Elite: Game talk

01 Mar 2024, 11:00pm
the word has both positive and negative connotations, the latter often referring to working with the Nazis in World War II. From the Latin “collaborare” (“to work together”), the term per se is neither positive nor negative, neither good nor bad, however, until someone determines that it is.
01 Mar 2024, 11:03pm
Meowers[And what if the Thargoids just want to collect samples but the lifeform fights back? Imagine being wrecked by an angry bunch of Anemones.

I'd like to think that if we ever advance to the point where manned interstellar exploration is possible that we, as an advanced species, would visit the farms of primitive species in the middle of the night and turn their livestock inside out just to mess with them.
01 Mar 2024, 11:07pm
Vasil VasilescuI'd like to think that if we ever advance to the point where manned interstellar exploration is possible that we, as an advanced species, would visit the farms of primitive species in the middle of the night and turn their livestock inside out just to mess with them.
Abductions and probing. You forgot abductions and probing. The cornerstone of space exploration, regarding to less developed species.
01 Mar 2024, 11:19pm
MeowersAbductions and probing. You forgot abductions and probing. The cornerstone of space exploration, regarding to less developed species.

The main problem with that is the language barrier. The subspecies keeps screaming their safeword but the universal translators are screaming "more!" Freaking Google SpaceTranslate.
01 Mar 2024, 11:23pm
Vasil VasilescuThe main problem with that is the language barrier. The subspecies keeps screaming their safeword but the universal translators are screaming "more!" Freaking Google SpaceTranslate.
And now we're getting closer to why you shouldn't trust Google SpaceTranslate as well as any other products made by those folks. They have cameras, everywhere. Even the camera in your probing apparatus, it runs on a software that could transmit the recordings to them. They sell videos for profit, and that means they want more of it. And I think that rigging the translator is the least of what they're doing.
01 Mar 2024, 11:36pm
That is too much of a conspiracy to not be true. I am going to go check all of my probes to be sure they are not spying on me,
02 Mar 2024, 12:17am
Whether you support the thargoids or humans, the titan death star run is pretty intense and visually appealling. I've not tried it with a load of cmdrs yet, but can imagine that's pretty spectacular. I just hope, for aesthetic reasons alone, that when Taranis finally pops tomorrow evening (UTC), the blast takes out the massed ranks of AX pilots who have turned up to rubberneck. Now that would be a sight.
As for the abducted humans - face it, they're already goners. We're just saving them from the walker hell that awaits them.
And in war, there are no good guys and bad guys, only winners and losers.
And to add: It's just pixels. a gaming loop that resets every few minutes. No one is getting hurt here.
02 Mar 2024, 12:20am
The whole purpose of RP is to make those pixels feel less like pixels. So perhaps just keep that in mind here…

Any guesses to minimum safe clearance to the blast? Because whatever reactor is powering the Titan has to be pretty big and I don’t want to be too close to that blast, even in vacuum.
02 Mar 2024, 12:29am
...and I've already got my share of generators exploding into my face, thank you. :p
02 Mar 2024, 12:34am
Hey, at least you’ve got advance warning on this one, and you’d be there voluntarily.

Not sure there would be a body left to recover a brain from if caught in a miniature sun though.
02 Mar 2024, 12:55am
Anti-Xeno Defence Force
Official Announcement

We, at AXDF, celebrate the first major victory, achieved in the brutal and atrocious war. However, this dark story isn't over yet, and to further boost the morale of our warriors, and to remind the rest of humanity what we are truly fighting for, we gladly announce the start of an extraordinary campaign.

Bring us your Cat Media and receive a great reward! Pictures and videos of cats, translated during pauses in our briefings, in the mess halls, infirmaries and hallways, made freely accessible to our crews on the internal network, would remind our people of home, of peaceful life and of what's really dear to the entire humanity, what's worth fighting for. If you are too young or too old, or the war had left its mark on you already, and you can't fight aliens or rescue people, you still could contribute to the combined effort. Just take a photo of your cat! And we here, at AXDF, will make sure that this cute creature could live a long and happy cat life, without aggressive aliens that stink like a litter box that hasn't been cleaned for a week.

