Elite roleplay: Off station


Your ship, deep space, anything that is not happening inside the Citi Gateway or Ingaba...

General Roleplay Etiquette:

1. Control only the actions of your own character(s). (AKA: God Mode)
This doesn't matter how small the action is, even if it is as simple as scratching their nose or a direct reaction to something else that just happened. This applies to everything from casual conversation to full blown fight scenes. If you'd like someone to do something specific, PM that person, however keep in mind they are completely within their rights to say no. Especially if said action is inappropriate to their character and/or circumstance.

2. Don't brute force your way into another persons RP.
Approaching with a conversation starter is fine, or indeed some other small action. However charging in, guns blazing and disrupting the flow of another person/pair/groups conversation/arc is about as rude as doing so in real life. If something is going on that you'd like to participate in, be subtle about it. Put out a gentle hook for someone to take, but again, be aware that said hook may not be taken. If you fear it was simply unnoticed, PM the person or people it concerns. Or even leave a message in the OOC forums.

3. Good grammar and spelling is preferred.
We're not asking you to be perfect, but please at least demonstrate willingness. no1 iz gna tak u srsly usng txt spk. There's a wide variety of people here, many who speak English as a second, or even third language. There are even some with varying degrees of dyslexia and/or likely other issues that affect spelling/grammar. We accept them all here. However, people who aren't accepted, are those unwilling to accept polite correction. Remember that even a small thing like the placement of a comma, or the wrong use of there/their/they're can completely change the definition of an entire sentence.

4. Accept constructive criticism gracefully and politely.
If someone spots an issue with your writings, they may wish to help you improve that writing. They may do this through PM or even publicly air their thoughts on the OOC forum. If they have taken the time to be polite and explain what is wrong with your writing, the best way to behave is to respond in kind, using the same manner they have approached you with. It means they have taken an active interest in what you have written and wish to see more. Basically, you have a fan!

5. Don't take the actions or opinions of things done IN RP, to be directly relevant to the writers thoughts or opinions.
Basically, if some ones character calls your character a jackass, it doesn't mean the writer thinks you are a jackass. It's a ROLE they are PLAYING. Watch a movie. The argument between the characters isn't an argument between the actors involved. The same applies here.

6. It's not a popularity contest.
Your RP might be bustling with participants. You have 3 people off station in a fire fight, while another 2 are infiltrating the darkest areas of the station, meanwhile a group of 4 others are tracking your movements in an effort to stop you. Good for you, I'm sure it will be a thrilling read! But you know what? Sometimes the absolute BEST work, comes from two RP characters having a simple heart to heart. Both are valid, both are great, but NEITHER is categorically better than the other. Period.

Inara RP Etiquette:

1. Respect the setting and rules of the universe.
Inara is an Elite: Dangerous 3rd Party Tool. The RP Forums are set in the Elite: Dangerous universe. Elite: Dangerous has rules, as any fictional universe does from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars, or Game of Thrones to Star Trek. If you intend to RP within the Elite: Dangerous universe you are bound by the history and rules of that universe. Simply put, this RP forum is bound by the same rules as the game, so if it can't be done in the game, it is not permitted here. This applies to things from a 50Ly Jump Range on a normal, unmodified Sidewinder, to the destruction of entire stations.

2. Respect the characters created by others.
We have a wide variety of characters already here. It's expected that some will be similar, just as it's expected that two characters will be vastly different. Opinions of each persons character will naturally be varied, but all are valid provided they follow the rules of the universe. You are allowed to interact with, or avoid interaction with, any character in the RP forums. But you have no right to belittle others for their creation. You are not an authority figure on writing, nor are you directly affected by another persons imagination. You might not like it, but you MUST respect it.

3. Be caught up on current events before joining in.
You need basic things like character descriptions in order to interact with them. You also need to know what's going on in the surrounding areas. This is simply because the people you are hoping to RP with, might be gearing up to something that you might not want to be part of. Or simply that the most recent post, out of context, could leave a different impression on the goings on than if you gather that context. We don't expect you to read every single post from the beginning of the forums, just enough to get that basic understanding.

4. Either subscribe to, or frequently check, the Roleplay: Q&A and OOC forum.
People may be discussing something relevant to you there, or even discussing you directly. Perhaps someone asked what the general consensus on the existence or non-existence of a certain object. Or we're just chatting about random gibberish. Either way, be aware of it and use it. If you're unsure about something, such as how guns would look and or behave, or even the music selection, use the OOC forum to ask. We don't have all of the answers, but the collective knowledge and logic usually allows us to overcome an issue and come to a decision on what should be allowed. Frontier Developments, and even David Braben himself, don't have the answers to every possible question that can be asked.

5. Large Scale events exploding out of nowhere are a complete no go.
We get it. Everyone wants their character to be noticed and for people to be tripping over themselves to interact with them. In some audiences, an introduction involving you blasting in for landing in a fiery wreckage of a ship, before cart wheeling out and sword fighting 35 Ninjas before whisking off with the local celebrity for a glorious night of passion, is in fact, cool. This is not one of those audiences. It is generally considered better to build your character up slowly over time. Eventually, you might even have a legitimate excuse to fight those Ninjas. Maybe even with other RP participants by your side.

6. Perfect characters are boring.
The point of a character arc, is that it is in fact, an arc shape. One who is morally unquestionable, fully kitted out and an infinite fountain of knowledge, cannot go through an arc. Give your character flaws. Be it a tendency towards befriending the wrong people, or a bad knee that frequently gives out at inopportune moments. It gives readers something to latch onto and empathise with. You can give your character exceptional capabilities at something, but it requires balance. She's a damn good pilot with no equal, but can't drive an SRV for peanuts. It can lead to some very interesting moments between characters, be it heartfelt or comedic.

Other Notes:
It should be noted that there can be exceptions to these points. For example, good grammar when a character is speaking is actually rare. Few people in real life actually speak with perfect eloquence after all. Or previously arranged actions during a fight scene, such as someone stumbling back after a punch. What's key to remember is context.

All in all, remember this is purely for fun. We have some seriously talented writers here, and others whose writing history starts and ends at high school. But many are willing to help out in whatever way they can. All it takes is that you ask nicely.

Also keep in mind that many people who RP here, also have logbook stories related to the character, or characters, they portray. If it looks like there's an "in joke" going on that you're unsure of, it's probably in those.

In fact, some users have even gone to the trouble of creating "alts" to RP with. If you read back far enough, it's usually pretty clear who has and hasn't, and which ones are the "alts". It's therefore not unheard of to see the apparent seizing of control of other characters. If you do spot one, point it out in the OOC section. If intervention is needed, it will be sorted quickly and (hopefully) politely.

Most, if not all RP participants here have Logbook stories pertaining to their character(s). These are for the reading pleasure of anyone who wishes to do so. While it can be useful to read them in order to gain a bit of backstory on a character you wish to interact with, it should not be assumed that your character shares that knowledge. Within the E:D Universe, these Logbooks either don't exist, or are private diaries kept by the characters. Either way, without explicit statements to say otherwise from the writer, your interactions should reflect that your character is in the dark about any information you, the writer/reader, have gained from reading the stories.
25 Oct 2019, 1:58am
Maul smile and nods as he walks over to the co pilots chair.

"My ears weren't the only thing burning, you know. Those cocktail sausages we had back there had me spewing what felt like molten lava out of places I'd rather not mention."

He plops down and looks over at Khelan and Omi.

"I'm talking about my ass." He says with a goofy smile.

Omi shakes her head.

"When did they start giving children a license to pilot these things?" She says looking back and forth between Khelan and Maul.

Maul chuckles and points at Khelan.

"Hey now, to be fair, I think this one got his out of a box of Sugar Frosted Buzz Bombs."

The elevator beeps and Vega steps out, still looking very hungover.

Maul looks back at her and clears his throat before speaking towards Khelan.

"So, I'm sure Omi already told you about those unauthorized transmissions from last night. I've got a few people digging around to see what they can find out about the people on that list. I'll check in with them regularly but it leaves me free to help with whatever the Black Dragon Society needs."

"What list are you talking about?" Vega mumbles.

"The one you gave me last night. I'm working on it." Maul says without looking back at her.

Vega's looks at him confused. She could hardly remember what had happened last night. Feeling around in her pockets, she realizes the list is gone.

"Shit, I knew I shouldn't have drank whatever the hell that was that Khelan was passing around." She quickly walks up to Maul and puts her hand out. "Give me the list, we're not doing that anymore. I told you before, I just want to forget about everything and move on from this. You know, start over."

Maul looks at her.

"Well, forget about it then. I'm handling it now. When we get back to Hondo City, if you still want to move on and forget about all of this, then you can. Hell, I'll personally fly you to wherever it is you think you can hide from this."

Vega withdraws her hand and looks over at Khelan and Omi.

"Are you guys just going to let him do this? His putting us all at risk. How do we know we can even trust whoever the hell it is he said he's working with?"

Maul stands up from his seat and looks her in the eye.

"These people, much like everyone in this room, have helped me in some way. Are you saying I should stop trusting everyone that's ever helped me? If so, you'd be the first person I'd let go."

Vega looks at Maul as if her heart had just shattered.

"But unfortunately, I care about you more than I probably should, and if you care about me in even the slightest, I'd recommend you take a fucking seat and let me handle this. It's not your problem anymore."

Vega looks up at Maul.

"I see what you're doing. I told you, I don't need you looking out for me. I'm the one that saved your ass, remember?"

Maul smirks at her.

"Yeah and I'll never forget that. Now please, shut the fuck up and let me return the favor."

Vega grins at him and nods before walking over to the other empty co pilot seat.

Maul smiles over at Khelan as he sits back down.

"So one more jump, huh? I think when we get back I'm going to buy a new Krait. Reckon I'll call it "The Ghoul", seems fitting since the last one was destroyed. It'll be like I'm back from the dead. That ought to make those corporation fuckers piss their designer diapers."
26 Oct 2019, 12:26am
Khelan finishes his bowl of cereal and puts it down on the floor beside him before taking the controls to aim the massive ship towards the final jump to their destination.

"Ye can buy a new ship if ye want tae but the furst thing yer daein is gettin witever the fuck that monitor is fixed." he says

"Then" he adds with a smile "Yer aff tae see Dr Kojima aboot yer galloping knob rot. Trust me ye dinnae want tae hiv it drap aff oan ye now dae ye?"

"After that" interrupts Omi "You're going to head down to what was Hideo's engineering business and get to know your team, they all know you're taking over and they know that Hideo is dead, what they don't know is how or why he died."

"And what am I supposed to do?" asks Vega "Sit here and look out the window?"

"You're going with Khelan" replies Omi "He's going to take you to Dr Kojima to make sure you don't have a tracker in you like Maul did."

"If yer lucky Ah might even ask him tae gie ye a quick blood scrubbin, get rid of yer hangover fur ye." smiles Khelan

Vega nods as Khelan throttles up and hits the frame shift drive
26 Oct 2019, 12:45am
Maul looks over to the broken monitor.

"Yeah, sorry about that. When we get there, I'll order a new monitor to be brought to the ship and replace it myself."

He looks at Omi.

"Do I need to keep the reason Hideo died a secret?"

Vega looks at Maul and then to Omi.

"I've heard you guys mention him before. What happened?"
29 Oct 2019, 12:28am
Khelan looks at Maul.

"Ye remember, the whacko who took ye prisoner back oan Rey Gateway an tried tae kill us both until Omi put him doon? The guy responsible fur the existence of Shinigami? Ma ex best mate who lost his marbles because wee Omi here widnae drop her knickers fur him?"

Khelan shrugs "Ah guess Omi musta hit ye harder than she thought back when ye were sparrin."

The Prid makes the final jump towards it's destination and Khelan swings the Anaconda round towards Hondo City making tiny adjustments to the controls as the ship to keep its course true throughout the journey.

He drops out of supercruise at the coriolis station and Khelan swings around towards the mailslot.

"Hondo City to Anaconda Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, welcome home. Docking clearance is granted, head to pad 01 when ready."

"Anaconda Whisky Tango Foxtrot to Hondo City, domo arigato control."

The Prid slides smoothly through the mailslot and once inside Khelan rolls the ship around to line up over pad 01 before lowering the landing gear and gently touching down.

The moment the docking clamps attach Khelan kills the engines and issues the command to lower the ship into the hanger.

"Everywan remember where we've parked." he says with a smile before getting out of his chair and heading out of the cockpit.
29 Oct 2019, 1:08am
Maul waits till Khelan leaves and gives Omi a confused look.

"Did he think that was me who just asked about Hideo?"

Omi shakes her head and sighs.

