Elite: Game talk

10 Feb 2024, 7:08pm
EmpyriusI just came back after being gone for 8 months. Can someone give me good activities to do?

Center of Maelstrom - Titan
Power Restoration Missions- Thargoid variant
Unlocks (what new tech?)
Combat (New thargoid types)

Anything else good to do?

I think that’s about it in terms of new activities.

Be aware that there are 2 completely distinct types of missions with “AX Reactivation” in the title.
1st type are missions in (or to) systems in the Thargoid Recovery state. These are just like regular Restore missions (not like regular Reactivation missions because you have to put out fires as well). Before taking such a mission make sure the target settlement is not already online, otherwise the mission will be impossible to complete (yep, it’s a bug).
2nd type are mission to Thargoid-controlled systems. These are in the Operations (not Support) category and are generated only in systems in an active (i.e. progress < 100%) Thargoid Alert state, and the target is always a military settlement. They are much more interesting/difficult because you have to fight Revenants (and, for certain settlement types, a Banshee).

As for new unlocks, assuming Caustic Sink Launchers were already around before you took the break, there are Azimuth pre-engineered Enhanced AX Multi-Cannons (more DPS at the cost of increased power draw & thermal load) and the Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser (required to get close to a Titan), and I think that’s all. (There is also the Sub-surface Extraction Missile Launcher, but it does not require an unlock.)

For the Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser unlock you need 5 Massive Energy Surge Analytics; these days, they are most easily farmed at the active Spire sites. Just get yourself hit several times by the Banshees’ shutdown missiles. (Banshees’ missiles cause only a very brief shutdown, unlike the Interceptors’ shutdown pulse or a Titan’s surge.)

And as for the Spires, in case you’re not aware, there are two types of Spire-related missions (generated only in the rescue ships).

If you need advice related to a specific type of activity, feel free to ask here
12 Feb 2024, 5:31pm
Bainsey7I'm not saying they're planning to bring in ship interiors. In all honesty, knowing what we know: I think they're not.
But they bloody well should be.

You know... Instead of beaming out of your ship, if you just got out of your chair and materialized in the airlock, whence you then walk down the ramp out of your ship, that would be a meaningful improvement. Even better, you get out of your chair, like you do in your carrier already, and go down a hallway to the airlock. Additional spaces like cargo bay, engine bay (to manually reboot or repair via minigame), etc, could all be added in future updates easily. This was a HUGE missed opportunity.

Hell, removing having to walk through a hangar bay and instead materializing you on the concourse would be an improvement - that is such a wasted bit of effort. There are so many bits between Elite and Odyssey that are just "dumb" - like being able to change loadouts inside your SRV, come ON. That just screams to be done in an airlock, but no, I carry all 10 suits and my full arsenal of guns in the SRV, apparently.

I'd love to know the calculus that led to the current state of things.
14 Feb 2024, 9:42am
James Hussar[quote=Bainsey7]

I'd love to know the calculus that led to the current state of things.

It's down to time and money...
14 Feb 2024, 10:57pm
connection established, welc0m€ comm@иder
Yoo, how is it going here, I'm back in da bubble
15 Feb 2024, 9:01am
Well, we've lost the "Natural Disaster" state, so good job, first responders. Emergency's over, everyone back to work.

Also, no sign of a CG...

TPS reports still due this afternoon, then.

Last edit: 15 Feb 2024, 9:12am
15 Feb 2024, 11:08am
"Catastrophic Earthquakes Strike Rhea 3"

How did I read it: "we can't make Winters president in-game at the moment because we screwed up, now take this made-up story as an excuse and wait more".
15 Feb 2024, 2:25pm
I expect if a CG is to drop it’ll be in some ~40 minutes. Since that’s their usual time.

Somehow, I don’t think this is fixed in just two days, that’s for sure.

(And maybe they want to give us more cannon fodder to dump on Hudson with if something happens with the abducted because we idiots are going to soon poke the Titans with a big stick, and he pulls one of his trademark kneejerk reactions.)
16 Feb 2024, 10:45pm
is it me or is the CG Materials to be delivered almost impossible to find?
17 Feb 2024, 1:03am
It’s not you. The two commodities you can feasibly buy are not high supply ones and also replenish slowly. Neofabric insulation, meanwhile, can only be bought in very small quantities at certain Odyssey settlements… so it’s effectively a mission reward-exclusive commodity.
17 Feb 2024, 6:03am
Empyriusis it me or is the CG Materials to be delivered almost impossible to find?

Antoher one to frontier... making posible that all people participate.
17 Feb 2024, 1:25pm
Harrison Black
If we could get Starfield ship interiors and companions/crew that were present and useful on the ship implemented into Elite, it would 100% increase my retention and enjoyment of the game mechanics + make it feel not so lonely in this so-called "mmossg"

Yes. Developing an interaction between players and NPCs would make the whole experience more immersive.


Successful SpecOps MEGITSUNE sortie.

