Elite: Game talk

today, 2:26pm
RawnuGood hunting!
And should you need a really bad AX pilot on your wing, I happily throw myself in front of the goids.

Thank you. :3
Same here. Feel free to call if you run into any bug-related trouble. I'm somewhat time-restricted but still fighting to keep weekends work-free.
today, 2:44pm
Kasumi GotoOr you could just run exobiology for a week and get several billions to your name, making cost almost a non-factor les.

You're right, will try exo-b now where do I look
today, 4:42pm
EpisparhWhy having thargoids in Shin Dez when we have gankers there

Perhaps the intent is to help the players organize an anti-ganker system.

If only Thargoids would cooperate…
today, 5:02pm
Kasumi Gotowill try exo-b now where do I look

Right now the easiest option in the Bubble is to pay visits to the dead Thargoid Spire sites (search link). Each Spire has four different biologicals to scan (coral trees, coral roots, barnacle matrices, and the spires — for the last one land on one of the spire ‘petals’ and poke around), all of which pay quite well, and due to a bug everyone gets the first discovery bonus for these.

Other than that… well, the FSS will tell you whether a planet/moon has any biological signals. The more, the better. Use the DSS to scan the planet/moon, head where the DSS overlay shows blue, and try to spot those pesky lifeforms from the air. (Some lifeforms are rather notorious for being hard to find, but most are quite easy.)

Oh, and if this is your first foray into exobiology, do not forget you need an Artemis suit
(Also FYI, the bio-sampling tool can do a short-range scan for biologicals and highlight them. Use the “aim down sights” keybinding for that.)
today, 5:21pm
I love the chaos in open but I wish risk and reward were properly balanced. Yesterday I took the Cutter to Jameson twice. The first time I managed to slip through, accepted ALL the cargo missions on the board, and made only 9M Cr. That means to offset a rebuy of 36M I need four successful missions for each failed one. That's unlikely to work.

On the other hand, when I took my taxi Adder to Jameson, often there were no suitable missions at all, or missions that paid only 5-digit rewards. Normal taxi missions from Jameson pay at least half a million Cr and sometimes as much as 2M per flight. In a high-risk environment involving gankers AND Thargoids, rewards should be higher rather than lower, and there should ALWAYS be missions available.

Frontier needs to take a step back and understand what these different player groups want. AX and rescue pilots want rewards. Gankers want targets that aren't NPCs. All it takes to bring these groups together in open is a proper risk/reward ratio.
today, 5:23pm
Shg56Honestly, I don't use guardian weapons but only MCs and beam(s) for venting. Just go to where fights with goids happening you will figure it out yourself. While in there join other pilots and you even don't have to kill any goids they would do it for you and you will still be getting credits, just be where the job is being done. That's the easiest way. If you want to develop your fighting skills go solo to AXZ low and you will see if you have skills and/or ship to do the task. That's the hard way.

Well, I'm back from attempting the hard way first. Hehe. (Testing myself in Solo is the way I like to do things.)
I did alright and am looking forward to improving. Upon entering ShinDez, I was hyperdicted a couple times and ran until I could tell it was a Scout after me, then I took out said Scout pretty quick.

After that, I finished the journey into ShinDez and went to an AXCZ (Low) and tried to help some NPCs with Scouts and Interceptors. The Scouts were gone in a flash, then the Interceptors showed up. I got quite a few shots off, but never got a kill. The swarms are an interesting mechanic; I couldn't figure out the right timing/targeting to effectively get them with the Remote Flak. In any case, I stuck around taking shots at the Interceptors a bit. Boosted away, used up my AFMU stock and some repair limpets, then went back into the fight.

Overall, I'd say I need to work on my fixed weapon skills. I only missed a few shots with my Gauss, but I "missed" a number of shots that I didn't take because I couldn't keep a steady aim. And also understanding the Remote Flak and Swarms mechanic better.
Anyway, back to it! I think I'll try Open now and, yes, I'll turn off report-crimes first.
today, 5:37pm
insert obligatory rant about Frontier refusing to hit a simple code switch to permanently turn off crime reporting in AX conflict zones so accidental collisions with one of the braindead NPCs result in a "murder bounty" because it exploded due to a Thargoid's caustic missile moments later

Nothing quite like that BS to make you want to stop playing especially in a system where the station under attack is controlled by a faction which literally does not exist anywhere else and has the hand in option removed because "Thargoid attack". Why did any developer even remotely think it was NOT a stupid idea to leave crime reporting enabled by default in war zones that get chaotic?
today, 6:35pm
Went looking for Niobium, ended up in Odyssey collecting DNA samples from cosmic shrooms.
Should I upgrade to Python Mk II for hunting alien "plant" life on planet surfaces or what?
Sadly, this rather good ship description/commentary is a bit of out of date steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=486459935
today, 6:54pm

Perhaps the intent is to help the players organize an anti-ganker system.

It was tried several times. The system is heavily rigged towards gankers. They can simply avoid PvPers and do what they do with their pray.

Last edit: 21 Sep 2024, 7:10pm
today, 7:01pm
I would get bored without gankers.
today, 7:24pm
As long as players exist, there be gankers anyway. They'd probably just change spots to somewhere other than Shin.

.. but that doesn't mean I exactly get what they find so fun about blowing up ships that are incapable of fighting back properly, because having no challenge would just get boring eventually.

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