Elite: Game talk

10 May 2016, 3:50am
UEG PATRIOTAnybody have any good tips or tricks on how to get federal navy rank quickly? Looking to get me a federal corvette soon and I'm doing trade runs right now to build up credits. Any help would be great.

spend credits on donation missions in TUN , you got until 2.1 hits to finish the ranks

I did that but they don't reset very fast. I'll get so far through a rank then it'll be dry for hours, if not the day. I'm also on Xbox by the way if that makes a difference.

Im also on xbox, if it helps try 17 draconis it was much better than tun
10 May 2016, 5:39am
UEG PATRIOTAnybody have any good tips or tricks on how to get federal navy rank quickly? Looking to get me a federal corvette soon and I'm doing trade runs right now to build up credits. Any help would be great.

spend credits on donation missions in TUN , you got until 2.1 hits to finish the ranks

Hey thanks, I'll go try it now

I did that but they don't reset very fast. I'll get so far through a rank then it'll be dry for hours, if not the day. I'm also on Xbox by the way if that makes a difference.

Im also on xbox, if it helps try 17 draconis it was much better than tun
10 May 2016, 4:12pm
Hey, how do I invite people to my wing? Not like, "broadcasting it," bu actually getting them into my wing? My friend can't join and I can't figure out how to invite- (sorry, the incompetent American in me is acting up again)
10 May 2016, 5:31pm
Travis StormHey, how do I invite people to my wing? Not like, "broadcasting it," bu actually getting them into my wing? My friend can't join and I can't figure out how to invite- (sorry, the incompetent American in me is acting up again)

There are no direct invites, as anybody can easily join on the wing page. He is probably not filling in the application text, I see you has it set as required.
10 May 2016, 6:39pm
Hello Commander, i upload a Video from the Engineers beta. A lot of commander cry, the NPCs K.I is to heavy and overpowerd. But i test the NPCs with my Corvette and my Config. And i upload the Video for commander. I hope you have fun.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 May 2016, 7:05pm
10 May 2016, 7:11pm
DerErdnussKriegerHello Commander, i upload a Video from the Engineers beta. A lot of commander cry, the NPCs K.I is to heavy and overpowerd. But i test the NPCs with my Corvette and my Config. And i upload the Video for commander. I hope you have fun.

yo thats awesome - but what in the world different colour lasers?! explain please
10 May 2016, 8:49pm
Travis Storm
DerErdnussKriegerHello Commander, i upload a Video from the Engineers beta. A lot of commander cry, the NPCs K.I is to heavy and overpowerd. But i test the NPCs with my Corvette and my Config. And i upload the Video for commander. I hope you have fun.

yo thats awesome - but what in the world different colour lasers?! explain please

New engineers weapons dude. The blue laser shoot trough the shields and the dark red laser is the heat laser.
11 May 2016, 2:37am
What the heck happened to the price of the Jaques Quinentian Still from Gliese 1269 (Fuel Rats CG)????????????????????

Last night I brought 18 tons 172 LY and got around a 24000 per ton profit, so tonight I stocked up whenever it spawned during Hydrogen runs. Now, 178 light years away it is worth 3 credits less than what I paid for it!!! I need to dump cargo so I can switch ships but I had to do it at a loss


Last edit: 11 May 2016, 2:49am
11 May 2016, 3:15am
Going to take the Windows 10 plunge on my main PC. Anyone install in past 30 days or so with RHINO X55 have issues? Heard it was a hit/miss with setup. Thanks.
11 May 2016, 4:00am
Jack DekerdtGoing to take the Windows 10 plunge on my main PC. Anyone install in past 30 days or so with RHINO X55 have issues? Heard it was a hit/miss with setup. Thanks.

No, but it did take me four hours on a schools off day at a college campus. So... Good luck! X)
13 May 2016, 5:25am
Considering the point Travis Storm brings up, "isn't empire dedicated", this brings a question to my mind.

Are the majority of players aligning themselves with the Empire?

I always entertained the thought of siding with the Empire as the most interesting way of playing the game as my assumption has been that the majority of players would default to the Federation for a number of reason.

Reasons such as:
Star Trek based on a ship and crew belonging to the Federation.
All new players start within the Federation space.
Earth belongs to the Federation.
According to Star Trek and Star Wars apparently Empires are bad (Klingon Empire and the Galactic Empire).
Also history portrays empires as bad... e.g. Roman Empire, British Empire.

With all of this in mind it would seem logical that most players will simply stick with the Federation as they are the 'good guys' and also Earth is part of the Federation and we all come from Earth.

Yet, the impression I keep getting is that "everyone" is an imperialist.

Anyone else have the same impression or am I just suffering from confirmation bias?
13 May 2016, 6:05am
despite the name federation .... the star trek federation has more in common with the aliance of independent worlds in ED
13 May 2016, 6:15am
GhroznakConsidering the point Travis Storm brings up, "isn't empire dedicated", this brings a question to my mind.

Are the majority of players aligning themselves with the Empire?

I always entertained the thought of siding with the Empire as the most interesting way of playing the game as my assumption has been that the majority of players would default to the Federation for a number of reason.

Reasons such as:
Star Trek based on a ship and crew belonging to the Federation.
All new players start within the Federation space.
Earth belongs to the Federation.
According to Star Trek and Star Wars apparently Empires are bad (Klingon Empire and the Galactic Empire).
Also history portrays empires as bad... e.g. Roman Empire, British Empire.

With all of this in mind it would seem logical that most players will simply stick with the Federation as they are the 'good guys' and also Earth is part of the Federation and we all come from Earth.

Yet, the impression I keep getting is that "everyone" is an imperialist.

Anyone else have the same impression or am I just suffering from confirmation bias?

Don't be deceived, there's only one reason why I'm with the Fed's.
13 May 2016, 7:13am
13 May 2016, 12:01pm
in Nespeleve is a trade com event, that isnt shown here...?
getting building fabricators.
i looked where to get them on eddb.io and the 2 next two stations i found there didnt sell them. it makes me wonder, is there a bug in the game, because i can't remember that i ever saw those goods in any station. i play the german version ("Baufabrikatoren), maybe it's somewhat hide or what? can someone confirm this before i write to the support?

system: amauci
station: Eggen Ring
buy for: ~889 ... there is no good that cost that much :/

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 13 May 2016, 10:09pm

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