Elite: Game talk

07 Aug 2024, 10:29am
Type-8 is here!!!

GEEEEE. Someone have left the building with Elvis.

More that 4 hours, must be some update...

Last edit: 07 Aug 2024, 1:43pm
07 Aug 2024, 2:38pm

Game update: Robigo. Preparing the Type 8 for the Robigo Mines run, first impression, cockpit is rough, like the Asp Explorer and when it comes to Optional Internals options, the Python has one extra slot.

Slot Classes are: 1. 1. 2. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 6. 7.

Waiting for a Transfered FSD SCO, I hope I can mount it.

So is it worth £9.59? Hell yeah, the cockpit looks rough that's for sure but the rest of the ship is great! Flight is smooth and it overheats in stock module fit but I wouldn't expect to be able to use any ship in this configuration. So it's time for fitting and engineering.

Tip: Replace all the E modules by either Ds or A.

For my power supply I'll try a 5D POWER PLANT Clean X and THERMAL SPREAD EXPERIMENTAL EFFECT, but I'll use this one unarmed and without shield for the Robigo Run.

You might want to fit a A instead, the goal is to get rid of the overheat in my case but for hauling you will need more power for a good Shield and a Fuel Scoop.

Last edit: 07 Aug 2024, 8:58pm
07 Aug 2024, 6:58pm

Thank you for showing this view!

I hate it lol. The joy of flying for me is being able to see the space around me. This supersized mining venture is going on at the bottom of my fly list, alongside the Anaconda and it's giant nose.
07 Aug 2024, 9:54pm
When comparing Python with Type-8 for passenger missions, you are trading 2 x class 3 for a single class 6. A small improvement for bulk transport but one less cabin when doing VIP missions such as Robigo. If the RNG gods are kind to you, you'll make an extra 2mil per trip, but RNG could easily flip that.

Now, if you are doing mining, or cargo hauling from medium pads (for BGS work for example) then the Type-8 wins hands down. The Python can can run a lot cooler as you have the larger power plant to engineer cold where as the Type-8 would need an armoured power plant.

Let us know how it works out in game, I'm only theory crafting on EDSY.
07 Aug 2024, 10:30pm
Aunty SledgeWhen comparing Python with Type-8 for passenger missions, you are trading 2 x class 3 for a single class 6. A small improvement for bulk transport but one less cabin when doing VIP missions such as Robigo. If the RNG gods are kind to you, you'll make an extra 2mil per trip, but RNG could easily flip that.

Now, if you are doing mining, or cargo hauling from medium pads (for BGS work for example) then the Type-8 wins hands down. The Python can can run a lot cooler as you have the larger power plant to engineer cold where as the Type-8 would need an armoured power plant.

Let us know how it works out in game, I'm only theory crafting on EDSY.

You're right, the Python still lead the way when it comes to Robigo runs.

I sorted the overheating issue but I'm not using an SCO FSD.


Thank you for showing this view!

I hate it lol. The joy of flying for me is being able to see the space around me. This supersized mining venture is going on at the bottom of my fly list, alongside the Anaconda and it's giant nose.

Side view isn't that bad.

Last edit: 07 Aug 2024, 10:44pm
07 Aug 2024, 10:45pm
Your engineered D-rated power plant is 0.37 heat effecient. A stock A-rated one would be 0.4 heat effecient and generate a boat load more power.

At the same level of engineering it would be at 0.2 heat effecient. Long story short, A-rated is the way to go.
07 Aug 2024, 11:22pm
Aunty SledgeYour engineered D-rated power plant is 0.37 heat effecient. A stock A-rated one would be 0.4 heat effecient and generate a boat load more power.

At the same level of engineering it would be at 0.2 heat effecient. Long story short, A-rated is the way to go.

I was after weight (Jump range, I also tried different sized fuel tanks) not heat efficiency which I solved just the same, finally I decided on using the Pre-engineered FSD to secure the 30 Ly Jump range for the job (it was already fully engineered).

Just made the target 20.000.000 run, she's OK.

For info, it might be suggestive but I'm surprised at how smooth this ship rides, she is a real pleasure to fly...

btw: I wasn't always able to fill the extra cabin with the Python.
08 Aug 2024, 3:24am
With the engineering update today, I decided to finish off a couple builds and tinker with some others.

Pardon me for restarting the old fixed vs. gimballed debate, but....
I decided to duplicate the engineering of the hardpoints on a ship I use for bounty hunting, so I could test both.
I used the same missile racks in both scenarios, but switched out identically engineered laser weapons.

