Elite: Game talk

25 Jul 2015, 9:03pm
Shoom: What exactly with flight logs?
26 Jul 2015, 9:21am
ShoomFlight logs, how the hell do you do it?

You need to first enable Elite to record flight logs (tells you on the log page how to do this ) Then you need to navigate to the folder that holds the logs (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-xxxx\Logs) then drag and drop the 'netLog.xxxxxxxxxxxx.log' file into Inara

Think I have that right
26 Jul 2015, 7:59pm
Lase Mooray
ShoomFlight logs, how the hell do you do it?

You need to first enable Elite to record flight logs (tells you on the log page how to do this ) Then you need to navigate to the folder that holds the logs (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-xxxx\Logs) then drag and drop the 'netLog.xxxxxxxxxxxx.log' file into Inara

Think I have that right

I couldn't find the files it told me on the log page
26 Jul 2015, 8:54pm
Lase Mooray
ShoomFlight logs, how the hell do you do it?

You need to first enable Elite to record flight logs (tells you on the log page how to do this ) Then you need to navigate to the folder that holds the logs (C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\Frontier_Developments\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-xxxx\Logs) then drag and drop the 'netLog.xxxxxxxxxxxx.log' file into Inara

Think I have that right

I dont have anything from the root AppData!
26 Jul 2015, 10:28pm
Hiiden folder maybe?
27 Jul 2015, 11:13am
I dont have anything from the root AppData!

Is it that you can't see the AppData folder? If you can't it is due to Windows hiding system folders, you will need to make it visable by:

(this is while viewing a directory - I'd suggest c:/users/YOURUSERNAME/)

Pressing [ALT] + [T] (Tools menu)
Click 'Folder Options'
Click the 'View' tab
In the lower window click the radio box next to 'Show hidden files, folders, and drives'
Click 'OK'

You should now be able to see the AppData folder, let us know if this works/doesn't work!
27 Jul 2015, 11:18am
Just a note, you can also have logs in the game folder, like: C:\EDLaunch\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-1002\Logs
27 Jul 2015, 12:11pm
ArtieJust a note, you can also have logs in the game folder, like: C:\EDLaunch\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-1002\Logs

also the number can be different .......... C:\EDLaunch\Products\FORC-FDEV-D-1002
27 Jul 2015, 12:51pm
Hello. What format do you guys use to upload your screenshots, and what is the process to change it from the original format?

What I do is to open the bmp. file with paint and then save it as png. file, but the quality is from medium to horrible.

Any tips?
27 Jul 2015, 5:00pm
Lase Mooray
I dont have anything from the root AppData!

Is it that you can't see the AppData folder? If you can't it is due to Windows hiding system folders, you will need to make it visable by:

(this is while viewing a directory - I'd suggest c:/users/YOURUSERNAME/)

Pressing [ALT] + [T] (Tools menu)
Click 'Folder Options'
Click the 'View' tab
In the lower window click the radio box next to 'Show hidden files, folders, and drives'
Click 'OK'

You should now be able to see the AppData folder, let us know if this works/doesn't work!

OK will try, thanks
27 Jul 2015, 7:52pm
I have like 30 or so Net logs which one do I use?
27 Jul 2015, 8:02pm
Sci FiI have like 30 or so Net logs which one do I use?

Start with the latest one and go back as far as you would like

I have noticed that some have no navigation info in it, but Inara will warn you about it so you will know
27 Jul 2015, 8:25pm
and then will it just keep updating? on its own?
27 Jul 2015, 8:29pm
Also it justs says interdiction info...is this right?
27 Jul 2015, 8:52pm
Sci Fi: If do you jumped elsewhere during the session, it's not. This log was probably created without VerboseLogging enabled (as described in Flight logs help), so there is no information about jumps within the log and Inara cannot take the proper records from there. In any case, there is not possible to take/update the flight logs automatically, browser doesn't allow to touch your local files without your action (security restrictions), so you need to upload *.log files to Inara manually (you can upload up to 10 files at once, so you can do that once per week for example).

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