Elite: Game talk

10 Apr 2024, 7:15pm
...I find that very optimistic. "When" it fails, not "after". :p
10 Apr 2024, 7:26pm
Is there a difference in meaning between "when it fails" and "after it fails" if both speak about assured failure?
11 Apr 2024, 7:35am
I used this few times.
My ships (this, which I tested) needed 15 seconds to overheat, and more than 20 seconds to overheat to level which eat your hull. No heatsinks.
I can live with that, and lower jump range, because I travelled to CZ 15k ls away in less than 2 minutes, with working modules, and enough fuel to fight, return to station and dock . On longer distance I will just activate boost, deactivate, activate, etc. No need in using it for minute or so.
+you all really have to try overcharge, when you want to move from planet
20 range is maybe...little low, but enough for bubble travelling, and fuel scoops exist (finally I have reason to NOT slapping 5 hull boosts on ships, which for 99% of time not lose their shields.
Now I will just add scoop and fuel tank

+if people want some ideas, my friend use it on his salvage ship, for reaching signals.

Last edit: 11 Apr 2024, 7:40am
11 Apr 2024, 9:00am
Just tried the new Supercruise Overcharge.... GAME CHANGER!!!!! Incredible news I'm finding as I just came back to ED after a couple years! Wow, thank you devs I LOVE IT.
11 Apr 2024, 9:24pm
My thoughts after trying out the SC Overcharge:
  • Very useful when doing ground missions, as it lets you leave the gravity well of a planet really fast, and in most circumstances there’s no need to use it long enough to overheat your ship. Plus, combined with a Guardian FSD booster, you get an adequate jump range as mission targets are usually less than 20 Ly away.
  • Extremely useful for hunting High Grade Emissions.
  • I expect it also to come in very handy for trade CGs, when all FC parking space in the target station’s system (and, more often than not, any FC parking space close to the star in any neighbouring system) tends to be occupied.
Not tested yet: how well it will work for getting to Titan Hadad
12 Apr 2024, 4:05am
SuretterusAs for flight assist you can just switch it off to tumble and on to stabilize. Doesnt everybody do that?

Anyway what is this message about supercruise overcharged FSD? Is that the [SCO] or scotty drive? What does it do?

It changes nothing to Max turn rates in any axis.

Plus, if you have seen a maneuverability matrix, you'll notice that even for real aircrafts, involving aerodynamics, it possesses 4 axis.

The thrust/drag longitudinal axis is included, they all generate energy when used, which translates by a moment of inertia.

Basically, Mass + Acceleration in any of those axis = Intertia, the heavier your ship, and/or the higher the acceleration rate (all axis) = Higher Moment of Inertia. ps this is why Maximum turn rates in this game are achieved with <> 1/3 setting (blue zone).

Here is a little tip from NASA.

I dedicated a switch on my HOTAS to TEST flight assist, as I mentioned, from mid to long range it is useless, since it offers no increase in acceleration in any of the ship axis, I have no intention in getting in a knife fight, instead I'll snipe my target shields from max range, at mid range the shields are already gone.

Then I use Multi-cannon: One of the 4A is Overcharged Grade 5 Corrosive Shell, the second Overcharged Grade 5 Oversized + Lasers combined for maxium DPM.

If I hit my target while its shields are down, it gonna go boom in seconds, the most resilient are the Anacondas (Base armour 945) but if you sub-target their power plant, it's pretty much the same story.

Most of the time I don't even need to use my Shield Cell Banks, I PIP to systems between engagements while I'm bounty hunting and it's generally enough to keep my shields up until I run out of ammo, if it get messy, I'll use the SCB, but I run out of ammo before Shield Cells anyway.

As mentioned before, I also use the excess of drift to achieve a 180° turn faster, Boost, pull stick to lock in pitch while using down thruster, it reverses the thrust axis as well, so I'm not only turning at maximum rate I also keep on the same trajectory while I keep my target in view.

Max useful range for my lasers is 6000m, 2400m for the guns.


About the new drive. I mounted it as experiment on a new Diamondback Explorer, they are C class and nowhere near as good as what one can get from an engineered A, I haven't taken the time to test it, I will when it is fully engineered, not today...

