Elite: Game talk

31 May 2024, 6:40am
It also depends how you engineered them.

Beam Lasers are the most powerful of Laser Types, but they generate more heat as well, using THERMAL VENT EXPERIMENTAL EFFECT helps...

I had already started to modified components by engineers, but I probably didn't pay attention to the negative side effects of some of the changes. Thanks for the tip
31 May 2024, 9:54am
Ralph ThumWhat do you do to prevent your own beam laser weapons from overheating quickly? Am I perhaps using the wrong weapon types (one 3D and four 2E beam lasers - all as turrets - with a 6a power plant and 6a energy distribution, all in a Federal dropship)?

It also depends how you engineered them.

Beam Lasers are the most powerful of Laser Types, but they generate more heat as well, using THERMAL VENT EXPERIMENTAL EFFECT helps...

Thermal vents help to cool your ship down . However, if you fire them on empty WEP capacitator they will self-cook themselves
31 May 2024, 12:27pm
Ralph Thum
It also depends how you engineered them.

Beam Lasers are the most powerful of Laser Types, but they generate more heat as well, using THERMAL VENT EXPERIMENTAL EFFECT helps...

I had already started to modified components by engineers, but I probably didn't pay attention to the negative side effects of some of the changes. Thanks for the tip

That's the way I equipped my Corvette, by far my most efficient Combat ship.

The reasons are: The 3C BEAM LASER [FIXED] Short Range Blaster Oversized on its own can easily cause damages to your ships by overheating.

The two 1E BEAM LASER [FIXED] Short Range Blaster Thermal Vent are on the side and above the 3C, occasionally they can miss the target if you aim (like I do) with the 3C Piper, so when one missed, the other hits and I have no issues with over heating.

The lower dot in the HUD is the 3 C Blaster, the two directly above it are the Thermal Vent.


Thermal vents help to cool your ship down . However, if you fire them on empty WEP capacitator they will self-cook themselves

I don't have this problem especially when my Power Distributor runs out of juice on the Python MK II, I guess it depends on ship and fit.

Since I changed the 3C from Long Range to Short Range Blaster, I increase its engineering Grade step by step.

From Grade 2 to Grade 3, I tested it, including firing in the void and with PIP exhausted to see how fast it overheats without the 2C THERMAL VENT. No problem there I just have to keep hitting the target to avoid overheating but I don't think I will go above Grade 3, DPS is already well high and with Abrasive Shells it get 25% higher.

That's 50.125/s which is a lot and the reason why I chose to use fixed Lasers in the first place, for comparison, a stock fixed 4A Multi-Cannon has a DPS of 28.00...‬

Last edit: 31 May 2024, 2:40pm
31 May 2024, 9:38pm
@episparh + @thinder

Great, guys. I'll try all that by time, sounds logical and I'm sure you two know what you talking off.

And Thinder: Thank you so much for the detailed instructions, that probably makes it pretty easy for me to do what you all had to painstakingly try.

Thanks again!
31 May 2024, 10:51pm
Ralph Thum@episparh + @thinder

Great, guys. I'll try all that by time, sounds logical and I'm sure you two know what you talking off.

And Thinder: Thank you so much for the detailed instructions, that probably makes it pretty easy for me to do what you all had to painstakingly try.

Thanks again!

No problem. The best is to learn about it by reading what it says in Wiki, generally information is correct, it will save you time and efforts.
31 May 2024, 11:48pm
Replacing my Type 7 with this one would be a good idea...

01 Jun 2024, 12:55am
Considering the Type 7 is basically obsolete in the current standing of the game, unless you have an unhealthy love for what is almost literally a brick with thrusters (and Canonn say calling the Type 7 a brick is an insult to the brick, quite hilariously), that can’t be a bad thing.

Given that I am not much of a hauler, I’m not sure I’d be able to justify that one, however. Certainly not for ARX, and I doubt that Thargoid rescue operations will necessarily still stick around long enough (in the current fashion) for this to become useful in that regard.

… that is assuming the remaining Titans are thrown down the flusher within the next… month, maybe two. If not, I guess there’s going to be a magic anti-Titan switch thrown by Frontier or they make the surviving one(s) leave… not quite of their own accord.

