Elite: Game talk

22 Apr 2024, 12:28pm
It won't blow up, unless your cooling system or/and temp sensors are dead, but in that case you'd be getting a warning message on every boot. Only slow as damn heck and even slower when it gets to the slowdown temp threshold. On-foot stuff is awfully optimised even if it looks like early 2010's game. Space stuff is fine, in comparison.

If you're worried about cooling, get yourself a laptop stand to lift it above the desk and increase the air flow. Even a simple aluminium frame without any additional fans did wonders for me.

Last edit: 22 Apr 2024, 12:34pm
22 Apr 2024, 12:32pm
Wow. I guess I have a lot of on-foot stuff to grind for and I hear it's much worse than ship engineering in terms if how long it takes...
.... it's been a while.

Thanks CMDRs o7

So, any tips for a seasoned Elite pilot beginner on-foot player?
22 Apr 2024, 12:44pm
Pre-engineered Grade 3 stuff can be found randomly in Pioneer Supplies, there was even a thread called "sharing is caring" or something along these lines on the official forum. I got all my gear that way and then upgraded the suit to G5 by picking up those bits randomly here and there and completing missions with cringeneering materials in rewards. And I don't care about on-foot in the slightest. Got that Elite rank by braindead grinding on-foot CZs and never played them again since then. NPCs are absolutely dumb, G3 gear is more than enough, unless you want to play on-foot PvP maybe.

Yeah, some people say that new AX-related on-foot content is nice, like the Spire sites etc... Maybe. I don't want to argue. I'm more about the 'spaceships' part of the game. And some unhinged fanfic writing of dubious quality and questionable popularity.

Last edit: 22 Apr 2024, 12:49pm
22 Apr 2024, 12:49pm
(And if you happen to do on-foot PvP, the Aphelion is the real sniper rifle.)
22 Apr 2024, 12:53pm
Invaluable stuff guys. Thank you. It's gonna be a whole new game for me after all this time.
Any tips on which loadouts are best for each type of suit?
22 Apr 2024, 1:55pm
A lot depends on your playstyle. Some people love to run and gun and will put things like Improved Sprint Duration and Improved Jump Assist on everything. Me, on the other hand, I tend to put Improved Battery Capacity and Night Vision on everything so that I don't have to hit charging stations as often, and I can always see in the dark.

For Artemis a.k.a exobiology there's really only one meta build: Improved Battery Capacity, Improved Jump Assist, Increased Sprint Duration, Night Vision. You don't really need to upgrade Artemis suits at all, these are just quality-of-life improvements after you've upgraded everything else.

Maverick has lots of options. Most people want to put quality-of-life things like Extra Backpack Capacity on their starter Mav so you don't make as many trips back to the SRV to dump your loot. A "Scavenger / Looter" suit might look like Improved Battery Capacity, Extra Backpack Capacity, Night Vision, and then dealer's choice. Something combat-focused like Faster Shield Regeneration, or more QoL like Increased Sprint Duration.

I don't mind running back to the SRV, and I didn't think it would be useful to have more backpack space once the suit was levelled, so I have two Mavs that only differ slightly. The "Recon" Mav with Improved Battery Capacity, Quieter Footsteps, Enhanced Tracking, Night Vision; and the "Wetwork / Rooftop Shooter" Mav with Improved Battery Capacity, Quieter Footsteps, Improved Jump Assist, Night Vision.

