Elite: Game talk

09 Apr 2024, 3:13pm
Yeh that's what I was thinking. We'll see I suppose...
09 Apr 2024, 3:42pm
Well, it's Class C, so it'll have a lousy jump range relative to a Class A.

On the FDev forums they're speculatiing it will have a faster acceleration curve than a typical FSD. That would be useful for scenarios where you want to shorten supercruise time (hello, Titan Hadad), escape PvPers, or if PvPing, be able to catch and pull every ship that jumps in-system.

I may use it on one or two PvP ships or short-range haulers, but 90% of the time I want longer range more than faster SC acceleration.
09 Apr 2024, 7:29pm
I have no idea about how will work that overcharged FSD.
09 Apr 2024, 8:47pm
We’ll find out tomorrow - Frontier seems to want for us to see what it does.

Hopefully, there will be no odd malfunctions catapulting players straight into Witch Space into a dozen Hydras. Or near a Titan without preparation. As funny as that would be to an observer.

(Good thing I have that alt sitting in the Bubble, haven’t yet brought this one back from the round trip of the Project Dynasty sites and the Zurara.)
09 Apr 2024, 10:01pm
I imagine it'll be what you predicted with the obligatory "new-stuff-bugs". I suppose long-range engineering with mass manager isn't gonna do much for a C class FSD though.
09 Apr 2024, 10:02pm
Kasumi GotoHopefully, there will be no odd malfunctions catapulting players straight into Witch Space into a dozen Hydras. Or near a Titan without preparation. As funny as that would be to an observer.

Honestly, that would be amazing. Jump drive malfunctions were a thing in Frontier: Elite 2, (and possibly earlier, but I didn't play the very first Elite game). Would be fun if you let you drive maintenance slack a little and occasionally ended up somewhere unexpected.
09 Apr 2024, 11:02pm
Glen van Ross

Honestly, that would be amazing. Jump drive malfunctions were a thing in Frontier: Elite 2, (and possibly earlier, but I didn't play the very first Elite game). Would be fun if you let you drive maintenance slack a little and occasionally ended up somewhere unexpected.

Yes warp drive malfunctions were the Thargoid interceptions during jumps in the original. Translated to unstable warp conduits now.
10 Apr 2024, 5:29pm

First of all, if you fly correctly in pve, any ship can have the same time on target, the slightly higher pitch and yaw of a corvette wont make it better for that, it just might mean most people prefer it. I will admit the hardpoints and c8 distributor allow for more flexibility in builds. Plus if you fly the cutter in flight assist on its pretty annoying so i understand why people dont wanna use it.

Ignoring the laws of physics does nothing for you in combat, flying "correctly" with a less maneuverable ship neither and that's a fact.

Most people doesn't prefer the Corvette, most good PVE players would rather go for the FDL, as for flying without Flight Assist, it doesn't increase pitch, roll and yaw rates, it just allows you to keep your nose pointed to your target out of your velocity vector, which results in exactly what I was saying: Time on target equals faster kill. IF you are skilled enough to stop the rotations you might be able to gain on your time on target.

And there is catch to this flying; it works best at short range, from long to mid-range it is not very useful and before you can come anywhere close to a well fitted Corvette, chances are you'll have no shields, as a matter of fact I practice mid-range engagements vs ships like the Viper or the Imperial Courier in normal flight mode using all 4 axis, Throttle, FWD or BWD, booster and thruster and Fixed Lasers, I never really feel the need for turning Flight Assist Off.

The corvette has more than a maneuverability advantage over the Cutter, even with a Grade 7 instead of 8 Shield Generator it can reinforce this with higher grades Shield Cell Banks, as a result you got 114.0/s instead of 111.0/s Shield Reinforcement with their respective 2 top SCB.

The Corvette weaponry is also more powerful, 2 X Grade 4 plus one Grade 3 which is a 3C Beam Laser [Fixed] Long range XXXXX Thermal Vent on mine, the Secondary weapons (lover Grades) makes little difference, my two 1E Beam Laser [Fixed] Long range XXXXX Thermal Vent like the Grade 3 have a 6000m Fall Off start like the Grade 3.

And last but not least, the 8E Power Distributor on the Corvette is suited to weapons and shield needs, vs the 7E Power Distributor of the Cutter, meaning Power recharge time is inferior, recharge rate is superior for an A grade: 4.800 vs 4.000 for the Cutter.

Visibly, the Corvette is designed for combat with modules that are supported by power supply, more shield recharge capabilities and heavier weaponry.

ps, the reason why the Cutter handles like a pig is because it is 200 t heavier than the Corvette stock.

Flight assist off much helps in combat, less so in pve to be fair but it still helps. keeping your nose pointed to your target out of your velocity vector as you said is an advantage and having precise control over your thrusters (especially in boost) makes the ship handle and feel a lot different. And its especially apparent on the cutter, not sure why you are trying to discount that argument. The additional 200t of the cutter are not the reason for its worse pitch and yaw, each ship has its own set maneuvering characteristics, it is affected by weight but you cant compare one 500t ship to another and chalk up the differences to the weight... even if the thrusters are the same, which they arent even in this case.

