Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
12 Sep 2019, 4:03am
Maul covers his mouth and belches while leaning back in his chair. Vega looks at him slightly disgusted before involuntary belching as well.

He smiles at her.

"So, what was it you said you used to do before you got mixed up with all of this corporation stuff?"

Vega wipes her mouth and pushes her empty plate forward.

"Well, like I said, both of my parents grew ill, so I spent a their last few years taking care of them. Going through that alone wasn't easy." She shakes her head. "Tessa really should have been there. All they ever did was ask about her and I had to constantly cover for her. If they would have known she was tied up in all this narcotics business it would have just made things worse."

Maul nods.

"Tessa was a huge bitch."

Vega smirks and nods in agreement.

"She didn't used to be like that though. When we were younger she always talked about wanting to help people. Our parents were so proud of her when she told them she was leaving home to go and study medicine. I thought she was going to be a nurse or something. I still don't even know how she wound up with the corporation."

Vega shrugs.

"All I know is that she became a different person after she left home. She stopped talking to us. I mean, hell, I didn't even know who Lydia's actual father was."

Maul scratches the back of his neck and leans forward.

"Family can be weird. I never had any siblings but I imagine it had to be tough watching your sister change like that."

Vega smiles.

"I'd have much preferred working in a bar." She says referencing Maul's past.

Maul gives her a puzzled look before smiling back.

"That Xero really dug up everything in that little report on me that you bought, huh?"

She laughs and waves her hand dismissively.

"No, not everything!"

Maul looks over at Omi to see her still talking to the last few people that have come to give their condolences. Vega looks over as well and then back to Maul.

"Are you worried about working with her and Khelan in all of this Black Dragon Society stuff?"

Maul shakes his head.

"Nah, not too worried. It's better than working alone, ya know?"

Vega hesitates before speaking.

"That's what I thought with Anton."

He furls his brow and looks at her.

"They aren't like that. Just because that prick stabbed you in the back doesn't mean these people will."

Vega sighs and leans back in her seat.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to imply anything like that."

Maul checks the time on his pad and looks around the room.

"I wonder where the hell Khelan is?"
12 Sep 2019, 5:26pm
Khelan walks into the room where the wake's being held and sees Omi surrounded by a bunch of people giving their condolences. She notices him and gives him a smile and he responds in kind and crosses over to where Maul and Vega are sitting pausing only to pick a few items and a drink from the buffet table.

"Goolie, Vera." he says with a nod. "Sorry bout vanishin off but Ah had some personal business tae take care of."

Vega sighs "It's Vega! And what exactly do you mean by personal business?"

"Ah meant it wis personal an it's nain of yer business" Khelan replies taking a bite from a small sandwich "But if ye really want tae know then Ah know somewan that's here an Ah went tae see them but Ah dinnae wanna talk aboot it at the moment."

He turns to Maul as he knocks back his drink.

"Once this is done Ah've goat tae take care of wan wee tiny thing then Ah'm gonnae head back tae the Prid. Ah know Ah've no hid much time tae talk to ye recently but hiv ye given any thought tae wit Ah said tae ye back in the hospital? In addition tae wit Ah telt ye ye'll basically become the heid of wit wis Hideo's engineering business so ye can spend yer days dreaming up witever fancy shite ye want an making it a reality. We'll want results but Ah'm sure ye'll no let us doon. Plus the only folks ye'll be answerin tae are me an Omi so ye dinnae have tae worry about it too much."
13 Sep 2019, 1:15am
Maul leans back in his chair and thinks for a moment and smiles.

"Of course I'll accept the offer. Working with you guys sounds a whole lot better than going back to Ray Gateway and running random jobs for people I don't even trust."

He leans forward and looks at Khelan. His smile melting away.

"But having me and Vega on Hondo City may eventually bring the corporation around. If they start their shit, we have got to be ready. Right now they're probably scrambling from this situation with Bryce but that wont last forever, ya know? I just don't want them catching us off guard and bringing unwanted attention to the Black Dragon Society."
13 Sep 2019, 3:38pm
“You want to do what!”
Johnston lowered his voice. The observation room was clear of listening devices and cameras, but shouting at Kaisla would get him just as caught if he wasn’t careful.
“Your plan may have six stages, but it’s got sixty shades of stupid as well”

He could hear Kaislas exacerbated huff on the other end of the communicator.

“Look, we’ve had a good hard think about it and we’re covered. Me and EC will do great on the ship once we’re aboard. We just need you to get the right ship there and nudge them towards collecting the pod quickly”

To Johnston, it was not a good plan. There were holes you could guide a Beluga through, but it would definitely get them the information they were after if the infiltrators could crack the computers.

“This craziness stinks of Lamb. I see she kept herself out of the pod. I got all the time in the galaxy for her, but you do know she’s off her rocker right?”

Kaisla snorted a little laugh.
“Yeeees I know, but she’s so sweet with it. Anyway, the pod was EC’s clever plan, me going along was my bit and Lamb just came up with the chase and the back story. I think she just wanted a chance to fire at me when I couldn’t fire back to be honest. She knows I could take her without trying hehehe”

Johnston dragged his hand down his face.
“Could you be serious for one moment, please? Ya gonna go ahead with this weather I help you or not ain’t ya?
He knew what the answer was before it came.


It was his turn for an exacerbated huff.
“Ok hotshot, I’ll cover your arse from my end. Again”

He turned off the communicator and tucked it back into his boot. This was not going to be easy to pull off.

Taking the stick Johnston gave her out the Dracul’s panel; Kai twirled it in her fingers then tucked it into her ponytail. The Dracul was empty now. Gary and all his inflatable or cuddly friends were on the Hand along with all the things Kia couldn’t be without. She ideally picked at the patch of old adhesive that had kept the little resin Luggage model secured to her dash. Now the Luggage was with her luggage in the luggage hold of the Hand. It was a quantum of luggage right there.

You fit Kai?

EC’s voice snapped kai out of her introspection. He was standing at the doorway of the cockpit loaded down with the last few bags.

She fixed a smile and skipped her way over to him.
“Hey, I’m always ready” Kai pinched a tuft of beard hair in her fingers “You need to trim that, ya starting to look a littel untidy”

EC jerked his head back to free his ensnared chin.

“Hay now, an hour ago this ship was how you left it. No way the person that lives in this is ever worried about untidy. We better get moving, dinner has got to be about ready and I don’t like that face Lamb makes when she’s being patient”

Roast Lamb with roast Parsnips and a selection of steamed vegetables went down well with the thick seasoned gravy. Not everyone liked the puffy baked batter things Lambast called Yorkshire Puddings, but Echo found room for them after Lamb mentioned that people often had them after dinner with Jam on. A little talk of what was to come and ironing out details soon gave way to the now common ribbing and reasons to laugh. A slice of chocolate gateau each rounded off the meal, then Lambast and Kai went to deal with the cold suit again. When they returned there was time for a toast for the anticipated success, and everyone wished each other luck and went to their respective ships to get ready to launch.

