Elite: Game talk

today, 2:17pm
Shg56I would replace 2 heat sinks for Caustic Sink Launcher and Shutdown Field Neutralizer, also you have no storage for limpets

Thank you for looking it over. You're the second person to suggest the Caustic Sink, so I'll add that. Might as well do the Shutdown Field Neutralizer too.
As far as limpet storage, the target build should have the 4E CR Cargo Rack listed. The build with an SA module and Autodock is just what I'm flying around while I finish the engineering; there will be other things (shown in the target build) where those are.

Since I've never fought a thargoid ship before, is there a "best practice" for fire groups and the sinks? For example, should I have one group for weapons, one for caus sinks and neutralizer, one for repairs, and maybe even one for cruise modules (i.e. D-Scanner)? (I have a dedicated keybind for heat sinks.)
today, 2:20pm
Caustic Sinks are awesome. Having only one of those, you could effectively ignore the caustic missiles, except maybe for those from a Hydra. Staying in or flying through death poop mist is still not recommended, but, all and all, they make things easier.
today, 2:31pm
Ivory Cobra. Looks like Frontier can't handle the sudden surge in players.
today, 2:44pm
Also kicked me out with a Black Adder just now. Maybe they should have turned on an extra server or two before they created a Thargoid event bundling up however many players it is in one system. Inara's traffic report seems to indicate this is drawing at least as many players as the bashing of Taranis did. If not more.

If they want us to defend the system, we can only do that when it's not crashing on us.
today, 3:03pm
Kasumi GotoAlso kicked me out with a Black Adder just now. Maybe they should have turned on an extra server or two before they created a Thargoid event bundling up however many players it is in one system. Inara's traffic report seems to indicate this is drawing at least as many players as the bashing of Taranis did. If not more.

If they want us to defend the system, we can only do that when it's not crashing on us.

It's all part of the Thargoid plans. Disrupt our connection to our ships so they can more easily destroy key systems in the bubble.
today, 3:05pm
Purple python, blue cobra...Such a zoo today !
today, 3:11pm
Perfect time for the game to troll. I just finished refitting xenofarmonda to farm thargoid materials at ShinDez. Nice /s
today, 3:13pm
Well, at least we have an entire week of this to let it run on.
today, 3:23pm
Kasumi GotoWell, at least we have an entire week of this to let it run on.

Exactly. Two weeks, no?

That perspective is why I'm not too worried about not finishing my AX build last night, like I hoped. Did some Ground CZs with some friends who are newer to the game instead.

Which reminds me... I've said this before and I'll say it again: I want ground Thargoid content so much!
It could be like waves of Thargoids, where you get progressively higher rewards for surviving through each wave.
Or, if we have to stick to the existing CZ model (which is fine), then make the Ground AX CZs a bit more challenging than the High Intensity CZs. Maybe where a Low AX CZ is equal to a Medium Human CZ, a Med AX CZ = High Human CZ, etc.
today, 3:37pm
Two weeks of permit, yes, but the AX CG is only set to run for one week. So unless the invasion survives into its second week, or the state is not manually removed by Frontier if it survives (which is unlikely, albeit possible), I don't think that week 2 will deal with Thargoids. Perhaps a repair initiative unless they actually totally intend for the system to get absolutely bushwhacked, but that might require some additional manual intervention, like a halfway "Thargoid reinforcement wave".
today, 4:31pm
Indy Since I've never fought a thargoid ship before, is there a "best practice" for fire groups and the sinks? For example, should I have one group for weapons, one for caus sinks and neutralizer, one for repairs, and maybe even one for cruise modules (i.e. D-Scanner)? (I have a dedicated keybind for heat sinks.)

Neutralizer also could be keybinded. As of power groups since you have 3 different types of weapons , you would have quite a few already. I would try to keep their number as low as possible though I use dedicated group for limpet controller. Also I suggest to replace your 5D guardian MRP for regular one it will give more power so you could put thermal special on your power plant, human MRPs stand much better against glaives.
today, 4:48pm
Shg56Neutralizer also could be keybinded. As of power groups since you have 3 different types of weapons , you would have quite a few already. I would try to keep their number as low as possible though I use dedicated group for limpet controller. Also I suggest to replace your 5D guardian MRP for regular one it will give more power so you could put thermal special on your power plant, human MRPs stand much better against glaives.

Noted. I'll see about replacing the Guardian MRP(s); I'll try both ways.

For groups, I'll keep your advice in mind to keep the number low and beware of weapon types.
I would imagine I'll be firing the Gauss and the beam laser more often than the flak. I'm glad to hear the neutralizer can be on a dedicated keybind; I'll have to revisit my binds and assign/double-check things.

I'll watch a few videos on taking on Thargoids too, before I just fly in and get destroyed. (I'm sure I'll be fine, but better to learn the gotchas beforehand.)

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