I have three Dominators with slightly different setups. The general PvE/ground CZ build with Improved Battery Capacity, Combat Movement Speed, Faster Shield Recharge, and Night Vision. The PvP build with Improved Battery Capacity, Improved Jump Assist, Faster Shield Recharge, and Damage Resistance. And the rarely-used Dual Rocket setup with Extra Ammo Capacity, Increased Jump Assist, Combat Movement Speed, Faster Shield Regen.
22 Apr 2024, 2:36pm
That's fantastic feedback thank you so much. I'll check it out later and see how I get on.
It'll be like Elite Dangerous 2 for me... o7
22 Apr 2024, 2:57pm
CMDRs I'd love to have your thought about this.
Speaking with some people on other platforms....It looks like I'm the only but... this makes me think I'm doing it wrong?
They claim the shortest time to navigate supercruise is always in a straight line toward your target.
I'm totally against this thought.
I tell them if there is mass between the ship and our target point, it's best to stay away from that mass as much as possible, therefore "entering the minor orbit" (planet\station) from the outer and closes point from the station, in a sort of reverse fibonacci-shape.
This is obvious I think in the large scale = we need to travel 20k but there's a star in between us, say at 10k, we definitely "circumnavigate" it, staying away from its mass.
But I think it's exactly the same whenever the station you need to reach is NOT exactly in front of the planet.
Only if the mass\planet is behind the station, I go straight at it, otherwise I always played Elite making "half orbits" or likes, to travel supercruise in the shortest possible time = making sure the closest point from the center of the mass my ship ever touches, is only the station and no others.
Yes, you travel a longer distance. But in a shorter time!
... no?

It made sense to me but as this is the first time I was sharing with someone how I navigate SC, and they said I'm doing it wrong.... I'm asking you... Am I the fool? Because I.... think it makes sense?

Last edit: 22 Apr 2024, 3:04pm
22 Apr 2024, 3:03pm
Bainsey7That's fantastic feedback thank you so much. I'll check it out later and see how I get on.
It'll be like Elite Dangerous 2 for me... o7

Something I forgot to really drive home is that the suit engineering is permanent and can not be changed after they are applied, unlike ship module engineering.

And that's why I have a zillion suits.

You may want to spend some time experimenting with the various weapons and what not before you zero in on a particular build. There's no real "right answer", as mentioned above it's got to suit your playstyle, and one guy's recommendations are going to be garbage for somebody else that doesn't play the same way.
22 Apr 2024, 3:11pm
UramakiI tell them if there is mass between the ship and our target point, it's best to stay away from that mass as much as possible, therefore "entering the minor orbit" (planet\station) from the outer and closes point from the station, in a sort of reverse fibonacci-shape.
This is obvious I think in the large scale = we need to travel 20k but there's a star in between us, say at 10k, we definitely "circumnavigate" it, staying away from its mass.

Both NASA and Canonn Science agree with you. Canonn's Cmdr Heisenberg6626 has literally done the math.
22 Apr 2024, 4:50pm
Bainsey7I don't have Odyssey because my system can't run it

FYI, there's no difference between Horizons 4 and Odyssey. If you can run one, you can run the other too.

Really? I'd assumed all the surface stuff would require much more in terms of graphics capability. My laptop has 16gb of RAM but a bog standard graphics card. I have to have the graphics set to very low or it just constantly crashes. Are you sure it'd work? I don't wanna blow it up

You can already visit Odyssey surface settlements on planets without atmosphere. Except there won't be any NPCs walking around, and you can't leave your SRV. Take a look!

If your laptop gets too hot, set a frame rate limit.
22 Apr 2024, 5:26pm
Glen van Ross
Bainsey7That's fantastic feedback thank you so much. I'll check it out later and see how I get on.
It'll be like Elite Dangerous 2 for me... o7

Something I forgot to really drive home is that the suit engineering is permanent and can not be changed after they are applied, unlike ship module engineering.

And that's why I have a zillion suits.

You may want to spend some time experimenting with the various weapons and what not before you zero in on a particular build. There's no real "right answer", as mentioned above it's got to suit your playstyle, and one guy's recommendations are going to be garbage for somebody else that doesn't play the same way.

Now that is REALLY good to know I would not have realised that at all perhaps until way too late. Is that the same for weapons too?
22 Apr 2024, 5:28pm

FYI, there's no difference between Horizons 4 and Odyssey. If you can run one, you can run the other too.

