of blue in color. Same sound as the exterior repulsion wave.

Reviewing my own footage, it was somehow directly connecting to or energizing from the damaged thermal venting core… I can’t say exactly how it all happened. Or even what happened. I was more on the line of “I’m getting the hell out of here before I get vaporized” thinking when I saw it charge up in a strange way, not knowing that it would kick everyone and everything out of the cloud.
04 Mar 2024, 12:20am
OK I understand. I thought you were talking about the normal repulsion wave and not the one that booted everyone out at detonation.
04 Mar 2024, 12:26am
Yeah, and a similar, weakened version is the one that I think will still be occurring now if one is. Will be doing that very soon, as I have at least finished the section of log I wanted to write down for now, before doing other things a little bit.

Should I succeed instead of [only] meeting the rebuy screen (I have 26 billion so I can afford a few), I’ll report back with more.
04 Mar 2024, 12:26am
there are so many videos of the blast
I have taken several myself
first one was me being obliterated by the pulse as I peered into the Titan point blank and it fired, it was very pretty.

you can see clearly in that photo and if you are there, you can see how it goes.
You are also at least 15-25 km from any actual asteroids
you can be on either side of the asteroids
1 side is very corrosive the other is not.

btw normal asteroids but very depleted..I mined a lot of them whilst hanging around.
I believe the asteroids were from the moon that titan was born on and due to the mass of the titan hull remain near it forever.

but yes, from the Titan NOT the asteroids.

and if you were watching during the killing, that was what the attacks were doing, preventing it from being able to build up power to fully discharge the pulse due to heat(so we are told)

eventually the actual pulse would barely slow my ship.

Seeing it was the reason I had hope that the Titans could make an even deadlier pulse by putting all titans in a circle.

As for the pulse that is there now, not really a pulse but a barrier like in hip 22460, the same type of thing prevents you from getting near the planet surface.
You can fly to a certain point, then your position gets reset, you cannot go further in.

And fwiw - 8 caustic sinks empty faster than you can click..so good luck
dead or just wounded..no idea.
But I can only imagine from what Seo said, they know what they are doing.

I believe they are awaiting an alignment of something.
Something that does not remain in one place, always moving.
04 Mar 2024, 12:58am
Kasumi GotoShould I succeed instead of [only] meeting the rebuy screen (I have 26 billion so I can afford a few), I’ll report back with more.
If I'm not too late: that 'shockwave' isn't super harmful, I tried to re-enter the instance and was thrown back by it with minimal damage, so I guess your over-tanked build should do fine.
04 Mar 2024, 1:01am
I was preparing it currently but at the moment, dropping out normally with nav lock leaves you at 135 kilometers from the center and no invisible barrier to block you at 140(or at least nothing pushing you out of the boundary), nor a pulse wave because the game replays the repulsion from the Titan's destruction over and over by servers not catching up.

If you don't believe me how insanely intense that caustic gunk is now, checking it yourself is an option.
04 Mar 2024, 1:05am
Ah, I'd like to have some smokes and a cup of tea first. Anyway, do you know anything about Brazilian beer? I guess folks from that Brazilian League now owe me one for that mess over their settlement, and I hope it's worth it, lol.
04 Mar 2024, 1:06am
… you are asking the wrong person about alcoholic drinks.
04 Mar 2024, 1:46am
Lazy message copying 2.0 :

Tonight’s bout of “For Science” has resulted in the finding that a repulsion wave still occurs at the center of the Titan but appear to act like the standard one which you can ‘deflect’ using the pulse neutralizer, but there is in fact an invisible barrier at ~40 kilometers preventing you from getting any closer. Meh.

It is also like being caught in a tornado when you are at the center, because that mess effectively spins you around in a circle, but a Cutter with 7 caustic sinks, a pulse neutralizer and a ridiculous amount of armor(nearly 8k) can technically power through that hellscape right now.

(Caustic crystals also spawn, but you would never get a chance to pick one up there. Or want to.)

How much hull did I have left when I got out? About 88%. I did torture some of my modules with 240+% overheating and let the pulse kick me back out. I may repeat this experiment on Thursday to be sure.
04 Mar 2024, 2:18am
Hi! commanders, any places to visit in Colonia ?
04 Mar 2024, 1:29pm
MeconioHi! commanders, any places to visit in Colonia ?


The Colonia region is definitely worth a trip out there to see!
It is a good spot for exploration, interesting interstellar phenomena, and seeing very pretty nebulae.

If you fly out there the ‘Colonia Bridge’ starport route makes it easier to reach.
The speedier ways are taking a lift on a friendly fleet carrier, or the Neutron highway.

Neutron highway route planner (credits to Cmdr Spansh) https://www.spansh.co.uk/plotter
Neutron jumping allows you to travel much further than you normal ship jump range. There are you tube videos on how to do this without breaking your ship. If new to this suggest a quick practice on a cheap ship first.

Cmdrs all have favourite ships for flying our to Colonia, but having done this a few times suggest an ASP Explorer (fast, my favourite) or an Anaconda (Slower, stable, ultimate jump range). A medium sized ship is useful in the region as there are fewer large landing pads.

I hope it helps.

Happy flying
04 Mar 2024, 1:52pm
MeconioHi! commanders, any places to visit in Colonia ?

Colonia Region System Database

There is a tourists' guide in "The Nebula" section.

Last edit: 04 Mar 2024, 1:59pm
04 Mar 2024, 2:13pm
MeconioHi! commanders, any places to visit in Colonia ?

Might point you to edastro.com - there are many nice spots market.
05 Mar 2024, 2:35pm
06 Mar 2024, 9:14am
My Carrier, Charles de Gaulle (H4M-33Y) is parked on Ross 342 at the moment. Did anyone visit it?

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