Bouncing over the rocky terrain and warming up the ships would take time, so Lambast decided to get the washing up done and secure the flatware and cutlery. Some practically mundane tasks always helped before a potentially fatal mission. It made it just another thing on the to-do list. Dust Livingroom, vacuum carpets, infiltrate evil masterminds’ flagship, go shopping and then get dinner on so it’s ready for about 5 pm. Knowing Kai and EC were putting their life on the line didn’t sound so bad amongst that lot.

It did remind her that she desperately needed to get some shopping in. Milk, Honey Nut Hoops, and jam were at critical levels. People had been snacking and not registering it on the Galley manifest slate as well. Lamb decided early in life she was not cut out to be a mother. Kai and her friends were a good reminder of why she made that choice.

Before Lambast could start taking inventory, Holly interrupted here.

“Get a wiggle on Ma’arm, the rest of them have started cyclin up the power generators”

Lambast checked everything was put away and secured in the Galley and Dining Room before heading to the cockpit and sliding into the pilots' seat.

“Very good Holly, open communications with Dracul and Arbiter please” A double tweet from the coms let her know channels were open. “Hand of Lambast to .. all ships are we green?”

“Dracul reporting. Nope, I never get space sick, I’m good to go” answered Kai.

“Arbiter here. Echo’s got bad gas, but his colour is ok. I don’t think them roast vegetables agreed with him. He sa” . . . Raven's voice was cut off as the coms went dead with the Arbiter. They came back a moment later, this time with Echo on the mic.
“Arbiter Reporting. We’re green Lambast, awaiting command from Creamy.

“Thank you Arbiter, Hand of Lambast standing by. Ready when you are Mr Cousland, awaiting your lead Dracul”

“Ok guys and girls, our jumps are already programmed in and your timers will start as soon as the Dracul makes the first jump. You have a little breathing space in case something goes wrong, but keep close to your marks so the chase doesn’t get sloppy. We don’t need to get intercepted early”

EC cracked his knuckles and reached for the stick. Then he remembered he was in the co-pilots seat. This was Kai’s ship after all.

“Um, remember what part you’re playing and stay in charter. It will feel silly, but you never know who’s going to be listening. When you’re ready Kai, take her up. Good luck everyone, we’re counting on each other”

Lambast watched Kai smoothly lift the Dracul from its rocky cradle and gently bring its nose round in a graceful lazy turn. She knew what was coming but still couldn’t help but duck as the Dracul accelerated at the Hand on a full burn boost. She caught a glimpse of Kai doing her Look Mom No Hands double wave before the hot wash hit the Hand forcing the stabilizing thrusts to argue with the Dracul’s wake. Her canopy was bathed in vapor. The Arbiter was going to get the same treatment in one smooth pass. Lambast was not mistaken, the hand turned in time to see the Arbiter fading into a cloud of exhaust as the Dracul hurtled down the canyon in a corkscrew maneuver that would test the ships microgravity’s limits and EC’s ability to hold on to his dinner.

Lamb rolled her eyes and lifted the Hand out of the canyon. The Arbiter was turning to chase the Dracul, Lamb wished Echo well in his endeavor, but would put her money on Kaisla if she was laying bets.

“Frameshift charge detected. Miss Delana is doin it from the surface again” Said Holly as if nothing exciting would ever happen in the entire galaxy ever again.

Lamb smiled to herself. It was good to have Holly back.
“S.I.G. Holly?” she said.

It was a silly phrase from a kids program she had liked to watch back on Kagawa Works, but it had stayed with her because she loved the way it sounded when Holly answered.

“Spectrum is green Commander”

A bright flash indicated that the Dracul had made its first jump. A number appeared on the Hands navigation panel. Lambast pushed the throttle to full and lined up with her jump indicator tickling the weapons active safety cap.

“Holly, give me a verbal countdown from five please”

“Right you are Ma’arm. Wait for it. Almost. Five. Four. Three.."
13 Sep 2019, 9:33pm
EC looked out the cockpit window at the lightyears of space rushing past, taking his last few seconds to compose himself.

"Ready to make up some goofy horseshit and try to make it sound serious without laughing?" he says, turning toward Kai.

"Well, what about maniacal laughing?" Kai asks.

"Oh, uh, I dunno I guess we're supposed to be the bad guys. I have a pretty good maniacal laugh, I think."

"Show me!" Kai implores.

EC lets out his most convincing, campy, b-movie maniacal laugh, just as he felt the jolt of the ship slowing from its jump into the system.

'Damn it!' he thought. He wasn't really planning on recreating an old-timey movie villain, but the comms were open and if they were gonna sell it now, he was committed. He finished the laugh strong as Kaisla craned her head to make eye contact, her expression a mixed bag of 'trying not to laugh' and 'what the hell do we do now?'

He simply shrugged.

***The Hand***
The first thing Lamb heard upon dropping into the system was Mr. Cousland laughing like a maniac on a system-wide public channel. It was a few seconds before she realized how wide open her jaw was.

"Uh... I won't let you do this!" she responds to the broadcast with her own, recovering her composure.
Spotting Dracul, she gets in position to interdict. It was clear that Kaisla was letting it happen, but there were no ships near enough to notice their choreography.

She begins to pull the Dracul as Silas replies with a very comically sinister "The Old Ones will make you pay for this insolence!"

Echo and Raven were sitting in silence, waiting for the end of the jump and preparing to look for the Dracul. As they approached their destination the ship lurched and creaked as it slowed in a hurry, and the first thing they heard was a public radio broadcast of Silas in the middle of a laugh that would have made Dr. Evil jealous.

They look at each other with raised eyebrows before scanning the skyline.

"Uh... I won't let you do this!" calls out Lamb over the public channel.

"The Old Ones will make you pay for this insolence!" EC replies

Raven spots the ships just before they drop.
"Low wake!" he points

Echo lines up to drop into the wake signature of the Hand.

"Please! We... grew up together! We should be... talking this out!" he improvises.

Dropping into normal space, it was easy enough to find Dracul and the Hand, amidst a spiral of interwoven contrails and laser fire. Both ships taking a few glances to the shields.

Echo paused for a minute to admire the eeriness of the strange little dance these lifelong friends were performing.

"There is nothing to talk about!" shouts Kaisla over the comms, jerking him out of his momentary stupor.

At that point, an alarm blips on the Arbiter's console.

Raven mutes the outbound broadcast and calls to Echo.
"Time to go, homie, lock the next one."

Echo nods and locks in the next destination just as the Dracul jumps out of the system, another maniacal laugh following its contrails into the distance, followed shortly after by the Hand.

"Alright, hit it!"


Last edit: 13 Sep 2019, 9:42pm
14 Sep 2019, 4:22pm
Witch space churns and twists through ether as the Dracul, Arbiter and Hand spiral through the the frame shift tear. Hulls shudder and creak and vents pour plasma as thick space splits apart for the vessels.

- The Dracul -

“Think this is any good so far?” EC asks glancing over to Kaisla.

Kaisla is loosing it in the chair next to him, “God yes! I’m about to put you in for an award, keep it up!”

- The Arbiter -

“This is really stupid.” Raven says, hunkering over the console.

“Shhhh...” says Echo as he industriously starts to pre-program the nav computer for the next series of jumps.