Really? I'd assumed all the surface stuff would require much more in terms of graphics capability. My laptop has 16gb of RAM but a bog standard graphics card. I have to have the graphics set to very low or it just constantly crashes. Are you sure it'd work? I don't wanna blow it up

You can already visit Odyssey surface settlements on planets without atmosphere. Except there won't be any NPCs walking around, and you can't leave your SRV. Take a look!

If your laptop gets too hot, set a frame rate limit.

Yeh I've landed at a few and they seem so dinky compared to the "normal" settlements. Like little toy towns.
22 Apr 2024, 5:51pm
Bainsey7Now that is REALLY good to know I would not have realised that at all perhaps until way too late. Is that the same for weapons too?

Yes, Odyssey suit and handheld weapon engineering is effectively permanent.

I would just focus on getting G3 gear from the Great Pre-Upgraded Gear Sharing is Caring Thread. Try out a few low-intensity ground CZs with stock G3 gear and figure out what weapons you like best. Some people dig the plasmas, others like the laser/kinetic combo, and some have an unholy mix of all types (rocket launcher, kinetic carbine, laser pistol is a popular combo for ground NPC CZs).

The tl;dr is that the plasma weapons hit hard but have lousy projectile speed and rate-of-fire; the laser weapons are great for stripping shields but lousy against armor; the kinetic weapons are great against armor but struggle against shields. Just like ship weapons.

I started off with the usual plasma weapon combo (Executioner sniper rifle, Intimidator shotgun, Tormentor pistol) for settlement raids and CZs, but after encountering human opposition it was quickly apparent that they were usually fast enough to dodge the slow plasma rifle, and smart enough to stay out of range of the deadly plasma shotgun.

If you're never going to see another human on the ground, an all-plasma or rocket launcher special is sufficient. If you are going to have real people shooting back, laser/kinetic primaries (Aphelion, AR-50) with the Tormentor sidearm is pretty well meta.
22 Apr 2024, 6:02pm
Bainsey7So, any tips for a seasoned Elite pilot beginner on-foot player?

Here’s my list of tips for on-foot beginners:
  • Fit an SCO-capable FSD to your ship — it can reduce travel times a lot. Best combined with a Guardian FSD booster for a better jump range (if you have them unlocked already).
  • On-foot missions related to settlements do not require you to dock at the destination — you can just land nearby.
  • In terms of mission payouts, IMHO only the materials are important — credits are easy to make in other ways.
    • Better faction reputation tends to mean more materials per mission. If you have a lot of credits you can donate to factions (via in-ship mission board) to improve your rep.
  • Collection/delivery missions are a good start to get familiar with how on-foot stuff works, but don’t expect them to pay well.
  • Salvage missions tend to be easy and can be used for relog-farming certain types of materials (see below). Don’t worry about legality — I don’t know if it is even possible to get fined for doing an illegal salvage mission.
    • You may encounter scavengers (not to be confused with Thargoid Scavengers) at the destination. Some may be already present, other may arrive via a dropship. They will attack you on sight. The easiest way to deal with them is to equip your ship with two advanced missile racks and kill them from the air.
  • Reactivation missions (including AX Reactivation) are best for gathering materials quickly, as well as familiarising oneself with various settlement layouts. You get (as part of the mission) free access to all facilities in a settlement and can loot everything without getting on the wrong side of the law.
    • There are 2 types of missions called “AX Reactivation”. This is about those in the Support category. (The other type is in the Operations category and involves going into Thargoid-occupied territory.)
    • AX Reactivation (Support) missions generate in systems in Post-Thargoid Recovery state that have abandoned settlements (as well as in neighbouring systems). Unlike most on-foot missions, they can be obtained without disembarking, from the station services.
      • Incidentally, the Inara system should have a lot of them right now
    • Like salvage missions, you may encounter scavengers at the destination.
      • Deploying an SRV is a good way to check if you are alone — its sensors will detect anyone within 1 km. Keep in mind that a Scarab SRV will not last long against armed people.
    • Once clear of hostiles, your priority is to power up the settlement. As long as the power is down, there’s a risk of (more) scavengers arriving. [Edit: Also, you cannot download data from data ports if the power is down.]
  • Finally, a good way to get the hang of on-foot combat is to sign for a combat zone via Frontline Solutions.
As for suit engineering: I have little to add to what Glen said, except perhaps that an Artemis suit is also best for looting Spire Refinery Compounds and doing Spire Sabotage missions (although the latter require materials that are not that easy to obtain). For those, both Night Vision and Improved Jump Assist modifications are extremely valuable. Increased Sprint Duration, OTOH, is not essential, even for exobiology, as Improved Jump Assist can make the former mostly irrelevant in open terrain.

