Elite: Game talk

16 Apr 2024, 3:12pm
It’s not even that much of a choice if you keep a few drives scattered around the Bubble or on your carrier for various usage scenarios. But I’d like an A rated drive even if it doesn’t get engjneering. On a medium-range(by current standards) Krait Phantom to run around the Bubble and do missions, I would get 26 instead of 20ly of range when coupled with a C3 FSD booster. I don’t think that would break anything.

And it might make getting anywhere in an FDL actually sensible. Maybe.
16 Apr 2024, 3:21pm
Kasumi GotoAnd it might make getting anywhere in an FDL actually sensible. Maybe.
Hey, I've been to Colonia and Sag-A*, without the Guardian booster and with Tier 2 fuel scoop. :p
If you're talking about mentally healthy players, though...
16 Apr 2024, 3:31pm
You had an A rated and engineered FSD though. Not barebones C-rated that even still has slightly lower base stats than the regular C rated FSD.
16 Apr 2024, 3:32pm
Here's an example to drive the point home: my humble Adder for taxi & tourist missions.

Current max jump range:37.98 Ly
Jump range with SCO FSD:16.23 Ly

Why would I do that?
16 Apr 2024, 4:01pm
[/quote]Hey, I've been to Colonia and Sag-A*, without the Guardian booster and with Tier 2 fuel scoop. :p
If you're talking about mentally healthy players, though... [/quote]

You.. did... WHAT?!

... in a Fer-de-Lance?
16 Apr 2024, 4:04pm
Bainsey7You.. did... WHAT?!

... in a Fer-de-Lance?

I did that in a Sidewinder.
16 Apr 2024, 5:10pm
I suppose a Sidewinder is technically a multi-role ship and could achieve some sort of jump range....

... an FDL though?......
16 Apr 2024, 7:33pm
Bainsey7I suppose a Sidewinder is technically a multi-role ship and could achieve some sort of jump range....

... an FDL though?......

Mamba would be more interesting from this perspective
16 Apr 2024, 7:54pm
Bainsey7You.. did... WHAT?!

... in a Fer-de-Lance?

(phah, I even had that old paintjob from Horizons and old ID those days)

That was... Long. Several evenings. A week, maybe, to go there and return. But I really did want something slow and calming and so I timed that long ride to happen during that, to say, 'phase'. In any other circumstances, that's a no, even with Tier 4 scoop and FSD booster, a configuration that I use to get somewhere fast, if I know I'm not going to need any serious combat capabilities there or along the way. I can take on a stray Cyclops or a Basilisk, maybe a single Medusa, in that travelling configuration, but nothing more serious. Love the irony, I needed only one engineer guy to tinker with my Shield Cell Banks, and I stopped using them a long time ago already after discovering AX, so long ago that now I even had to look up what they were called, lol. And Sag-A* was more like 'ticking the box' of 'I've been there'.
16 Apr 2024, 8:40pm
Hardcore o7

I've been out several times but always in a long-range Anaconda or Asp. My first time to Sag A* was on an old PS4 account and was before engineers and Guardian FSD boosters but it was still a D-rated Asp so I had about a 37 LY jump range (I think).
What was the jump range on your FDL?
16 Apr 2024, 9:20pm
16-17-ish, as far as I can remember. Now it's about 13 since I use another, more AX-oriented FSD option, the same 4A but shielded + thermal spread instead of long range + mass manager.
17 Apr 2024, 6:21am
Episparhhaha, I knew the F-ed up this

Installing a "turbo" button on my graphicscard now! My 1991 PC used to have that to regulate game speed. With a display showing CPU frequency.
Or maybe a hotkey to the frame delimiter setting ...
17 Apr 2024, 1:07pm
They have other overheating mechanics that aren't tied to frame rates AFAIK, so this shouldn't be hard to fix.

Still, the fact that it happened in 2024 is ... odd.
17 Apr 2024, 3:14pm
Bashing FDev is all very fine (I’ve done it myself at times), but the proper course of action is to post a link to an issue report and, once one is posted here, post a comment and/or vote so it is brought to FDev’s attention.
In this case, an issue was already submitted but, as it happens so often, it was broken and could not be loaded, so I submitted a new one: https://issues.frontierstore.net/issue-detail/64211
So, folks — if you want this to be fixed, be so kind and add a comment (or, if it is already Confimed, vote if you can ⁠)

Last edit: 17 Apr 2024, 3:32pm

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