- The Hand of Lambast -

Lambast takes a deep breath, adjusting herself and mentally preparing for her next spat of dialogue. The ship shudders, low frequency at first before transitioning to a high-gain thud as the FSD sequences the ship out of witch space. Stars shift and twang in the windscreen as the Hand snaps out of witch space. Despite the vacuum, an enormous shockwave, torrent of gas and vapor thunder into normal space.

The other two ships have already shifted out spiraling around the star as Kaisla leads the trio on a looping, elliptical chase.


On board the Federal Corvette, the Landa, crew members scurry around their stations.

Johnston fumes at his station on the bridge, staring out at the windscreen. He doesn’t like this plan and its not the first time he’s seen the girls jump into something with a plan he doesn’t approve of. The only reason why any of them lived back then was luck. He wasn’t so sure his luck would hold out much longer.

He takes another swig of his coffee and turns to the communications engineer. “Have you triangulated the signal? Are you even sure these are the ships we’re looking for?”

“Aye aye Sir. Its them. Transponder codes and frequency regulation match all three, a Python, Fer De Lance and Krait MKII, the Hand of Lambast, Dracul and Arbiter.” The initial radio spat between the ships was quickly picked up by the hearing outpost and the information was relayed priority to the Landa sitting three systems away.

Johnston sets his mug down, mumbling to himself, “Shit.” He looks up. “Okay, lock in their positions and intercept their jump course, we interdict next system.”

“Aye Aye Sir.” The tech furiously starts to work his console.

“Belay that order.” Johnston turns to look at the voice. Mr. Graham stands from his chair at the rear of the bridge and walks forward, dropping his cigarette into Johnston’s coffee mug. “I have the bridge Mr. Johnston, you are relieved. Corporal, plot a course for intercept immediately prior to their next jump. Charge weapons to full.”

Johnston takes a deep breath. If they can’t make the last jump, the plan won’t work. He runs his hands across his thighs and slides his left hand down his left leg to his mag boot. He flexes his calf, exposing the bolster of his Fairbairn Sykes boot knife.

Johnston’s family lineage could be documented back nearly 2,000 years. Back on Old Earth, his family could trace its roots in military service to one of the earliest and most lethal Commando units, the British Special Air Service. It is there that the dagger had been acquired and carefully maintained as a family heirloom through countless wars and thousands of years serving the Johnston name.

“Do not.” Is the only command. Johnston can feel the muzzle of a pistol pressed up against his temple. “I refuse to make the mistake of my predecessor Mr. Johnston in that I do not trust you and I can only imagine that you have a weapon concealed.”

Johnston turns against the muzzle facing the pistol while looking up to Mr. Graham. “You’re not as stupid as you look.”

Johnston tips his chair back, letting momentum carry his mass away from the pistol while simultaneously drawing the dagger. Mr. Graham lets on shot off, rupturing Johnston’s right shoulder as his left arm draws the knife and pulls it up between Grahams legs, sliding the honed blade across his femoral artery. Mr. Graham freezes as he feels the blade slice through the flight suit and expose his arterial blood to the cabin. Holding the pistol out, he looks down at Johnston bleeding on the bridge floor then to his leg. Johnston stands, pulls the pistol from Graham’s unresisting hand and slides the dagger into his neck.

A single shot rings out. Johnston’s eyes go wide. The corporal, standing from his console, a pistol in hand, stares at Johnston. Johnston stares at him and recognizes the shock and confusion crossing the young corporal’s features. Johnston breaks eye contact and looks down at the hole in his chest then, glances out the windscreen as the three ships prepare to make their final jump. Johnston slumps down over the Command console and opens the public communication key. “I got you girls there, but I won’t be able to go any further. Ha, that’s a lot of blood...I love you ladies, daughters I never had...”
He lowers his head to the console, the last of his life draining from his chest.


Back on the Dracul EC mutters, “The fuck?” And adjusts the gain on the system channel.

“...any further... thats’a lot of blood....love you ladies...daughters I never had...”

Then the line goes dead.

“What was that? Open the channel again! Open it!” Kaisla screams at EC.

EC fumbles with the panel, unfamiliar with the Dracul’s interface. “I can’t, it came from a Corvette, the Landa, was that Johnston?”

Kaisla and EC’s wrists chimes on their secure frequency, its Lamb. “He’s gone, jump NOW!”

An explosion torments the Dracul’s shields and hull as a missile screams past the FDL. The Landa swings wide, in behind the FDL and almost obliterates the Hand. EC sequences the jump and the shockwave of the FDL jumping to witch space peppers the Corvettes windscreen with plasma.

Last edit: 17 Sep 2019, 1:02am
14 Sep 2019, 11:36pm
Maul Montresor.

"But having me and Vega on Hondo City may eventually bring the corporation around. If they start their shit, we have got to be ready. Right now they're probably scrambling from this situation with Bryce but that wont last forever, ya know? I just don't want them catching us off guard and bringing unwanted attention to the Black Dragon Society."

Khelan shrugs.

"Ah've been thinkin aboot that an there's a cuppla things Ah'd like tae take care of when we get back haim. Futstly Ah'd like tae get the doc tae check ye over Vera just tae be sure ye dinnae huv yer own wee tracker like Goolie bhoy here..."

"It's Vega!" she growls

"Aye witever" responds Khelan before starting to talk again.

"Secondly the system is locked doon wi a permit lock, his been fur a few years noo, Shin hid a lot of folk who didnae want him breathin so he set up a bogus religious sect an applied fur system permit status oan religious grounds tae help keep unwanted folks oota the system an he goat it. Mad thing is noo there's dozens of folks hiv joint the "religion" an it actually makes a fair bitty money. It's a gud way tae launder money an if it makes folks happy everywan wins y'know? "

He reaches over the table and takes a sandwich off of Vega's plate, takes a bite and continues to talk

"Omi's arranged fur Hideo's files etc tae be transferred tae ye so ye can see wits been done wi Shinigami. Once yer a bit mair up tae speed we'll go oot tae play in the local asteroid belt an we'll try tae shoot each other doon. It'll be fun."

Vega glares at Khelan "Are you seriously trying to piss me off? "she asks "And are you insane? Combat training in the middle of a huge field of rocks flying around?"

Khelan grins at her "Is it workin?" he asks smiling "It's gud fur teachin situational awareness besides we'll power the guns doon tae training mode. The comps will register hits an replicate damage accordingly so it'll be fine."

He glances over to where Omi is and then turns back.

"Looks like things are startin tae wrap up here so Ah'm gonnae head aff back tae the Prid an get oota this monkey suit an intae somethin mair comfortable."

Khelan gets up from the table, takes a couple of small sausages from Vega's plate, pops them into his mouth and heads off back to the Prid.

Vega looks at Maul.

"I swear he's actually trying to piss me off just to see what I'll do." she says "You're not seriously thinking about heading into an asteroid field with that madman shooting at you are you?"
15 Sep 2019, 12:43pm

Kaisla and EC’s wrists chimes on their secure frequency, its Lamb. “He’s gone, jump NOW!”

Smoke was filling the Hands cockpit even with the vents on full. Red warning lights shining on the smoke complimented Lambasts growing rage. Holly was telling her how bad the damage was after the missile hit, but Lamb wasn’t listening. The Dracul flashed out of real space as it made its final jump.

