Elite: Game talk

05 Apr 2016, 5:39pm
Andrew GlockThe main disadvantage of Cobra Mk3 - awful positions of the outermost hardpoints making them useless for fixed weapons.

Agreed which is why I only use GIMBALLED weapons. For the Cobra, even using Gimballed Multicannons on the outer points requires pitching down the nose to get the points to bear properly.

After awhile it becomes automatic and doesn't bother me any more.

I primarily use the Vulture for Bounty Hunting, and the Cobras for mining or surface missions and the armament is sufficient to take care of MOST pirates and Interdictors and it is fast enough to RUN when necessary. In once case I was interdicted by a Federal Dropship. I decided to Run, but he interdicted me again and between the two interdictions, he had worn down my shields and part of my hull. Figured it was better to fight especially noticing that his Combat ranking was fairly low and easily prevailed without taking any more damage. Not so with a Federal Assault Ship who I could NOT get in my sights... ended up running like hell and barely making it out alive.

Last edit: 05 Apr 2016, 5:44pm
05 Apr 2016, 6:23pm
I primarily use the Vulture for Bounty Hunting, and the Cobras for mining or surface missions and the armament is sufficient to take care of MOST pirates and Interdictors and it is fast enough to RUN when necessary. In once case I was interdicted by a Federal Dropship. I decided to Run, but he interdicted me again and between the two interdictions, he had worn down my shields and part of my hull. Figured it was better to fight especially noticing that his Combat ranking was fairly low and easily prevailed without taking any more damage. Not so with a Federal Assault Ship who I could NOT get in my sights... ended up running like hell and barely making it out alive.

The FAS is one NIMBLE piece of tech. I'm usually in a Python these days, and I prefer to avoid them if I can. If I have to engage, even in the Python, I have a strategy of ripping down their shields with a couple of PA hits, then beams, then once exposed, pounding on their power plant with a heavy cannon and beams. Those beasts are not just agile, they're resilient. It's easier to take out an Anaconda than a high-ranked FAS.

With a Vulture, you can dance around almost any large ship, but the FAS is a challenge. I just wish the Vulture had the next bigger power plant/capacitor for more sustained beam fire - the Python can deliver two large beams for so much longer than a Vulture, but it turns so poorly by comparison.

I can't wait to rank up enough to get into a FAS.
05 Apr 2016, 8:40pm
James Hussar
I primarily use the Vulture for Bounty Hunting, and the Cobras for mining or surface missions and the armament is sufficient to take care of MOST pirates and Interdictors and it is fast enough to RUN when necessary. In once case I was interdicted by a Federal Dropship. I decided to Run, but he interdicted me again and between the two interdictions, he had worn down my shields and part of my hull. Figured it was better to fight especially noticing that his Combat ranking was fairly low and easily prevailed without taking any more damage. Not so with a Federal Assault Ship who I could NOT get in my sights... ended up running like hell and barely making it out alive.

The FAS is one NIMBLE piece of tech. I'm usually in a Python these days, and I prefer to avoid them if I can. If I have to engage, even in the Python, I have a strategy of ripping down their shields with a couple of PA hits, then beams, then once exposed, pounding on their power plant with a heavy cannon and beams. Those beasts are not just agile, they're resilient. It's easier to take out an Anaconda than a high-ranked FAS.

With a Vulture, you can dance around almost any large ship, but the FAS is a challenge. I just wish the Vulture had the next bigger power plant/capacitor for more sustained beam fire - the Python can deliver two large beams for so much longer than a Vulture, but it turns so poorly by comparison.

I can't wait to rank up enough to get into a FAS.

You'll love it. It's a fantastic ship to fly, virtually as nimble as the Vulture, armoured like a tank (I think something like 2800 when I run armour and full hull reinforcement) and with two more hard points than the Vulture. It makes a great hunter, but the shields are pretty light, so wings can be a bit more challenging.
05 Apr 2016, 9:37pm

Yep.. Cobra Mk III has 4. 2 Med 2 Small.

On my various Cobras I run 2 Beam + 2 Multicannon or 2 Beam, 1 Mining, one Cannon. Probably should go to Pulse as the Beams really eat up capacitors. Of course they also eat up Shields and Hull of opposing ships
I was thinking of getting a cobra and fitting it strictly for combat.
06 Apr 2016, 7:28am

Yep.. Cobra Mk III has 4. 2 Med 2 Small.