I found combat with fixed hardpoints required a lot more focus and closer quarters for me to see the same outcome as with gimballed. However, I didn't have any annoyance when the target ship was throwing chaff. Even so, if I use my missile count as a data point, it appears I used more missiles when using fixed points than when using gimballed. Perhaps because I was able to more quickly strip away the target's shields with lasers before a precision barrage. I'm not entirely sure.

What's the consensus here? Is Gimballed worth the chaff headache to balance out the focus required for fixed? Or should I keep flying with Fixed and "git gud"?
08 Aug 2024, 4:10am
I found combat with fixed hardpoints required a lot more focus and closer quarters for me to see the same outcome as with gimballed. However, I didn't have any annoyance when the target ship was throwing chaff. Even so, if I use my missile count as a data point, it appears I used more missiles when using fixed points than when using gimballed. Perhaps because I was able to more quickly strip away the target's shields with lasers before a precision barrage. I'm not entirely sure.

What's the consensus here? Is Gimballed worth the chaff headache to balance out the focus required for fixed? Or should I keep flying with Fixed and "git gud"?

I use both on my Corvette. My Beam Lasers are fixed and I have little issues tracking any ship to the exception of perhaps the Vipers when they change direction too swiftly but it's more due to the inertia of the ship than anything else.

The reason why I use fixed lasers is because they have a higher DPS and I can get the target shields down faster, I started with Max Range at 6000m, I'm now down to 4000m for the two 1E BEAM LASER and 4800 for the 3C BEAM LASER but not for other reason that increasing DPS.

My Gimbaled Multi-cannons track well enough and I use them even when they don't track, hitting the target velocity vector circle, generally they recover tracking fast enough after a frontal pass for example, they stabilize faster when your aim is centered on target (moving V V circle).

I couldn't do that with a dodgy or less precise controller, at some point my throttle paddle (Yaw) got bad and it was impossible to play this way, so it is dependent on the quality of the controller, I use a Thrusmaster Warthog Stick and a TWCS Throttle..

The Rocker (paddle) is easy to use but the whole system is medium quality so it wears after a while making precision correction difficult.

HUD: Top dots, the two 4A MULTI-CANNONs [GIMBALLED], below the two 1E BEAM LASERs mounted on top of the nose, below on the large circle the two 2F MULTI-CANNONs [GIMBALLED] mounted on the sides, then at the bottom, the 3C BEAM LASER.

Good thing about the Corvette, all the weapons are fairly close to the center, I generally start tracking with the 3C BEAM LASER, I use lasers more and more to avoid to have to reload (Synthesis) and when possible only use the guns when the target shields are down.
This is without a target, they have a small amount of gimbal, the two 1E BEAM LASERs can converge toward the center and the 3C BEAM LASER goes up to a small extend, at a certain distance they meet, then diverge when closer to the target.

Last edit: 08 Aug 2024, 5:08am
08 Aug 2024, 4:39am
ThinderI use both on my Corvette. My Beam Lasers are fixed and I have little issues tracking any ship to the exception of perhaps the Vipers when they change direction too swiftly but it's more due to the inertia of the ship than anything else.

The reason why I use fixed lasers is because they have a higher DPS and I can get the target shields down faster, I started with Max Range at 6000m, I'm now down to 2100m for the two 1E BEAM LASER but not for other reason that increasing DPS.

My Gimbaled Multi-cannons track well enough and I use them even when they don't track, hitting the target velocity vector circle, generally they recover tracking fast enough after a frontal pass for example, they stabilize faster than your aim is centered on target (moving V V circle).

Hmmm... I might try a mix tomorrow. This is mainly for my Packhound FDL ("Thrill-Seeker", if looking at my ships).
Maybe I'll keep my beam laser fixed (for thermal vent) and the pulse laser (scramble) gimballed. Or vice versa, can't decide.
Either way, once the target's shields are down, my packhounds should be able to finish them off, if I'm well positioned.

ThinderI couldn't do that with a dodgy or less precise controller, at some point my throttle paddle (Yaw) got bad and it was impossible to play this way, so it is dependent on the quality of the controller, I use a Thrusmaster Warthog Stick and a TWCS Throttle..
The Rocker (paddle) is easy to use but the whole system is medium quality so it wears after a while making precision correction difficult.

