Elite: Game talk
26 Sep 2024, 7:20pm
I haven’t actually run into any hostile players with it yet - nor taken it into hotspots deliberately - so I don’t actually know how it would hold up against one but, yeah, I don’t think I’d trade it for an Asp. To each their own though.
26 Sep 2024, 7:42pm
Still people here miss the point. It is not about which ship is better than which. It is about how you build a ship for a task. Few Ly jump range more, few tons more cargo etc.. for the price of sacrificed speed and defenses is very bad decision if you play in Open.
26 Sep 2024, 7:48pm
Which is why I get to the target station first.
Well, I know, right. Or you forgot who gave you a hint?
26 Sep 2024, 8:11pm
EpisparhYes, the phantom is better ship. It is a well known fact. It is also more expensive. And will be soon replaced by Mandalay.
Still people here miss the point. It is not about which ship is better than which. It is about how you build a ship for a task. Few Ly jump range more, few tons more cargo etc.. for the price of sacrificed speed and defenses is very bad decision if you play in Open.
For the role I intend to use it (Fuel Rats) when I'm done grinding my Combat Rank Elite Level 1, I'm not gonna replace the Phantom by the Mandalay, it's perfect for the job.
I used a blueprint from Fuel Rats with some minor alteration to make it safer to land on high gravity planets, otherwise it's the same, 60+ Ly Jump Range with a full load of Limpet controllers rack and ammo is just great...
I'm gonna buy the Mandala (Premium) like I did the Python Mk II and the T8 but it will probably spend more time in my hangar than the Phantom, unless I go for exploration, then again, I always use my Carrier for long distance...
Just a few things about running a Phantom as fuel Rat...
First you are not allowed to engage in combat so there's no point fitting weapons to it, second, the required minimum and what most Fuel rats players will carry is one limpet controller, and one rack X 8 limpets.
So the load is minimal, but since I respond to distress signals occasionally even so I'm not even a trainee yet, I fit both repair and fuel controllers to it with more than 8 limpets.
She will easily evade interdictions and is equipped with an SCO FRAME SHIFT DRIVE to run away, for anything else than Combat (Corvette), I regard her as my very best ship...
Last edit: 26 Sep 2024, 8:52pm
26 Sep 2024, 9:09pm
IndyAre there voice comms or other ways to message people in CQC? Or perhaps a Discord or community elsewhere?
Answering my own question(s) for the benefit of others in the future:
Yes, there is a CQC Discord. I don't want to "advertise" it here, but searching just for CQC Discord brought it up pretty quickly.
Additionally, there are a few communities (websites and other servers) maintained by various squadrons; whether brought together by common interests, geographic area, or moniker/theme.
All in all, the "main" communities can be found with search and have their own comm channels in various platforms (mainly Discord).
26 Sep 2024, 9:22pm
26 Sep 2024, 9:28pm
26 Sep 2024, 9:32pm
26 Sep 2024, 10:32pm
MeowersWell well well. Maybe I'm not that lost for your meta ship building.
… bored or am I just missing some kind of joke?
(Sorry for the double post, I’m lazy right now)
27 Sep 2024, 2:32am
Kasumi Goto… bored or am I just missing some kind of joke?Just rejecting sanity for a little while.
By the way... Why there are so few paintjobs for FDLs? I quite liked some of those for Kraits, Alliance ships, etc., but nah.
(Rhetorical, ofc. Just a late night rant. Though those who fly Asp Scouts really have it worse.)
27 Sep 2024, 5:03am
MeowersWell well well. Maybe I'm not that lost for your meta ship building.
Is it fun?
27 Sep 2024, 2:03pm
27 Sep 2024, 2:08pm
MeowersFrackit. Those reward heatsinks are nothing more than what you can already buy and cringeneer separately, to get 5 rounds capacity. Okay, okay, at least they aren't worse...
They aren't double-engineered like the pre-eng FSD? That's unfortunate, but hey free is free.
27 Sep 2024, 2:11pm
EpisparhIs it fun?Ah, it was just a bit of weirdness with EDSY, haven't tried a real ship. But imagining hundreds of those appearing suddenly out of nowhere and giving Thargoids hell makes me giggle like a schoolgirl who heard a stupid and not exactly age-appropriate joke.
Last edit: 27 Sep 2024, 2:24pm
27 Sep 2024, 2:45pm
MeowersI can't say exactly whether or not are mine considered 'double-engineered', but I got them from Sirius I think, if I remember correctly, and then applied the capacity upgrade
You actually don’t even apply any upgrade to them. They are a pre-engineered module which comes with an additional heatsink charge compared to the standard ammo capacity blueprint (which like what, only gives you one extra?), by throwing some materials at a tech broker on one of the Sirius ships.
I did expect it would probably just be one of those but it’s not like Frontier like to make things clear in their wording.
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