The last words she said to Johnston were rejection. He had helped Kai and Lamb survive an impossible fight, and even though Lambast knew her stuck up attitude had got in the way, she couldn’t help but be enthralled by the man. She’d never let him know it and now she never could.

“Shields at ten percent. Life support malfunction, shutting down” Reported Holly. “Better hold ya breath for a bit ay?”

Her REMLOK snapped into place bringing with it the noise of lasers impacting on the shields and the Hands point defence shooting down incoming missiles that had faded into background noise as her anger grew. Someone on that Corvette had murdered Johnston, so Lambast was going to murder everyone on board.

“Put all power into shields and thrusters Holly. We’re going to ram the bridge of that Corvette”

The tweets of the power distribution indicators played in Lamb's ear.

“That’s not gonna work Ma’arm. We’ll be turned into powder and the Corvette will suffer moderate damage”

Lambast squeezed the stick and deployed the shield boosters.
“Just do as I tell you Holly. I’m boarding that ship”

“Oh, I’ll get right on that. What would I know after all? I’m just a sophisticated eighth-generation AI and it’s only my body you want to dash against that much heavier and well shielded Corvette”

Lambast ignored Holly's protest and did her best to evade incoming fire as she let the shields charge. She’d need every watt of energy to push the Hand through the protective shell and into the Corvettes cockpit.

A count down started on the nav panel letting Lamb know she would need to jump in 10 seconds. She swung her fist at the holographic display, it passed right through. She leaned over and brought her fist down on the projector. Clenching her teeth, she struck it again and again. She felt her knuckles crack and two of her fingers brake, but she hit the projector over and over. As the pain built, so did Lambasts resolve. Ignoring the hurt and weakness in her broken fingers, Lambast gripped the throttle and engaged the boosters.


Raven bounced a Yorkshire Pudding off Echo’s head to get his attention.
“Oi, the hand hasn’t jumped, it looks like she’s turning to engage the Corvette”

“Shit, she’ll be shredded. Raven, target the missiles going for the Hand, I’ll try and talk some sense into her”
Echo keyed the coms to the Hand.
“Hand, we’ve got to stop Creamy.. She cut me off!”

Raven snorted as if he knew that was going to happen.
“Looks like your girlfriend has lost the plot. Your gonna be a virgin for the rest of your life man”

Echo didn’t hear the insult, he was busy avoiding incoming fire and activating the backup he had dropped into the Hands OS while he and Lambast were working on the pod. Raven saw the handshake report on his display and looked over to Echo with a raised eyebrow. Echo had the decency to blush and sound guilty.

“Don’t say a fucking word” Echo l felt it needed some explanation. “It’s just audio, I wanted to know if Lambast was talkin about me”

Raven kept his comments for later, the Corvette was concentrating fire on the accelerating Python on a collision course and he needed to concentrate on intercepting the missiles.

***The Hand***

Lambast bucked the Hand to avoid taking fire and twisted it to bring the point defence to bear on incoming missiles. She registered the assistance from the Arbiter coming in on her left, but she was concentrating on guiding the Hands prow ram into the Corvettes canopy. The Landa was trying to roll to keep the heavily armoured hull exposed to the Hand, but Lambast wasn’t having it. She was going to crack that nut and then bathe her rage in the blood of Johnston’s killers.

She was closing in fast and one more boost at five hundred meters would give the Hand the best chance of penetrating the shields and cracking the canopy. Lasers obscured her view and new warnings were going off all the time. Holly was singing some song about saying goodbye to life, but nothing could break Lambs focus on the canopy and fast count down to five hundred meters. At five hundred and forty meters, Lamb exerted pressure on the boost button but a shot of pain from her bruised swollen thump stopped her for a brief moment.

There was a flash of the shields failing followed by an almighty crunch and grind on the Hands port side. Lambast was jarred hard and her neck cracked painfully as her head was thrown to one side. The Hand spun off missing the Corvette by a scant few meters. She briefly saw the Arbiter spinning off in the other direction. Echo must have swung in from the left and knocked the Hand off course.

Lambast lay stunned and disorientated in her seat. She could taste blood in her mouth. Echo’s voice filled her helmet and fort through her mussy senses.

“Lambast, Creamy and Kai have gone. They’ll be at the Guardian site soon. We’ve gotta save our friend from making a terrible mistake. Kaisla is going to need you, you can’t leave her to deal with what's coming on her own. You know that”

Lambast pushed herself up in her seat and took hold of the controls. She tried to give verbal commands to Holly but she couldn’t speak, so she activated the Frameshift Drive manually and hoped it was still programmed for the right location. Once the jump indicator came into view on the HUD, Lambast hit the boost to get away from the pursuing Corvette.

Echo was right, she had a job to do and if he hadn’t of risked himself, Raven and the Arbiter, she would have let her selfish emotions fail her best friend just as Kaisla would need Lambasts strength.


Echo flipped the Arbiter round to get under the Corvette and avoid its weapons ark. Raven took the opportunity to give it every barrel the Arbiter had to offer in an effort to encourage it to leave the Hand alone and focus on them instead. More hostile blips appeared on Ravens panel.

“Ok Echo, she leaving and the Corvette is getting a lot of back up. We need to go now dude”

Echo kept the Arbiter under the Corvette as long as he could while the FDS charged before boosting away behind the Corvette.
Raven stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles.

“That was a beautiful speech man. You ought to ask Lambast out if we survive this. After that heartfelt sentimental appeal to human kindness, she’ll only laugh in your ugly face instead of killing you for being a crazy stalker”

Raven clasped his hands behind his head and smiled at Echo.

Echo's shoulders sagged.
“Remind me why the hell you and I are friends”

Last edit: 15 Sep 2019, 1:02pm
16 Sep 2019, 4:21am
Khelan "I swear he's actually trying to piss me off just to see what I'll do." she says "You're not seriously thinking about heading into an asteroid field with that madman shooting at you are you?"

Maul shrugs.

"I'm not too worried. The corporation had us go through similar training scenarios back before I knew all of this shit about them, plus I used do a little RES bounty hunting a while back."

He smiles as he stands up.

"That being said, I'm not exactly what you'd call a "good" combat pilot or even an "okay" combat pilot, so I'll take any chance I can get to improve."

Vega shakes her head as she too stands up.

"You do what you want but you know you're a better hacker than a fighter."

"Psh" Maul sneers. "I'm not dead yet, am I?"

Vega exhales sharply and shoves him.

"Yet. Did you notice how "Yet" was the key word there? Think about how many times others have saved you. Seriously, take a moment to think about that. You're the only other person alive now that knows what all I've been through with the corporation. If you die then I'm left to deal with this shit alone and I don't want that."

Maul stares at her for a moment.

"Um, Aren't you the one that came to me with a "plan" to take them out? You wanted me to help you fight, remember?"

Vega crosses her arms and looks away.

"Well maybe I'm just starting to think you were right when you said this wasn't your fight anymore. Maybe it isn't mine either. I've lost everything and have nothing to show for it."

Maul scrambles to say something, anything.

"I...I'm sorry."

