Elite: Game talk

27 Jul 2024, 10:19pm
ThinderBTW What's the advantages of mixing Corrosive with Incendiary shells?
Incendiaries do stuff with shields since they're switched to Thermal damage. Corrosives reduce the hull armour value, so when the shields are out, other projectiles have a little more punch on the affected target.

(that's not an AX loadout of course, lol, I've been revamping my anti-ship things the last time I played)
27 Jul 2024, 11:09pm
I have now committed the sacrilege of unlawfully assaulting Azimuth personnel and property… though some would call it rightfully serving justice.

I’m firmly on the latter half of the viewpoints, if you couldn’t tell.
28 Jul 2024, 1:19am
28 Jul 2024, 1:40am
The best part of it was that when me and the other person doing it went to beat up a military settlement, a bug occurred that made the defenses turn on the Azimuth ships as we approached on foot, and it was absolutely glorious.
28 Jul 2024, 5:21am
Aunty Sledge
ThinderThat's another thing... I only play Solo.

BTW What's the advantages of mixing Corrosive with Incendiary shells?

Yeah I play solo as well, AX combat is the only thing I do in open.

Corrosive Shells reduce the hardness of the targets armour by 25%, so everything hitting it does more damage. You only need one weapon with it, so if you have multiple Multi-Cannons make a smaller one Corrosive.

Incendiary Rounds do more damage to shields (1.9x) but less to armour (0.85x). If you want to go pure ballistic it's not a bad way to go but it will run hot.

Personally I like a mix of thermal vent beam lasers for shields, MC with Auto-Loaders, and a single MC with Corrosive. It runs cold, preserves capacitor usage, and beams don't run out of ammo so I save the MCs for larger targets once the shields are down.

ThinderBTW What's the advantages of mixing Corrosive with Incendiary shells?

Incendiaries do stuff with shields since they're switched to Thermal damage. Corrosives reduce the hull armour value, so when the shields are out, other projectiles have a little more punch on the affected target.

(that's not an AX loadout of course, lol, I've been revamping my anti-ship things the last time I played)

I knew about Corrosive Shells because I use them on all my ships but not the mix with Incendiary.... Interesting.

Last edit: 28 Jul 2024, 5:52am
28 Jul 2024, 6:55am
Noting all of the advice. Thank you to all of you. Very much.

For example, I didn't realize Robigo (sp?) was still viable. I'll have to give it a shot. (I do mostly play solo. Although, I dip into Open on occasion to help a few people doing BGS stuff by winning HI ground CZs for their factions.) I appreciate the advice about the passengers; I didn't realize that could be problematic. I figured it was just like Trade/Cargo runs but with people.

Regarding AX... That's my next ship build, actually. My Chieftain, named "AX Murderer". (Not sure if my Target Build for it is visible in my profile. If it is, I'd welcome critiques to my plan.) Do Hydra's reward a specific amount and that's why the "2 Hydras" is mentioned?
28 Jul 2024, 8:18am
IndyNoting all of the advice. Thank you to all of you. Very much.

For example, I didn't realize Robigo (sp?) was still viable. I'll have to give it a shot. (I do mostly play solo. Although, I dip into Open on occasion to help a few people doing BGS stuff by winning HI ground CZs for their factions.) I appreciate the advice about the passengers; I didn't realize that could be problematic. I figured it was just like Trade/Cargo runs but with people.

Regarding AX... That's my next ship build, actually. My Chieftain, named "AX Murderer". (Not sure if my Target Build for it is visible in my profile. If it is, I'd welcome critiques to my plan.) Do Hydra's reward a specific amount and that's why the "2 Hydras" is mentioned?

Robigo Mines run have been nerfed then put back to semi-normal again. It is not what it used to be but if you have a 6 cabin ship (Medium pad) you still can do 20.000.000 Cr/runs, only it will not replenish the rich clients (5.000.000+/cabin) as fast as before, I generally take a break between runs and still manage to make some decent credits.

Be aware that my Python is equipped with Seven (7) cabins so it's a bit more flexible, sometimes I make the runs with only 6 passenger cabin in use out of 7 because there are no passengers available and still manage 20.000.000 Cr.

=> ! It's only about passengers asking for killing enemies, because the bad guys will hunt you and if they don't manage to kill you, the scanning make sure you'll lose your fees because other passengers will cancel even if you made it back in one piece.


