Elite: Game talk
yesterday, 8:15pm
yesterday, 8:34pm
During this time I've been busy.
Next: Yttrium, Antimony, Selenium and a few Manufactured Grade 5...
yesterday, 10:18pm
What are you folks doing now after Cocijo? Anyone going back to Sol and do a bit BGS in favor of the Sol Workers' Party maybe?
yesterday, 10:27pm
Tomorrow will probably set off the repair initiative stuff for Sol, whether it runs on a CG or not. Maybe we'll finally get that elusive Titan salvage CG which has been hinted toward several times but has yet to materialize, too. Preferably before the Feds decide to monopolize the Titan wreck and permit lock Sol again, or the Titan's caustic field fully dissipates (I'd really like to not have to bother with the pirate nonsense at those sites).
Last edit: 18 Dec 2024, 11:08pm
yesterday, 10:44pm
RawnuBack to bounty hunting in my Mamba, how I missed this beautiful ship. Haven't flown it in quite a while and what a joy!
What are you folks doing now after Cocijo? Anyone going back to Sol and do a bit BGS in favor of the Sol Workers' Party maybe?
Farming Raw Materials after exhausting them in different fits.
HIP 36601, Outotz LS-K d8-3, and later HR 3230 and HIP 36601, it's a lot of work and I also have to refill my Carrier's Tritium.
Btw, I understand why you love this Cobra MK V, I use this ship for farming materials in Signals and it's real good at it.
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- Questions, answers, tips and guides about ship loadouts, game activities like exploration, mining, combat and similar things that directly relate to the gameplay.
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