Elite: Game talk

20 Jun 2024, 4:11pm
...and I wasn't even born yet. What a beautiful time

(though, I've played the '84 game later, in my teens)

Last edit: 20 Jun 2024, 4:56pm
20 Jun 2024, 4:39pm
And I had a score of minus 14 back then. Do I get a special prize too?

MeowersTold ya, megacorps don't like being losers. :p

This one is just particularly bad at it. I’m told the last time they at least had the decency (or the courage) to announce a “collaboration offer” - which is usually more like a buyout where completely natural and non-faked deaths are involved, when Sirius is the ‘offerer’ - before an attack on the facility in question mysteriously occurred not long after. And was then linked to Sirius.
20 Jun 2024, 5:20pm
There is absolutely NO absolute certainty this was Sirius blackoperations,
they said they have access to advanced technology,
maybe its the fargod cultists angry that we are using Titan body parts to make engines
20 Jun 2024, 5:42pm
Oh, come on, we're living in a world written and scripted by amateurs. :p
20 Jun 2024, 6:11pm
MeowersOh, come on, we're living in a world written and scripted by amateurs. :p

Oh i absolutely agree , in fact im more surprised it took them this long to respond in this manner
I think someone is a bit mad.

My previous statement was dripping with insanity, i thought of the most implausible "other" candidate for this terrorism
Fargod cultists are pretty peaceful outside the fringe true chapter people honestly
20 Jun 2024, 6:18pm
Well, it's common knowledge, of sorts... The nicer the church looks to the outsiders, the more heinous stuff is going on inside. :p
20 Jun 2024, 6:50pm
As far as I’m aware, the only heinous acts committed within Far God megaships is decorating them to look like Thargoid ships on the inside. And that they smell of ammonia, which apparently has about the same scent as the “liquid waste rejection” of the human body.

… but I also considered that very unlikely alternative myself, without taking it seriously as a thing that could happen, no thanks to the writers. Or lack of them, because it was so important to kick all of them out the door to “save costs”. Nevermind that it is so obviously intended to be Sirius, because they are idiots.
21 Jun 2024, 6:26am
I need to share my log. I had a mega frustrating day. I made a chain of stupid mistakes and poor decisions longer than 47 Ls. I am hoping that putting my story here will help me cope. And I can almost hear you laughing, which is helping me heal.

So, yesterday, I picked up two missions. Scan a data uplink on this megaship and that megaship and get paid. Easy money. I got to the first one, had no idea where to scan, and the megaship suddenly called for help. A dozen enemies showed up in three waves and started shooting. Fun stuff!! So finally, enemies blown to pieces, I scooped up the materials that were still on my radar. I figured out which end of the megaship needs scanning. My ship had some hull damage and was completely out of ammo as I finished the last Anaconda with my two lasers only. I headed back to the base and went to sleep. The second mission tomorrow, I thought.

Well, I missed the deadline today. When I returned, my reputation was tarnished, and I got a nice fine. Entirely my fault. I was like I am gonna be a good boy now, let's see the missions. Deliver 132 of something there, deliver 144 of that someplace else, deliver 72 of this stuff over there, the industry needs 150 of XY and 60 of ZZ... and a few more courier jobs for good measure. Easy. I switched to my Type-9, loaded all that cargo, and jumped to the first delivery destination.

What? Only medium-size landing pads? Nobody mentioned that!! OMG. OK, let's go shopping and bring the XY and ZZ home. When I got home, I realized there was no way to unload that unique stuff back on the source base. No way. My best M ship is a Python with 190 capacity, so from those three big delivery jobs, I just have to abandon two.

When I abandoned the two smaller deliveries, my reputation tanked even more, and I got fined even more. All right, but I cannot pay my fines here. Why not? Take my credits, and let's be friends again, no?!? So, in this anonymous mode, I cannot change my ship, I cannot even refuel, and I am leaving like a criminal...

Fine. Let's go to an Interstellar Factor. One office is practically next door. I jumped there, requested landing, and got another big fat fine at the door for bringing stolen cargo. WHAT CARGO!?!? OMG, the two abandoned jobs were abandoned, but the cargo, to my surprise, was still on board, nicely marked as stolen. I should've checked. I didn't—stupid me. I was docked there with my money to pay all the fines, and they did not take it. The IF was locked.

So, let's jump to another system. My fuel was getting low, I needed two more jumps. I put my nose towards the station, docking request granted, still 6 km away; I went to my inventory and jettisoned the "stolen cargo." Well... OMG... it takes forever to dump it all!! So, the station charged me more fines for littering nearby. Sorry, people, I am such a noob, I had no idea!! Can I land? Pretty please? ... Yes. Good. I landed and checked my fines (yes, nicely stacked there in Transactions). I went to the Interstellar Factor -- locked again?! WHY?... Shut up and take my credits!! I have to admit -- I rage quit at that moment. I had no fuel to jump anywhere else. I did not know what to do next.

After a nice walk to the fridge and back, I started reading that this might be just a weird bureaucratic glitch. I must log out and log in again to refresh the bounties and fines. I logged in, and everything was good—IF open, so I paid my fines. I am no longer a criminal. I can refuel!! I can fly again!!

Nedistaor out.
21 Jun 2024, 7:52am
@CMDR Nedistaor the story is hilarious
Good luck with the next missions =)

BTW is this the correct place to ask for builds?
21 Jun 2024, 1:16pm
@ Cmdr Nedistaor

Your tale of woe brightened my day!

Do not feel bad about it. I think many of us have probably had similar experiences!

ED is often cruel.
21 Jun 2024, 2:23pm
Halil Alper@CMDR Nedistaor the story is hilarious
Good luck with the next missions =)

BTW is this the correct place to ask for builds?

Ask anything game related.... You will get all sort of advises. Some good others not so much.
21 Jun 2024, 3:20pm
Halil Alper BTW is this the correct place to ask for builds?

Not for Lego
21 Jun 2024, 9:19pm
Mix of my mistake and outdated info made me take an L on trading and no routes near me to save me. I can only imagine my CMDR has been staring at a wall for the past hour
21 Jun 2024, 10:44pm
Dammit, I have to go lego off then

I actually don't know anything about how to make a good combat PvE build. I have a clipper. What are general modules and engineering/blueprints should I go for running from CZ to CZ fighting dangerous pilots?
22 Jun 2024, 12:22am
Halil AlperI actually don't know anything about how to make a good combat PvE build. I have a clipper. What are general modules and engineering/blueprints should I go for running from CZ to CZ fighting dangerous pilots?

Best to post your current Clipper build so we can suggest improvements.

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