Current price: 100'000cr per unit.
Location: AXDF Amaranthine [H1X-T8K]. Njorog system, orbiting Njorog 6, 15ly from Titan Taranis.
The carrier will remain on this orbit until 0100-04033310 standard time, for the next two days at least, however, the campaign itself is only limited by the capacity of 1000 units.

We also buy Tritium, paying 106'500cr per unit and selling random bartender crap cheap just to get rid of it.

Mew to Humankind!

Last edit: 02 Mar 2024, 3:24am
02 Mar 2024, 1:38am
That's a lot of hazzin' cheezburgers.

Last edit: 02 Mar 2024, 1:43am
02 Mar 2024, 1:48am
MeowersPeople there didn't even have a choice and now they have to be cooked along with the Titan since every minute they live (or being sustained) the Titan can claim more. Hope they're (were) unconscious in those pods. Judging by what I've just seen, flying to the Taranis once more, it's more likely 'were'.

FWIW, it’s still possible to extract those pods and rescue the people (in fact, it appears to have become easier because most Thargoid vessels you encounter there are Orthruses busy evacuating, and there are also AX NPCs keeping the remaining patrols busy).

Kasumi GotoThe initial GalNets made it seem like they are entirely unaware during that abduction process and inside of the pods. However, if the pods fail because the Titan is heating up and its reactor is about to go into complete meltdown, well. Not only will they be feeling like they’re getting cooked alive,

… assuming they regain consciousness before they’re dead, that is …
Kasumi Goto but they will also be in an atmosphere incapable of supporting them. There certainly won’t be any oxygen to breathe, even if whatever the Thargoids consider a safe atmosphere has nitrogen in it.

I believe the lore is that Thargoids breathe a nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere just like humans. However, since on their worlds the primary solvent is ammonia instead of water, their atmosphere probably contains considerable amounts of ammonia vapour (especially when things get literally hot), which happens to be quite toxic to humans.
02 Mar 2024, 2:00am
I believe the lore is that Thargoids breathe a nitrogen/oxygen atmosphere just like humans.

I dunno about that. Although it is the internet and that information could be wrong(while I am certainly no scientist to verify its accuracy), I read that if ammonia were present within the same space as oxygen but as the primary solvent in the biosphere, well, it would risk turning into water. Which then freezes pretty much immediately. Why, apparently it’s to do with how hydrogen-nitrogen bonds are a lot weaker than hydrogen-oxygen bonds, and they are quite attracted to each other *supposedly.

How did I even come across that, well, let’s just say my RP has some quite funny stuff in it.

(Almost all of the ammonia worlds in Elite - or certainly the ones I’ve seen - also lack oxygen in their atmospheric composition. Or have it in extremely low quantities, like below 5%, or even below 1%. Even though they state “Ammonia and oxygen” as the atmosphere type, which is weird when it is not there, or in such inconsequential amounts that it is not listed in the planet description/features and probably wouldn’t be capable of sustaining life. Whether that is just one of those stellar forge quirks, or intended, I’ve no idea.)

But anyway, tangent aside, the ammonia vapors wouldn’t be healthy to them, and possibly also extreme cold - since that appears to be a Thargoid’s native environment. The Codex certainly wants us to believe they are fine at temps of -80C. (Technically just below ammonia’s freezing point at 1 atmosphere, but we don’t know the pressure of the Thargoid homeworld so I’m not gonna make too many guesses in that direction.)
02 Mar 2024, 10:53am
Kasumi GotoThe whole purpose of RP is to make those pixels feel less like pixels. So perhaps just keep that in mind here.

And there are plenty of Elite: Roleplay threads on which to do so. This is Elite: Game. All about the pixels.

Of the many cop-out ways FDev could have played the end of the war (cut scenes). I’m glad they took this way. Co-op engagement and low entry barrier which ties into the narrative while suggesting more stuff to come.

For those worried about the things stuck in their pods, I’d recommend saving the living humans from burning ports before beating yourselves up over a bunch of proto-zombies.

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