My HOTAS is the 16000 and TWCS -- I think those are the model numbers. I enjoy flying with them.
Additionally, I find ship combat so much easier for me while in VR. However, today's little test was not in VR, so that may play a part as well.
08 Aug 2024, 5:17am
ThinderI use both on my Corvette. My Beam Lasers are fixed and I have little issues tracking any ship to the exception of perhaps the Vipers when they change direction too swiftly but it's more due to the inertia of the ship than anything else.

The reason why I use fixed lasers is because they have a higher DPS and I can get the target shields down faster, I started with Max Range at 6000m, I'm now down to 2100m for the two 1E BEAM LASER but not for other reason that increasing DPS.

My Gimbaled Multi-cannons track well enough and I use them even when they don't track, hitting the target velocity vector circle, generally they recover tracking fast enough after a frontal pass for example, they stabilize faster than your aim is centered on target (moving V V circle).

Hmmm... I might try a mix tomorrow. This is mainly for my Packhound FDL ("Thrill-Seeker", if looking at my ships).
Maybe I'll keep my beam laser fixed (for thermal vent) and the pulse laser (scramble) gimballed. Or vice versa, can't decide.
Either way, once the target's shields are down, my packhounds should be able to finish them off, if I'm well positioned.

ThinderI couldn't do that with a dodgy or less precise controller, at some point my throttle paddle (Yaw) got bad and it was impossible to play this way, so it is dependent on the quality of the controller, I use a Thrusmaster Warthog Stick and a TWCS Throttle..
The Rocker (paddle) is easy to use but the whole system is medium quality so it wears after a while making precision correction difficult.

My HOTAS is the 16000 and TWCS -- I think those are the model numbers. I enjoy flying with them.
Additionally, I find ship combat so much easier for me while in VR. However, today's little test was not in VR, so that may play a part as well.

I know the 16000M FSC HOTAS, I had one, I'm happy now with the Warthog, I just sold an Thrustmaster F/A-18C Hornet Hotas Add-On Grip on Ebay for 95 quids, got to take it to the post office this morning it's paid for, tested it, I prefer the Warthog.

My goal is to destroy the target as fast as possible, first shields, then the Multi-Cannons does the rest, it works well with Corrosive Shells, the combination of Lasers and Multi-Cannons hits really hard.
08 Aug 2024, 9:08am
Oh my .... how I did engineered 50+ ships. Even with the "improvement" it took me nearly 40 min to engineer pee mk2 .... they reduced the mats and eliminated RNG yet you still get "dice roll" which takes 1-3 seconds wasting your time combined with 3-4 clicks per upgrade. Was the legacy UI so much better?

Speaking of pee (mk2):
Cockpit looks like Python
Hull looks like duck
Flies like FDL but trades so much power issues for slightly better shielding and one L hardpoint.

That thing is a dog%#$^% compared to the original. A one trick pony as I like to call FDL.

P.S. Sigh, that looks like a salty rant. At least I am happy I haven't spent ARX/shinies on it.
08 Aug 2024, 11:12am
EpisparhOh my .... how I did engineered 50+ ships. Even with the "improvement" it took me nearly 40 min to engineer pee mk2 .... they reduced the mats and eliminated RNG yet you still get "dice roll" which takes 1-3 seconds wasting your time combined with 3-4 clicks per upgrade. Was the legacy UI so much better?

Speaking of pee (mk2):
Cockpit looks like Python
Hull looks like duck
Flies like FDL but trades so much power issues for slightly better shielding and one L hardpoint.

That thing is a dog%#$^% compared to the original. A one trick pony as I like to call FDL.

Too small a Power Distributor, large Beam Laser run out of juice... Weapons too far apart from the center, I bought (Second time) and engineered an FDL for comparison, my Corvette still is the queen of my fleet.

EpisparhP.S. Sigh, that looks like a salty rant. At least I am happy I haven't spent ARX/shinies on it.

I bought two (Grey and special livery), sold one, the idea is support for the developers, they put the effort and need dosh to keep developing the game, and seriously the price is a fraction of what cost a premium vehicle or module in other games, I'll do the same with the Type 8...

Last edit: 08 Aug 2024, 11:18am
08 Aug 2024, 11:35am
Episparhone trick pony ... FDL
Well, not exactly...
08 Aug 2024, 11:44am
Episparhone trick pony ... FDL

Well, not exactly...

I admit I failed to find the best of the FDL, if you could elaborate and tell us about what you've done with this ship, it would beneficiate some of us.

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