Elite: Game talk

04 Jun 2024, 3:21pm
Odyssey was clusterfuck of bugs at release. Most likely still is now but i dont experience those that much like before.
04 Jun 2024, 3:31pm
Odyssey is in a better place now than when many of the negative Steam reviews were posted. I would recommend it provided your PC has decent specs and with the further advice that it comes with a lot of grind for engineer unlocks and material gathering.
Frontier have indicated their intent to review the whole engineering process, particularly the collection of resources, but there is no specific timeframe. Most likely when Power play 2 drops later this year, I suspect.

Odyssey has a lot of detractors, but I am one that enjoys the option of on foot gameplay in addition to the normal space action.
04 Jun 2024, 3:56pm
It's been 4 years that I've been playing elite I took odyssey in early access in all I have 6500 hours of games and I can't get enough of it,
04 Jun 2024, 4:43pm
Ralph ThumNext noob question:

Odyssey DLC, yes or no? The reviews on Steam are largely devastating, what do you say who use or have used it?
And yes, I know there's an Odyssey forum, but I'm assuming everyone there uses Odyssey and might be a bit biased.

It just add on foot gameplay. Shooting, looting etc. No particular need for it if you are into ships things but some things like BGS, PP, etc are more effective in Odyssey way.

P. S. The negative reviews are mostly because it was released undercooked with some junky aspects. It's a lot better now but it is not completely bug free.
04 Jun 2024, 5:30pm
Ralph ThumNext noob question:

Odyssey DLC, yes or no?

My advice is that if you want the on-foot content, buy it on sale.
04 Jun 2024, 9:16pm
Ralph ThumNext noob question:

Odyssey DLC, yes or no? The reviews on Steam are largely devastating, what do you say who use or have used it?
And yes, I know there's an Odyssey forum, but I'm assuming everyone there uses Odyssey and might be a bit biased.

Ask yourself if you want to do a space exploration/combat sim or a space based FPS.
If its the latter, there is much better out there. If its the former, then it doesn't really add much
I bought it expecting more from the Exobiology aspect and was disappointed, its a real pain, wish I hadn't bothered.

and its the FPS that takes the extra PC oomph. If you have a lowish spec PC you'll have no problem doing Horizon type stuff, and then experience Frame lag on foot.
04 Jun 2024, 10:34pm
@raiman. @Silver Taffer @Ronin de Breizh @Epispharh @Vasil Vasilescu @Miner Willy

Thank you very much for your opinions. The idea of waiting for a sale and then not having wasted quite so much money if I don't like it is a good one; I think that's what I'll do.

And again and again: it's a very cool and helpful community here, thank you very much!
05 Jun 2024, 6:18pm
I was given a mission via the comms. I was to receive data and deliver it to a certain faction in a certain star system.

I am docked and in the missions area with the data... How do I deliver it?
05 Jun 2024, 7:01pm
I figured it out... Sorta. I had to fly back to where I received the data from another ship and collect the data again. Then once back to deliver it, everything was blue like a regular mission.

The lack of instructions for this game makes it tough, even for old guys like me that played it way back when, when everything was not much more than wire frame characters.
05 Jun 2024, 7:06pm
BeetchleThe lack of instructions for this game makes it tough, even for old guys like me that played it way back when, when everything was not much more than wire frame characters.

The mission details (accessible via the left-hand panel) usually tell you what you need to do next. Usually.
06 Jun 2024, 3:35am
Sampi Ogonek
BeetchleThe lack of instructions for this game makes it tough, even for old guys like me that played it way back when, when everything was not much more than wire frame characters.

The mission details (accessible via the left-hand panel) usually tell you what you need to do next. Usually.

except for missions which don't appear in the transaction panel, like ones received from data beacons...sometimes those are really unclear
06 Jun 2024, 2:59pm
Feels like Elite loves to pull jokes on me. Do one AX conflict zone in space, with modshards, get one Basilisk and nothing but Cyclops afterward. Go do another, and this time “low intensity” throws three Basilisks at me… while I decided to go and use the AX multicannon setup instead.

Last edit: 06 Jun 2024, 4:02pm
08 Jun 2024, 4:59am
Kasumi GotoThe slow brick probably isn't maneuverable enough to notice the control interference of SCO (no offense). I'd think about fitting A-rated though - B rated is pretty much the same as the C rated SCO, except it generates a lot more heat, but uses a lot less fuel. A rated is the fastest and makes slightly less heat than B.

... I'm also going to go and say that unless you min max to the extreme, a B rated drive is probably not what you want, anyway. I stuffed the original C rated one with engineering into my Bubble work/hopper Phantom, thrown an A rated into my Cutter and explorer Phantom. A medium ship is definitely more affected by the throwing around once you get to 3,000c and higher.

Uhh, other than B variant wasnt available and I dindt want to fly far from that station. For experiment purposes it was enough
08 Jun 2024, 1:30pm
I mean, sure, but I was just throwing out advice “just in case”. If you don’t (or didn’t) plan to continue using SCO after that… well, I said it anyway.
08 Jun 2024, 7:00pm
guys please come help us deliver aid to the CG effort

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