On my various Cobras I run 2 Beam + 2 Multicannon or 2 Beam, 1 Mining, one Cannon. Probably should go to Pulse as the Beams really eat up capacitors. Of course they also eat up Shields and Hull of opposing ships

I was thinking of getting a cobra and fitting it strictly for combat.

If you can afford the step up, get a Vulture. It'll take down pretty much anything with the right spec. Use two large pulses for Haz res hunting and you'll be out all day, laughing as Anacondas explode in front of you.
06 Apr 2016, 11:41am
Ozmundo Vasqualez

If you can afford the step up, get a Vulture. It'll take down pretty much anything with the right spec. Use two large pulses for Haz res hunting and you'll be out all day, laughing as Anacondas explode in front of you.

TOTALLY AGREE!!!  The Cobra is a great little combat ship, but you have to be careful and pick your battles. The Vulture give you much more capability and room for error.  My Vulture is running one large gimballed Beam and a gimballed C3 Cannon. With an A rated Powerplant, the Beams are capable of taking down most shields with one capacitor charge and they recharge quickly enough to cut through hulls. For small ships like Eagles and Vipers and Adders,  one charge of the capacitor is usually enough to take down shields and destroy hulls.  When bounty hunting we refer to these ships as "tasty snacks" or "potato chips".  For larger ships, once the shields are down, getting up close and personal and pounding with Cannon until the Beams recharge will take down Hulls and Modules (targeted Power Plants e.g.) nicely.,

I have heard many people swear by the 2 large Pulse lasers as well, so that is a good option as well and, from what I understand more power efficient.

All that said, the real efficiency in Bounty hunting comes from going in Wings. As you share the bounties, each kill is a lower payday, but as long as they keep spawning, you can keep putting money in the bank.
06 Apr 2016, 12:29pm
+1 to ED_Recluse's winging suggestion. It's great fun as well. Chacocha often has people willing to share, but Phiagre (planet 4 ) will probably have the most welcoming Cmdrs, if you ask nicely.
06 Apr 2016, 12:39pm
We have run full wings of 4 Vultures which makes short work of RES zones. The biggest problem is getting in each other's way! We all tend to fly similar approach vectors so end up nicking each other's shields or colliding. Makes for a good laugh amidst the slaughter
06 Apr 2016, 1:06pm
ED_RecluseWe have run full wings of 4 Vultures which makes short work of RES zones. The biggest problem is getting in each other's way! We all tend to fly similar approach vectors so end up nicking each other's shields or colliding. Makes for a good laugh amidst the slaughter

It's generally pretty fun to have a mix, e.g. Vulture, Vulture, Python, Anaconda. The Vultures fly swoops and loops, the Python tries to keep up with them and the Anaconda toasts things in seconds while the others keep the flies off.
06 Apr 2016, 1:43pm
Throw an FDL in there just to be fancy
06 Apr 2016, 2:14pm
GilderoyThrow an FDL in there just to be fancy

One of our guys has a FAS now. One only recently moved from a Cobra to a Vulture and we are initiating a new guy who is still rocking the Sidewinder. I think I detailed the tragedy we had with him in an earlier post.

Fun taking on the Wings of 3 and 4 that we used to avoid. Still possible to get over-confident and slip up. More often, you get too trigger happy and fire on a purple target before your scan completes and have to jump out to wait for your WANTED status to time out.
06 Apr 2016, 4:38pm
ED_Recluse Agreed which is why I only use GIMBALLED weapons. For the Cobra, even using Gimballed Multicannons on the outer points requires pitching down the nose to get the points to bear properly.

Yea, but you know that this is not the best fit for PvP, won't you?

ED_RecluseTOTALLY AGREE!!!  The Cobra is a great little combat ship, but you have to be careful and pick your battles. The Vulture give you much more capability and room for error.  My Vulture is running one large gimballed Beam and a gimballed C3 Cannon. With an A rated Powerplant, the Beams are capable of taking down most shields with one capacitor charge and they recharge quickly enough to cut through hulls. For small ships like Eagles and Vipers and Adders,  one charge of the capacitor is usually enough to take down shields and destroy hulls.  When bounty hunting we refer to these ships as "tasty snacks" or "potato chips".  For larger ships, once the shields are down, getting up close and personal and pounding with Cannon until the Beams recharge will take down Hulls and Modules (targeted Power Plants e.g.) nicely.,

I have heard many people swear by the 2 large Pulse lasers as well, so that is a good option as well and, from what I understand more power efficient.