Last edit: 12 Apr 2024, 4:25am
12 Apr 2024, 3:42pm
Did everyone get their "collect titan drive component community goal" Alliance 3C's ship paint jobs? I don't seem to have mine.
I never do CG's so I dunno if I've missed something or done something wrong. Shouldn't they just appear in livery for the 3 ships?
12 Apr 2024, 4:01pm
As long as you were signed up for the CG, delivered one Titan Drive Component to Bloch Stn in Ethgreze, and "completed" the CG mission after it finished, you should have them. I got all three the morning of completion.

I don't see the Participated in community goal: Aid Achilles Aerospace in Researching Titan Travel Technology notation in your Achievements History, though... So maybe you didn't sign up for the CG prior to selling your Titan bits?
12 Apr 2024, 4:33pm
No I just delete stuff from that unless it's something important (Elite rank gained etc) but it was there.
The message is still in my left tab in the cockpit though. Do I have to do something with that?
12 Apr 2024, 4:42pm
Yeah, you have to close out the CG mission at a station. Station menu > Mission menu > Community Goals > Complete. When completed it will no longer appear in your left-hand screen mission tab.
12 Apr 2024, 4:43pm

Thanks CMDR o7
13 Apr 2024, 2:23pm
Thinder It changes nothing to Max turn rates in any axis. Plus, if you have seen a maneuverability matrix, you'll notice that even for real aircrafts, involving aerodynamics, it possesses 4 axis. The thrust/drag longitudinal axis is included, they all generate energy when used, which translates by a moment of inertia.

I agree that at long dfistance it doesn't serve much of a purpose. But if someone is behind you and you want to shoot that someone it's best to switch off your flight assist while turning as the automated thrusters work against you in getting the ship in your sights. This is not about radial velocity (Although that should be better too with thrusters off) it's about the kind of movement you make.

13 Apr 2024, 3:35pm
Ok, so after having a go with the new overcharge FSD I have two things to say…

One, Achilles might still need to do some tweaks on that drive. Namely, making the whole thing a bit less unstable… and if they could work on deceleration rates slightly, that’d be great too.

Two, how it cuts down on dead travel times in supercruise is great. Gravity wells? Get annihilated. Makes doing some of that BGS work or anything which involves planetary landings… a lot less tedious, I say.
13 Apr 2024, 5:26pm
I agree that at long dfistance it doesn't serve much of a purpose. But if someone is behind you and you want to shoot that someone it's best to switch off your flight assist while turning as the automated thrusters work against you in getting the ship in your sights. This is not about radial velocity (Although that should be better too with thrusters off) it's about the kind of movement you make.

Yea, thing called Reverski.

When I am bounty hunting, I am doing it lot. Or when haulin some gold in my Krait and somebody wants to interdict me (NPC only), I let him to try that. Throttle to zero and finger ready on boost button. I will drop out, full throttle, few times hit boost, turn off FA, last boost then flip ship and deploy hardpoints to get ready. If target is not gang of Cutters or Vettes, I am engaging the interdictor. At least some fun. And for this reason I am flying armed trading ship, which history is quite interesting.

It begun as normal trading Krait Mk2, with occasional bounty hunting. After some time, I forced myself to try AX fight but for that was necessary to engineer some stuff. And unlock guardian tech. I was not much succesful at first (Gauss was kinda weird for me-dealy caused that 90% were miss), so I searched for something better and found Modshards. But even after that I was not satisfied, so I returned back to haulin' and bounty huntin', but now with better and very untraditional ship.

One time I did mistake-I flew in Open into Dedicat. Guess what happened? Two gankers pulled me out, FDL and Cutter. I hit them few times but I decided to just run. I was faster and they even didnt get trough 75% of health before I jumped into SC. That overcharge looks interesting, I will probably try that. To get T10 to Oya. To unleash beast (maybe )
13 Apr 2024, 9:39pm
That new FSD sounds like a ganker's dream come true. Should make interdictions easier if you can catch up with your targets even when they go full throttle. Unless of course they have such FSDs too.

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