For weapons and their modifications, it boils down to what will suit you. Except perhaps Manticore Oppressor, which most people seem to agree to be the worst weapon available. Personally, I use a variety of primary weapons, but only Manticore Tormentor as the secondary (two variants — one with Audio Masking + Noise Suppressor + Faster Handling + Stability for takedown missions, the other with Magazine Size + Higher Accuracy + Reload Speed + Stability for general combat). [Edit: I should add here I don’t engage in PvP.]

A note about The Engineering Grind. Yes, currently it’s much worse than for ship modules; but there are ways to make it less unpalatable:
  • As Meowers said, try to find & buy grade 3 stuff to save on the upgrades. If you’re lucky you may even get a modification you want. (If you find gear with a modification you do not want, do not buy it! As others said, you cannot change modifications later.) There’s this Frontier Forums thread Meowers mentioned, but it’s still a hit and miss. [Edit: Glen ninja’d me about it ⁠]
    • Pioneer Supplies stock comes in 4 varieties. Each variety includes all 3 suit types as well as TK Zenith and Karma P-15 pistols, plus one of the following:
      • “Long-range weapons”: TK Aphelion, Karma AR-50, Karma L-6;
      • “Short-range weapons”: TK Eclipse, Karma C-44;
      • “Plasma weapons”: all Manticore weapons;
      • All of the above (AFAIK only 4 starports, plus all fleet carriers that have Pioneer Supplies active — but FCs never sell premium (pre-upgraded) stuff).
    • As far as I can tell (having visited well over a hundred starports) a starport will never sell a premium item if they do not also sell a non-premium item of the same type. Unfortunately there is no automated way to tell which port sells which variety of stock, so all Inara knows is a partial history of purchases at a particular port; and there is (as yet) no way to search for a particular stock variety without doing multiple searches.
  • Some materials can be farmed via a relog exploit. However, this only applies to mission-related POIs (salvage & larceny missions, as well as some types of non-on-foot missions, generate such POIs). Do not relog while at a random (non-mission) POI, or at a settlement — it will wipe all materials, possibly at every settlement & POI in the system, until you jump elsewhere & back.
    Materials that can be farmed in this way include:
    • All assets in the Circuits sub-category
    • Atmospheric Data, Manufacturing Instructions, Mineral Survey, NOC Data, Operational Manual, Radioactivity Data, Stellar Activity Logs, Surveillance Logs, Topographical Surveys
    • Health Monitor, Push (but there’s really not much point in farming these — they are available in copious amounts)
    • Power Regulator (not very efficiently, but much better than the alternatives)
    • Settlement Defence Plans (very inefficiently, but still much better than the alternatives)
    • Weapon Schematic
    I can give the details if you ask (this post is too long already!).
  • Ionised Gas and Suit Schematic are two single non-farmable items that are needed in largest quantities. Do not sell or discard them by accident!
    • Ionised Gas is most easily found at industrial settlements.
    • Suit Schematic is most easily found at any settlement that has a large Command (CMD) building, in a large locker in the Operations room. (Alas, settlement layout is another piece of information not available to Inara.)
  • If you run out of asset space, trade less valuable assets for more valuable ones at the bartender.
  • If you have a fleet carrier, you can store some of the materials there. Alas, the FC on-foot material storage space is a laughable 1000 items total (whereas your Commander’s personal ship storage is 1000 per category).

Good luck, and feel free to ask for more details

Last edit: 22 Apr 2024, 6:42pm

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