Elite: Game talk

19 Apr 2024, 2:05am
That's a bit of genius. Well done! May try out that method tonight and see how it fares for me.
19 Apr 2024, 2:12am
Thank you. Yeah, the timer is really ticking on that 8th one so I straight away point my nose at it and boost, launching the torpedo as soon as possible, and then boost again like nuts to slip between the petals and not bump into stuff, but it seemed to work and worked three times in a row and then I ran out of torps, lol. Maintaining that side movement (and not bumping into stuff) is tricky but I suppose it may become a muscle memory thing real soon if it hasn't already. Yeah, pips on 0-4-2, of course, you're going to need those engines.

(by the way, can't understand why did they name them torpedoes when they look more like a space equivalent of aim-9)

Last edit: 19 Apr 2024, 3:27am
19 Apr 2024, 9:48am
Sampi OgonekBashing FDev is all very fine (I’ve done it myself at times), but the proper course of action is to post a link to an issue report and, once one is posted here, post a comment and/or vote so it is brought to FDev’s attention.
In this case, an issue was already submitted but, as it happens so often, it was broken and could not be loaded, so I submitted a new one: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/64211
So, folks — if you want this to be fixed, be so kind and add a comment (or, if it is already Confimed, vote if you can ⁠)

Frontier banned me from their forums after I discussed issues of their product, so excuse me if I don't bother interacting with any of their websites anymore.
19 Apr 2024, 10:28am
(by the way, can't understand why did they name them torpedoes when they look more like a space equivalent of aim-9)

The same reason why they called the “torpedoes” when they are sluggish point defense target practice projectiles. Probably. Sounds cool, even if not necessarily like one.

… and seriously, who approved the manufacture of munitions which move slower than even the slowest of ships with basic engineering slapped on its thrusters? (Not the T9 or anything)

WW2 in space vibes are fine and all, but those “torpedoes” in regular use totally miss the mark. The Titan ones, well, I dunno. Other than being highly specific singular use projectiles.
19 Apr 2024, 12:37pm
19 Apr 2024, 3:26pm
Looks like it's for weapons only so no FSD booster protection or Guardian module reinforcements etc. It provides Anti Guardian Zone Resistance but takes 20% off the weapon's damage output.
It requires hardened surface fragments (G1), caustic crystals (G4) and tactical core chips (G2) engineering materials to make.
... I'm only a lowly horizons player but, what the hell are tactical core chips? Is that an Odyssey material? Something I've missed along the way somewhere? Because I've never heard of those.
19 Apr 2024, 3:37pm
The only way I'm aware of to get one is to destroy a Thargoid Revenant, and those only spawn at Odyssey settlements during reactivations in Thargoid-controlled space, or the spire sites. Although you might be able to get one from a Banshee too(don't know for sure), spawn conditions are similar and I'm not sure if they will appear at the Odyssey sites on non-atmospheric worlds without Odyssey.

If they can be found at Titan wreck sites - I've not seen one. Let me just double check on my alt to be sure it doesn't have any either, as I don't recall picking any up anywhere and particularly not from dead Revenants. It's classed as a Horizons material so you can pick one up via SRV if you can somehow work around this item being kind of limited to Odyssey-related activities.

Edit - nope, none on my alt either. Though I'm also not 100% sure if the chip can or cannot spawn at those wreck sites.

Last edit: 19 Apr 2024, 3:43pm
19 Apr 2024, 3:56pm
I never saw any at the titan wrecks and I was at them both a few times. I made a point of collecting anything new but didn't see any tactical core chips.
I might go back and see if they've been added since but I doubt it to be honest.
I suppose mod-shards are pre-engineered so it would have been gauss cannons for pineapple blasting which would've been fun but it seems I'm stuck with the AX missiles. No biggy.
Thanks for your quick and thorough answer CMDR. You're always great for the info. o7
19 Apr 2024, 4:24pm
Yeah, I've collected everything there was to collect from Titans and the various flavours of Interceptor. I guess I will finally have to truck out to a Spire site, after all.
19 Apr 2024, 4:46pm
So, more grind again? Lol. How classic.
19 Apr 2024, 8:11pm
Doesn't look that worth it anyway. Not applicable to the Azimuth modified variants, takes away 20% of the damage... and only available for the weapons, right now (even if that is the main thing affected by the Guardian melter).

Decent for variety over "Everyone uses AX missiles near the Titan", I guess, but there's a reason nobody ever even touched the plasmas or shards before Azimuth(urgh) made them actually worth taking. Only practical application is gauss for interceptor defense around there, if anyone even bothers fighting those over avoiding them with speed and cold. And whoever even still takes them for station AX where Glaives might occasionally show their faces.
19 Apr 2024, 9:33pm
Titan Oya progress seems to be rather slow right now, given how fast it went yesterday and that it’s a Friday evening. I guess a lot of CMDRs are now busy grinding materials for the AZGR blueprint, before they discover Guardian weapons are not so great for a Titan assault…

(I did test shard cannons against the pineapple and was not impressed. They do seem to do more DPS while generating less heat than Sirius AXMRs, but their range of 1700 m means you need to get rather close to the core. I expect them to be more useful against Orthruses.)
19 Apr 2024, 9:59pm
I haven't played ED in months and now I remember why because I got a stupid bounty for stupid reasons and cannot find a single terminal to pay it off at lol. This is the worst mechanic in any game ever. At this rate I'm just going to let someone scan and shoot me.
19 Apr 2024, 10:06pm
Sampi OgonekTitan Oya progress seems to be rather slow right now, given how fast it went yesterday and that it’s a Friday evening. I guess a lot of CMDRs are now busy grinding materials for the AZGR blueprint, before they discover Guardian weapons are not so great for a Titan assault…

At the current rate, it might end up going down at a really awkward time for EU players to witness its final destruction, even with the weekend. Though depends on how active the US side of the playerbase gets at beating it up over the next few hours... at least, I know I can get a decent window to rescue pods, whatever the time where it explodes will be.
20 Apr 2024, 12:54am
What happened to medusa, they stopped spawning at AX LOW ZONEs? The only medusa you could meet occasionally are their concrete block variants which have everlasting blue-cross insurance.

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