Elite: Game talk

17 Apr 2024, 3:55pm
17 Apr 2024, 5:28pm
17 Apr 2024, 6:01pm
Let’s just give it until we’re sure the Titan won’t get any more funny ideas about its surrounding space. Even if said ‘convincing’ is through turning it into the equivalent of a gigantic bomb.

(Which should only be a day or three at most.)
18 Apr 2024, 5:17am
Whats that, Citi Gateway needs assistance why it just so happens im not doing anything important at all.
18 Apr 2024, 6:35am
She says while I spotted her carrier in HIP 5840 just last night (by my time).
18 Apr 2024, 6:59am
I was checking to see if they parked the Eternal Vigilance nearby , its still missing sadly.
18 Apr 2024, 7:28am
Pft. And I thought you were there to prevent me from messing with Azimuth activities.

(I haven’t shot anyone under illegal circumstances yet… don’t worry. Nothing to say about all those losses in conflict zones though.)
18 Apr 2024, 7:29am
Kasumi Goto@Meowers Oh look at that, they are going to make a black version of the “Ma, look at me, I shot a Titan” decal.
Okay, now I believe they know how to invert colours in Photoshop. Next step: teaching them how to move parts of the model in Blender. Those decals are still floating above the hull I guess, lol.
18 Apr 2024, 6:24pm
Kasumi GotoLet’s just give it until we’re sure the Titan won’t get any more funny ideas about its surrounding space. Even if said ‘convincing’ is through turning it into the equivalent of a gigantic bomb.

(Which should only be a day or three at most.)

It's a little bananas how quickly they roll over when the control systems are stripped away.

If you happen to be traveling, on vacation, or otherwise away from your game PC at the wrong time, you'll miss that limited 3 day window to do 2 million damage and get the decal.

Sometimes the player base is a little too efficient.
18 Apr 2024, 7:55pm
The only slight saving grace is that it's actually a 7 day window so you could hit a Titan say, the weekend beforehand for 2 mil and still get the rewards if it gets absolutely blasted out of existence(quite literally, in this case) on the Friday already.

If you're busy for longer than that... uh... yeah, well, I never said this reward system was ideal.
18 Apr 2024, 11:28pm
Me: *reconfiguring the ship for Titan bombing* hmmmm... I have one hardpoint free, might've sold one missile rack by mistake, okay, no problem... *FSD booster, tier 4 scoop, back to Hutner to buy a missile rack while the carrier is still on the jump countdown*

Also me, 30 minutes and 7 interdictions later, near Oya already: Dangit! The torpedoes! I forgot the torpedoes!
18 Apr 2024, 11:33pm
Don't forget the SCO drive, too. I forgot to equip one, and got interdicted by bugs about a dozen times. ಠ_ಠ

4,700 Ls isn't that far, but it's far enough when Goids are constantly trying to reach you about your ship's extended warranty.
18 Apr 2024, 11:42pm
I guess, I'd rather do it the old and hard way, lol. SCO C-grade FSD will cut my jump range down to something like 10-11ly, and I have 8t fuel tank. Will lose more time on jumping and refuelling, no doubt. Not being an idiot and making sure that I have everything I need for the Titan dive is... a slightly better option.

On a good note, finally figured out how to do 8/8 vents per run.
19 Apr 2024, 1:15am
I got a good parking spot that's only 9LY from Oya, so the SCO's teeny-tiny jump range is less of a PITA.

How are you doing 8 vents solo? I can get through 4 or 5 (with frequent boosting in the Krait) before it ejects the pineapple.
19 Apr 2024, 1:31am
Yeah, that's a bit tricky. Moving in circles right above the 'petals' from one vent to another turned out to be too slow even at 550-something boost speed. I can light up 6 or 7, but not all 8. So, a bit of experimental piloting: I move closer to the centre, to make the 'orbiting' radius smaller, still staying within that 2.5-something km range in order to have a targeting lock, and apply more side thrust as I move and target them. Like that:

(Yep, that's too 'ideal' but enough to explain the idea I guess. Less moving, more shooting.)

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