Elite: Game talk

today, 5:26pm
Squadrons are fine they do and should come and go, its the bloated corpses of the player made factions that are a problem
In fact as a player i gave my character a purpose that requires me to in some ways burn the bubble a bit so we can trim the fat of these old dead factions
I mean why do you think id help a mad science man make the bugs so mad that well, we are defending Shin Dez this week so ... plan is working
today, 5:27pm
AHIs it possible top go and look for my own black box?
Some spiky looking ships acid-washed my arse off the galactic plane and that was the end of it. Lost large pile of organic and cartographic data I had collected.

did u overheat ship to get rid of acid atleast? In worst scenario is better do that as a last resort

No. Would that have saved about 8h of game time?
today, 5:33pm
AHIs it possible top go and look for my own black box?
Some spiky looking ships acid-washed my arse off the galactic plane and that was the end of it. Lost large pile of organic and cartographic data I had collected.

did u overheat ship to get rid of acid atleast? In worst scenario is better do that as a last resort

No. Would that have saved about 8h of game time?

most likely yes
today, 5:35pm
MiseriI mean why do you think id help a mad science man make the bugs so mad that well, we are defending Shin Dez this week so ... plan is working

You are cunning! I admire the 4D chess you're playing. For me, this is part of my RP thing in ED, merging my character with cyberpunk, neon, bit of edge running, bit of ED lore and so on. Let's see if I can come up with some good stories for logbook entries.

(Edit: we're the Doctor to your Who is good, c'mon!)
today, 5:55pm
I am playing ED on my PlayStation. So I know it’s an older version that doesn’t get updated.
I’m looking for the engineer Broo Tarquin. I found his place in Muang system, 5a. But it’s a “secure facility “ and I can’t land. It doesn’t even show on the map, but it’s there . I went there and got chased off. Do I need an introduction? Why can’t I go there ?
today, 6:01pm
AmedievalmanI am playing ED on my PlayStation. So I know it’s an older version that doesn’t get updated.
I’m looking for the engineer Broo Tarquin. I found his place in Muang system, 5a. But it’s a “secure facility “ and I can’t land. It doesn’t even show on the map, but it’s there . I went there and got chased off. Do I need an introduction? Why can’t I go there ?

Do you fulfil the unlock requirement of Broo? You can find them here: https://inara.cz/elite/engineer/15/ If you are not referred to him by Hera Tani AND are competent in combat, you cannot unlock him.
today, 6:13pm
Screw this exobiology nonsense. How can one join the slaughter of those spiky ships. They deserve it. They wiped my data! Arrhg!
today, 6:17pm
AHIs it possible top go and look for my own black box?
Some spiky looking ships acid-washed my arse off the galactic plane and that was the end of it. Lost large pile of organic and cartographic data I had collected.

No, but it aught to be a thing.

<correction, yes you can go look, but you'll never find it>
today, 6:26pm
SakashiroYou traveled to a Thargoid system by accident?

The data is lost. There's no way to get it back.

Yes. I had the warnings inactive on my map and I was following my preplanned "scan the space-weed" (plant life) adventure. Did not end well. LOL.
today, 6:37pm
oh, the cat piss ate your crunchy AspX that have 72MJ shield and boost at 350m/s once in 10 sec?

Most unfortunate.

On the bright side, now you have a reason to look how to build a proper ship for a task. Exploring in a cardboard isn't very healthy for your data.
today, 6:38pm
Or at least a reason to pay attention to where the ship is jumping/the map when selecting a system.
today, 6:48pm
RawnuAdded another potentially dead squadron to Elite Dangerous
Have to admit, that logo has some vibes. Really cool. Even if it's another potentially dead squadron of just one player...
(And don't look at me like that, I'm in the same boat, lol).
today, 6:49pm
MeowersHave to admit, that logo has some vibes. Really cool.

Bi-lighting, Night City, space ships, if that is not drawing in the crowds I don't now what is.
today, 7:10pm
Episparhoh, the cat piss ate your crunchy AspX that have 72MJ shield and boost at 350m/s once in 10 sec?

Most unfortunate.

On the bright side, now you have a reason to look how to build a proper ship for a task. Exploring in a cardboard isn't very healthy for your data.

To be fair, the AspX is garbage even when fully engineered.

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