Cost: 10 Limpets + Fuel + 2 Shield Cells.

Rewards: Loads of Manufactured Material. 3 Escape Pods. 1.714 Million bounty.

Last edit: 18 Feb 2024, 12:18am
18 Feb 2024, 12:45pm

Successful SpecOps MEGITSUNE sortie.

Cost: 10 Limpets + Fuel + 2 Shield Cells.

Rewards: Loads of Manufactured Material. 3 Escape Pods. 1.714 Million bounty.

Nicely done, Commander! At times I've not been the biggest fan of the Keelback, but this looks like it works. If you ever want to use it for a 'ground assault' role, subbing out the lasers for missiles and swapping out an optional for a SRV bay would work. Good job!

I'm working on my 'ground-pounder' as we speak. More improvements coming soon. Gen. Patton

PS - Thrusters are 5A Dirty (LVL 2) and Drags. Not sure why Orbis is not showing it as active and all the thrust levels. It works really well clearing out pirates, commandos and scavengers at bases I'm trying to re-power and acquire...items from. LOL!

Last edit: 18 Feb 2024, 12:54pm
19 Feb 2024, 11:24am
Talon Avex

Successful SpecOps MEGITSUNE sortie.

Cost: 10 Limpets + Fuel + 2 Shield Cells.

Rewards: Loads of Manufactured Material. 3 Escape Pods. 1.714 Million bounty.

Nicely done, Commander! At times I've not been the biggest fan of the Keelback, but this looks like it works. If you ever want to use it for a 'ground assault' role, subbing out the lasers for missiles and swapping out an optional for a SRV bay would work. Good job!

I'm working on my 'ground-pounder' as we speak. More improvements coming soon. Gen. Patton

PS - Thrusters are 5A Dirty (LVL 2) and Drags. Not sure why Orbis is not showing it as active and all the thrust levels. It works really well clearing out pirates, commandos and scavengers at bases I'm trying to re-power and acquire...items from. LOL!


I tend to optimize my ships for a specific role and this one does the job just well, before that I was using my Krait Phantom, farming in Signals Sources but the procedure is always more complicated, here you don't need to scan the beacon, just go to a High Resource Extraction Site, follow the local System Authority Vessels and contribute enough to the kill to get the bounty.

You can use your NPC to mark the target if you're a bit late, then score enough hit to get the bounty when in range, then PIPS on System, NPC on Defend mode, collect the material and occasionally Escape Pods.

She never gonna be a combat ship but can hold her own against most fighters, Shield recharges fast but the number of Shield Cells is limited, it's a good fit for someone who want some diversity in their fleet and find collecting Manufactured Material this way useful.

I'm not playing other modes than Solo but it is good that you find some other application for this ship, she's well under-rated.
19 Feb 2024, 11:51am


I tend to optimize my ships for a specific role and this one does the job just well, before that I was using my Krait Phantom, farming in Signals Sources but the procedure is always more complicated, here you don't need to scan the beacon, just go to a High Resource Extraction Site, follow the local System Authority Vessels and contribute enough to the kill to get the bounty.

You can use your NPC to mark the target if you're a bit late, then score enough hit to get the bounty when in range, then PIPS on System, NPC on Defend mode, collect the material and occasionally Escape Pods.

She never gonna be a combat ship but can hold her own against most fighters, Shield recharges fast but the number of Shield Cells is limited, it's a good fit for someone who want some diversity in their fleet and find collecting Manufactured Material this way useful.

I'm not playing other modes than Solo but it is good that you find some other application for this ship, she's well under-rated.

I tend to do a lot of the same as well. When I do fly in open, it's with my squad mates and we have a blast. I use solo mode when I'm working on or towards something (example: getting my skill better during on-foot fighting; going to an engineer to do upgrades or with assist off ship piloting). I'll transition to open. The two ships in my fleet that I'm really proud of are my two explorers: a Dolphin and a Krait Phantom.

Solo is good for experimenting to those times where you just need to blow some steam off, but don't have enough time to join in with friends. You can get a lot of trading done in thirty minutes when you are taking lunch at work, LOL!
19 Feb 2024, 2:43pm
Talon Avex

I tend to do a lot of the same as well. When I do fly in open, it's with my squad mates and we have a blast. I use solo mode when I'm working on or towards something (example: getting my skill better during on-foot fighting; going to an engineer to do upgrades or with assist off ship piloting). I'll transition to open. The two ships in my fleet that I'm really proud of are my two explorers: a Dolphin and a Krait Phantom.

Solo is good for experimenting to those times where you just need to blow some steam off, but don't have enough time to join in with friends. You can get a lot of trading done in thirty minutes when you are taking lunch at work, LOL!

Solo is good for guys like me who are too old and slow to be competitive in PvP, I'm planning to go through Fuel Rat training one day or another, then I'll leave the safety of Solo play for helping as Fuel Rat, my Krait Phantom is fitted for the role, but I don't see myself doing combat with younger players...

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