"With all the stress of everything going on lately, I'm sure he was just confused."

Vega stands up and walks between them.

"Or maybe he was hitting the sauce a little too hard last night."

Omi dismisses what Vega had just said and looks back at Maul.

"It's probably for the best if you keep the reason of Hideo's death to yourself. What he did was wrong but he was respected by his team. I see no reason to smear the mans name. If you have any problems with them, just send them to me."

Maul nods in agreement.

"Alright, well just send me the location of his engineering business and I'll head there after I repair this monitor."

Omi nods and gestures Vega to come with her.

"Come now, Khelan is waiting to take you to Dr Kojima. We'll have you checked for trackers, as well as a full check up."

Vega and Omi leave the cockpit to catch up with Khelan.

Maul walks over to check the model number of the monitor that he busted. He makes a quick mental note before sitting in the pilots chair causing the holo displays to light up. Navigating to the marketplace, he orders a replacement to be rush delivered. It's ETA was 30 minutes.

He relaxes into the pilots chair and props his feet up on the console as he waits.
30 Oct 2019, 4:40pm
It felt like a cruise towards the end of the journey. The crew were most welcoming to the impromptu wing that formed its self around the Arbiter. No one had to spend the night alone if they didn’t want to. Lambast got up early and went for a run before breakfast. She wasn’t really surprised to find Kai wasn’t at the breakfast table. Kai had stopped being a morning person soon after leaving Eravate. Silas was tucking into a hearty meal talking with Echo while Raven made up a plate that looked more like a stockpile for the winter. Come midday Ship Standard Time, everyone was going to be transferred to Imperial custody.

Pleasant distraction or not, Echo and practically Raven were not happy about it. Lamb couldn’t really get a read on Silas, he was very good at being calm, but the way he was talking to the lads suggested something was not the way it should be. Lambast collected a satisfying breakfast from the warm selection provided by the mess hall and sat down opposite Raven.

“Good morning gentlemen. I hope the evening treated you well”

Raven grunted something in her direction and Echo fiddled with his collar before answering.

“Morning Lambast. Yeah, it was a good night. You know, comfortable and. .good”

Echo found something on his plate to concentrate on. Silas waved a folk at Lambast and gave her a flat smile while he finished chewing.

“We’re pushing to get the Arbiter space worthy. Once this thing we gotta do is done, we want to be out the way of the Imps Feds or whatever soon as possible. Do you know what we’re in for Lamb?”

“I believe I do Mr Cousland. As we have been of significant financial benefit to the good people at Gutamaya, and we have made an unselfish, somewhat public effort to aid the rescue services, we are minor celebrities. If you have listened to the gossip on the coms Mr Cousland, you will be surprised to find out that while your privateers and a renegade Federal deserter fort off a small alien armada, you and your heroic space adventure friends single handily defeated an as yet unseen Thargoid mother ship Mr Cousland”

Silas raised his eyebrows and nodded.

“Wow, wish I was there. I sound like I was amazing” Silas looked down the table at Raven and Echo “You guys helped a bit, I won’t let them forget to put that under the headline”

Without looking up from their plates, Echo and Raven flipped Silas the bird.

“Anyhow” continued Lambast “As we are the centre of attention for the time being, and Gutamaya would like to show their gratitude, I think our custody is going to be a political move. The Empire will make a show of sheltering the selfless heroes from persecution by other governments. It’s just a way for them to look good in the public eye and shame the Feds.

Echo and Raven had looked up and listened to Lambasts prediction. Raven was not convinced.

“The Imps ain’t just gonna let us go because we look good for them on Galnet. They’ll have their claws into us for everything we know. If they don’t hear what they want, we’d be lucky to see the stars again”

Lambast interlocked her fingers and put her elbows beside her plate and looked at Raven.

“Then it’s a good thing we are not dealing with the Imps, we’re dealing with Gutamaya. I am very confident that corporate money will talk louder then governmental manoeuvring. Oh yes we’ll have to give them something worth having, that’s a given, but we’ll come out the other side with.. . I don’t know. A shiny new Clipper each”

“More like shiny bruised balls and clipped fingers. How much intelligence do you think they will stop at?”

Silas spoke up.

“That’s a good point as it goes Raven. We’ll talk about it while we work on the Arbiter. They’ll get what we decide to give them and no more”

“A very good idea Mr Cousland. Once we have decided what we’re willing to offer, we can present it to our Kings Counsel”

Everyone gave Lambast a confused look.

“Um, a very good imperial lawyer recognised by the crown. I have a Barrister on retainer; well my family does and I sent a message to his offices. He’s sending a representative to protect our interests” She explained.

Echo elbowed Raven.

“There you go dude, royal protection. Relax”

Raven said nothing and tucked into Mount St.Bacon.

“After breakfast, I’m taking Kai along to the ship's barber. You gentlemen may want to avail your selves of his services. I don’t think any of us have found time for a proper hair cut since we met. Not to cast aspersions upon your grooming capabilities Mr Cousland, but I think your beard would look most dapper with a professional touch”

Echo asked where to find the barber and the others listened while pretending not to care either way. Silas stroked his beard; it did feel a little rough. Maybe a trim and some oil wouldn’t be so bad. Lambast finished her food and stood up collecting her plat.

“After a trim, I’ll pop along to the hanger and give you chaps a hand with the Arbiter if I may?”

Silas wondered if Lamb meant she wanted to do the vacuuming or redecorate the bedroom while rave imagined her glueing wood panelling up in the mess. Echo answered.

“Great, you wanna cut or weld? Hey, I’ll get tools out for both, see what you fancy when you get there”

“Thank you Mr Ramón, I look forward to working with you again”

Lambast put her plate in on the trolley and left to find Kaisla.

Silas and Raven turned to Echo who shifted uneasily in his seat.

“What? You should have seen her working on that pod. She knows her stuff”
He said to fend off the looks he was getting.

“Oh yes?” said Raven “Only because it was very coffin-like. I’ll get tools out for both” He continued in a high pitched voice “See what you fancy when you get there”

Sails joined in doing an ok impression of Lambast.

“Lar sir, I do so look forward to working with you again. Heheh. You should just take a shot man. Hey, it worked on that brunet you were with last night”

Echo just took it like a man and eat his scrambled eggs.

Kai was the only adult Lambast knew that still slept like a four-year-old. Lambast took a moment to contemplate how Kai could possibly be in that position and still sleep. While the coffee was brewing, Lambast hunted around for a bottle of bourbon. There would be one somewhere with the little bit that Kai liked in her first cup after a rough night. She found one under Kai’s clothes, Lambast moved her friend’s hair until she unearthed a nose and held the cup under it. Kai rose like Frankenstein's monster and a hand automatically homed in on the cup. Kai tipped her head back because her eyes wouldn’t open wide enough to see straight ahead for a few minutes yet. Her head turned like a lighthouse until its face was pointed at Lambast.

“Hi Lamb. Wot we doing today?”

Kai started to brush her hair out of her face while she focused on the difficult task of navigating a cup to her lips. Lambast didn’t bother answering. This was practically autopilot; Kai wouldn’t be awake until she was leaning on the sink wondering who the hell was in the mirror.

The girls were sat in the back of the Navy Barbers having their nails done. The captain had insisted on having that service available to the people on her crew that required it, including herself. They were getting a hard-wearing acrylic gloss applied. It had taken all Lambs ability to stop Kia getting multi colours. Lambast was worried about Raven, he’d gone cold to her.

“I don’t think Raven likes me anymore. I can’t think what I did to upset the man” Said lambast doing her best to sound casual.

Kai didn’t seem at all surprised and let Lamb know why.

“Pfft, it’s not you Lamb, he had a little go at Silas too apparently. It’s this custody thing. Come on, think about it, they are not exactly your straight and narrow guys and all of a sudden, they are gonna be held by the Empire with no weapons and no ship. It just doesn’t feel right to them. You’re off the cuff “I’ll handle it, say no more” doesn’t sound like it’s going to do the job”

“Hmm, I see your point. I never had a lot to do with Raven. He doesn’t seem to want to duel with me no matter how much I hint, but I felt we had a mutual respect. It was just a surprise when it wasn’t there. I thought we bonded over bacon”

Kai wondered if she should tell Lamb that Raven calls her The Countess. That could be funny. She also wanted to tell Lamb that if she would tell people things like she would enjoy a spar or whatever the sword fight was called, then it may happen. Lamb was right in your face and shy about nothing about most things, and then as introverted as the most sensitive child when it involved what Lambast wanted. This wasn’t the place.

“Ah don’t worry about it Lamb, once we’re back under our own thrust, it’ll be forgotten and you can go back to not telling Raven you’d like a fight. Whoops, I mean.. Isn’t this acrylic gloss is really nice”

Well she’d said it now. Lamb was giving Kai a hurt look.

“Lamb, they don’t know you as well as I do. While we’re all sitting round chatting and having a laugh, you’re off cooking, or just sitting on your own watching us. That makes you seem unapproachable and superior. You gotta loosen up and join in hon, no need to be so shy around the guys, kay?”

For once, Kai had Lambast speechless. She took the opportunity to sort out another group dynamic problem.

“While you’re at it, do something with Echo or let him know you’re not interested”

Well, that was out in the open now as well. Lamb didn’t have anything more to say after that. To Kai, Lamb seemed more embarrassed that upset, but it was very hard to read Lambast, even for Kai. At least Lamb was deep in thought and not moody.

After changing into overalls, Kaisla and Lamb headed for the hanger where the Arbiter was berthed. The gravity was set quite low, and Kai didn’t waste a moment walking when she could flip or Kung Fu movie kick her way up to Silas. Everyone had visited the barbers and looked better for it. Silas and Kaisla were complimenting the improvements and Lambast almost took the chance to try a more friendly approach with Raven and Echo, but it didn’t feel natural, so she stuck to her usual self. Lambast took a sheet of hull plating out from under the mag clamp and got it loaded up in a crane. Thanks to the low gravity, it was easy to move and she grabbed a cutter.

“Have we got any further with our list of offering Mr. Cousland?”

“Yep, we know were giving them Frosts name. We figured he’d find it harder to move if more people were aware of him being involved. We also want to give them the names Echo sifted out of that data we got off the Corvette me’n Kai raided. The names of the people Frost helped that is”

“Why not just give them everything you two got? That alone could be enough”
Asked Lambast. Echo fielded the question.

“Because I didn’t get a chance to finish sifting the info, but I have made a lot of headway. If there’s something else in there we can use, we don’t want a load of busybodies getting in the way of our investigation scaring off our targets”

“More than just a little wisdom in what you say. What about the stick Johnston gave us? That just has a list of ships on it that are connected to the Conduit and that Hardcastle fellow. It’s an extension of what we’re already offering”
Said Lambast

“Well it’s not a lot extra, but yeah let’s put it on the pile”
Said Silas

Lambast held the pocket on her left shoulder for a moment.
“I want to keep the stick, so let’s get a copy made very soon. Ok?”

“I’ll go get my slate and find a spare drive and do that before we forget”
Echo put down his tool and drifted down to the Dry Dock exit.

Kai dropped in a little something that would let her and Lamb honour the friend they had lost.
“We’ll let them know Johnston was feeding us info from inside. People should know he wasn’t just a goon working as a hired gun for bent Rear Admiral”

Everyone gave that a moment to settle before Raven spoke.
“What else can we give up to keep the authorities off our back? What about this .. Goid Bait? I know we don’t have solid evidence, but we got chatter about it from that Corvette”

“We are looking for the same people that are putting that stuff out there. Can anyone see a reason not to let the Imps know about that?”

No one had an answer for Silas.

“Ok, we’ll wait for Echo to get back and run it by him”

They continued working while they waited. Echo took a fair while.

“Hmm, yes there is. I’ve been digging in that data we got from the pod escapade like I said. That other corvette we got hanging in space is connected to what I’ve found. I need a few more gaps filling and I hope the missing parts are on that ship”

Everyone nodded and took the Corvette off the list, but left the link to the Thargoid bait in.

“I’ve got a few leads on Frost’s Labs all over the bubble, and maybe his ship. I’ve got a name for it, but I’ve yet to find a record of it docking anywhere. The Order of the Weaves Way is much easier to follow, and they have been in contact with a number of people that have been aided by Frost. Federation, Imperial, Alliance and high-level corporate executives. Gotta be some stuff in there that can make a good offering”

“Hey, what about that disgusting head in a box Lamb’s keeping in her lab? In fact, what about all the body parts? I mean, eeyuck!”

Offered Kaisla. Lambast nodded in agreement.  

