Elite: Game talk

13 Apr 2024, 11:04pm
Kind of but it also has its other uses. Even if you’re not just trying to do gank evasion. Most places I visit in Open(if not all) don’t tend to require it. I’ve certainly yet to run into anyone like that where I’ve gone*.

*Of course, I avoid Shin Dez, Deciat and CG places like the plague in Open play. And the other engineer locations… you see some people parked there sometimes but not really worth being called an interaction.
14 Apr 2024, 4:46pm
WTF is that ???
15 Apr 2024, 7:59am
so now you can deliver overcooked anaconda to hutton orbital under 8 min...
15 Apr 2024, 8:41am
And in pieces. You won’t ever reach Hutton in 8 minutes even with the overcharge FSD - maths says that, if it ever could reach the max speed of a Titan(5,625c according to Canonn, iirc) and not lose any due to gravity wells, and no acceleration/deceleration curve, you’d need about 19 minutes.

… but they might put one together for you for free using the leftovers. You never know.
15 Apr 2024, 9:43am
I tried new fsd and am currently using it in my old fdl pve. You need to master its use to know when to turn off this boost so as not to miss the targets. Just let there be an opportunity to engineer this thing for fuck's sake. Whenever they release something, no option to modify it and people always have to ask them to be able to engineer it when something new is added.

Now give us fricking python mk2 already pls.
15 Apr 2024, 9:45am
Rayman.Now give us fricking python mk2 already pls.
And I'll keep calling it Pee Mk2 until it becomes a trend. :p
15 Apr 2024, 10:28am
Kasumi GotoAnd in pieces. You won’t ever reach Hutton in 8 minutes even with the overcharge FSD - maths says that, if it ever could reach the max speed of a Titan(5,625c according to Canonn, iirc) and not lose any due to gravity wells, and no acceleration/deceleration curve, you’d need about 19 minutes.

… but they might put one together for you for free using the leftovers. You never know.

oh, right, I haven't watched that video till the end. I am more concerned now of how to equip a doom-class phase cruiser
15 Apr 2024, 12:16pm
Well, I haven’t seen a “Anaconda to Hutton in 8 minutes” video either, but there won’t be any times below (nearly) 19 minutes that don’t involve a rebuy to respawn there.
16 Apr 2024, 7:19am
I hope they add that feature to all FSDs at some point. Long supercruise rides are more fun if you can shorten them by clever throttle management. It makes the experience more interactive and challenging than it has been so far, which is exactly what a game should do.
16 Apr 2024, 8:15am
Honestly- they shouldnt.
Currently it create nice CHOICE, better range vs better travel inside system.
I know, that some players hate making choices (even not only about standard fsd vs sco, sco require slighty different outfitting of your ship) and they just want shallow (what is even more funny, since one of the most common opinion about elite is "it's shaaalllooow, hmm, curious why) and boring "one module is meta and can do everything", but I really hope, that frontier will ignore them

I'm completely fine with little longer route, if I can cruise to secondary star 300k ls away to catch mission signal in 5 minutes. Even if my route increased from 2 jumps to "terrible" 4. More interactive cruise, better running away from planets and circumnavigations of bodies are just additional reasons to use it.
16 Apr 2024, 8:28am
Frame shifts are a cheat anyway. They should disband the enitire practise and let us fly at sub light speeds to better appreciate the scale of things.
16 Apr 2024, 8:33am
Flying by using mechanisms such as ships is an unholy act anyway, humans were meant to dwell the Earth.
16 Apr 2024, 1:26pm
SuretterusFrame shifts are a cheat anyway. They should disband the enitire practise and let us fly at sub light speeds to better appreciate the scale of things.

Like in FE2/FFE, huh? I liked it, but it would not work in an MMO.

A real cheat would be to have in-system jumps, kind of like in the original Elite. Frontier did propose such a solution initially. Supercruise, AFAIR, was proposed as an alternative in the Design Discussion Forum (likely the best thing that came out of the DDF, IMHO).

BTW, a far bigger cheat for the sake of multiplayer are the arbitrary (and ridiculously low) speed limits for ships.
16 Apr 2024, 3:00pm
HeilriderHonestly- they shouldnt.
Currently it create nice CHOICE, better range vs better travel inside system.
I know, that some players hate making choices

Not at all, the choice here is easy: Jump range always wins, i.e. unless this feature comes to A-rated FSDs, I'll never use it.

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