Regardless, I’m eyeing this one cautiously, unlike the strong disinterest I had in the Python knockoff trying to be an FDL(and possibly not very good at it, certainly where the visuals are concerned …).
01 Jun 2024, 1:17am
01 Jun 2024, 3:13am
Kasumi GotoConsidering the Type 7 is basically obsolete in the current standing of the game, unless you have an unhealthy love for what is almost literally a brick with thrusters (and Canonn say calling the Type 7 a brick is an insult to the brick, quite hilariously), that can’t be a bad thing.

Given that I am not much of a hauler, I’m not sure I’d be able to justify that one, however. Certainly not for ARX, and I doubt that Thargoid rescue operations will necessarily still stick around long enough (in the current fashion) for this to become useful in that regard.

… that is assuming the remaining Titans are thrown down the flusher within the next… month, maybe two. If not, I guess there’s going to be a magic anti-Titan switch thrown by Frontier or they make the surviving one(s) leave… not quite of their own accord.

Regardless, I’m eyeing this one cautiously, unlike the strong disinterest I had in the Python knockoff trying to be an FDL(and possibly not very good at it, certainly where the visuals are concerned …).

Frankly, I'd rather spend my game budget into new E.D ships than throw it to War Gaming for Premium Gaming, I uninstalled WoW completely btw.

I need Haulers, if only to transfer Tritium from the Carrier to its tanks (Type 7 all the way to Colonia and back plus system honking), I also occasionally buy it to replenish my reserves after an exploration trip, so I'll have no problem buying new ships including this one.
01 Jun 2024, 9:41am
I mean, your money, your choice(s). I personally just wouldn’t see a huge point in throwing it out there for a ship I have no interest in (or couldn’t immediately justify the purchase for).


Yes I dare. takes appropriate posture and puts on matching expression
01 Jun 2024, 10:35am
This is just what I've been waiting for , a sizeable cargo [ Hopefully ] that can use outposts -

Also my fingers are crossed for a reasonable choice of internals.
Currently using a MK4 Cobra as an exploration ship in the black, because it's the only one I can use for detailed mapping AND some mining capability when I come across those pristine ring hotspots. Trouble is the cargo capacity.

Previously I was using an Asp for the explore - [ maxed out fsd range ], but if I found anything worth mining I had to nip back to the carrier and switch to my Python MK1 miner.
It's just so much more efficient to be able to do it all with one vessel, so just maybe the T8 can also be adapted for this.

Sadly though if there is going to be focus on the defense capability I think it will likely be the same situation as the Python MK2 with reduced internals , albeit some might be class 6 or 5's.
01 Jun 2024, 12:35pm
So far, these ships scream “Muh Powerplay 2.0” to me. If you’ll believe they are designing new ship variants for new human stupidity.

… yes, I don’t really have a particularly high opinion on that thing, since so far the Titan atory has been getting shoved aside rather unceremoniously and without the narrative that even kept it vaguely interesting in the first place.
01 Jun 2024, 2:55pm
Actually, they are designing them to get cash. Nothing stopped them for actually make SCO behave in similar matter or even make it normal function to existing FSD.

And don't let me even started for their design choices.
01 Jun 2024, 3:05pm
I’m just saying that their core features (aside from SCO - think of that what you want …) are seemingly made in mind with the Powerplay rework. This hauler, for instance, apparently has lots of speed and cargo capacity. Sound like blockade runner much?

The money aspect… just making them early access for ARX when there hasn’t been any new ships for years would do it alone.
02 Jun 2024, 5:11am
Kasumi GotoSo far, these ships scream “Muh Powerplay 2.0” to me. If you’ll believe they are designing new ship variants for new human stupidity.

… yes, I don’t really have a particularly high opinion on that thing, since so far the Titan atory has been getting shoved aside rather unceremoniously and without the narrative that even kept it vaguely interesting in the first place.

You're starting to p*** me off with your insult, if you don't like this game just bugger off somewhere else and stop spitting your venom over here, you contribute nothing but negativity to the debate, how many of the ship you bashed up did you posses?

You need mental health help or a good dentist.

Kasumi Goto
The money aspect…

Do you refund the free ARX you're given? If no just shut the bark off.

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