Vega shakes her head.

"Don't worry about it, just forget it." She says and storms off towards Prid.

Maul sighs and looks over to see that Omi is finally alone. He walks over to her and smiles.

"Khelan is back and he's already on the Prid waiting for everyone. I'll escort you back if you want."

Omi smiles and nods.

"That's fine. I'm in need of a bit of rest after all of this anyhow. It's mentally draining, talking to this many people."

Maul nods.

"I'd say so. It's nice though, that this many people came to pay their respects. I didn't know your father long but he seemed like a great man."

Omi stands up.

"Thank you, Maul. Now, let's join the others, shall we?"

They walk towards the Prid together to join Khelan and Vega.
17 Sep 2019, 7:06am
Khelan sits in the cockpit of the Prid dressed in his usual outfit of battered old jeans and a t shirt with the remlock suit on underneath. Totally engrossed with what he's doing on his pad he doesn't notice the chime informing him that someone is at the airlock.

The chime sounds again as Khelan taps at the screen selecting various options from different menus.

"There's someone at the door" says Leo as Khelan keeps on working on his pad.

The chime rings again and Khelan finally looks up from his pad.

"Leo, why didn't ye tell me somewan's at the door?" he asks

Leo pauses for a few seconds before sarcastically replying "Well it's a bit of a laugh innit?"

Khelan flicks on the camera feed from the airlock as Vega presses the call button again.

"Should I let her in?" asks Leo

"Dae we really hiv tae? Ah mean Ah'm enjoyin the peace an quiet." responds Khelan as the chime keeps ringing out over and over again.

He turns on the comms to the airlock and asks "Who is it?" in a singsong voice.

"You know fine well who it is I can see the camera above the airlock" Vega snarls over the comms "Now open this door before I find some explosives and blast my way in."

Khelan sighs and opens the door to let her in and she comes storming up to the cockpit.

"What the hell was that? Why didn't you let me in?" she demands

"Ah wis busy." retorts Khelan

Vega notices his pad at the side of the pilots chair.

"Doing what exactly? Updating your spacebook status? Watching videos of cute fuzzy things? Buying useless tat to make this cockpit look even gaudier? You seem to love making people try and guess what you're doing when you could just say "Oh hey, I'm just doing this" instead of skulking off without telling people where you're going or giving vague answers to straightforward questions!"

Khelan stands up from his chair and straightens up to his full height before looking her in the eye.

"If ye must know, ma Uncle Albert is interred oot there in his auld ship an Ah went tae see him fur the furst time since he goat here. If ye want tae know wit he meant tae me ask Maul an he'll tell ye. Omi knew wit Ah wis daeing an Ah didnae tell ye because it's private an wis somethin Ah needed tae dae by masell. Wit Ah wis daeing when ye goat here wis arrangin fur maintenance work tae be carried oot oan his grave so ye'll forgive me fur bein a bit distracted."

Vega gulps and looks down to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea" she whispers

Khelan keeps glaring at her and she steps back a bit.

He growls at her "If Ah think somethin's important Ah'll tell ye, if Ah dinnae think it's worth botherin ye wi Ah'll no. You an me hiv already hid words an Ah thought ye might hiv figured oot ye dinnae wanna go pissin me aff. Ah'm givin ye wan mair warnin, lose yer attitude oar find yersel floatin haim. Ye unnerstand?"

Vega nods slowly and attempts to change the subject.

" Are you really going to take Maul out to an asteroid field and shoot at him? We both know he'll panic and probably bounce off a rock trying to get a shot at you."

Khelan smiles

"If Ah didnae think he cud dae it Ah widnae take him. Ye may hiv no noticed but he's no the most confident of blokes. He's no goat any faith in his abilities so Ah'm gonnae show him he's no as shite as he thinks he is. Ye unnerstand that?"

Vega nods.

"I think I do, but just promise me that you'll look after him for me, he's all I've got left."

"Ah'll dae ma best" he says with a smile.
18 Sep 2019, 5:49pm

Lamb wrenches herself from the cockpit chair and slams the throttle quadrant back and down against the chair mount while she leans over and yanks the medi-pack off the bulkhead. Her hands shake and fingers fumble with the latches as she fights the container to break it open.  Finally, the medi-pack opens after she twists the container, spilling the contents across the cockpit. She finally finds the thin foil wrapper containing the epinephrine injector. She peels the wrapper back with her teeth and frees the injector, jamming it into her thigh. The eighteen gauge spring-loaded needle fires into her muscle and several seconds later, she can feel the syrupy liquid course through her muscle tissue.

Her secure communications link crackles to life, “Lamb, are you okay??!” It’s Kai.

Lambs hands, still shaking, shoves a strand of hair behind her ear and re-secures the ear piece, “Yeah, I’m here.”

“What happened? Where did everyone go?” Confusion is laced in Kai’s voice.

“Nothing to fret on,” Lamb says while she leans back into the chair, letting the epinephrine run its course. “Just had to let out some frustration back there...”

“Was that Johnston? What happened?” Kai asks.

“He’s dead love. I’m sorry.” Lamb says letting out a slow breath. Her comment is met with silence.

Finally EC’s voice cuts in, “Hey, I hate to cut in on the grieving process but we have work to do.”

“Crack on.” Lamb responds.

Kai quickly sets the auto-pilot sequence on Otto’s hollow frame work. She had programmed the exact path and response parameters prior to starting the jump sequences and sent the program to the other two ships. Each path had been carefully plotted and each ship had its own individual reactionary response. All the other pilots had to do was execute the program and the ships would perform the entire fire-fight hands off. Without any outside influence, each ship should miss one another by meters while firing dangerously close.

Echo’s voice cuts in, “Wake signatures on sensors! Here they come!”

“About fucking time,” Raven growls.

Kai’s voice crackles in as her and Silas squeeze into the Guardian Relic-pod. “Okay, execute on my mark.....3...2...1...MARK!”

Echo presses the glass screen over the [FUNCTION - EXECUTE?] command. The screens briefly flash red on the Arbiter and Echo sits back raising his hands from the flight controls. Fuel is poured into the reactionary thrusters as the throttle snaps to wide open and the ship starts to twist and turn. The hard points deploy. Raven and Echo exchange glances.

Simultaneously on the Hand, Lambast sits back and sips from a thermos of tea while the Python goes to full power and starts to aggressively fire displacing shots at the Arbiter. Red plasma funnels from the reactionary thrusters of the Dracul as the ship rockets to its full power and starts to dance through a complex choreography of turns, flips and rolls. Kai had uploaded a previous dogfight against a pirate and used the playback as a template for the program. Although Lambast wasn’t prone to space-sickness, a combination of the drugs, pain and flight profile made her wretch as she threw up her tea into a bag.

A flash of light booms into the system and three Corvettes snap into existence. They drop in exceptionally close to the three ships as they roll and dive through their mock-fight. They deploy their hard points and immediately start firing on all three ships. Although Kai couldn’t program the exact numbers or positions of the chase ships, she had made an educated guess about how Federally-trained pilots would react to the three separate targets.