“Frankly I want its head out of our custody. That weak signal of some sort coming from it before I locked it away in a shielded container bothers me, and we haven’t had it out since. Without greater knowledge of bioengineering and a custom lab, I don’t think we can glean any further insight from our parts collection”

“Ok” said Sails “add them to the package as long as we get informed of the outcome of any study. I would love to find a weakness to exploit should we ever face one of them again. That stuff has to be worth a lot to whoever gets it”

He stroked his newly smooth bead.

“Great, we got a few hours yet, so well get this wing reskinned and sort out the canopy then, take a break and sort through what you have Echo. A few selections for that data, and it’ll fatten up our offer. Let me just make this clear, what we’re not giving away is our part of the data pack and Sen. He’s gone dark for a long while now and we don’t want to be shining a light on him in case he’s worked hard to hide”

Sails finished and looked around to see if anyone had anything to add.

Lambast put down her straight edge and scoring scribe.

“I would like to clear up a minor point as this will turn out to be a matter of record. I’m not entirely happy about the Hand and Dracul being referred to as part of your crew Mr. Cousland. We are after all aiding this effort, not working for you”

Silas stood up and put his fits on his hips.

“At ease Ensign. I’ll not tolerate insubordination on my watch. Get back to work and I’ll forget the matter”

Lambast narrowed her eyes and glared at Silas who just basked in his own glory.

“Enjoy it while it lasts Mr Cousland. Fame is, as they say, fleeting” Lamb ripped off a smart Federal salute “Sir this able shipman will work as ordered sir”

Her take on a Federal accent was terrible, but Kai was impressed at Lamb’s attempt to join in with the fun. Maybe that little slip of the tongue in the Barbers was a good thing after all.

The wing was far from finished, but the cockpit and canopy was back in order before everyone stopped to eat and discuss the extra information Echo had found. Far too much work needed doing to repair the damage behind the outer and inner skins that the exploding ammunition had done, but at least the Arbiter was space worthy and able to engage its Frame Shift Drive again.

Between them, the party added new names and locations to the offer and put it all on a number drives. Lambast guessed there would be a few representatives present and having the information straight from the group, would help ease suspicion of tampering by the hosts of the meeting. Captain Ioneer called the room and told them they had arrived and they had forty minutes to be ready for transport to the fleet.

Slowly an amalgam of ships drifted into view. The primary ship was a Majestic Class Interdictor. The white behemoth dwarfed everything except the Atlas class ships that were approaching the fleet. The Majestic Class was flanked by Cutters and Clippers with Couriers and fighters patrolling the wing. The Federation hadn’t brought a Farragut, but the number of Corvettes, Gunships and Assault ships made it clear they were showing strength. A number of small independent wings were also hanging in a loose formation with the fleet sporting corporate colours and Kai spotted wings representing both Citi Gateway and The Conduit.

“Damn” She said “How long ago was it we left Citi Gateway? Had I even talked to you when I stalked the Dreadnaught?”

Sails surveyed the fleet and let out a whistle.
“Umm, I think I remember seeing you hanging around the docks. It that hair, makes you stand out. When you and Lamb are together, it’s hard not to notice the two of you”

Lambast said nothing. She was staring hard at the fleet they were approaching with her hands clasped behind her back standing as straight as a rod.
“Best foot forward people” She said in the same manner as a strict schoolmistress “If you have any medals and a dress uniform, I feel it would be to our advantage to wear them. If not, smart dress is in order”

Lambast thought of making a joke about dressing smart to Raven, but he was looking at the fleet with a mixture of venom and apprehension. She looked to Silas and was glad to know he had noticed as well. They shared a glance and that was all that was needed.

“Come along Kaisla, Your help with my uniform would be most welcome. Gentleman, we shall see you at the dock in about half an hour”

Lambast had to do a few quick alterations to her dress uniform and she was very glad Kia was there to help in between ironing her own smart blue suit. She sniffed it and sprayed it with plenty of perfume. Kai looked at Lamb in her uniform shirt and purple coat. It looked a bit too big for her.

“You don’t look like you lost a load of weight Lamb. Is this uniform actually yours?” She asked.

“I wouldn’t go about nicking other people’s uniforms now would I? Yes it’s mine but I don’t work out the way I did back then. I had a lot more muscle and I’m glad it’s gone. I looked quite.. manish”

“Ha! Tell me you got pictures. I gotta see Manbast Muscly”

Lamb didn’t bite. Kaisla knew she had been tense since she had seen the fleet.

“What’s got you thinking Lamb? Ya swagger, well confident stride is not there. I don’t like it when you do that”

“It’s the others that have come along” She told Kaisla “I expected a big show from the main players, but the independence turning up worries me. They don’t come out unless there is something to be had or something to protect. They are an unknown quantity. If they are after a slice of the pie they think we have to offer, then fair enough. If however, they are here to protect their own interests, they could be very problematic. I do hope Lord Kavanagh has dispatched his duties and manages to come in person”

Kai kept quiet. The name Kavanagh was familiar to her. She’d heard it a few times, usually when she was in a cell or outside an impound dock waiting for Lambast to come help her out. Kaisla had a feeling she may have taken a liberty or two with the help Lambast gladly offered for the price of a good hard lecturing afterwards.

“This is your field Lamb, you do well in this sort of thing and you got our backing all the way. And hey, if the worst comes to the worst, we’ll leg it, steal a ship and jump out of there before they know what’s happening. Later we’ll visit again to get our shit back”

Lamb smiled back at Kai and stood up in her quickly altered uniform. She selected a sabre to wear. It was the closest blade she had that Raven could possibly use. She didn’t think she would be allowed to bring it with, but her frock coat was cut to allow a dress sword and it looked uneven without a blade. Raven maybe a little more comfortable when he could get his hands on a sword.

With very little time left, Kai did a fantastic job of getting ready. They were late, but as Kai said, you can’t rush perfection. They stood in front of the mirror inspecting the fruits of their labours.

“Damn we’re hot” Said Kai as she took a selfie.

“Yes, I wouldn’t kick us out of bed for eating biscuits” Answered Lambast checking out her legs in jodhpurs and mid-length boots. “Shall we go and see what the lads have managed to do with themselves?”

“Mmm, yes. I bet he’s still in his coat, but I wanna know what’s under that”
Said Kai in a way that could easily have a double meaning.

Kai wobbled her way to the shuttle bay. She hadn’t put heels on for a long time. It didn’t take long before she took them off and concentrated on fiddling with her skirt instead. When the door opened, Kai hid her self behind Lamb suddenly feeling embarrassed as she stepped back into her heels. She wasn’t alone in that feeling. Silas was casually leaning against the wall talking with Raven. He was in an immaculate black three-piece suit that matched perfectly with his newly timed and oiled black beard. Raven, on the other hand, had made an effort to look extra Raven. Lambast could swear he’d willed stubble to grow uneven and patchy. Kai was enjoying the change in Silas, but Lambast was very impressed with Echo. His Federal Navy uniform and new haircut suited him plenty. He was just as self-conscious as Kai.

“Stand proud Mr Ramón. You look every bit the man I know you are in your uniform” She said brushing an imaginary speck of dust off Echo’s shoulder.

Just as Echo was about to return the compliment, Captain Ioneer and her command staff entered to do the official hand over, but mostly to say goodbye to her guests.

“It was a pleasure to meet you all and again, thank you for standing against the Thargoids and staying so long during the rescue efforts. Unless you do anything horrific, I’ll always have a safe harbour for you, or at least the benefit of the doubt should you ever need a friend” Said the Captain sincerely.
Instead of a salute, she offered everyone her hand. Even Raven exchanged handshakes with Ioneer and her staff. It was good to have friends in the black.

The doors to the boarding gangway opened and a Gutamaya executive with a perfectly sculpted smile greeted them flanked by a pair of cybernetically enhanced guards. Everything about them was clearly Gutamaya. The man’s suit and bodyguards armour sported extra decretive ribbing that seemed to hover on the shoulders without making contact with the rest of the clothing, all in the signature Gutamaya white and subtly glowing electric blue. Even the discretely visible cybernetic enhancements on the unnaturally beautiful man and woman protecting the executive were made in house.

“Oh my dear friends” Said the man naturally tanned man opening his arms wide “It is honestly a humbling pleasure to stand before such outstanding heroes”

His Mediterranean accent dripped with charm.

“I am Don Dolfo Erazino Manolete Hunfredo the Second but you may call me Dolf. Ah, what is this I see before me?"

He looked at Kaisla and Lambast as if he had been struck by lighting made of pure wonder and took the hand of each woman and bowed low.

“My my, truly a pair of angles descended for the heavens to save everyone on that fateful day. Please accept my humble thanks on behalf of not only my company, but also myself in the deepest truest way I am able”

With that, he gently pressed his forehead to the back of their hands and then kissed the hands he held.

“I am forever willingly at your beck and call angels of the stars”

He stood straight and stepped back, pressed his hands together and bowed once more. While everyone’s attention was on Dolf, Lambast took the opportunity to lift Kaisla’s jaw off the floor for her, but she felt the same. This man was solidified charm in a very handsome form. Captain Ioneer tapped Lambast on the shoulder and smiled a quiet goodbye before Dolf wrapped her and her crew up in his show. Before anyone could slip a word in edgeways, Dolf turned his heat lamp like attention on Silas.

“The bold Captain Cousland. Am I not in the presence of a true artist that works in the grey between the law and the lawless? When I was a boy I dreamed of being a daring adventure like you. Standing for what was right and damn the consequences. But alas I am but a lowly PR officer for a shipbuilding company. Please, allow me the honour of being of some small service to you in return for everything you have in the name of justice”

Before Sails could react, Dolf had embraced him and kissed each cheek. His face was a marvel to behold and he stayed stunned long enough for Kai to snap a picture.

“Now, wich of you fine gentlemen flew the guardian fighter into Vuia Survey to drop a communications beacon?”

Echo hid bhind Lambast and Kai as they seem to of had their dose of Dolf and he had lost interest in them for now.  Raven was not so quick on his feet, he was far too busy daydreaming his way to the naked skin of the woman that had accompanied Dolf.

“He’s your man Don Hunfredo” said Lambast indicating Raven with a nod of her head.

Dolf drifted like a ghost towards Raven who suddenly became aware he was the centre of attention for some reason. In his experience that was usually a bad thing, but it was too late. Dolf had an arm draped over Raven’s shoulders and he brought his handsome face close to his for a conspiratorial whisper.

“Ah yes. Is Amberley not a work of wonder? Every inch of her a temptation and just as deadly as she is alluring”

“Mmmm” Is all Raven could say.

“But how can you have eyes for her” Expelled Dolf in his normal loud expressive voice “when you are daily in the company of the delectable Ms Delana and captivating Lady Mercy.

“Whar?” slurred Raven trying to pretend Amberley wasn’t all that. “Oh them, yeah they're fine I guess”

Er? HAHAHAH! I see you are as focused as you must have been that day in Vuia Survey. We don’t always appreciate the wonder around us when we focus on what’s ahead”

Answered Dolf winking at Kaisla and Lambast.

“Captain Cousland, I must protest, not only have you enlisted the two finest pilots in the galaxy, you have found a third and you keep him as a friend and a fellow adventurer. What is the rest of the galaxy to do for amazing pilots er?”

Dolf put out his arms and walked towards Echo. Lambast and Kaisla gladly parted for him so Echo was exposed to the full force of Dolf.

“Where would everyone be without you? The esteemed Echo Ramón. Ramón! Perhaps deep in our ancestry, we are fellow countrymen no? Did you know Ramón is the name of judges, councillors to kings and keepers of wisdom? Is that not the very embodiment of the man I see before me? All that and highly skilled with the stick, weapon systems and the rifle. We must go one day to my estate and hunt the many beasts I keep to feed my wonderful family”

Dolf had a hand on each of Echo’s shoulders. Echo was pinned under a barrage of compliments and powerless to resist the kisses that landed on his cheeks.

“But again I forget my duties. I am enchanted by the company I find myself in no? Please my friends, follow me to my shuttle and I will be honoured to escort you to the Lioness Bride”

Dolf inserted himself between Kaisla and Lambast and offered an arm to each woman. Kaisla almost slipped her arm through his, but stopped herself and waited for Silas. Lambast happily accepted the curtesy. Amberley drifted toward Raven and helped him with the somehow complicated manoeuvre of linking arms with her. Echo caught up with Silas as they walked down the boarding gantry.

