Elite: Game talk

today, 1:03am
Shg56AXMCs are the best of all anti-goids weapons. I got my 5 star medal with them. They can take down any goid. They are real finesse compare to pew-pews.
...Can you solo three Hydras with AXMCs over a space station or in AXCZ?
today, 7:36am
MeowersThat's a nice idea, and while I'm awfully busy tonight and maybe tomorrow, I could join some fun after the next Thursday tick, just for a change of pace. Tell those Hydras they're screwed.

System is already cleared, I checked briefly this morning.
today, 7:45am
Shg56AXMCs are the best of all anti-goids weapons. I got my 5 star medal with them. They can take down any goid, and using them is real finesse compare to pew-pews.

Good luck exerting the hearts of a Hydra with them...
today, 8:13am
RawnuSystem is already cleared, I checked briefly this morning.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Should be more new fresh playgrounds tomorrow, and I could free some time to play. I'll be kicking their sorry butts anyway, so why not team up with someone already active as well.

Bainsey7Good luck exerting the hearts of a Hydra with them...
...Especially isolated from station defences and NPCs. That's what people have been trying to say to him for a long time already. And, mostly, people way smarter than me, with calculations and stuff. Nah. Doesn't work. I'd like to have my armour of the same thickness.
today, 9:12am
Episparh It is a slow garbage with a joke of a shield still. AKA garbage.

Reference: Jinn

I know. Shut up. *cries* "It's OK, AspX. The mean commanders can't hurt you when you're in storage. Soon."

it never has been combat ship, STOP BULLYING IT with your egocentric opinoin. It's good utilitary and exploring ship, and yes, internal space is enough to be even descent warzone fighter

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