The fire-fight that followed would later be classified, deconstructed and trained to Federal pilots for generations of cadets as it defined the text-book doctrine of Federal Interstellar battle. Her program being wired through the autopilots would be re-traced, analyzed and systematically studied by tactical experts at every Federal academy.
The three Federal Corvettes were out-classed before they even started the fight. Although the pilots were trained to high-standards, they were not prepared for the aggressive and violent maneuvers executed by the FDL.

The ship snapped and rolled hard over onto its spine, the nose pulled through 180 degrees and yanked toward the planet at a dangerously perilous speed. The strengthening beams and hull groaned in protest and well-aimed bolts of plasma ricochet off the shields. Kai and Silas, squeezed together in the tiny Guardian pod stare at each other face to face. They glance around as the ship bucks and groans, audible even in the pod.

“This sounds pretty scary...” Silas says nose to nose with Kai.

“Just be glad you can’t see what we’re doing,” Kai says, “did you have garlic for lunch?”

“No, its whatever was in Lamb’s sand which spread.” Silas says, trying to raise a hand to check his own breath.

“Yeah, that stuff is terrible. Old English relish or whatever.” Kai says her eyes darting around the tiny pod. “Can you shift your knife, its pressing into my thigh.”

“That’s not my knife.” Silas says, even in the dark, the scarlet color of his neck and cheeks can be seen.

“What the fuck!” Kai yells.

“I’m sorry! The battle is exciting. I’m a little amped up.”

“That doesn’t FEEL like a ‘little’ amped up.” Kai says twisting, trying to get away from Silas. Its of no use, they two are smashed into the pod and there is no room to flex. “Well, this is awkward.” Kai finally says.

“Quiet! Do you hear that?” Silas says, “The laser fire stopped.”

Meanwhile, Lambast works overtime trying to sell the ruse while the Python loops and undercuts the maneuvers of the Arbiter. The Python can easily out-maneuver the Krait but Kai had programmed the fight to look close. “Stop! This isn’t the right answer!” Lamb yells into the open comms channel.

Raven takes his cue and keys his microphone, “We’ve had enough of your god-damned deception! We will not allow this to happen!”

Echo eggs him on, “Go on.”

“This is so cheesy.” Raven mouths to him.

“Dropping the relic and activating the Guardian site will not give you the answers and I’m tired of getting my ass fried covering for your lies!”

“Then you’re of no use to us anymore!” Lamb yells in response while a furry of multi-cannon bursts pepper the Arbiter shields and hull.

Raven’s eyes go wide hearing the reports on the hull. “Silas is going to KILL Kai.”

“So how long has it been?” Kai asks smashed up against Silas in the pod.

“That’s none of your god-damned business!” Silas’ embarrassment turns to anger.

“Feels like its been awhile.” Kai comments, unfazed by his frustration.

“Listen, it takes more than being smashed up against an attractive woman while I’m getting shot at to get me excited.”

“That’s not what HE says.” Kai says, thrusting her hips forward.

“Will you PLEASE stop? I’m trying to figure out what’s happening.” EC says attempting to lean away.

“We should just about be entering our pro-grade burn.” Kai says randomly shoving her hips against Silas.

Beads of sweat pool up and run off the face of the Corvette pilot as he exerts every ounce of his energy to keep up with the fight. “Sir! I don’t even know how to counter this, what they’re doing shouldn’t be possible!” He wrestles with the controls of the Corvette trying to keep his aiming reticle anywhere near one of the three ships. The second Corvette swings wide trying to trap the three craft in a pincher movement while the third tucks in close, narrowly avoiding the first Corvette. “I don’t care what you have to do!” A voice cuts in on the bridge, “Keep those ships in sight and do not let them jettison anything!” the pilot jinks the Corvette hard, avoiding nearly smashing into his wing man. “They’re almost in Orbital Cruise!”

This was the only part of the plan that worried Kai. Modern planetary computers were good at achieving and penetrating the orbit of a celestial body but could easily be thrown off course by weapons fire. If a lucky shot threw the ship trajectory wide, safety interlocks would over-ride the autopilot program and drop them out early. She would have no indication inside of the pod if their trajectory was on course and wouldn’t know until drop-out happened. From her position in the pod torturing Silas, there wasn’t anything she would be able to do. The lurching and turning stopped and a constant shudder filled the space of the tiny pod, “Hey, stop wiggling,” Kai says to Silas, “I think we entered orbit.”

Lambast reached across the panel and killed the autopilot program, stowing the weapons. From this point, the planetary approach system would bring the Hand and Arbiter into the correct positions if the program had worked. She checked the sensors, greeted with the signals of the three Corvette’s still in pursuit. She sent a message over to the Arbiter. “We still have our guests, looks good so far.” The message wouldn’t get through the plating on the pod so she hoped Kai wasn’t too worried.

Inside the pod, a jolt and sharp stutter indicated that the Dracul had entered the glide. Kai lets out a low slow breath. “Okay, here’s where we find out if Echo and Lamb’s work is good.”

Silas doesn’t look fazed. “It’ll hold. Echo is the best.”

Kai leans forward and kisses Silas on the cheek. “For luck.”

The shuddering stops and Kai can feel herself shoved against the bulkhead of the tiny pod as the autopilot program takes over and engages the orbital thrusters, rocketing the Fer De Lance to the Guardian Site. She designed the program to make it look like someone was still flying the ship so they would be jettisoned in a climb and essentially sling-shot to the site.

The other five ships also de-orbit burn and the Arbiter and Hand autopilots resume their program. A count-down timer pops up on Raven’s HUD as soon as the program re-engages.

** TIME UNTIL FIRING 00H:00M:30.09S **

The timer on the HUD starts falling quickly. Raven lets out a deep breath. “Sorry boss.”

Percussion missiles erupt right off the starboard side of the Hand. The autopilot program kicks off as the shields flicker and waiver and two laser shots are thrown wide toward the Arbiter, “Fuck!” Lambast exclaims as she grabs the controls and starts to jink the Python in a looping roll. The closest Corvette presses forward, boosting to over-take the Python before releasing another salvo of percussion missiles. The missiles strike close enough to the Hand to erupt in a ball of blue plasma and spall, killing the Hands starboard engine, the Hand starts to spin wildly at the adverse thrust, yawing violently.

“Holly! Divert power to shields and route anything excess to the dead engine! Fire suppression and attempt to re-start!”

“What the fuck?” Echo cranes to see the Hand on the sensor scope, watching its trajectory spiral wildly behind them.

“15 seconds!” Raven yells!

Lambast wrestles with the controls killing and re-engaging the flight assist in an attempt to arrest the roll.

“500 meters to impact!” Holly warns, red lights flicking in the cockpit.

“I know! Just fix that damned engine!” Lambast responds. The sensors and HUD panels flicker briefly as a power surge shudders through-out the Hand. The roll pauses briefly as the left engine goes to idle and the Python plummets toward the rocky surface. All the interface panels glow brightly as the power surge reverses back through the ship and both engines belch to life. Smoke and plasma pour from both engines and Lambast slams the throttles to the stops just as the rear repulsers on the Hand slams into the rocky surface. The impact forces the nose forward and for a brief second, all Lambast can see is the rock in the windscreen. The Arbiter, in a tight, accelerating turn flashes into the windscreen and the nose of the Hand smashes the sensor scaffolding off the right wing. Raven flicks the left wing down thrusting the nose of the Hand up into the sky as he pulls the nose back through to chase the Dracul.

