Elite: Game talk

25 May 2024, 12:30pm
Could somebody describe or pointing me to right direction where I can find detail info how fights with goids are structured at planetary ports? I am particular interesting about the second stage when hydras arrive. How many new waves of scouts and lesser interceptors would be spawned, and how to see the progression of the fight? At the first stage you could see the white bar moving but at hydra's stage both their bars are all white so it is unclear where you are the battle and how much longer it would last. Thank you

Last edit: 25 May 2024, 1:20pm
25 May 2024, 1:59pm
Hydras usually spawn with 3-4 Cyclopes supporting them and new Cyclopes arrive shortly if some of the first ones get killed. Can't say anything about the Scouts but it seems like the instance tries to maintain their presence too, at some level. Two white bars represent the hitpoints of each Hydra (taking heart loss and regeneration into account, literally a mirrored HP-bar).

(One time I've had a bugged instance that kept spawning Cyclopes in waves, with like ten of them or even more present constantly, in the sensor range. Maybe even more dragged away by the NPC pilots. That was fun. Couldn't repeat that, sadly.)

Last edit: 25 May 2024, 2:06pm
25 May 2024, 2:12pm
I find the FDL easier to use with fixed weapons but I haven't engineered the Thrusters yet, I know it makes a difference, just not how it will translate with the FDL.
25 May 2024, 2:31pm
Scouts definitely keep spawning in the Hydra stage too, and appear to be coded to stick around the Interceptors at that. A Scout swarm surrounding a Cyclops can actually do some damage if it gets “triggered” by a Berserker.
25 May 2024, 3:40pm
To add what others said already about planetary port AX CZs (all of which applies to spaceport AX CZs, I believe):
  • Sometimes you get three Hydras rather than two, with three progress bars.
  • Shortly after destroying the Hydras and the accompanying Cyclopses & Scouts the CZ starts over again (unless the Invasion defence progress has reached 100% while you were fighting).
25 May 2024, 3:42pm
Sampi Ogonek
  • Sometimes you get three Hydras rather than two, with three progress bars.
I. Want. This. Give. Me. This. :p
25 May 2024, 3:51pm
Sampi Ogonek
  • Sometimes you get three Hydras rather than two, with three progress bars.

I. Want. This. Give. Me. This. :p

Station CZs around the big starports give you that.

Or you can have an instance with a zombie Hydra like me, where the first one resurrects with 5 hearts even though it had already been killed. Never seen 3 proper at a surface CZ though.
25 May 2024, 4:26pm
In other news, if someone needs to stock on Hardened Surface Fragments, today ought to be a perfect day to do so.

Just equip your cold-running ship with a Pulse Wave Xeno-Scanner and an Abrasion Blaster (and, of course, a caustic sink or two, an SCO-capable FSD, and a controller capable of programming collector limpets + a stock of limpets), go to Titan Hadad (preferably solo so other CMDRs won’t aggro the remaining Thargoid patrols) and scan the maw-side for Coarse Hull Surfaces. Blast them & collect the materials
26 May 2024, 9:28am
Even before I finished engineering her, I have the feeling that a well engineered FDL can more than hold a candle to the new Python MK II...


Impression confirmed:


Python Mk II

Before I'm done engineering her, the FDL shows her true color...

She is faster, have a higher Pitch rate but Roll rate and Yaw rate are lower, which isn't necessarily a bad thing in particular in Yaw, since the Python Acceleration Onset works against precision when using fixed weapons.

Right now, I'm engineering her Beam Lasers, Level 1 Short range (DAMAGE +27%, MAXIMUM RANGE -10%), one THERMAL VENT and one OVERSIZED.

Next I'll see what kind of weight saving measure I can apply to her, she isn't a hull tanker, with only 3 useful slots but shielding is good (6 X Shield Boosters + 1 X Shield Cell Bank).

still not finished but already lethal.

Maneuverability excellent but more useable than the Python MK II when using fixed weapons, in PvE bounty hunting I ran circles around an Anaconda and took it down in less than one mn, that's how efficient this weapon fit is.

It's not easy to use if you don't have the controls to point toward the target with precision but when you do, and are used to it, targets goes boom in seconds, here is why.

Last edit: 26 May 2024, 3:52pm
26 May 2024, 4:04pm
I just wanted to buy the vibrant yellow paint job for my Adder and found that it's no longer available. Wtf?
26 May 2024, 5:33pm
SakashiroI just wanted to buy the vibrant yellow paint job for my Adder and found that it's no longer available. Wtf?

Take it as a sign that they don’t want your money.

… but I also don’t see the point in taking out store items. Were the few bytes of data which their file took too much to maintain on it or whichever server(s) handle the store?
26 May 2024, 9:30pm
Kasumi Goto
SakashiroI just wanted to buy the vibrant yellow paint job for my Adder and found that it's no longer available. Wtf?

Take it as a sign that they don’t want your money.

… but I also don’t see the point in taking out store items. Were the few bytes of data which their file took too much to maintain on it or whichever server(s) handle the store?

Yeah, it makes no sense. After all, the game files need to contain those paint jobs anyway, since people may still be using them. Might as well keep them on the store as well.
27 May 2024, 2:24am
Kasumi Goto
SakashiroI just wanted to buy the vibrant yellow paint job for my Adder and found that it's no longer available. Wtf?

Take it as a sign that they don’t want your money.

… but I also don’t see the point in taking out store items. Were the few bytes of data which their file took too much to maintain on it or whichever server(s) handle the store?

Yeah, it makes no sense. After all, the game files need to contain those paint jobs anyway, since people may still be using them. Might as well keep them on the store as well.

You're a customer, write a ticket.

It could be anything, a bug, a mistake, an over-zealous employee...
27 May 2024, 3:30am
You're a customer, write a ticket.

It could be anything, a bug, a mistake, an over-zealous employee...

Yell Ow.
It was removed because yellow is the most painful color in the english language.
27 May 2024, 5:53am

Anyway, with this civil war going on, my home system blossoms with signals.

264 military grade alloys, 200 exchanged at the nearest Material Trader (1 Jump) for Pharmaceutical Isolators which seems to be the rarest of Grade 5.

I can't complain, but now I need to do the same with Encoded and Raw, the latest being a pain to farm...

Half way through the engineering process of the FDL, I think it is fair to say that she remains a more lethal ship than the Python MK II once properly engineered, it's good to have a MK II but if I have to do bounty hunting with them I'll chose the FDL, she is easier to use with fixed weapons which make her more lethal.

Of course I can't talk about PvP players out there but I don't think the Python is going to supplant the Fer-de-Lance any time soon.

For one thing, Physics still work against the Python and she is showing her weight (450 t) even if developers have given her a superior Agility Rating (134), once equipped she looses on the weight alone, even with drastic weight saving measures, if the same methods of engineering are applied to the FDL she comes on top.

On top of that she (Python MK II) has a rather difficult to control YAW axis, a high rate with an onset making precise targeting with fixed weapon more difficult than with the FDL, the extra hardpoint can't be exploited to the full because of her Class 6 Power Distributor, mine looses her b3C BEAM LASER [FIXED] fast and then can't boost, so it's one case of more is too much.

So how is the Python MK II O.P then? Well, a ship weighting 130 t more than a Krait MK II shouldn't beat her on maneuverability UNLESS developers applied a totally biased Thruster efficiency ratio to her, which is most probably what they've done...

Note: I purchased one FDL when I didn't know anything about engineering and sold her because I didn't like her.

Last edit: 27 May 2024, 6:11am

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