“Creamy” whispered Echo “I can’t help thinking *Said the spider to the fly* And I don’t like being a fly”

“I know where you’re coming from man, but my god! What a spider. I think I hate everything about the man, but I really wanna be his buddy. I didn’t get an invite to go hunting on his estate. I shouldn’t give a shit, but somehow I do”

“Yep. Nodded Echo in return “Gutamaya really know how to do PR officers dude”

On the shuttle that was incidentally far more luxurious than any opulent home anyone of the party had ever even seen pictures of, Dolf explained that representatives from Citi Gateway, The Conduit and Vuia Survey had come to petition for the arrest and prosecution of everyone present. Gutamaya’s legal representative had quashed their demands and was coming to an amicable agreement with the independent petitioners.

The Empire had seen no reason to involve themselves further after the same legal team promised to iron out any ripple the party had cause for them. The only reason they had to board the Lioness Bride at all, was because of the Federation. As a rouge Rear Admiral had involved his fleet in this affair, and the Federation had lost ships to the Arbiter and the Hand, there needed to be an official hearing. They had graciously allowed Gutamaya to host the hearing. All they would have to do is have an interview with Eleanor Probyn, the groups legal representative, present her with any additional evidence, and listen to the hearing. All that would be left then, is Gutamaya’s gratitude. Dolf promised they would be pleased.

No one had even noticed they had docked with the Lioness Bride and no one was sure if it was because the ship was so smooth, or that Dolf had them under his charming spell.

“Ladies, gentlemen, if you would please follow me, I shall take you to see the delightful Ms Eleanor Probyn, the Barrister you requested Lady Mercy. Just one more thing, if you would all be so kind as to leave any weapons you may have brought along with Amberley or Clement. It is, after all, a civil hearing”

Lambast undid her sword belt and handed her blade to the perfect man acting as bodyguard just to get a good close look at him and then she re-joined Dolf and the rest of the party. Dolf opened his arms in a pleading gesture towards Raven.

“Mr Eugene please?”

Raven reluctantly took a long knife out of his sleeve and a small pistol out of his inside jacket pocket and handed them with a smile to Amberley then put his hands in his pockets and turned around. Dolf slowly shook his head.

“Come now Mr Eugene, I understand, but you are perfectly safe and honoured guests of Gutamaya on the company’s flagship. You are as safe as you have ever been my dear friend”

Raven turned around again and slipped a few carbon knives out of their hiding places, handed them to Amberley and raised his hands in a “That’s the lot” gesture.

“Tut tut tut Mr Eugene. Amberley was not just being overly familiar with you on our short flight. Amberley, if you would assist Mr Eugene with the items he may have forgotten.

The woman moved in a bluer and took Ravens last ceramic pistol and hidden blades.

“How the hell did she find them?” Exclaimed Raven “They are invisible to every sensor I know of”

“Amberley has very skilled hands that you seemed to enjoy on our short flight Mr Eugene” Honeyed Dolf with a wide smile.

Raven turned to look at Amberley again.

“You slippery little minx you” he said happy to lose to this opponent.

A meg-lev ride from the docking bay and a short walk brought them to a small office opposite a conference hall.  Dolf knocked and waited a moment and touched the door that opened silently.

“May I introduce the esteemed and delectable Ms Eleanor Probyn”

A woman in a formal burgundy suit stood behind a Gutamayain desk and nodded as Dolf introduced her. She looked very much like Lambast with less angular features and a genuinely warm smile. Her chestnut brown hair was also cut the same as Lambast.

“This is where we part company my dear friends. I will be on hand after the hearing to cater to your every need. Until then my honoured guests”

Dolf gave a bow that more flourishes than a royal signature and departed leaving them in the care of Lambasts doppelganger.

“Do come in a take a seat, they are gratifyingly comfortable. As the.. singular Don Hunfredo has said, I am Eleanor of J. Kavanagh KC legal. It is my genuine pleasure to consult on this matter”

Eleanor appraised Lambast.

“My goodness, James did say we bore a striking resemblance and he was not wrong. Anyway, no need for introductions, I know all of your from you files and the security footage I have watched and now you know me.  Shall we start at Citi Gateway?”

The party was treated to a slide show of every scrap of security footage of themselves, their ships and reports of their movements from the time they entered Citi Gateway in chronological order. As the replayed events caught up with the evidence they had decided to provide, they indicated the items that were pertinent to that section. Everything they were offering was taken separately and tracked by each interested party.  

They were shocked to find out the station manager of the Gateway had been murdered only moments after cancelling the bounty he had placed on them, and happy to see the confusion left in the wake of Silas reclaiming the V.G. Animus. When they got to the events on Vuia Survey, that took a bit of explaining. It did look very much pre-meditated, and Silas did instigate hostilities.

Eleanor listened in awe of the explanation and the scene playing on the display. Kai asked for Ravens flight down the concourse and into the food court to be replayed three times. She was really jealous she hadn’t got to do that.

“That right there is our sticky point” Said Eleanor after giving the controls of the video to Kai. “Our investigations lead us to believe Vuia Survey’s hierarchy is not on the up and up, but both Imperial and Federation law is very clear on instigation and flying ships into habitation rings on a space station”

“Ma’am I don’t know what to tell you” Said Silas “We were being hunted while attending a secret meeting with a mole. Once you know you’re in the sights of someone willing to pull the trigger on you, there really is only one option. It was self-defence. I mean, as you saw from the footage, half the station was armed and ready to take us down”

“Thankfully, it was half the civilian population. I use the word civilian in the broadest sense. Yet to be convicted again would be more accurate. I’ll put it to the lead arbitrator and see what he comes up with after talking to the representatives from Vuia Survey.

Eleanor scrolled down her brief after making alterations to her notes, she gave everyone a serious look.

“I don’t know if you’re aware, and I do hate to be the bearer of bad news, but about the time you were leaving Vuia Survey, CNV-301 Dreadnaught encountered, and was shot down by Thargoids”

Eleanor waited for a moment to weigh up the reactions.

“It is believed Sen Zaurak was on board at the time with his associate Kat. A Commander by the name of Raine did call in a salvage request for the Dreadnaught, but nothing has been herd of Sen, Kat or Raine since. I take it you can’t shed any more light on the situation?”

Nobody said anything, they just shook their heads. Sen had been the seed of everything that had happened after Citi Gateway and the chance he was gone brought home the danger everyone was still in.

“It seems clear that I told you something you didn’t know and I am sorry, but there is hope that the crew are with Commander Raine laying low. After all, Mr Cousland and Ms Delana appeared to have lost their lives aboard the Dracul during your next encounter with a Rear Admiral acting without his government's sanction”

Eleanor was supplied with the last of the evidence the team was willing to part with and explained their part in the destruction of Federal ships and how the pod deception had led to learning of the Thargoid attack on the Atlas class ships.

“Good, I’ll take this to the Arbitrator and see just how much this changed the claims against you. I think I’m not overestimating your position when I say after leaving the hearing, you’ll all be in the clear with any organisations that obey the law”

Eleanor stood up with a flat smile and gathered her notes.

“If you require anything, just touch the bell indicator and make your request. Someone will be along shortly after”

As she was walking out the back door to the main hall, she turned and addressed Kaisla.

“I almost forgot Ms Delana, Lord Kavanagh asked me to warn you that obtaining services by deception is very much illegal. If you persist on contacting our office pretending to be Lady Mercy, you will be pursued, detained, prosecuted and fined no matter what Baroness Mercy has to say on the matter”

Kai put on her best indignant face, but it was fighting a losing battle with surprise and confusion.

“I never did tha..!

Eleanor quickly interrupted.

“This is a sample of Lady Mercy’s signature” She held up her slate for inspection. “and this is one you supplied outside a casino on a deeply disreputable station frequented almost solely by pirates and mercenaries. Not the sort of place Lady Mercy is associated with”

The slate was held up again. It read “With love Lambbam xoxoxo”

“I practically like the stars around Lamb-bam” Continued Eleanor. “This one is an office favourite. Now, the only reason you have been getting away with this is on the request of Baroness Mercy. You have on no less than eight occasions used our offices to pay fines or cover other such misdemeanours that are worth far less than our bill to the Mercy estate. We assume you obtained our contact details after Lady Mercy contacted us on your behalf from the Dracul that was in an impound dock at the time under disputed ownership. Stop it. Understood?”

Kaisla looked at the floor burning with embarrassment and a little shame.

“..es m’am” She mumbled to her chest.

Eleanor pressed the point home just a little more as Lord Kavanagh had requested.

“We also have a recording of your call t..”

“No, no need thank you Eleanor. I’ve been told and I won’t do it again. Please go now, please. Thank you sorry”

With a satisfied smile on her face, Eleanor left to consult with the arbitrator.

All of a sudden, the spacious room seemed ever so small and warm. Kai pressed the little bell icon on the desk and asked for a cold water with a shot of Bourbon, hold the water. She was eager to find out who Baroness Mercy was, but a glance at Lambast told her now was not the right time to talk to her friend.

“Lambast” Ventured Echo “So, you’re an actual Lady, like an official title. So who is this Baroness Mercy?”

Raven pressed the bell icon and started ordering some really strange stuff to see what arrived. That got Kai’s attention off the floor but she was still avoiding looking at Lambast.

Lambast was doing her best to burn a hole in Kai’s head with an angry glair.

“Yes Mr Ramón, you may ask who Baroness Mercy is. She is my mother as Kaisla would know if she bothered to answer the numerous invitations to the ennoblement ceremony we sent her. Oh, wait, she was too busy talking to our friends that she could use, obviously”

It got real icy quickly after that. It reminded Raven of ice-cream and he ordered a blow of anchovy ice cream. He had no idea what anchovies were, but he had a feeling they didn’t belong with ice-cream. Echo aimed to lighten the mood.

“Hey that’s cool, so have you got like lands and a castle. Haha”

“Oh we have a very generous Barony on Cubeo three. We also have summer, lake, and beach homes throughout the Empire. We don’t own a castle Mr Ramón, but we do have a very spacious home. Do you know each of our family houses has a room for Kaisla that she has never used? Could that be because she never bothered calling do you think?”

Echo regretted starting this conversation now. Kaisla, looking very meek and truly sorry got up and walked to Lambasts side.

“I am really sorry I didn’t answer the invitations Lamb. If I can call your legal people when I’m drunk, I can call Lisa. I was just saying to Si the other day I should call her”

Lambast held Kai in place with her eyes for a little while and then spoke.

“Honestly, we expect it of you hon. We all know you do your thing in your own way. Mother will keep asking after you, so dose dad. Give them a call once in a while yes?”

Kaisla, still looking sheepish nodded.

“Now, go play with the bell, I can tell you really want to”

By the time Eleanor came back to call them into session, Raven and Kaisla were surrounded by all manner of odd foods. The kitchen had got wise to the game by the second order, and sent sample sizes only, but they still enjoyed themselves. Eleanor surveyed the bowls cups and plates while she spoke.

“I can’t speak officially, but other than a hefty bill, and providing the Vuia Survey representative doesn’t throw a spanner in the works, you’re looking good and you’ll be free to go after the hearing”

She smiled on delivering the good news.
“I’ll lead you in and stop after walking you down the line of seats that are yours. After the Arbitrator says welcome defendants, you may sit. Are we ready?”

Everyone stood up and straightened their clothes.

“I think we’re ready Eleanor” said Silas “You all good to go?”

After a collective breath, everyone followed Eleanor into the hall. Just like everything they had seen so far, this hall had the Gutamaya stamp. On a raised stage to the party’s left sat the representatives that all had a stake in the group's actions since Citi Gateway sharing one long desk that flowed from the floor at one and dived back into it at the other end. Silas group had a smaller version of the set up at the opposite side of the room.

Standing between them was an old man in a black robe with very tidy well-combed hair. He turned to face them as they walked behind Eleanor. He was handsome for his age that seemed to be the early seventies, but he still had a hard, but deeply lined face and sharp eyes. Lambast smiled at him and gave him a low wave. The man just furrowed his brown at her. He looked a mixture of angry and disgusted. It had an immediate effect on Lambast. She folded in on herself and looked at her feet in much the same way Kaisla did when she was in trouble with Lambast.

Eleanor stopped at the last seat behind their desk and turned to face the assembly. She waited patiently for the greeting. The stage had an unlikely mixture of people observing them. The Federal and Imperial delegation was easy to recognise, but the rest would have been a mystery if it wasn’t for nameplates in front of them. One standard Officer type was sat at the desk for the Federal delegation, and behind him stood an old Captain and two younger men. Kai recognised the Old Captain, he was the man in the Dropship that helped her and the Hand fight off the Thargoids. Kai beamed a big smile and waved at him then nudged Sails. The Captain made eye contact and winked at her.

The Arbitrator was still giving Lambast a hard look when he finery gave the greeting that meant everyone could sit down. His voice was deep and firm but fatherly. It bubbled with the sort of stoic confidence that even Dolf couldn’t project on his best day.