If you dont feel the need to turn flight assist off in pve thats fine but there is a reason people toggle it off for turning. You can just move the ship around better, youll have better time on target and will be harder to hit. (not relevant on large ships but on mediums and smalls)

Also, you choosing to compare the shield reinforcement by banks per second stat is hilarious. Total hp is much more important than additional hp in banks. And the cutter has more of that. Both total hp in banks (if you give both ships 4 banks) and raw hp in shields.

The corvette does have better weapons than the cutter, i do acknowledge that but
the point i was trying to make is that for pve my cutter build seems to often work better than any corvette build ive tried
. I simply cannot do the same rail setup on that corvette and that rail setup is the fastest way ive personally found to solo a cz or massacre missions which are considered engame pve i would say. (if you exclude ax)
And not just that, its also more convenient. Having 6km of your maximum damage is a huge upside to the usual beam/multi setup.
If you have a setup that can do kills faster, feel free to share it, im happy to try anything.

Just a little reminder here: Before (as you quoted me) been able to keep your nose pointed to your target out of your velocity vector on a target YOU NEED superior yaw/roll/pitch rates or else you're just playing catch up or lagging in real life fighter pilot language.

I'll have my lasers taking your shield down from max range and before you can expect to do the same to my Corvette it's your HP which is gonna shrink.

I think it's pretty obvious that you all forget to mention this important detail, turning Flight assist ON or OFF never increase those parameters. You might feel it might fly different which it does, it won't make it point its nose faster.

Second; if I chose to use shield reinforcement as comparison it is simply because using Prismatic Shields without SCB management is stupid, regardless of your ship's HP, once your shields goes down, you're pretty much toast and the Corvette shields will go down AFTER that of any Cutter for this precise reason.

The additional 200t of the cutter are not the reason for its worse pitch and yaw

And you're talking about HILARITY? Do you know that the ratio Thrust-to-Weight is not linear? Apparently not, so even with an equal TWR the Cutter will always be less maneuverable than a Corvette, physics laws applies, 200 tons is 2 tons more than a Dolphin.

Point B of this topic; the increase in thrust due to upgrade works very much according to the same physic laws, The Corvette with its lower mass will always take advantage a lot more of engineering of thrusters than a Cutter, same comparing an F-16 to an F-15 with the same TWR, the lighter aircraft will always have less inertia to fight against, and physics are btw what those spaceships flight models are made of.

Another aspect of this is drifting increased with thrust, the higher the TWR passed a certain mass, (Fer-de-Lance, Mamba) and your ship is gonna drift more, that's also MORE corrections needed to increase your time on target, again the Corvette comes out as a winner.
btw, Drifting can be used against you or you can also use it to your advantage for fast 180° turns, since there is aerodynamic involved, loosing speed to such a maneuver isn't that an issue.

I've done assassination and CZ, so I know what the Corvette is capable of doing, it's all about shield and SCB management, even with lower weapon output I never felt in difficulty against any ship, that's a fact, if it happens it's my fault. Now my Corvette is optimized for maneuverability, resilience to flechettes and shield regeneration, this with a higher DM/mn.

the point i was trying to make is that for pve my cutter build seems to often work better than any corvette build ive tried

Try harder. I've had my Corvette for years and I only touch some of its true potential, it's a warship, fit her and use her as such.

Ignoring the laws of physics does nothing for you in combat, flying "correctly" with a less maneuverable ship neither and that's a fact.

Last edit: 10 Apr 2024, 5:38pm
10 Apr 2024, 5:47pm
I use my cutter as a cargo bus. I would think it is such a slow turner for shooting NPC's. As for flight assist you can just switch it off to tumble and on to stabilize. Doesnt everybody do that?

Anyway what is this message about supercruise overcharged FSD? Is that the [SCO] or scotty drive? What does it do?
10 Apr 2024, 5:50pm
SuretterusI use my cutter as a cargo bus. I would think it is such a slow turner for shooting NPC's. As for flight assist you can just switch it on to tumble and off to stabilize. Doesnt everybody do that?

Anyway what is this message about supercruise overcharged FSD? Is that the [SCO] or scotty drive? What does it do?

It vastly increases your speed in supercruise while it cooks your ship and eats through your fuel at a crazy rate. If you're going to try it I suggest lots of heat sinks and keeping an eye on your fuel. It might be useful to evade pirates/gankers but it can't be engineered and is only a grade C so the jump range on it is pretty bad.

10 Apr 2024, 6:11pm
Looks like a very niche gimmick to me.
10 Apr 2024, 6:44pm
My thoughts exactly. I doubt I'll find any use for it to be honest.
But, who knows what the summer will bring...
10 Apr 2024, 6:50pm
While is nice to have a Supercruise afterburner, a ships supercruise speed should be linked to its FSD size and grade, not a gimmick.

Being limited to C and no upgrades, I can only see a use for it in PvP or escaping PvP.

Thanks for something Fdev, but no thanks.
10 Apr 2024, 6:59pm
Soundx like an idea for saving time loading a fleetcarrier from a station.
(If it doesn't burn off the cargo hatch)
10 Apr 2024, 7:07pm
A 756 cargo capacity Type-9 (which is useless at evading interdictions and defending itself when it fails) might find a use for it I suppose.

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