Elite: Game talk

10 Jun 2024, 10:37pm
Is it just me or do mission time bonuses seem to have become a lot tighter since the Sco
introduction? ????
10 Jun 2024, 11:22pm
TrampassIs it just me or do mission time bonuses seem to have become a lot tighter since the Sco
introduction? ????

Haven’t noticed, I’m not using the SCO drives, I am quite happy with the old ones that I have spent time engineering.
11 Jun 2024, 3:58am
AX conflict zones in open space are no joke. Let me say that. Why?

Because while one of those port CZs throws like 20 Cyclops at you, basically… every time, a low intensity AX CZ around a planet? Here’s a Cyclops with a Medusa. And then two Basilisks. Or you get a Cyclops then two Medusas. Wouldn’t call that a particularly low threat zone… other than it takes less time to get a Hydra to drop by for even more carnage, if the Medusa didn’t slaughter enough of the poor AX bots yet.

(And I guess there’s less Scouts, with no spawns during the Hydra stage, plus no Glaives to bother you. But those… are details.)
11 Jun 2024, 4:52pm
11 Jun 2024, 4:54pm
Ah, it seems like we're getting closer to the end of that loading screen and soon to witness the new, second instalment of PP.
11 Jun 2024, 5:03pm
I probably shouldn’t expect the loading screen’s end to actually be “Humans get proper slapped in the face like they deserve to be”.
11 Jun 2024, 5:12pm
Ah, don't worry. Faces will be slapped. And not only the faces. Humans excel in slapping each other, they don't need any angry alien bugs for that. :p
11 Jun 2024, 7:28pm
I'm basically just a casual "get fixated for a few weeks then drop it a while" player. Mostly have tried trading, some light exploration (As in, just trying to make my trade routes span long distances and scanning in the process) and a bit of combat that I'm not ENTIRELY sold on. Was wondering what was next with my plans (Particularly in terms of my next ship target). My issue is mostly that my usual playstyle (Space trucking, kinda want to pick up mining if I decide I want to learn) is slightly at odds with what I like in a ship's feel (Speedy and maneuverable rather than a big rig) so I'm taking any suggestions

(Also any suggestions about general gameplay don't hurt if anyone wants to share, as most suggestions I find are either very early or very "powergame" while I'm sitting in an odd medium here)
11 Jun 2024, 8:27pm
MeowersAh, don't worry. Faces will be slapped. And not only the faces. Humans excel in slapping each other, they don't need any angry alien bugs for that. :p

Yes, but them slapping each other won’t have the same effect as the “bug killer” people getting royally slammed on their backsides by the thing which they think are mindless insect idiots.

I think the fact that Thargoids actually value personal space, unlike those idiot species we have on Earth that fly into your face at literally every given opportunity for no reason, elevates them above that.

(And who doesn’t want to see AXI proven wrong about their superiority complex? Not that I ever said this publicly, should anyone ask …)
11 Jun 2024, 10:18pm
KensaiVGWas wondering what was next with my plans (Particularly in terms of my next ship target).

Sort of depends where you are in progression no point in pushing you at a Corvette or cutter if you are bouncing around in an asp.

My progress route was:
Sidewinder > Cobra Mk III > Asp Explorer > Krait Mk II > Python

Then I got a bit random:
> DiamondBack Explorer fully engineered for exploring, but I discovered prefer the Krait
> Fer-De-Lance for a bit of fighting, but I'm not really enamoured of combat.
> Type-9 for big hauls in safe areas, (to lumpy to avoid interdiction and getting wiped out)

The Python is a good all rounder and my daily runner. Good, capacity, landable at most places, capable of defending itself quite well, or running if it looks like its getting to hot.
11 Jun 2024, 10:30pm
Miner Willy
KensaiVGWas wondering what was next with my plans (Particularly in terms of my next ship target).

Sort of depends where you are in progression no point in pushing you at a Corvette or cutter if you are bouncing around in an asp.

I'm sorry, I thought I'd mentioned it in my post. I went Sidewinder > Cobra3 > DBX > currently running an Alliance Chieftain (As I said, kinda been bouncing around styles)

I have just enough cargo space to get a mill or two if I get lucky with trade routes, got recommended core mining as something I may find fun and it seems similar enough to my basic default of "Run trades while I think of what to do" for that to still work, but wondering what to gun for if I want to go that route, especially as I do want if possible to keep the profile of "as nimble as possible" which I get conflicts with the cargo needed for trade/mining. (I don't need to go full "most efficient to a minute detail" powerplay because that's not my style, but don't want to kneecap myself either)
11 Jun 2024, 11:36pm
KensaiVG Got recommended core mining as something I may find fun and it seems similar enough to my basic default of "Run trades while I think of what to do" for that to still work, but wondering what to gun for if I want to go that route, especially as I do want if possible to keep the profile of "as nimble as possible" which I get conflicts with the cargo needed for trade/mining. (I don't need to go full "most efficient to a minute detail" powerplay because that's not my style, but don't want to kneecap myself either)

Maybe a python as a miner. It should be nimble enough, with enough hard points for mining and defense, and enough optionals to carry a refinery along with a modest amount of cargo.

However, this is advice coming from a weirdo that uses a Type9 to mine and who will spend inordinate amounts of time turning large rocks into small ones. With 600 tons of cargo capacity, I don't mind dropping 20tons of high value minerals if I get jumped by pirates. I can easily recoup that 20 tons by cracking open a few decent asteroids. To me, high value minerals are anything I can sell for over 500k per ton, though I'll settle for 350 if I need to.
12 Jun 2024, 6:43am

I'm sorry, I thought I'd mentioned it in my post. I went Sidewinder > Cobra3 > DBX > currently running an Alliance Chieftain (As I said, kinda been bouncing around styles)

I have just enough cargo space to get a mill or two if I get lucky with trade routes, got recommended core mining as something I may find fun and it seems similar enough to my basic default of "Run trades while I think of what to do" for that to still work, but wondering what to gun for if I want to go that route, especially as I do want if possible to keep the profile of "as nimble as possible" which I get conflicts with the cargo needed for trade/mining. (I don't need to go full "most efficient to a minute detail" powerplay because that's not my style, but don't want to kneecap myself either)

My advice: Start building ships for purpose and use them accordingly. Decide what activity you want to do next and build a ship for it. After you're done or bored just store the ship and use different one for different activity.
12 Jun 2024, 7:27am
Is there a way to buy/sell a maximum of some commodity? I have a Type-9 and want to buy 720 tons of gold. I have to push my mouse button on the [+] and hold... and wait... Something like Ctrl+Click? Is there a way to add that keyboard shortcut? It is even worse with power play -- I want to buy 720 of programme materials, and yes, I acknowledge this will cost me 7M CR. When I deliver that, I want to Ctrl+Click to unload everything at once.

For some reason, I don't mind flying 300,000 Ls to a distant station, but I have no patience for computer buttons and poor UI. LOL

Thank you! o7
12 Jun 2024, 7:45am
Unfortunately, no. It is particularly annoying if you need to transfer few billion CR from your account to your carrier.

What I find funny is that type of UI is what it is because of consoles. Yes, technically you can still use gamepads and other type of joysticks on PC, but consoles are dead and PCs almost always have attached KB which could make things like this a lot easier.

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