“This is the last stage of arbitration in these proceedings. The honoured delegates have my decision and are free to argue their case if my judgment is found to be disagreeable. The defendants are just present to hear the judgment against them and will also have a forum to answer any challenge to my decisions. May I remind the delegates that you have all agreed to abide by my final judgment at the end of these proceedings?”

Everyone on stage indicated in one way or another they agreed and the Arbitrator continued.

“Could the representative form Citi Gateway please give his closing statement?”

A man in about three suits, given that the trousers, waistcoat and jacket didn’t at all match pulled the up collar of his very loud shirt, and gathered his dreadlocks behind his head as he took his sneakered feet off the desk.

“Oh cool, that’s me, right? Ok, umm we of like the Gate are all like, Hey, Commanders you know? Can’t live with um right?”

He laughed, no one but Kai and Raven joined in.

“Um I like just gotta say, this whole thing has been the CHEESE man. If you guys are gonna pull this stuff again can you let me know ok? My girl would LOVE to see this place. Hay dudes, they got this bell button..”

The Arbitrator displaying zen level patience brought the representative back to the matter in hand.

“Next time, we will happily ask you to bring a gust as long as she also an official reason to accompany you. I will even help you think of one. Now, can you tell me if you agree with my judgment please Mr Hopper?”

“Oh dude, you are like the coolest thing ever man. Respect” Mr Hopper held up his fist for a bump. It remained un-bumped “Right, like courtroom ya know. Nuff respect bitter dude. Ok, umm we at the Gate are like, hey if some dude is gonna go around sneaking into active hangers messing with landing gears, he’s asking to get shot and spaced. Like more power to you dudes”

Mr Hopper gave the party a double thumb up. Kai discreetly returned the gesture while the Arbitrator helped Mr Hopper clarify his position.

“I take it that means you are happy with my judgment in respect to the interests of Citi Gateway in regards to the defendants? I do require your approval”

“Hay dude. You’re the law guy, whatever you say is good” Mr Hopper turned his hollow display around “It’s all good baby. You know ya shhuff. Whop, almost did it again duuude”

Thank you Mr Hopper. Could the representative from Zende Partners, The Conduit please clarify their position?

A fastidiously tidy man flanked by corporate lawyers stood up and addressed the hall.

“Given the defendants recent actions in the saving of so many lives and uncovering a worrying conspiracy, we of Zende Partners are more than happy with the offer of compensation to the injured security, pilots and families directly affected by the actions of aforementioned defendants. We of Zende Partners are also happy with the amount awarded to us for damages and loss of station security ships. We also reserve the right to deny services to the defendants and we thank this hearing for their consideration”

With that said, the Zende Partners representative sat down to a slow clap of admiration for Mr Hopper.

The Arbiter gave the Zende Partners representative a curt bow.

Thank you Mr Mett. Could the representative from Vuia Survey please present her views on my arbitration behalf of her interests?

A pretty slender dark-haired woman rose gracefully holding a slate and pressed an ear stud behind her ear.

“We feel Vuia Survey has not been well received or represented in this deliberation. The staggering loss of lives and catastrophic damage to our station has been swept aside for one good deed. The same people that cut a blood path through a concourse packed with innocent families and children are being treated to a light wrist slap when they should be imprisoned for life if not executed. Vuia Survey will hold this hearing in place until a far more generous settlement is reached”

With that the woman sat down and listened to someone in her ear while she watched the slate.

Before the Arbitrator could respond, the Federal officer raised his hand.

“If I may speak Lord Kavanagh, er ya honour I mean”

His voice didn’t match his appearance at all. He could have been in any ancient earth western with an accent like that.

“By all means Brigadier General, I welcome your insight”

“Just hold on now ya Lordship. This here flyboy is giving me the insight to impart to ya.”

The Dropship Captain was leaning down to whisper to the Brigadier General and a smile was creeping over the old cowboys face.

“Ok, we of the Federal delegation see it like this. If Vuia Survey is so hard up for credits, we’ll be happy to send a big old wing of our boys over to use the station and, hell while they in ya skies, they may as well help ya all with ya security. It’s gotta be tough out there on the edge all on ya own like that” What do ya say Vuia Survey, ya want a lil federal presents in ya system?”

The Brigadier General leaned over to look at the woman from Vuia Survey who had her finger on her ear stud wincing every now and then.

“If I may your honour” Asked the Imperial representative. An older woman in a Gutamaya coloured dress reminiscent of the one the Princess was last seen wearing in public.

“I would be delighted Dame Smyth. Please” Answered Lord Kavanagh with a respectful bow.

“It would seem to me the Brigadier General has hit upon a wonderful and generous idea. I think Gutamaya can persuade the Imperial Navy to send a generous wing along to assist the Federal Navy if they will have us”

Dame Smyth looked down the desk to the Brigadier General who was looking back in her direction with a grin.

“Hell Betty, you got my personal grantee your boy and girls will be welcome with open arms. How about it Vuia Survey?”

The dark-haired woman turned off her ear stud and put down her slate and sat with crossed arms.

“Vuia Survey withdraws its protest and accepts the ruling of the Arbitrator”

Lord Kavanagh nodded at her a let the hit of a smile play on his lips as he turned to address the Brigadier General.

“Brigadier General Silver, would.. “

“I know my part here Kavanagh, ar, ya honour. Yep the Federal Navy is behind ya decision all the way. We trust this hearing to divvy up the spoils even’n’fair. We would also like to inform the defendants that Rear Admiral Horncastle has been stripped of his rank, court marshalled and is deep in interrogation. Officially the Federation can’t apologise or thank you, but I can on a personal level like. So thanks. Oh, we also recovered the wreckage of a Fer-De-Lance that belonged to one of you girls. It ain’t gonna fly again, but it’s all there should a wan it”

“Thank you Brigadier General Silver. Dame Smyth, if you are ready?

“I am Jim, I do apologise. Your honour” Dame Smyth addressed the party directly. “I would have been the only person on this bench that had nothing to shame you people with if it wasn’t for the actions of Lady Mercy”

Dame Smyth looked like a wicked witch disguised as a sweet old lady. She sounded like that one teacher on one messed with in class. Discipline and manors had a home with Dame Smyth.

“The Royal Society of Xeno Archaeology was very surprised to find they had sent an envoy to The Conduit, as was the Diplomatic Office of Cubeo. I think Lady Mercy will know what happened after the Hand of Lambast was reported to the Imperial authorities for Espionage. There was quite the stir around the Diplomatic Office where Baron Mercy holds a position I believe”

Dame Smyth may as well have swung a sack of bricks at Lambast. It had seemed so clever to her at the time. Smuggling Kaisla on and off stations was usually the start of a good night out and the chance to catch up with a friend. This time, unfortunately, it wasn’t just fun and games. Lambast imagined what her mum and dad must have gone through with the authority’s, and no word at all from their girls. No matter the outcome of this hearing, Lambast was already punishing herself for shaming and above all, worrying her parents.

Dame Smyth let the weight of the penalty sink in on Lambast for a moment, and then concluded her statements.

“No harm was done to the Empire and Gutamaya has nothing but praise for the defendants. Gutamaya, also representing the Empire agrees with the arbitrator's decision”

Again, Lord Kavanagh respectfully bowed to Dame Smyth.

“I would like to thank the honoured representatives that have attended this hearing for allowing me to settle the grievances with the defendants. All that is left now is announcing the final judgment. Before I do so, I will give the defendants a chance to make a plea to the hearing”

Lord Kavanagh looked along the line of faces before the representatives. Sails felt they were on strong ground and just sat back patiently. Kaisla avoided Lord Kavanagh’s eyes, he was giving her the same look of distaste he had burned Lambast with. Echo just tried to look like he was paying attention, but Raven was standing up. As he did, he glanced over at Silas and caught a glare that made him change his main. Raven stat down.

“Very well” said Lord Kavanagh “The Alliance, Federation and Empire withdraw the charges and therefor bounties against the defendants. The independent bodies represented here also withdraw their own charges and, therefore bounties also. Only The Conduit imposes the fair proviso that the defendants are no longer allowed to use The Conduit, or any of Zende Partners Stations, Platforms or Settlements. In return for the representatives’ clemency, the defendants will pay compensations and damages equalling a total of Two point four billion credits. Also, Lady Lambast Mercy is expelled from The Royal Society of Xeno Archaeology and her name has been removed from her discoveries on their behalf”

Lord Kavanagh let everyone think about how they could possibly start to pay that bill and wondered how the hell this was better than being hunted.

“The defendants will be pleased to know” Continued Lord Kavanagh “that the compensations have been paid to the sum of Three Billion Credits by the current executor of Lady Mercy’s assets that I personally reclaimed from the Imperial authority’s, Baroness Lisa Mercy.  She requested that the extra credits be donated to a fund, to aid the people dispossessed by the Thargoid attack. As that request has been fulfilled, the remaining assets are returned to Lady Mercy”

“If I may Lord Kavanagh” interrupted Dame Smyth “Gutamaya will match the donation rounding up to One Billion credits in the name of the defendants, and work with the Imperial authority’s to supply ships and aid worker to the effort”

“We’ll match that action. The ships ‘n’ troops are guaranteed.  I’ll talk to the bean counters about the cash. You got my word on that” Added Brigadier General Silver.

“I believe both Brigadier General Silver and Dame Bertrix Smyth would like to address the former defendants, and then this hearing will be over and everyone is free to leave. Would you like to start Brigadier General?” Lord Kavanagh gave Brigadier General Silver the forum.

“Hey now, lady’s first. After you Betty”

“Most kind Thomas, thank you. Gutamaya would like to thank your group for saving so many people and staying in system risking your liberty to save many more. Your display of selflessness has made the nature of your character plane for all to see. We have made an effort to keep your names out of the news given your current predicament, but as you can imagine, that has been less than successful. We understand you face an enemy that could very well be watching friends and family under threat of death, and that is being investigated on your behalf.  As for a tangible reward, Gutamaya has already started repairing and replacing the damaged systems of your ships. Everything that can be upgraded will be upgraded. Experts from Zorgon Peterson and Faulcon Delacy will be working around the clock to make your ships better than top-of-the-line. In two days, you will have your ships back in immaculate condition.  Once again on behalf of Gutamaya and all the people that you saved, thank you”

Brigadier General Silver hardly let a breath pass before he said his piece.

“Well, as Betty’s boys beat us to the punch on fixin up ya boats, so we brought ya every weapon under the stars to pick from. If you got an ordinance wish, I can fill it for ya. We even got ya the latest in anti-bug spray if ya so inclined. That’s also an option for ya ships armour and skin if ya think ya gonna be needin it. You just let the boy at the dry dock know”

Silver leaned forward and gave everyone a side on wink and thumbs up like a guy from a bad second-hand car sales ad.

“Oh and er, Captain Trent here has got you all a little something something strictly off the books. He’ll let ya know about that later. Now um, is that Lady Mercy up on the right there? Now you listen here, Trent has his boys back thanks to you, and you know what he had to do to get um. I think you gotta be in a powerful mess with ya ma and pa, but that’s their job. I’m bettin they would do for you the same as Trent did for his kin. I think you know that”

“Ok now, the other one must be Kaisla. You did some mighty fine-flying when ya dropped that pod, and it seems you programmed the other ships to dance real pretty too. I got some boys that wanna talk to you about ya stick work back then, and against the bugs. In recognition of ya skill, we wanted to put ya ship back together, but the Peterson boy said it can’t be done. So they busy making a new one same as the old. Gonna be a good long while yet, but it’s on the way”

“We are also investigating the ass holes that could be stalking your nearest and dearest, and Trent here has offered to be your contact should you need a leg up, or we got any news for you. A lot of lives were saved thanks to your investigations and quick action. We all would be mighty honoured if we could be your back up should you need it. I think that about covers everything Jimmy”

Lord Kavanagh opened his arm and made his last announcement.

“Then I thank everyone for their attendance, and declare this hearing closed"

Last edit: 01 Nov 2019, 12:23am
30 Oct 2019, 10:11pm
Maul Montresor

He relaxes into the pilots chair and props his feet up on the console as he waits.

Khelan walks over to the elevator and stands with his back to the cockpit. Vega walks up behind him and starts to talk.

"So what's this Doctor like? There's not going to be any shots are there? I've got a bit of a phobia about needles."

Khelan keeps looking straight ahead waiting for the elevator door to open.

Vega waves her hand in front of his face and Khelan startles slightly.

"Jesus fuckin Christ Vera, dinnae sneak up oan me like that! "he exclaims

"I didn't" Vega protests "I've been trying to talk to you for the past few moments. Are you OK? I mean I know you're usually a bit "peculiar" but you're acting weirder than usual."