I keep experimenting with weaponry, the only weapons I never changed on my Corvette are the two (X2) 4A MULTI-CANNON [GIMBALLED] because I'm happy with them. One is Overcharged xxxxx Corrosive Shell, the other Overcharged xxxxx Oversized. I just mounted a 3C MULTI-CANNON [FIXED] Short Range Blaster, Incendiary in place of the centrally mounted Laser Beam, I'll see if it works better, otherwise I also have a Plasma Accelerator for this Hardpoint.

I'll test them back to back so I can have a better idea of which combination is the most practical...


The Fixed multi-cannon proved difficult to use, either I loose ammo for nothing or I have to wait to be on target (small circle) to fire all guns, I can't take more weight off the Corvette to improve maneuverability anyway, or else she will be vulnerable to freak hits (Power Plant going off, not reparable leaving me with ZERO power for all systems).

I'm gonna test the Gimbaled version, it might well allow me to fire more shells on target and despite the loss of DPS prove more efficient vs fast-moving targets.


It seems to be the best combination, I can keep hitting the target and even lase it simultaneously. I'll keep this Gimballed Multi-Cannons.

Last edit: 28 Jul 2024, 9:43am
28 Jul 2024, 8:30am
I've never had problems with interdictions, and just ignore the in-flight passenger requests. It's such a short journey they don't complain. Human interdiction attempts are easy to avoid in a Python.

You do need to be mindful of doing the trip with wanted people, if you get scanned the station could become hostile. If you go back to complete the mission and there isn't a free landing pad then go back into super cruise and try again. Saying that, there isn't much security at space stations.

As for the AX build, I'd go with a class 6 cargo rack for 64 limpets instead of 16. Move the repair to the 5 slot, and downgrade the class 5 guardian module to class 4. You get a 4x improvement on limpets for a minor downgrade on module defence. Also add Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance to all guardian modules and weapons or a Glaive is going to reduce you to a hulk in seconds.

Finally, and this is just my OCD kicking in here, but I'd go large beam and a small guass to optimise slot usage. Someone could do the AX math and tell me I'm wrong there, but I hate not optimising module and weapon slots.
28 Jul 2024, 2:53pm
IndyDo Hydra's reward a specific amount and that's why the "2 Hydras" is mentioned?
They give you a good amount of creds in PilotFed bonds, and you also could pick up a "Destroy 2 Hydras" mission on the defended station, for 40-50mil more. And, well, that feeling of 'I nailed those bastards solo' of course, lol.
28 Jul 2024, 3:07pm
Aunty SledgeI've never had problems with interdictions, and just ignore the in-flight passenger requests. It's such a short journey they don't complain. Human interdiction attempts are easy to avoid in a Python.

You do need to be mindful of doing the trip with wanted people, if you get scanned the station could become hostile. If you go back to complete the mission and there isn't a free landing pad then go back into super cruise and try again. Saying that, there isn't much security at space stations.

As for the AX build, I'd go with a class 6 cargo rack for 64 limpets instead of 16. Move the repair to the 5 slot, and downgrade the class 5 guardian module to class 4. You get a 4x improvement on limpets for a minor downgrade on module defence. Also add Anti-Guardian Zone Resistance to all guardian modules and weapons or a Glaive is going to reduce you to a hulk in seconds.

Finally, and this is just my OCD kicking in here, but I'd go large beam and a small guass to optimise slot usage. Someone could do the AX math and tell me I'm wrong there, but I hate not optimising module and weapon slots.

Unwanted people are nearly ZERO% from Robigo Mines, especially those paying well.
28 Jul 2024, 6:08pm
This new Weapon fit works rather well, I just reached 50% to Combat Elite Rank 1, I achieved Elite rank on 4th of July 2022, it's a long time to get here but I didn't start to grind until much later, I gained 2% since 25th JUL...

Since I don't have any overheating issues even without using the Thermal Vent Beam Lasers, I'm gonna try to swap to OVERSIZED.
28 Jul 2024, 8:24pm
It looks like that fuel-rats financed the development and creation of SCO FSD.
28 Jul 2024, 9:39pm
Shg56It looks like that fuel-rats financed the development and creation of SCO FSD.

Might feel like it when you reach your destination with 5% fuel remaining...
29 Jul 2024, 4:22am
I would certainly remind folks thinking about using a SCO for deep exploration to watch their fuel gauges closely when out in the void
29 Jul 2024, 8:13am
MiseriI would certainly remind folks thinking about using a SCO for deep exploration to watch their fuel gauges closely when out in the void

I only use mine 1/2 sec to get out of a planet orbit, what really bugs me is that they cannot be downsized to gain weight.

I don't need jump range on my corvette but reducing time from my Carrier to a CZ would be useful....

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