Elite: Game talk

12 Jul 2015, 10:06pm
Thank you Artie

ArtieAlright, it seems to be urgent Basic roster edit is now there (button "Edit roster" above the listing).
13 Jul 2015, 1:22pm

Can you explain me what I can do with the flight log and what it will show me when I import this
13 Jul 2015, 1:49pm
It will show you jumps between systems, docking and interdictions from your log. You can try it safely (it's private by default) and you can eventually delete these flight logs if it won't be useful for you.
13 Jul 2015, 6:13pm
Great site....very impressive....

I just completed a spreadsheet of the systems and wonder if someone could tell me if it sounds right....
Sorted by primary economy..

Agriculture = 1410
Extraction = 4668
High Tech = 65
Industrial = 3880
Military = 1
Refinery = 7768
Service = 28
Terraforming = 1082
Tourism = 160
None = 13983

Total of 33,045 systems...
13 Jul 2015, 10:06pm
Bidabug: Hard to tell, I made no such statistics from Inara, as system economies aren't important for station to station trading. I am afraid I cannot tell you more for now...
13 Jul 2015, 10:48pm
Maybe I have wasted the last 600+ hours playing Elite Dangerous...lol....nuts....
I thought the Population and Star base Economies had a lot to do with lucrative trades...
As an example...I would look at Eotienses with its High Tech/Agriculture/Refinery Economies and its 6,467,298,746 citizens before I would consider rambling across the universe and banking my hopes on say 51 Asellus Primus with its single High tech industry and only 50,000 citizens....
Oh well, I was hoping to take some of the guess work and hope for the best approach out of it...depression sets in...only for a second....I will keep playing and having fun any way....

Buy the way....great site....best one hands down than any out there
13 Jul 2015, 11:25pm
Ah, no depression needed! I meant it mostly for trading tools. But, from my observation star system economy doesn't matter too much, it seems to be more like a "summary" of most station economies in given system than anything else. But in opposite, station population has it's weight in supply/demand and it's stability, so it partially affect prices. Not sure if star system population also reflects station population and if there is some correlation between highly populated planet and stations on it's orbit (I never checked that closely). When I tried to "decode" what mainly affect prices, it seems that also large number of stations of the same type in the area (star systems nearby) lower the overall prices of their produced goods and vice versa (which is logical), but it's not the only factor. It's long time ago I checked that, maybe something changed meanwhile, too (there was at least one market simulation update/tweak from Frontier after that).

In any case, if do you collected population data for such incredible number of star systems and you will be willing to provide that data, it will be great to include it here! It may probably also serve for Powerplay and calculations of CC value of each system.
14 Jul 2015, 12:04am
Great point about stations of same type lowering prices....had not considered that before...
I will work on population..
Thanks for responding
14 Jul 2015, 8:31am
You also, now, have to factor in Power Play effects on system economies
14 Jul 2015, 8:37pm
I have 1,120 system populations verified.....that only leaves 17,942 to verify.

Would you like this completed in batches of 1000 to 1100 or wait for the entire 19,062 systems to be verified...?

The remaining 13,983 systems of 33,045 do not have star ports or population of any kind...
14 Jul 2015, 8:46pm
Bidabug: Uh, that's incredible amount of work. I cannot want to have perfected and I will gladly take whatever you have - it can be further precised by our members via star/station edit, too
14 Jul 2015, 9:02pm
Ok Artie, how can I get this to you?
the workbook is a little over 8mb...
14 Jul 2015, 9:02pm
Please send it to me via e-mail to elite@inara.cz
14 Jul 2015, 9:11pm
on its way...
16 Jul 2015, 2:25am
A small question:

How do you make a "station note".

I found the notepad but there is a subsection for station notes, how do I save a note under that or access that menu?

I been desperately trying to find a class 2 pulse laser turret for a long while and I finally found it in a considerably remote system (LHS 134). I've been using beam lasers but jeez do they cook my dropship

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