All that said, the real efficiency in Bounty hunting comes from going in Wings. As you share the bounties, each kill is a lower payday, but as long as they keep spawning, you can keep putting money in the bank.

I would say that Cobra is not combat ship. Cobra is multi-purpose ship and pretty good multi-purpose ship for its price.
For strictly combat purpose - Vulture and Viper Mk3 will be better choice indeed.
I'm using Vulture with 2 large fixed pulse lasers (because of power consumption issues indeed) - it's really kick ass. However, the matter is that you can't use it for any purpose except combat. It's also slow (and ugly ) like old soviet car - usually other players can run away from you easy enough.
06 Apr 2016, 5:27pm
Andrew Glock
ED_Recluse Agreed which is why I only use GIMBALLED weapons. For the Cobra, even using Gimballed Multicannons on the outer points requires pitching down the nose to get the points to bear properly.

Yea, but you know that this is not the best fit for PvP, won't you?

I would say that Cobra is not combat ship. Cobra is multi-purpose ship and pretty good multi-purpose ship for its price.
For strictly combat purpose - Vulture and Viper Mk3 will be better choice indeed.
I'm using Vulture with 2 large fixed pulse lasers (because of power consumption issues indeed) - it's really kick ass. However, the matter is that you can't use it for any purpose except combat. It's also slow (and ugly ) like old soviet car - usually other players can run away from you easy enough.

Totally agreed here. The Cobra (mk.III) is a fantastic multipurpose - it can fight back when attacked, but it's not a hunter. The Vulture is a specialized hunter. I use it exclusively for CZ engagements at this point - not even in a RES since I prefer the extra shield booster to the KWS - and it's a born killer.

But, if you are currently in a Cobra and not quite yet ready to invest in a Vulture, what do you do? Well... The Cobra (Mk.III) is an ideal smuggler. Outfit it for long range (extra fuel, decent scoop) and get yourself to Robigo for some long-range smuggling. Make Millions fast, and then get into the Vulture for some more aggressive playtime. Robigo smuggling is hugely profitable - I've heard, and finally started to partake in the last few days, and made one run last night (in an ASP with loads of cargo space) and netter 47 Million in one run. Insane profits.

If smuggling is not your style, well, you can grind out the income needed to get into a Vulture in other ways, but if you hold your nose and smuggle a bit, you can get into that fighting ship right quick. The biggest risk smuggling is no worse than any other mission - you'll get interdicted and attacked by a pirate -- or interdicted and scanned by a cop, which will invalidate the smuggling missions and maybe get you fined, but even if THAT happens, you can just book it back to Robigo or a nearby black market and sell your (free) cargo for 10k/ton. So, that's another income stream if you don't mind the ding to your reputation.

And once you're a well established and reputable fleet owner you can then look back on your smuggling days that made it all possible and think "Well, I was young and needed the money. There's no shame in that. If I hadn't done that stuff, someone else would have, so what's it matter, really?", and then order a double-scotch at InGaBa and forget your sorrows.

Funny you compare the Vulture to a soviet car. I think of it as an American muscle car, like a Mustang or a Camaro, all angular and potent and unapologetic. As opposed to a Diamondback, which is a no-frills competent Jeep, and a Fer-de-Lance, which is an exotic supercar that is all fancy and sexy but God forbid you run over a curb because that makes all the plastic bits fall right off.

I didn't find the Vulture to be slow. Sure, it's no Cobra for pure speed, but it will fly rings around and Anaconda all day long. It's got a poor capacitor, but I use mine with twin large beams anyway - when I run out of power, that's just an opportunity for me to maneuver into a better attack position from which to fire again. The thing is lethal.
06 Apr 2016, 7:46pm
Have read a fair bit about Robigo smuggling, but never been tempted to try it. LOL.. I took a few of those "Freight Specialist Wanted" mulitpart missions and was worried enough about carrying a few tons of illegal Combat Stabilizers let alone an ASP LOAD of Slaves.....

BUT 47 million in one run might make me change my mind...
06 Apr 2016, 7:49pm
Andrew Glock
ED_Recluse Agreed which is why I only use GIMBALLED weapons. For the Cobra, even using Gimballed Multicannons on the outer points requires pitching down the nose to get the points to bear properly.

Yea, but you know that this is not the best fit for PvP, won't you?

Hadn't considered it, but then I don't do any PvP. One of these days I will try it but I am not going to risk my expensive ships while I find out how bad I am when the enemy isn't an NPC

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