“FIRE!” Echo screams.

Inside the pod, Kai and Silas wrap their arms around each other to avoid getting slammed into the sidewalls of the pod. “Brace!” Kai yells. The vibration within the pod changes and Kai can feel the impact in her feet indicating the cargo hatch has been jettisoned. Moments later, her stomach floats as she feels the pod go into free-fall.

Raven depresses the trigger and sends a salvo of rail ammo at the Dracul. The Dracul arcs up in a hard climb and the blue Guardian Relic jettisons out from the cargo hold, accelerating toward the site. Raven tracks his shot and fires again.

“DANGER! TEMPERATURE AT MAXIMUM,” The COVAS on the Arbiter reports. The rail ammo tracks true and impacts the Dracul, the autopilot program killing the shields moments before impact. The Dracul erupts in a ball of blue and red flame. “Where is the Hand!?” Raven screams at Echo. “It worked! She’s accelerating away from the surface!” Echo reports. Raven slumps back in his seat.

Lamb rolls the Hand just in time to see the Dracul erupt and the blue Guardian pod tumble toward the site. She flips the Python hard onto its spine and charges her weapons. “Pay back fuckers.”

The nearest Corvette takes the solid hits from the Hand and the shields die off almost instantly. A second salvo hits the Corvettes power plant, causing it to veer violently into the planet surface. The lead Corvette accelerates toward the Guardian pod. Raven pilots the Arbiter in an attempt to get to the pod. Lamb pivots the Python in the low-G and allows her momentum to carry her through the turn, bringing the nose to the third Corvette. At two and a half kilometers she starts to pound the larger ship with all of her weapons. Holly chimes in, warning her of power reserves. Lamb ignores him, she can smell the acrid smoke pouring out of the weapons ports into the cabin as Holly attempts to scrub enough power to purge the cabin. She can feel the flight suit collar shrug up and go rigid as the REMLOK encases her face and the cabin pressurization is dumped. As she closes the Hand to within one kilometer of the advancing Corvette, she triggers the weapons again and sends another salvo of rail ammo at the larger ship causing it to veer away from the Arbiter.

The Arbiter makes a series of soft feints as it tries to vie for the pod before finally, breaking contact and coasting into a wide turn away from it. The first Corvette, unmolested, thunders ahead and snatches the pod only six hundred meters from impacting the Guardian site. The pilot thrusters hard away from the surface.

Inside the pod, Kai and Silas brace each other tightly as the pod tumbles wildly through the thin atmosphere. Suddenly, a jolt propels both of them hard into the bulkhead and slams them the opposite direction. Kai’s head impacts against the wall and she starts to see her vision go fuzzy. Silas holds her tighter, “Fight it. Fight it! Stay awake!” She can feel Silas fumble with the injector into the suits interface before a cocktail of drugs snaps her awake. She screams.
“I think....” Silas says as he checks her vitals via the suit interface, “You’re autopilot program worked like a treat and we were just picked up by one of the Corvettes.”

“Fuck that hurts.” She says as the drugs snap her awake. Her head starts to pound instantly.

“I know, but it kept you from passing out.” Silas says.

“I hope the Hand and Arbiter made it okay.” She says as she slumps back against the pod wall.

“Me too.”

The Arbiter and the Hand break contact with the two Corvettes and thruster hard, easily out-pacing the larger craft which loiter long enough to re-group and turn to the two smaller craft.

A message from the Hand types out onto the Arbiter HUD, “Thanks for the save, I owe you one.”

Raven hammers out a quick message in return, “No problem. It was Echo’s idea. Time to run silent.”

Both ships vector hard toward a wide deep trench carved into the planets surface. Silas had timed the deception and plotted the route through the canyon that would give them the maximum amount of shadow to cover their escape. The two ships split at the rim of the canyon, going separate directions and activating their silent running before alighting on their assigned coordinates. Silas had plotted two separate sites for both ships, deep enough and dark enough for both craft to hide for a few brief minutes to build space from the Corvettes. Luck worked in their favor, the two Corvette’s remained in formation and did rapid sweeps up and down the canyon before turning away to continue searching side valley’s on either side.

Raven turns to Echo, “We don’t have long before their back-up arrives.”

Echo, his face up against the sensor screen responds, “We only need a few minutes for them to get five clicks out before we jump out of here.”

Finally, both Corvette’s shift their search further out and the Hand and Arbiter are able to quickly Frame Shift away from the little rocky planet.

Safely in witch space Raven leans back, “Now we wait.” Echo unstraps from the seat, “You wait, I need to go be sick. I didn’t know ships could maneuver like that.”

Lambast opens a secure channel to the Arbiter. “Enroute. Do you think Kai and Mr. Cousland survived that jettison? It looked close.”

“I hope so,” Raven says, “Cause if not, this was all for shit.”

Last edit: 19 Sep 2019, 4:22pm
19 Sep 2019, 4:52pm
Khelan "Ah'll dae ma best" he says with a smile.

The cockpit door slides open as Maul and Omi walk in.

Vega turns to them with an upset look on her face.

"How the hell did you two get in? I had to stand out there pressing that damn button until he let me in." She says pointing at Khelan.

Omi looks at Khelan and smirks.

Maul smiles.

"Leo let us in."

Vega looks almost offended.

"Why didn't he just let me in then?"

Maul shrugs.

"I guess he just doesn't like you as much."

"Ha Ha. Very funny." Vega retorts.

"Thanks. I try." Maul replies with a smile.

Omi breaks the tension by speaking up.

"On that note, I'm going to go get out of this dress." She says as she turns to exit the cockpit.

He looks at Khelan.

"Feel better now that you're out of that suit?"
19 Sep 2019, 10:55pm
Khelan leans back in his chair and stretches out before replying.

"A wee bit mate, it'll no bring Shin back but Ah hid tae show ma respects an Ah hid tae look the part fur the other families there. We dinnae want tae gie them any mair ammo aboot either ma oar Omi's appointments."

"Leo?" he says

"What's happening dudes?" responds Leo

"Plot us a course back tae Hondo City wid ye? An this time nae neutron stars oar anything else that cud kill us."

"In my defence commander, you told me to get us there as quickly as possible." responds Leo

Khelan sighs softly before replying "Look jus dae me a favour an if any courses ye plot frae noo on hiv neutron stars in them then be a pal an let me know afore we arrive at it so Ah've goat time tae dig oot a fresh pair of undies OK?"

"Sure thing dude, no worries" responds Leo.

Khelan starts the automated pre-flights and watches as the board turns green.

"Ye know mate Ah used tae hate daein pre-flights noo that the ship does them fur me Ah kinda miss them does that make sense?"

The board lights up completely green and Khelan slowly feeds power into the engines, carefully manoeuvring the Prid away from the Dock and then backwards until it's far enough away to turn around to line up for the first jump on the route.

The massive Anaconda slowly rotates and starts to accelerate, keeping below the speed limit until it's clear of the area.

Khelan looks over to Maul as the ship lines up for its jump.