Khelan grunts at her and the elevator door opens, they step inside and the elevator smoothly lowers them down to the hanger.

Khelan steps out and leads Vega through the busy station to the Doctors office. He presses his thumb to a small panel at the side of the door and it swings open by itself.

They step inside and are greeted by Dr Kojima's assistant.

"Ahh Khelan welcome back, the doctor will be with you both in a few minutes, if you could come with me madam we'll start getting the contrast dye into your system."

Khelan smiles at the visibly nervous Vega and smiles.

"Ye'll be fine Vera trust me." he says with a smile as she heads out the room with the assistant.

Khelan gets up and walks over to the Doctors office, he knocks the door and goes in when Dr Kojima shouts "Come in"

He smiles at Khelan and bows and Khelan returns the bow.

"What seems to be the problem?" asks the doctor.

"It's ma hearin, everything's dead muddy, kinda like Ah've goat marshmallows oar somethin in ma lugs an Ah'm havin problems wi tellin if folk talkin tae me."

The doctor nods and reaches for a long thin tool which he slides into Khelan's ear and extracts a small device from the ear canal, he does the same thing with Khelan's other ear and Khelan's world goes completely silent.

The doctor walks over to a cupboard and takes out a small box containing two devices almost identical to the ones he took from Khelan's ears. He quickly pops them into Khelan's ears and uses the same tool to push them into position and Khelan's hearing returns one ear at a time.

"Your implants were malfunctioning" says the doctor matter of factly "Have you taken any blows to the head or the like?"

"No so loud doc!" exclaims Khelan "Well Ah wis sparrin wi Omi an yeah Ah might hiv taken a wee hit oar two tae my nut."

"You need to be a bit more careful in the future." says the doctor "Ms Yodama's had a lot more work done than you have. If she wanted to she could probably punch a hole through the canopy of your ship."

"Ah'll keep that in mind doc" says Khelan "Cheers fur fixin ma lugs."

"For you it's no problem at all." says the doctor as he heads for the door "Now I better go and check out your friend. What was her name again?"

"Vera" replies Khelan "Vera Sanderson."

"Thank you" says the doctor as they head into the waiting room and Khelan sits down to wait for Vega's scan to be done.
31 Oct 2019, 2:20am
"And there we go. Just like new." Maul says as he steps back to look at the new monitor that he had just installed.

His slate chimes. It was a message from Omi containing the directions to Hideo's workshop. As he reads the message a notification from a news source pops up that leads to an article about a group of people who had saved some folks during a thargoid attack. There was a blurry photo of the group that looked like it was quickly taken by some amateur paparazzi. His eyes locked onto a the white haired woman in uniform who was sporting a blade.

"Is that...Lamb?...Holy shit...what in the hell has she got herself into now?..." Maul says to himself. It had been a few years since he had last seen her. He briefly gets lost in thought before snapping back to the present. He slides the slate back into his pocket as he exits the cockpit.

After a short elevator ride and a long transport across the station later, he arrives at Hideo's engineering business. A large sign hangs over the door that reads: "Hideo's Repairs: Engineering With A Smile."

Maul walks through the front door and is greeted to the sight of computers and hardware scattered around the workshop. 4 men varying in age were scattered around the workshop working on various things. One man notices Maul and approaches him with a smile.

"Hey, you must be Maul. I'm Akio. Omi told me you'd be showing up." He extends his hand to Maul and they shake hands. "I'm usually the one that handles the day to day business here, I also try to keep these other scoundrels in line. So I guess you can just think of me as a proxy. You give me orders and I'll make sure we get things done. Now I know what you're thinking, this place might not look like much but this is where we do most of our planning or small scale projects. We actually have a dedicated hanger for the larger toys. Anyway, let me introduce you to everyone."

Akio shouts in Japanese and all the workers gather around him and Maul.

Akio first points to the oldest man of the crew.

"This old sag bag is Chikao. Don't let his age fool you though, he's been doing this kind of work longer than you've been alive. He knows his stuff."

Chikao bows as Akio moves to the next person.

The next man was the largest of crew, both in muscle mass and and body weight. He was smiling ear to ear.

"This big smiling S.O.B. is Daiki. Thanks to him, the rest of us hardly have to lift a thing in here. He's a softy though. Daiki, how many cats do you have at home?

"Four." Daiki replies, still grinning ear to ear.

"See? A big softy." Akio says as he moves on to the next.

"And last but not least, this Onion Head activist is Caden and as you can tell, he's the only one of us that isn't of Japanese descent, but we try to be inclusive around here. We heard about that shit with Theodore, calling Khelan a gaijin and shit. That's not cool, I'm glad Khelan finally iced him."

Maul nods in agreement before facing the crew.

"I'm looking forward to working with you guys. Are there any ongoing projects that I can help out with?"

Akio smiles at Maul and gestures him to follow as he tells the others to get back to work. He leads Maul to a table with a computer set up on it and two chairs sitting around the table. Maul sits at one and Akio sits in the other.

"I'm going to ask you to trust me, okay?" Akio says as he taps away at the computer.

"Why? What are you going to-" Maul is cut short as his vision suddenly goes black. "What the fuck, man?!"

"Just hang in there, it's almost finished." Akio says while reaching out to hold onto Maul's shoulder.

A few hectic moments later, his vision is suddenly restored.

"What the hell was that?!" Maul says jumping up out of his seat. "What did you do to me?"

Akio smirks and grabs a pistol off the table. He stands up and reaches it to Maul.

"Look at it." Akio says calmly.

Maul didn't know whether to look at the pistol or punch him in the face. He settled for just looking down at the gun.

"Holy shit..." Maul mutters under his breath. The weapon appeared to be a standard pistol that you'd see station security carrying but when Maul looked at this one, it had an AR display coming from it that displayed the rounds in the magazine.

Akio smiles as Maul slowly takes the gun out of his hands to examine it further.

"Yeah, that's something we've been working on. We worked our magic by putting a small chip in the grip that calculates and displays the rounds left in a magazine using a custom coded AR display. It's a lot like the displays in Shinigami. The user can only see it if they put a special contact lens in or if they're like you. You know, all cyber eyed."

Maul continues looking at the weapon in awe.

Akio pats Maul on the arm. "Consider that a welcoming gift. Now, if you'll come with me, well get you a holster for that." He leads Maul into a back room as he continues talking. "We've actually been working on a prototype holster that locks the weapon in, only allowing the owner to remove it by using a thumb print scanner. This would eliminate the possibility of someone stealthily taking your weapon and using it against you. It's also just really fucking cool."

Maul stops and finally looks up from the weapon to smile at Akio. "We're going to get along great." Akio smiles back as they continue to the back room.

Last edit: 31 Oct 2019, 3:37am
31 Oct 2019, 3:58pm
The forward lounge was gently lit by soft light and the stars drifting past the thick domed window. Plush sofas arranged in a wide circle punctuated by end tables corralled a holographic open fireplace. The crackling of logs and light hissing of coal coming from the hidden speakers aided by the odd puff of open fire air spry would fool anyone that didn’t know. Even the heat it gave off was uneven. Kaisla could tell by the way Lambast had inspected it, the Hand would soon be having one installed.

Captain Ioneer had invited them for an evening of drinks and conversation. She promised it was simply social, and it was. Silas and Kai sat opposite Ioneer nursing an Old Sol and Bourbon respectively. Raven had invited Leftenant Tamiko Kimika. They were sat close together on another sofa. Lambast smiled to herself and wondered if they knew they both had the same last name in a way. Echo was doing his best to look casual when it was quite clear he was not at all relaxed. His guest, Security Officer Valentina Silca was not exactly in her comfort zone either. She wasn’t used to socialising with high ranking members of the crew and here she was rubbing shoulders with the Capitan. They both gave the impression of tiny woodland creatures peering out of their burrow wondering if it was safe to come out.

Lambast had gone to stand by the window to let her legs cool off. Her toes played with the thick carpet and she swirled her brandy in its bulbous glass. She watched a small purple planetoid approach on the port side. It had a wide ring around it for such a small body. Lambast had seen a planet just like that before and she wished she could forget. She hardly ever talked about what she did after getting transferred out of the Royal Navy, not even with Kaisla so she was very surprised to find herself vocalising her thoughts. This was very good brandy indeed.

“My unit was chosen to execute an extraction in a ring very much like that one”

Everyone stopped talking and regarded the planetoid Lambast had nodded towards.

“Some adviser to Her Imperial Majesty had defected to the Feds and we were tasked with retrieving him alive. Intelligence had discovered that a Federal ship was waiting for him, hiding in the rings of a planetoid in an uninhabited system a fair distance outside the bubble. It was a rush job, the brief was barely more than this is your man, he’s over there, now go get him. The Colonel's favourite kind of brief”

Lambast, still looking out the window smiled to herself while the rest of the room listened.

“Deed was still giving us our orders while we were clamping into the wasp. That’s a fast brick of a stealth shuttle used to deliver our Hull Cracker suits to the target. Abel was flying with a rookie that day, didn’t have time to find another pilot rated for Hull Cracker delivery. He flew us in fast, even though the HC’s, our personal armour and the cold suits, we could hear the dust and rocks hitting the hull. We felt the engines cut and got our thirty-second warning as the doors beneath our feet opened”

Lambast took a sip of Brandy While Echo and Valentina moved to another seat so they didn’t have to strain their necks.

“You all know the eerie silence of vacuum. You can only hear your heart and every breath you take from your suit. Well that was accompanied by a hissing like millions of insects when the doors opened. The dust was heavy, more like sand and it was blasted into the open drop doors. Thankfully, we had the target vessel outlined in our HUDs, or we’d be going blind, and that’s as good as suicide. I was dropping on the hindquarter of the ship with Giant and Maybe. Our clamps realised and we piloted our suits to our designated breach point. As ever Abel had done a great job and we were in dead centre pipe. We did have to adjust for drift thanks to the heavy dust blasting us, but we were on target. It was a Gunship and, as expected, it was as silent as it could be. Not even lights were on and there was no sign of the deserters Courier.  I fired my kinetic gel and saw Giant and Maybe’s blobs land on my flanks. We made a perfect soft landing and I started placing breaching charges at once”

Lambast drained her glass and walked down the three steps to the sofa island. Ioneer took the decanter of brandy out of the Tantalus and refilled her glass. Lambast sat down and Ioneer passed her drink over once Lambast had settled.

“I couldn’t see more than ten feet. The sand was blasting our suits and the noise was an unwelcome distraction, but not as much as the vibration coming from the ship. As soon as the gel dissipated and we made real contact with the hull, this vibrating started. The sort of vibration you get in an engine room when everything is at full power. My feet were numb in seconds and that feeling was creeping up to my knees by the time I’d placed my first line of breeching charges. I was trying to ignore the feeling, and get on with my job when  Giant gripped my suit and pulled it round to face him. Cracks of blue and orange electric were grounding all over his suit. He shook his head and pulled the charges off the hull letting them drift off into space and fired up his cutter. It looked like we were going to have to do this the hard way”

Lambast paused while she tucked her feet up under herself and then continued.

“We hadn’t got more than a quarter of our cutting done when the vibration became too much. My HUD was shorting in and out, and my coms that should have been off were randomly activating with bursts of static that just added to the noise of the sand and buzz from the vibrations. My cutting line was not straight; I was wasting precious seconds getting back on track, all the while the endless chattering hiss of the sand hitting the suits assaulted us. I desperately wanted to get off this hull or in the ship. Either would do”

“I heard a broken voice on the coms. It sounded like the Colonel, but I wasn’t getting one full word. I tried to hail Giant, but he tapped his helmet and shook his head. Maybe stopped cutting and got my attention and signalled for me to stop Giant cutting as well. He indicated we should go round to the rally point on the other side of the ship. I welcomed the opportunity, perhaps the vibrations were not as bad elsewhere. We started moving and I hoped De’Marco had disabled the point defenced like she was supposed to”

“We were the last team to arrive. The Colonel took a headcount because the coms wouldn’t work and even if they did, I don't think we would be able to hear over the noise of our vibrating armour.  He manually connected his grapple line to Minty, we knew the drill and had a chain ready to go in less than forty seconds. Deed lead us off the Gunship and headed for the closest rock we could cling to. As soon as we got off the hull, the vibrating calmed down to a bearable level and the electric crackling all over our suits almost stopped. Visibility was better and we could see the shadow of the Gunship in the dust. Coms still wouldn’t work well enough for more than a word or two, but we all got Maybe’s exclamation”

Lambast visibly shuddered as she looked deep into her glass.

