Elite: Game talk

16 Dec 2015, 6:22pm
Nathanc213Thanks, ill have to get a bit more cr first about 10m short

Long-distance hauling contracts out of Sothis/Ceos/Robigo will get you there quickly, if you're looking for coin. Good luck!
16 Dec 2015, 6:29pm
Sidenti Taalo
Nathanc213Thanks, ill have to get a bit more cr first about 10m short

Long-distance hauling contracts out of Sothis/Ceos/Robigo will get you there quickly, if you're looking for coin. Good luck!

I thought they weren't paying that good anymore?
16 Dec 2015, 6:52pm
How does everyone take these fancy shots that they post in the gallery? How do I get the camera out of my ship?
16 Dec 2015, 7:20pm
RosomondHow does everyone take these fancy shots that they post in the gallery? How do I get the camera out of my ship?

you have to eject first :p
16 Dec 2015, 7:22pm
RosomondHow does everyone take these fancy shots that they post in the gallery? How do I get the camera out of my ship?

you have to eject first :p

Har har har. Really though.
16 Dec 2015, 7:31pm
RosomondHow does everyone take these fancy shots that they post in the gallery? How do I get the camera out of my ship?

you have to eject first :p

Har har har. Really though.

I think the default for the debug camera is F12. When you're in space, normal flight controls will move the camera around, but if you're docked and you use mouse/joystick for flight steering you will want to bind some separate keys for pitch/yaw since docking, for some reason, will disable mouse/joystick from controlling camera pitch/yaw. (It won't affect your mouse/joystick movement.) I used 9, I, O, and K for the keybinds on my QWERTY and they haven't caused any issues with my normal flight setup.
16 Dec 2015, 8:01pm
16 Dec 2015, 8:11pm

Yup. That's the one.
16 Dec 2015, 8:32pm

Yup. That's the one.

Ah good. Thanks Mila! I must have set it to F12, and now I know why. XD

PSA: Do not listen to awesome rockin' music while bombing around on a low-gravity planet unless you have fuel and repair materials. Trust me on this one.
16 Dec 2015, 9:14pm
I really want horizons but I have to wait till the xb release next year
16 Dec 2015, 9:38pm
Nathanc213I really want horizons but I have to wait till the xb release next year

Somehow I feel like your avatar kinda portrays how you feel about waiting for Horizons...
16 Dec 2015, 9:47pm
Nathanc213I really want horizons but I have to wait till the xb release next year

Somehow I feel like your avatar kinda portrays how you feel about waiting for Horizons...

16 Dec 2015, 9:49pm
Anyone know of a decent (confirmed) trade route? I can't seem to find one that fits the buy/sell values.
The few 4-5k routes I have found here turned out to be 3k routes in the game.
16 Dec 2015, 10:36pm
James WolfheartAnyone know of a decent (confirmed) trade route? I can't seem to find one that fits the buy/sell values.
The few 4-5k routes I have found here turned out to be 3k routes in the game.

Best I can think of is orang->karid
16 Dec 2015, 10:40pm
Ok I have some questions that I think I know the answers to but it has never been clear so here they are.
1. Does killing other players increase your combat score faster than killing NPCs?
2. Do individual planet scans increase your exploration rank faster than a system scan?
3. Do individual planet scans give you more credits than just a system scan?
4. Do detailed surface scans do either of the aforementioned better?

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