"Incase ye were wonderin the reason Ah fucked aff after Shin's funeral wis Ah went tae see Creepy Auld Uncle Albert he's buried back there an he was lang overdue a visit frae me. Ah hid tae dae it alone Ah'm sure ye'll unnerstan that."

Khelan glances at the scanner and notices another ship following them at a distance on the same course as they are. He checks the target computer and it informs him that it's a Vulture heavy fighter.

He looks over to Maul

"It's probably nothing but there's a Vulture behind us oan the same course."

Khelan disengages the auto pilot and changes course slightly watching the scanner the entire time.

"Leo calculate a jump tae Diso then bounce us straight back here wid ye?" he asks as he watches the Vulture change course to match.

"Course laid in commander, ready when you are."

Khelan checks over the weapons systems and makes sure that the systems that use ammunition have got full ammo bins.

"Dae me a wee favour mate, get ontae fire control wid ye? Ah dinnae trust this guy as far as Ah cud throw him."
20 Sep 2019, 3:49am
Maul rushes over to the co-pilot seat and familiarizes himself with the fire groups.

"Okay, I'm ready. If they make a move on us I'll lay into them."

Vega follows suit and sits in the third pilots seat to prepare for the potential threat.

"Who in their right mind would attack us here, and right after Shin's funeral?"

Maul shrugs.

"Some disrespectful cunt with a death wish."

Vega nods and looks at Khelan.

"Well, if there's anything I can do, just say the word."
20 Sep 2019, 10:01pm
Lambast opens a secure channel to the Arbiter. “Enroute. Do you think Kai and Mr. Cousland survived that jettison? It looked close.”

“I hope so,” Raven says, “Cause if not, this was all for shit.”

Inside the disguised pod, Kai and Silas wait, feeling the minor jarring of the automated systems within the Corvette properly stowing the cargo.

After about a minute, the pod comes to rest, and the clunks and mechanical sounds from outside stop, leaving it eerily quiet in the cargo bay of, what EC had presumed, one of Frost's ships.

"Guess your good luck paid off." EC said with a smile
"OK, time to go Kai."

"Great... can you reach the hatch controls?"

The next 30 seconds or so were a mess of EC trying to reach around Kai to the pod controls without squishing her against the sidewall or creating an 'HR complaint'... even though she seemed to be asking for one. Finally, he presses the 'open' control, and with a beep and a hiss, the pod depressurizes and the top hatch swings open.

Kai stood up in an unusual way, putting all her weight on her hips just for the joy of antagonizing Silas as she hopped up out of the pod with a grin.

"It's a good thing I'm not wearing one of those suits..." he says, shaking his head and sitting up. Kaisla shushes him, and the realization sets in that they were now behind enemy lines, causing him to shift gears instantly.

EC quickly hops out of the pod and re-seals it to avoid suspicion, moving as quickly as possible to the other side of the cargo hold where Kai had found some other cargo to hide behind.

"OK, we need to keep it quiet. I brought you this..." EC reaches his left hand into his jacket and produces a sidearm, similar to the one he typically carries, though with less finish wear. It was probably a backup from the armory, only it had a magnetic plate on the side. It also featured a sound suppressor.

"...its quiet-ish. Someone in the next room is going to know something is up, and someone down the hall is going to hear a concerning noise, though may not recognize what it is."
EC also produces a magnetic leg strap... a nice compact solution for carrying an extra holster in a jacket pocket, and hands it to Kai.

"Blood is also suspicious so... really that's a last resort, ok?"

"God, you're no fun." Kai rolls her eyes at him, attaching the mag-strap to her leg and snapping the pistol onto it.

Now they just had to wait for the inevitable crew members to come investigate the mysterious guardian artifact they'd snagged.

It took several minutes. The ship was all-hands-on-deck while finishing up its security sweep looking for the Arbiter and the Hand.
Silas and Kaisla didn't know this, so they were just forced to quietly entertain themselves while they waited. EC was sitting against a cargo crate, spinning two little silver devices around his palm like stress balls when they heard the inner door to the cargo bay begin to open.

EC tosses one of the silver devices to Kai. As she catches it, she realizes its a small incapacitating gas bomb.

In walks a security guard in a full mask, followed by two maintenance crew; a tall, lanky blond and a short, surly bald man.
The maintenance crew begin working the cargo-hold to move the Guardian pod front and center just as a ship's liutenant walks in with two science officers in tow.

The liutenant gives off an air of superiority as she scans the cargo hold briefly, hands on her hips.
"Hurry it up! I have things to do!" she barks at the maintenance guys. The short surly one gives a sidelong glance with a scrunched face, but dares not say anything as he checks the hooks on the cargo crane one more time.

He waves at the tall blonde, who fires up the built-in cargo crane, moving the pod out from its storage location and placing it in front of the liutenant.

"Now leave!" she dismisses the maintenance crew, and the two of them scurry out the door.
"You two!" she turns to the science officers

"Ma'am" the two say in unison, though it came out in a bit of a jumble as the one man had a Nordic accent, and the other was more Indian, and the dialects clashed a little harmonically.

"I want to know exactly what this device is for. You have exactly three hours."

"Yes ma'am!" they reply as she walks out without a backward glance, followed obediently by her guard.

As the door hisses behind them, the two men visibly relax their shoulders. The Nordic man sighs with exasperation.

"Dude, she is such a bitch!" says the Indian.

"Better not let her hear you say that..." says the Nordic man, moving closer to examine the Guardian pod.

As the two move closer to the pod, EC catches Kai's eye. She nods.

"Too late!" Kai says, standing up from behind her crate. The two scientists heard a female voice and, suspecting it was their Liutenant, spun around in horror just in time to be struck in the chest by a pair of small silver spheres, which burst open and emit a small poof of gas, just enough to cause the pair of them to tumble to the floor before dissipating.

"Aw man, did you see the look on their faces?" Kai laughs.

EC just shakes his head with a grin, walking over to the unconscious scientists.

"Welp... I guess we're scientists now." he says, beginning to drag one of the bodies to the other side of the Guardian pod.

Kai was surprised how well the Indian man's lab coat fit over her cold suit. It was nice that it was long enough to conceal the pistol EC had given her, as well. Just as she was thinking this, EC walked out from around the pod having donned his disguise as well. It was... way too small. Not enough to notice at a glance, but it wouldn't pass intense scrutiny, and it looked uncomfortable to boot.

"Skinny bastard..." he groans, opening the pod back up while Kai tried not to laugh at him.
"Come on, let's hide them in the pod. That'll be a nice surprise for later. Can you imagine these dudes sandwiched together half naked waking up in here wondering what happened?"

"I'm just sad I won't be here to see it!" Kaisla says, moving to grab the first man's feet while EC scooped him up under the shoulders.

"OK, Primary objective, find Frost or any information about how he is connected to these Thargoid baiting attacks..." Silas grunts as they toss the body into the pod.

"Secondary objective, any information about a Federal researcher named Leith. I told you about him, I think." The pair move to the second unconcious body.

Once both men were safely in the pod, EC sealed it once more, and the pair made their way to the cargo bay hatch to begin their sweep of the ship.

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