Elite: Game talk

23 Sep 2015, 12:07am
Is there a way to differentiate between PC wingsand Xbox wings? I'm on Xbox BTW
23 Sep 2015, 12:32am
I just saw the community goals section in the Galaxy tab. I was wondering if these goals are only for PC player or are they for Xbox as well? I guess I'm just wondering if this site is steered for PC players only?
23 Sep 2015, 12:49am
Colummbo: There is no difference between PC and Xbox wings. This site is intended for both platforms, but as Xbox now occupy different/test universe, there may be difference in some features. But, with full Elite release on Xbox early next month the universe will be same for both, so the Powerplay, Community goals, etc. will be the same as well.
23 Sep 2015, 1:32am
Thanks for the quick reply. I saw something on the community page at elitedangerous.com about a Treasure Hunt. Looks like I'll have to wait before I can try that out.
23 Sep 2015, 2:07pm
Just additional information about this: It seems that Frontier will merge the galaxies in advance, so Xbox players should share the same galaxy as PC/Mac players from today.
23 Sep 2015, 2:55pm
Is there anyone who would like to wing up during school hours? I am off work and it does get a bit boring sat around playing (Elite Dangerous) by myself?

Let me know if you want to kick some pirate ass!
23 Sep 2015, 3:54pm
Unfortunately I have a 1st shift job

Or maybe fortunately

Last edit: 23 Sep 2015, 8:43pm
27 Sep 2015, 7:05pm
The CG in Amitrite [Dhawan Port] is now over. I have updated the CG in the Galaxy part of Inara to reflect the final results(contributors, tier and rewards)
27 Sep 2015, 9:47pm
Goatie: Great! Nice to see community goals section up-to-date.
29 Sep 2015, 3:33am
Is it possible to buy SAP 8 Core Containers?
29 Sep 2015, 4:17am
No. Only after when trade between players will be added, but that not soon.
01 Oct 2015, 7:58am
Evgeny ZiNo. Only after when trade between players will be added, but that not soon.

Damn I was hoping to find a trade route that netted more the imperial slaves do
01 Oct 2015, 11:26am
Heh, that would be awesome in profits, yeah. But most profitable 'commodity' for now only i.slaves.
And no painite trading too.
03 Oct 2015, 10:21pm
Is there any way to get access to Vega?
03 Oct 2015, 10:32pm
Vulkos KerathienIs there any way to get access to Vega?

Yes. Become Ensign in the Fedral Navy.

Last edit: 03 Oct 2015, 10:53pm

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