Elite: Game talk

today, 2:43pm
ThedayofI couldn't get through the corrosive cloud that surrounded the Titan, and every time I would get pushed out by the emp.I carry a Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser and when I see a blue light in the direction of the titan is to press the bound fire button, however it doesn't work.I've wasted hours not even seeing the titan, I'm hoping for help (especially on the point of how to avoid getting pushed out by emp)

Once you hear the Titan "charging" put all pips to SYS.
Once the blue wave starts emanating, take a breath before pressing AND HOLDING your keybind for the pulse wave neutralizer. The wave takes a moment to reach you.
Keep the keybind pressed, it's not toggle, you NEED TO KEEP IT PRESSED.
Your ship will shake and vibrate and heat will go up but you should not be thrown around or pushed back.
After the wave, pop a heat sink and boost, boost boost towards the red cloud. BUT: avoid the star shaped mines, the will wreck you.

Important: don't follow the HUD sign for the Titan, look for the red clouds and keep them ahead. If you're in open or a large PG, you will see beam lasers in the distance.
today, 3:42pm
We have exactly the same problem. I'm doing it by the book, it doesn't work 8 times out of 10, and it's wasted time in the caustic cloud which caused me to lose several ships.

I might have tried a dozen times only ONCE did I manage to get to the Asteroid field, engage and destroy some turrets on the Titan, supporting other ships, my HP was too low already and my ship was lost (again).

Seriously this isn't my idea of fun, the first part was, but it didn't last, now with this caustic thing my best ships cannot use their weapons...
today, 4:21pm
Before I figured out the timing I was always too early. Rawnus description is spot on for me - take a deep breath. The scream of the Titan is already fading. Only then push and hold the key.

I do have to say though that I do not boost at that stage. Timing might be a bit different when you dash towards the wave.
today, 4:27pm
yeah last titan is going down quicker now since they reduced hp. Lets see if we get zombie humans to shoot at. My odyssey gears been waiting for years.

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