“In the distance, off to the rear of the Gunship was a white figure that we could only glimpse in the brief moments when the dust thinned. Maybe pointed at it and stumbled backwards. Giant and I caught him and held him in place. He was trying to dismount the armour. We kept him in there until he anchored himself to the rock gain. We cycled through our visual HUD settings but picked up noting when the HUD would stay active long enough to use. The thing was only there to the naked eye, but it was definitely getting closer. The vibration started up again and got worse as the thing closed in”

Lambast looked around the people listening and asked a question.

“Do any of you know what the old earth Astronauts used to look like? Big padded soft-skinned white suits with a massive rig on its back and huge domed helmets.”

A few people nodded.

“Well this thing looked like someone had tried to make a life-sized model of an Astronaut just from a description. It just wasn’t right. It somehow managed to look like it was wearing a suit, but I fancied I could see its material was shifting like smoke. It was just drifting towards us oblivious to the blasting sand that had been strong enough to push us off course. A rock the size of my head drifted towards the thing. Not fast it would have just bumped off our suits, but it landed on the figure like it was sinking into tar, and slowly passed right though the things lower torso. The rock drifted out of the astronauts hip, taking its leg with it. The things arm just extended and pulled its leg back into position without stopping its slow advance on us. That was the only time I ever saw Colonel Deed take a step back”

“It was too much for someone because it was peppered with pulse laser fire from one of us, and that was enough for everyone to join in. Only Deed stood there watching. He later told me that he saw the face plate on the figure light up at six points like a chevron of eyes and lean forward as its speed increased. That’s when he decided to get us off that rock and away from the thing. Just as Deed was getting us to act like professional solders again, the Gunship came to life and fired its thrusters. I thank the crown every day because that took the things attention off us. It turned in a lazy ark and I saw it pour into the Gunship’s hull. That’s the only way I can describe it”

“Not long after that the Gunships thrust just cut and it drifted into a rock and hung there awkwardly. A few minutes later, the damn vibration stopped and all our systems came back online. Able was pleased to hear from us again, but command was having none of it after Deed reported in.  They wanted that Gunship cracked. We were sent back under threat of court-martial to get the job done. I don’t mind admitting I was shaking like a frightened puppy as we boarded that ship. We got back to our positions, opened a breach and dismounted the HC units to start our assault"

"No one on board was alive to repel us. Every corps we encountered had been crushed, snapped or compressed like a screwed up sheet of paper. There was plenty of evidence the crew had put up a fight, but we found nothing of an enemy. The worst part was the command crew. Each one of them had died, by the look of it desperately trying to hide. I saw what I thought was an abandoned uniform on the deck at the weapons station, but as I got closer, I saw it was still occupied. A woman judging by the hair was still in it, but she was blue and purple from bruising and looked as if she didn’t have a single bone in her body. I was already feeling sick after I worked out what I was seeing. When I saw her eyes madly swivelling in the puddle of flesh that was her face, and they focused on me then blinked, I lost it. If Deed hadn't have put me down, I would have spaced myself to get off that death ship”

"If you're ever flying in unoccupied space and you feel your ship complaining about something, just push the throttle up and jump away. Just, jump, away"

Finished Lambast staring into the fire. Only the light hiss of dust hitting the domed window and the tinkling of the engines vibrating the decanters on the side table could be heard next to the crackling of the fire.

Last edit: 31 Oct 2019, 7:47pm
01 Nov 2019, 1:02am
Maul Montresor
Maul stops and finally looks up from the weapon to smile at Akio. "We're going to get along great." Akio smiles back as they continue to the back room.

*****A couple of hours later *****

Khelan sits in the doctors waiting area idley flicking through a magazine he pauses on the contents page and reads a few article names.

"Who the actual fuck reads this shite?" he mutters "Salt, an Epicure's Delight; Classic Wines of Estonia; Flemish Weaving the Traditional Way."

He shakes his head in disbelief at one titled "20th Century Telegraph Poles, a visual guide." before putting the magazine down on a low table.

Khelan looks around the empty room for something else to help him pass the time while Vega is in the treatment room. He takes out his pad, unlocks the screen and grumbles as he notices the internal battery is at 3% before shutting it off again.

He leans back in his chair and quietly sings to himself to help break the boredom.

"When the sky came doon
When the sun went dark
When the night rolls on
And we heard God laugh
When the righteous came
And they cleanse oor sins
Have ye ever seen death with yer own eyes?"

The door to the treatment room opens, Doctor Kojima steps through and Khelan stops singing.

"How is she doc?" he asks

"Asleep for the moment, I'm afraid we had to sedate her, she started panicking when we attempted to start the scan. But on the upside we managed to locate two different tracking implants in her and were able to surgically remove them both with the minimal amount of fuss."

Khelan nods at the news "Wur they active?" he asks

"They were, I isolated their signals much the same way as I did with Mr Montresor and I've copied both signals to this pad so that you can decide what to do with it. I'm afraid that Miss Sanderson will have to stay here tonight just for observation but she will be able to get released tomorrow morning."

Khelan nods and reaches into the pocket on the front of his hooded jumper and takes out a small cuddly bear.

"Stick that beside her bed wid ye?" he asks and the doctor nods. "If ye need anything oar there's anything we need tae know aboot then ye know how tae reach us."

Khelan turns and walks out of the Doctors and into the busy street heading towards "Yodamas Curios" to meet up with Omi.
01 Nov 2019, 3:54am
The workshop was silent besides the sound of keys clacking frantically from one of the back rooms. The whole crew were surrounding a table that Maul and Chikao were sat at. They were each sat at a computer, facing each other so they couldn't see each others monitors. They were locked in competition. The first one to hack into a local restaurant's website and change the landing page's background image to a baboon ass, wins. It may have been an immature thing to do but what else would you expect from a handful of very drunk technerds?

Chikao remained silent as he leaned around his monitor and gave Maul a drunken smug grin.

"Hey I saw that, old man! Wipe that smile off your face!" Maul on the other hand was completely sober.

"Don't let him get to you, man. You've got this, just focus." Caden says in support of Maul in between hits of onion head.

"It looks like Chikao may have done it!" Akio shouts out as he refreshes the page on his laptop to check. Sure enough, the website now had a big bulging red baboon butt on the homepage.

The crew erupts into cheers as Chikao takes a shot of whiskey. Maul smiles and stands up to bow to him.

"Don't worry kid, you did better than any of these other guys ever did." Chikoa says, ribbing at the rest of the crew.

Maul laughs and checks the time.

"Oh shit, how long have we been here? I should probably head to Yodamas Curios and speak with Omi. I didn't even let her know that I found the place."

He grabs his jacket off the back of the chair and heads towards the door.

"I'll catch you guys later!"

The crew drunkenly wave and yell in a mixture of English and Japanese as Maul exits the building.
01 Nov 2019, 12:11pm
Halloween Special

Everybody sitting around the little Dias cringed in fear as Lamb finished up her story. Even the Captain, normally a reserved individual, looked suitably relaxed and excited at the round of story telling.

“Spooky!” One of the junior Lieutenants remarked while cradling their ale, gaze lost to the holo-fire.

The deep oranges and gold highlights played off the various company lounging back in the dark lounge. Shadows grew deeper between the floors and expansive walls and stars shone brilliantly through the transparisteel windows arching up to the ceiling. The light from the holo-fire flickered intermittently making the shadows appears to dance and skip around. Kai took a long pull of her bourbon and twirled the tumbler around in her slender fingers watching the golden light shine through the brown liquid.

“I have a pretty good one.” She finally admitted to the group. Everyone looked to her and Silas ran his hand up and down her back. “Well..lets hear it.”

She took another pull off the glass. “Okay, well. This happened many years ago. Shortly after Lamb and I left Eravate. As some of you may or may not know, Lamb and I have quite a history there. I stayed on in system after our business was complete,” Kai nodded at Lamb, “Just working trade routes.”

“Yeah, I remember.” Lambast consented.

“Well, there was a reason why I finally left that place for good. We had a nasty run in with one of the local crime organizations that worked the station. Ended up wiping them out too. That’s how I was finally able to afford my first ship that I bought myself. It was a Diamondback Explorer.”

Lamb craned her head. “I thought your first ship was your Dad’s Sidewinder?”

Kai nodded, “Oh it was, and I still have it. But if you remember, I didn’t really buy that one myself. No, the DBX was the first one I bought with my own money that we had earned after that business on Cleve. I always kinda viewed it as blood money. It was almost a year since we had finished on Cleve and I bought that DBX and for some reason, it never seemed to work very well. I think it was just a lemon seeing as I bought it second-hand, I was never really sure of its history. It would break down in the most random times and was never predictable. You know how it is, with most ships, you can sorta read when and what is going to fail based off the little issues that start to pop up and then eventually, poof, some certain part fails and you think, ‘Gah, I knew that was coming!’ Not the DBX. It seemed as if it would fail with no warning and then just as quickly as it failed, it would fix itself and I would be back about my business - but not without seeing exactly what the ship wanted me to see before it failed.”

Puzzled looks crossed everyone’s face. Raven sat forward, his strong ale starting to get the better of him, “Dumb-dumb, ships don’t tell you what to see.”

Kai fixed him with an icy stare. “They do if the ship is fueled by the blood of your victims.”

Raven dismissed her statement with a sloppy wave and flopped back into the arms of Tamiko, whom he was getting pretty cozy with. “Whatever.”

“No,” Captain Ioneer interjected softly, “Any pilot worth their salt knows that ships have a soul. To own a ship with a benevolent soul is a blessing. She’ll watch over you. To own a ship with a haunted soul is to seal your fate amongst the cold black.”

Raven got a bit frustrated, “I got plenty of salts! Enough salts to salt stuff that needs salting!” Tamiko shushed him and stroked the back of his neck softly.

Kai let the pregnant pause after Captain Ioneer’s statement settle with everyone who was listening.

“Anyway, it would just die. I would loose everything and often, in the weirdest spots. It wasn’t until I started to see trends that I paid attention to where my mechanical issues happened that I started to notice the pattern. Any place near where Lamb or I conducted....business, the ship would hiccup and die. One particular instance is when I finally decided to scrap the ship. I wouldn’t have been able to live with it being passed on to another pilot...”

Kai let the soupy, chilled bourbon swirl through her thoughts while her mind wove together the strands of memory that brought that fateful night terrifyingly back into her words.

“I was doing salvage...A local farmer had been jumped by some pirates and they had done everything short of completely spacing his ship. System security responded but by then it was all of too late and they were just lucky enough to even rescue him. He hired me a few days later to go and pluck some personal possessions out of the wreckage for him. I had been at it, sifting through the salvage trying to find some of his data caches for almost four hours when it finally happened. I had the spot lights on and I was precariously maneuvering to snag a piece that had drifted some distance away from the rest of the site. You guys can remember how tricky it was using the cargo hatch on the DBX - not as bad as a Fer De Lance, but still required some finesse. I was too broke for salvage limpets so I was doing it all by hand. Then the ship up and died. Everything was working fine until all my electrical interfaces shunted and I lost total power. The REMLOCK snapped into place which, of course, startled the hell out of me because I was concentrating.” Kai could see her own memories in third person as she remembered what happened next.


The REMLOCK Snapped into place with a shocking thud, pulling all of the air out of her lungs as she sat there, tongue pinched between lips slowly creeping up on the blinking little box floating out in the black. She jumped, the seat restraints pulling her rear back into the cushion.

She let out a low sigh as the rest of the ships systems whirred down, respective cooling fans ticking away behind the avionics. “Dammit.”

She pushed the keyboard out, up against the bulkhead of the canopy railing and punched the jettison keys on the seat restraints, allowing her small frame to float up from the seat. The cockpit was pitched into complete blackness. She fumbled around for a bit finding the handle above her head and reaching behind her to trigger the battery-powered emergency lights. “Huh, these should have popped on automatically. I’ll have to look into that when I get back in station.”

*click* The light remained dark. *click, click, click* “Well, fuck. I guess you wouldn’t turn on if you didn’t have batteries huh? Note to self, check all of the batteries.”

A deep moan echoed throughout the vessel and Kai could feel the vibrations reverberate through the bulkhead. “I guess that would be the back-up APU firing up eh old girl?” The back-up APU ran off the ships primary batteries and in the instance of a engine-driven generator failure, gang-bars in the cockpit popped, opening the circuit that was held closed under normal power. Once the circuit was opened, battery power from the ships power cells energized a squirt of fuel and a firing squib which would crank the back-up auxiliary power unit. The APU would kick on the manual fuel pump, an essential bus and life support. Although, none of this happened and the ship remained pitch black.

Kai floated there for a minute, letting this sink in. “Wrong again I guess.” She floated over to the thick cockpit door which would keep the closet-sized living space pressurized in the event of a cockpit de-pressurization. Wedging her little fingers into the seam, with a grunt she pried the doors open slowly. Inside of the little living space, a tiny table and couch lined one wall across from the ships simple galley. Adjacent to the galley was a tiny bunk set into wall with a pillow and sleeping bag floating aimlessly. An inflatable sheep floated around bumping into the table and various utensils drifted lazily about the living space. She’s drifted into the inky black space, pushing the sheep out of the way while bashing her knee into the table as she floated past. She pried open another set of doors into the cramped cargo compartment where her customers’ various data boxes bumped into each other, their beacons beeping in protest emitting feint red light. She spanned the space of the cargo hold with one carefully timed shove and drifted the to the APU closet at the back of the ship. Pulling a screw driver from her flight suit, she dutifully undid the four screws over the panel, letting it float off into the void. There sat the APU. She pulled the exciter cable from the can and inspected the squib. It appeared normal. Then she carefully examined the wiring bundle from the electronics bay to the APU. It appeared that the circuit tried to open but had shorted out on a lone wire and grounded itself in the center of the bundle. “Well, shit. This is going to take a few hours to re-wire in the dark.” As she despondently shoved the bundle back into its harness, it sparked and grounded, firing the squib floating precariously close to her maxillofacial shield. “Holy fuck!” She rocked back in surprise as the flash blinded her and ricocheted off the glass in front of her eyes.

Her world went dark in the flash and as her vision slowly started to return, another violent shudder rocked the tiny craft. Bracing herself against the panel she blinked several times but couldn’t believe what she was seeing. The hairs on the back of her neck rose and a chill ran down her spine. Cold sweat soaked her suit while, emergency lights flickering, blood started to ooze down the walls inside the tiny cargo hold as they closed in around her. A rail thin apparition, green eyes glowing, started to rapidly close the distance between her and the cockpit. Kai recoiled back as far against the APU panel as she could. Within seconds the figure was upon her, black teeth grinning as his hands slowly wrapped around her neck. A thick emerald ring shone on his left hand. As the tension tightened around her neck, her vision started to black out around the corners and slowly tunnel her vision to the glowing green eyes of the apparition that strangled her. She faintly remembered the screw driver in her other hand and brought her arm around in a lazy arc, shoving the tip deep into the temple of the black figure. Thick red ropes of blood sprayed around the cabin, splattering the shield of her REMLOCK and oozing on the hazy glass. The inky dark grin turned red as it started to vomit blood into her face while the dead eyes lolled back into its gray skull, retreating into their hollow sockets. Her heart pounded in her ears as the oxygen slowly started to deplete from her brain and panic took hold of her senses. This was it. She was going to die.

The ship rocked violently and a surge of power reverberated throughout the airframe as the lights flickered back on and just as suddenly as it happened, it was over. Her eyesight rushed back to meet her as her breathes came in ragged gasps. The cargo hold was empty save the floating little boxes. No blood was anywhere to be found. Kai steadied herself as she tried to calm her breathing and regain her wits. The REMLOCK has frosted over in her hyperventilation and she quickly tried to ventilate it as fast as she could. Still, the cargo hold lay empty, the bare gray walls mocking her. She angled her body so as to see both the cargo hold and APU closet simultaneously as she dug around for the fried wiring bundle. Finally finding it, she pulled it from its loom. The scorch marks and burned plastic were gone, replaced with grimy, yet functional wiring. The firing squib for the APU lay un-fired floating in zero gee when she had let go of it. She quickly plugged it back into the back of the combustion can and floated to the front of the cockpit. Down near the bottom of the circuit breaker panel, she found the gang bar for the essential bus and pulled it up, opening the circuit allowing the squib to fire into the can. The APU ignited and the ship jolted as a surge of power coursed through their respective harnesses to the various sub-systems. Lights glowed orange in the cockpit as the emergency life-support interface shut off and oxygen started to be purged back into the living quarters. The REMLOCK sensor, indicating safe, breathable atmosphere, triggered the helmet release.

Kai sealed the bridge climbing back into the cockpit chair and let the various systems finish their start-up built-in-tests before triggering the thrusters, abandoning the last black box. Cleve was only a few minutes away by super cruise and she wasn’t going to stay out here in this ship another minute longer than she had too. Dropping out of super cruise, she slowly approached the station orbiting lazily over Eravate Two. The executive suites swung around the sun-bathed side of the station. She vectored her flight path wide to avoid over-flying the tainted glass billets where lay so many horrible memories from her past.

Several days later, after a thorough maintenance inspection and overhaul, the dock mechanic called her. “Ms. Delana, yeah, hello, we finished up the diagnostics of your Diamondback. We didn’t find anything that could indicate the sort of problem you described. No, the electrical harnesses all checked out; they were a bit grimy and some of the wiring was not up to code but that’s normal with older ships that are bought and sold second-hand. No, no, we didn’t find any extraneous programming in the COVAS either. Its pretty stock. Although we did notice that your Carbon Dioxide scrubbers were pretty clogged so we replaced those. Dangerous levels of carbon dioxide can create all sorts of nasty prob-oh..yeah, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult your intelligence. Of course you knew that. Anyway, its ready for pickup. Okay, have a nice day.” The mechanic hung up the phone. Another mechanic walked into the office, wiping his grimy hands on his over-alls. “You tell her about finding that emerald ring down there by the electrical panel that shorted the circuit?”

He looked up from his data slate. “Nah, if she didn’t bring it up, I was just figuring it could be a nice little bonus.”

The other mechanic laughed before walking back out into the ship bay.


Kai set her unfinished glass down on the edge of the holo-fire Dias. “I never flew that ship again. I paid the bill then had it sequenced for destruction.”

Raven had gotten eerily quiet in his inebriated stupor. Lamb sat and stewed her tea. Kai stood, stretching before giving Silas a kiss on the forehead. “Anyway, enough of this spooky stuff. I’m off to bed.”

“Huh,” Lamb remarked as Kai walked off, “I’ve never seen her not finish a drink before.”
05 Nov 2019, 1:03am
Maul Montresor

The crew drunkenly wave and yell in a mixture of English and Japanese as Maul exits the building.

Khelan turns down a small side street and heads into Yodama's Curios. He smiles and nods to the elderly woman behind the counter who gives him a toothless grin in return.

"Mama-San" he says before heading through to the rear of the shop and into Omi's office.

Inside Omi sits at the same large wooden desk her father used to use, piles of paperwork surround her and a long forgotten mug of coffee and sandwich sit untouched at her side.

"Doc pulled two trackers oota her" Khelan says "she's sleepin aff the surgery an should be back oan her feet pretty soon."

"Are they deactivated?" asks Omi pushing a report to one side.

"Aye, doc set up this wee doohicky so we can fool whoever's trackin her same as wit we did wae Maul. Ah've already goat a wee idea aboot wit tae dae wi it."

"I want him scanned again and the device removed, I know we were pressed for time before but I don't want to run the risk of it getting reactivated."

Khelan nods "Ah'd agree wi ye there. Ah've been thinkin aboot they wahoo's back in Tionisla an after findin they trackers Ah think it wis Vega they wur gunnin fur."

"I think you might be right there, I thought at first it might have been Sakamoto's doing and I've got our people in Turtle Bay looking into it just to be on the safe side. Sakamoto will have heard about the attack by now and will expect that to happen. He'd do exactly the same thing if it happened to him."

"Ah cannae be daein wi all that cloak an dagger shite." says Khelan gruffly "That's why Ah take nothin tae dae wi it."

"Well that and you're about as subtle as a brick to the face." smirks Omi "You do tend to attract attention everywhere you go."

"Wit can Ah say, it's ma stunnin gud looks an ma famous wit an charm."

"Let's go with that shall we?"

Khelan shrugs

"So how're ye findin life at the tap?"

"It's not easy, I mean I took care of things whenever my father was off station but I'd forgotten how much paperwork was involved, I've got reports of a few local businesses who are refusing to pay their protection money. They seem to think that because my father is dead they can do what they want."

She sighs

"I've spoken to a couple of them and they say they will not pay anymore so I've given diplomacy a try now it's time to find the ringleaders and make an example out of them. I'd really hoped that it would be more than 24 hours before I had to resort to that but I guess when the cat's away.... "

"The mice'll take the piss an need tae be reminded who's boss." grunts Khelan "Dae ye want me tae pay them a wee visit? The sighta me walkin intae their place wae a couple of bhoys might be enough tae show them yer no messin aroon. Oanly thing is Ah'm no takin Goolie wi me, Ah'm pretty sure he'd freak oot an try tae stop me."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that, word of what happened with Theodore is all over the station. I've already been asked if it's true you sliced his still beating heart out of his chest and bit into it in front of him."

Khelan smiles "Ye dae that wan time....."

"I've also been asked if the white haired woman with you was a witch who turned Theodore into a cockroach and you stomped on him."

"That's a gud wan, keep it goin wid ye? Ah'm shure Vera wid get a kick oota that."

"Well in any case people know you're back and they know you're staying this time so hopefully that will help."

"Anyway, we're getting off track, what do you plan to do with the tracking equipment now that it's been removed?"

Khelan smiles "Ah huv a wee idea, Ah'll need tae get a few things afore Ah can dae it tho."

"Whatever you need, you'll have it."

"Peachy" smiles Khelan "Once Goolie gets here Ah'll get him tae get his nerds tae whip up a wee somethin fur me then we can try tae lure oot the folk responsible fur attackin us."
06 Nov 2019, 1:35pm
Maul enters Yodama's Curios and is startled by the elderly woman behind the counter.

"Jesus!" He yelps as he clenches his chest.

The woman stares at Maul.

"Sorry Miss, I just didn't notice you there. Um...is Omi just-?" He says, pointing into the back of the shop.

The woman continues to stare for a moment before finally smiling.

Maul laughs nervously and bows a few times before continuing to the rear of the shop.

"Sorry again...Thank you."

He enters Omi's office to the sight of both her and Khelan.

"Sorry I'm late. The crew down at the workshop were showing me around. I reckon I'll fit right in with them."

He looks at Khelan.

"Is Vega okay?"
08 Nov 2019, 12:57am
Khelan grins at Maul as he enters the office.

"Of course ye'll fit in wi them, they're technerds same as ye are. Hivin met them Ah can safely say that compared tae them yer the toughest an sexiest mother fucker in the bubble."

Khelan reaches into his pocket and takes out the two trackers the doctor took out of Vega along with the pad that spoofs their signals. One tracker is long and thin while the other is a more compact circular design.

"Nooo Ah'm no technerd but it looks tae me that they doohickies wur put there by two different folk, Ah'm gonnae go oot oan a limb here an say wan wis maist likely that fanny baws Anton. The other Ah've no goat a scooby but givin how nice Vera is an how she never pisses folks aff it's gonnae be a short list."

Khelan turns to Maul

"That wis sarcasm incase ye cudnae tell."

"Vera's oota the game fur the next coupla days since the doc hid tae operate tae pull these oota her so that gies us a nice wee chance tae take a wee lads trip oot tae dae some fishin if yer up fur it?"

Khelan notices the look of confusion on Omi's face and smiles at her before continuing to talk to Maul.

"So wit Ah need is fur ye tae get yer technerds tae knock up somethin that'll dupe scanners intae thinkin there's a livin breathing person in witever they get aimed at. Ye've goat 24 hoors tae make it happen."

He looks at Omi.

"As fur the rest of wit Ah need Ah'll need an escape pod, a corpse an as much high explosives as can be rammed intae the pod wae a remote detonator attached."

Khelan points to Maul

"Ah'll also need ye tae figure oot how tae mask they explosives frae scanners so if witever we catch decides tae scan the pod they're no gonnae detect said explosives."

He smiles at Maul.

"Ye might wanna pack a cuppla changes of clothes an some grub this might take a wee bit."

"Once yer organised get yer nerds tae prep Shinigami, they dinnae know who flies him an they were used tae Hideo lockin himsel in ops tae gie tactical support tae pilot so they wilnae think anythin aboot yer daein the same thing. Ah'm gonnae get Leo tae transfer himsel tae Hiedhunter an get it prepped fur launch as soon as yer ready."

Omi smiles

"Well I think I can see where you're going with this plan, it's not the worst I've heard but it's not the best either. But it's fundamentally solid. You have my permission to go ahead."

She looks at them both her face deadly serious.

"Come back in once piece Gentlemen, that's an order."

Khelan bows to her and heads out of the office.

"C'mon Goolie, time's a wastin!"

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